
Chapter 612 Finding Confidence

Lily forcefully tried to push down her growing unease. *Dammit, I agreed to this. I can't stop it even if I want to and I DO NOT. This is the chance of a lifetime. I will not let my discomfort over the fact that I don't like any of the options for my old body stop me from achieving two of my dreams. I don't even know which one I'd say is more important now, ok that's a lie, I'd say the magic because I could die happy just staying with Kat for a hundred years or so, BUT it's close. The pure desire for both of those eclipses any discomfort I have.* 

"I apologise for not being able to help you with this Lily," said Nira with a morose smile. Lily could only react with confusion and this showed on her face which prompted Nira to continue, "I'm apologising because it's supposed to by my job to reassure you that everything will be fine or in the worst case scenario convince you it's ok to back out.

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