
Chapter 658 Team Performance Review Part 2

"Seeing as this is Kat's first real helping of team combat, especially since it was in an enclosed space, I'm sure there were quite a few mistakes. I'd like everyone to point out what they believe to be the most critical mistake that was made, and then we'll have Kat speak on what caused her to make that decision," said Gareth before turning to face Kat, "Now Kat, don't worry too much. While we are going to be pointing out mistakes, I think for your first real fight with us you did well, so nothing we'll have to say is a big condemnation. Who wants to start?"

Green waved her hand like an excited child in the classroom. Seeing this, Gareth just waved a hand in her direction. "Well, I think Kat was a bit slow on the uptake really. She should have charged in and started attacking that insect straight away rather than waiting for Kress to tell her. She's pretty fast and doesn't need to wait around."


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