
A new name, the beginning of the path

Eyes ran from one line to another. The sheet was replaced by a sheet. The surveillance of the official led to the gathering of a certain group, which most of all looked like a meeting of foolish people or people's commissars. They talked about some mystical things, and besides, in society they are usually called sectarians. If the discussion concerned any political topics, then they could be called terrorists. Among the gathered there were many people who previously held significant positions in the service or in renowned companies. It was not possible to identify everyone, but what was there was more than enough to raise strong suspicions.

For some reason, the little that could be eavesdropped under the windows in an unremarkable and rather poor building was quickly blurred in memory and spoiled on digital storage media. Suddenly, it was possible to save the contents of the notes made by hand. Even more surprising was the fact that what was written with a pencil and pen became almost unreadable, as if the brain refused to perceive words differently than scribbles. An entirely different matter is with ink.

"Believing in the mysticism of what is happening, I began to add blood to them. Of course, this is stupid, but I was pleased to think that I myself will write my fate. Most likely it worked that it was done by hand. This mumble of them should also help to somehow preserve the memory of all the things discussed. It is not surprising that they do not particularly hide - neither security, nor soundproof windows. At meetings, they sprinkle with some names that don't tell me anything, discuss mythical creatures and stuff, but that's not the main thing.

Once one of these types simply disappeared. It took me a lot of work to get through an ajar window into the room and peep what was happening in the other when they went there. The same minister said about the grown grandson and the absence of regrets. Something like that ... Then he turned a vertical metal pillar, covered with thousands of small symbols, and stopped him with a blow. It blazed red with a kind of blackness ... Even now I don't know how to describe it all. As a result, he disappeared! Gone! The rest were happy and said that they would soon go after them to a new world. It was so shocking that I almost got caught. Miraculously, he managed to get back through the window. Lucky that he did not pay much attention.

I barely managed to record everything I saw! I almost did not sleep that night, I thought about everything that had happened. The next few days it rained and nothing could be heard due to the noise. But I found out what kind of metal pole. This is a prayer drum from Buddhism, and its name consists of the words "magic stone" and "chakra". It turns out something like an object containing "wish-fulfilling energy." This discovery threw me into a real delight. For the sake of what those in power can refuse everything? Of course, for the sake of something more!

All that I wanted, everything that I dreamed about in recent months is a chance. One single chance to really change your life, destiny, become the master of the situation. Not a fish that can walk upstream or downstream, but a fisherman. And now, finally, I got this chance. Not in the form that I was counting on, but it's even better! We can say that instead of a long climb up the stairs, I ended up on top of a skyscraper with an elevator. Now I'm going to spin the drum. I am writing this in case I still forget what happened. Whatever happens next, grab hold of this chance and take fate into your own hands! The time has come! From this moment, my movement to the top cannot be stopped!"

The lines were blurred, turning into a vague vision of a hand that twisted a metal pole with many strange signs, and then hit so hard that scratches began to bleed again on the surface of the palm. A pure white light flew out of the symbol hit, grabbed the body and began to drag it somewhere into another space. The room spun, but this made it possible to notice a window knocked out in the next room.

- Now it's clear why the palms are scratched. The window was closed ... So right after I hit the drum, I ended up here?

- Exactly!

- You said your memory was erased, but I still saw something from my memories.

- This is because your body is embodied here. I said you were pretty generous. Due to the resonance between your blood in ink and a body saturated with local energy, you got the opportunity to awaken some of the most vivid memories of those that were absorbed into the sheets.

- But don't the rules ascribe to you to delete such notes when a person gets here?

- True, but they forbid me to change your body without pay. There is your blood in ink. Let quite a bit, just a few drops. Technically, I can consider this a part of your body.

- Do you cheat with the rules?

- Aren't you glad?

- Why are you helping me?

- Because your subconscious created me like that. Do you remember?

- And that white flash from the symbol?

- The drum is one of the artifacts that allows you to get here during life. Choosing a character has become a simple test of your luck. Maybe because of her you imagined this world to be white. You received a gift from the sign, but it will not come in handy for you soon. Not before you become powerful enough to enter this space a second time, opening the passage on your own. Now it's more important to choose your abilities. You still have ten points! - after these words the voice burst out laughing again.

- Very funny.

- No need to grumble like that. I really rarely get the opportunity to appear in such a fun way.

- Well, let's get down to business. Do you have any abilities related to blood magic?

- Of course! - The voice exclaimed joyfully. - And individual abilities and whole sets of knowledge about blood magic. A small set of a blood mage will cost you only one hundred and fifty thousand points.

- Is there anything cheaper?

- The talent of directed mutations for thirty two thousand points? What does not fit? I can even make a couple thousand discount for this lot - recently it is not very popular. What? Don't you want too? - and again almost hysterical laughter.

- Do you like to offer lots for information on one point, maybe there are such abilities among the abilities?

- There is.

- Then what about the awakening of blood? To evoke memories, power, and more. Something universal is desirable.

- Hmm... For one point you won't get it. If you want something universal, that is an option, that's just...

- I don't have enough points, right?

- No, no, there will be enough of them, but if you want my help in compiling a set, it will cost you one point. Because of your subconscious, I'm pretty good-natured, but the rules forbid me to give out information for free. One point is the minimum I can set, so be thankful.

- Fine, I am grateful and ready to give a point for your help with advice. What set do you recommend to me?

- Something is not heard in the voice of gratitude. However, you will remember me more than once. For the nine remaining points, I offer you the most basic abilities: force field, blood control, micromanipulation, activation of magical powers. For all, one point. And the remainder to spend on the challenge of awakening your blood power on the condition that you use the forces you just acquired under my control, and not the tools of this place. This will save money and most importantly, cause a change in your appearance.

- Wait, that all sounds pretty powerful. How can such abilities cost just one point? And why change the appearance?

- That's why my advice is so invaluable! You yourself would not have thought of this. Abilities may be strong, but not systemic. You will have to work hard to use them. In addition, they will not give you strength, and although they remember humanism in your new world, they do not adhere to its principles too much. You will be at the very bottom of the food chain. Now think about this. Do you really think that people who come here alive and go after death look the same?

She continued to say:

"The latter are gradually changing due to the fact that their body is restored artificially. Of course, they are being revived by the young, and even on the basis of their own memories. Keeping track of so many people is not enough strength. No one can thoroughly remember their appearance, even if they ask for a similar purpose. Body recovery from memories is a bonus service. Because of this, the process is a bit slow. Not everyone decides to use a mirror to set a clear appearance.

You took advantage of the drum, which a certain group considers its property. It may not be so, but no one will stop them from taking revenge on you or getting a reason to impose a stern tribute on such a method of appearing in the world. If you are identified as ascended, they may begin to search for the place where you came from. Beginners have some protection, but this is a rather illusory thing. The slightest reason is enough to provide trouble to someone without connections. It's more profitable to pretend to be one of those who accidentally embodied their dream and got here after death. But even this is not the most profitable! Your body was nourished by the local power, which will allow you to keep it in yourself and not lose it when you start the awakening of blood. Abilities can be developed, and such help will be very useful to you."

- Okay, I agree. I just don't understand how they can find out that I used that particular drum, and not another?

- There are not only drums, a lot of artifacts. Didn't you ask yourself how did the people you followed in the zero world find out about this place? After all, they also forgot a lot about their conversations. In the world that awaits you, there are powerful forces. Some of their representatives have made it possible to go even to the zero world. The restrictions are very great, but the opportunity to recruit new members who retain their memories and will have powerful abilities is worth it. Given that they all have to lose their identities in order to take advantage of the knowledge gained, it is quite easy to create loyal followers from them. Those who do not have their own principles are much easier to turn into obedient people than those accustomed to pursuing their leaders.

- And the bait in the form of obtaining new knowledge and strength helps them to control the powers that be in the zero world ...

- Right. People with constant appearance are always checked, believe me. There is a digital age on Earth, so finding you in the image will be easier than ever. I hope you do not need to clarify that you should convince everyone that you have memories.

- And how to do it?

- You still have knowledge. These are memories of things. Improvise.

- Can you tell me what my name was?

- This is against the rules. Come up with a new one. Many reborn do this, even ascended ones often change their common names to something more exotic. In the end, any mockery of your nickname can be shut up if you are strong enough.

- I see ... A world in which power rules. A world where I need to write my own destiny. Blood has helped me in many ways, and my abilities are connected with it. She is the ink of fate. Ink Fate is now my name.

- Pretty ambitious, - the voice laughed again, - don't you try to hint by that name that you will decide not only your fate, but also someone else's?

- That's not a lot…

- Well! I like when newcomers mark high! Ink Fate, do you accept a set of abilities and changes on my advice?

- Yes. From now on, let my path to the top begin. The path in which I will surpass all!

- Ha ha ha! How fun! The little caterpillar intended to turn into a butterfly, and then not only not burn the candles in the flame, but even get the power to extinguish the fire of the phoenix! Ha ha ha It's too much fun, how long have I not met such people. What is it: courage or stupidity? Show me, Ink Fate! I want to see your great sunrise above all worlds under the stars and even above them! With this, you receive my blessing!

The white space around seemed to thicken, began to merge into streams and enter the body of Ink. The feeling was pleasant and refreshing. He immediately felt how he was gaining new opportunities, he realized that their almost disappearing power became a payment for cheapness. They will have to be developed long and hard, but there is nothing to regret. Ink got his chance and now does not stop until he reaches the top!

White light was completely absorbed into the body, revealing a view of the stone platform, near which stood a man in a long gray coat, with a lush brown head to his shoulders.

- Greetings in the new world, beginners!

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