
Artifact Pages

Greed Compass:

'To whoever that have found this diary, congrats for beating one of the guardian Pokemon. You have proven yourself to be worthy of the artifact, that was inside the chest besides this diary.

Who am I, is not important, yet. Just know that, when you have read this page, I might already have passed away.

This artifact is something that would be bound to you until death comes to take you. That is because you made a blood contract with it when you poured your blood on the locker.

This artifact name is called, 'Greed Compass'. You might be confused about why it called by that name, that is why I would tell you right now so you don't be confused later on.

This Greed Compass has the ability to pinpoint the location of whatever it's owner desire most. Wheater's it wealth, ladies, or whatever else one heart desire most, it would pinpoint to the location.'

Gravitation Orbs:

'To whoever that have found the artifact and this page, congrats on surviving the cliff. You must have been scared to death, right?

Anyways, if you somehow managed to learn how the artifact work, I guess it was a waste of time for me to write this, but if you didn't and somehow survived, listen carefully.

As the name goes by, you must already have guessed what it could do. The Gravitation Orbs would enable the user to manipulate gravity on the user, target, and the surroundings around them.

They can increase, decreased, or even remove the gravity law itself. If you managed to master the control over this ability you can even create a black hole!

A frightens artifact that I have sealed away for a good purpose, but now that you have found it, I hope you won't use it for evil.'

Philosopher's Stone:

'To whoever that have found the artifact and this page, congrats on beating the guardian Pokemon. I hoped that you didn't win and got toasted, instead, you beat Moltres…

Anyways, the Philosopher's Stone is one of the most mysterious artifacts I've ever had in my life, I didn't even know its full capacity before my death. Hopefully, you can use my knowledge to fulfill the holes that I didn't know.

The Philosopher's Stone is enabled to increase the chance of finding rare stones from a normal rock. How much they could do that is up to your luck.

It could also produce what I have named 'Drop of Immortality'. This is something that could only be produced once every year, the Drop of Immortality would grant those who drank it, longer life span of around 100 years, and could heal all kinds of injuries and diseases.

Sadly, it couldn't healed death, oh how I would do anything to see them again. Ahem, anyway, before my death, I was experimenting on what the Drop of Immortality is made of. Maybe it was magic? I don't know, all of my researches have failed so far, so I hope that you can find its origin for me one day.'

Here are all of the pages that I haven't wrote down, hope you enjoy it.

Lixon99creators' thoughts
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