
Chapter 705 The Unseen Path

*So. What do I know? Bugger all really. How do you kill something that survives getting its head cut off? If it regenerated that would make some sense but it first disintegrated before coming back. Does the damage even mean anything to it? I know it costs me demonic energy to regenerate but in a prolonged fight, as long as the damage isn't too bad I can just keep going.* 

Kat moved to the sound of the wind once again, getting used to intercepting the monster. Kat decided to see what happened if she slashed at the thing's face. She wasn't prepared for the jaw to open wide, and then the cheeks to split open so it could keep going. Kat's fan cut through the back of the monster's throat as it clamped down on her arm. Unlike before, Kat felt it crunch through the bone, ripping half of her arm off as it fell to pieces.

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