
Down Payment part 4: Relaxing bath

My chest heaved while Doorknocker throbbed in both pain and pleasure. Delicate, strong fingers stroked Doorknocker's sensitive head. My pussy burned as a tongue teased the entrance of my pussy. I groaned as semen built up at that base of Doorknocker. I groaned as semen pushed through the bindings giving very little relief to the fullness my balls felt. The semen dripped into a fresh bucket pattering on the metal bottom.

"Ah, the first few clicks of fresh semen into a bucket," I heard that lovely mocking voice. "You still have so much more in you. I wonder how many women have been filled with your cock?" Her voice asked mockingly.

Suddenly my pussy got filled, and I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips before a painful lash hit the interior of my legs. My pussy got penetrated deeper, and suddenly, the metal rod that was pushing deep into me shot to life, buzzing deep inside me. I couldn't help the cry of pleasure that escaped my lips. My balls throbbed as she hit the spot inside me that buzzed my balls, making me moan, and the dripping from Doorknocker increased without stop.

"Oh, I feel you tightening on my cock," Mistress Sally mocked, "I think a big one might be coming again. Will you pass out again? I cannot wait to see!"

I shuddered as my cock leaked more semen, and Mistress Sally thrust into me hard, pressing up against my cervix. A mix of pleasure and pain hit me hard, and I moaned. I felt so tired as every long stroke sent my spine-tingling. "Ah," I moaned with each thrust. I felt it coming, and there was nothing I could do to stop it as she hit me again with that whip making pain flash through my head, blotting any conscious thought while pleasure hit my head.

I felt my balls pulse, and I lost it as Doorknocker pushed through a large ejaculation through the bindings that held me. I moaned and fell limp as the world went black, even as every part of my body felt both that ecstasy and pain.

Water suddenly woke me up, and I was in someone's arms. Held tightly yet softly cradled against breasts. They were clothed wearing a soft fabric I didn't care to recognize as I awoke. Every part of my body felt sore, and I realized that I was now in hot water. I recognized that this was to help promote blood flow after a tight binding in the back of my mind.

"You back?" I heard Queen Mira say softly into my ear.

"Ah, she is awake now," I suddenly heard Mistress Sally's voice as well, "She is just cozying up to your bosom." I heard slight resentment in her tone at this moment. That quickly left her tone, though, as she continued, "Your down payment is complete, Ambassador Chelsea. I have found there are many missing areas in my treatment of Futanari women or men; however, they choose to think of themselves. It is something I hope to do better next time we meet. Maybe next time you will voluntarily choose to be under my," Mistress Sally paused. "Control," Her voice sounded so tempting with the way she finished. Like a devil tricking her prey, I knew that I had developed some irrational feelings towards Mistress Sally.

I heard her step out of the room before I even allowed my eyes to open, seeing Queen Mira's beautiful eyes looking down at me. "You took a beating, although," Queen Mira paused, thinking about her words. "Filling ten buckets full with semen should be a feat of strength or something. I took the buckets of semen too. I wouldn't allow your line to be taken out into the public that easily." Mira said with a smile, "I destroyed them as well, not without heartache."

I frowned while hiding my face in her bosom. I had no idea if she lied or not, and I had never even contemplated this issue before. I couldn't help but sigh as I realized the potential problem or loss of bargaining position that I might potentially lose with that semen out in the world. I felt something like a fresh worry hit me and my eyes opened up again without me even realizing that I had closed them.

"Did you destroy it?" I asked her, "Or store it?" I could not help but ask, "I know what my sperm can do, and if stored properly," I stopped talking, feeling vulnerable as I said it, letting it hang in the air.

"I destroyed it." Mira said with conviction, "There is a very good reason that I cannot say for why I destroyed it, but I did."

I nodded at her breasts and relaxed in the hot bath. I let the heat overtake me, and I didn't know how to feel. My body was sore, and my emotions were turbulent. I felt raw, and like everybody, part was crying out for attention from me simultaneously.

"Sorry," I apologized, "My feelings are out of whack, and I just thought of having more kids out there that don't even know I am their father, and," My voice trailed off my mind thinking back to Silvermoon tower. I lost myself in the short memories of the room full of my kids. It made me both happy and sad at the same time.

They were all so young and innocent, and here I am spreading my seed as if I was Gangus Kahn. That thought brought me to chuckle a little as that was even a little extreme for me at this moment. However, the rate I was going made it that I was in a good running for outpacing him. I shook my head, feeling the heat enter my body slowly.

I could feel my body relaxing even more, and I looked down at Doorknocker, seeing some of the rope bruises. I sighed, sitting up a little more into Mira's breasts as they covered either side of my head. "I am going to meditate to quicken the healing so we can go," I informed her as I turned around, laying my head back into her breasts instead of face first.

My eyes shut, and I used the mana in me to manipulate the healing inside my body. There were a lot of mini injuries and things that would remain sore for a couple of days if I did not do this. There was bruising mostly, and I went from problem spot to problem area, fixing the damages that Mistress Sally dealt with me.

It didn't take long, and the partial cuts that I got from her whips were gone along with the bruises. I spent a couple of minutes moving my blood around, ensuring everything was working, and there were no problems with blood flow before leaving my meditation.

"I don't know about you, Mira," I said, getting up and turning around to look at her again from the other side of the tub. "I am done here, though, and have many things to do."

Mira nodded and got up from the tub with me. Mira watched me and helped me with my clothes as I got back up. Everything seemed to be working properly, but everything felt extra sensitive. I would need to do a night of meditating and regulating my emotions after the pain and pleasure I felt tonight.

I learned a lot from this encounter with Mistress Sally. She was truly a professional in her craft and playing with someone psychologically. I never even thought how much a simple touch or lack of sound could make someone feel when vulnerable. It wasn't something that I was really into personally. But she took those things and made them into art.

She played with you even while she did nothing but look at you. It was a well-executed play against someone's mind meant to break them down and make them more malleable to cohesion. I shook my head as I finished dressing, realizing that Mistress Sally had done a huge number on me. I was interested in some of the techniques she used on me.

Not that I wanted them done to me again. The thought of someone doing that to me again sent a shiver of fear through me. When I looked at Mira again, I realized that there wasn't a drop of water on her clothes despite her sitting in the water with them. I could have done that, too, but I should have felt some mana fluctuations. It was a casual show of power that she had kept up an illusion or that she had such good control that I didn't sense it.

Either way, it was a show of strength that I felt was comforting at this moment as we left the bathroom. I saw that woman that was here when we first entered, and she smiled at us. "Ah, you are finished faster than Mistress expected. I will inform her as she does have one last thing to say to you, Ambassador Chelsea."

"Then please guide us," I said.

The woman turned as I tried to remember if I was introduced to her, and I believe I was. It was Freya, I believed as I followed behind her and soon we entered an office. Behind it was Mistress Sally sitting in a chair. It was much more causally, but even then, it still looked like a throne. But that wasn't the most surprising part. What was the most surprising was the Cat-kin laying her head on Mistress Sally's lap, Meowing.

"Nyah!" The cat-kin cried, looking up as the fingers stopped moving on her head—the long black hair down at least to the mid-back.

"Just a minute," Mistress Sally chided, looking down at the Cat-kin before looking at me with a smile. "Before you go, I will tell you that I have finished my part of the deal. The Medusa will vote on your side of the deal. If she doesn't, she will not like the consequences as will I." Mistress Sally said before pointing a sharp look at Queen Mira. "At this point, though, either you trust me on that, or you don't. I look forward to seeing you again, Ambassador Chelsea; Freya, please show our guests out."

I followed Freya out with Queen Mira and felt relief as a cool breeze touched my skin, looking up into the cloudy night sky. "I am not doing that again," I told Queen Mira.

Queen Mira chuckled, "It was hot to watch, in a way. But that is one hardcore Dominatrix, Chelsea. I think she trains slaves too. She is a very skilled woman, and I am interested to see where she ends up in the future. I will have to do some investigation into that young woman." Queen Mira finished.

Silence reigned for a moment before I said, "I will trust her and get my allies in the vote to push it forward. I'm going to take the risk."

It was like I tossed the dice at this moment, and a burden left my shoulders before I took a step forward toward the embassy.

I would like to Sincerely dedicate this to all those who support me in my life and allow me to continue to Write. I especially appreciate those who support my works financially.

I would love to thank Fate Hydrax, fightnguru, Achleys Apep, Royce321, G. Dunlop, Stormrall,

W. Krebs, MadRat, Florian, SoundsMad, Mael, Grangel, Kuuh, Smile, Nightrise, Joris Zono, Curtious1122, Azurite Paladin, M. Kennedy, Zach, Ritsu 229, Ryu, Mario L., Celeng Liar, Arl, julekule, Z. T. Wyen, Jache, Russ, Deputy Caveman, GIDOEN Fry, Minos Akuma, ShadowReader, K. Kordrich, BIGSHOTSWAG, L. Cole, Prodical211, Hydra587, W. Bolsvert, Sheperd, DeivinetGamer9, Belkoth, JTOKING, M. Butlar, Tiffy Tang,Julie C., Neptune, H., R. Boyle, J. Paul, J, Durmey, EZ Gipten, Tnarb, D. Jones, BlindTatic, K. Fang, T. Baker, C. Kramer, Qwan, S. Tadaewsky, A. Neal, Kuroko, Playtmage, Alukard, Dannyzee123, H. Dehesdin, D. Rachal, Ayth, The Theoritizer, EXORAVANT, Von, Kovaton, Gapir58, Chris, Ryuu Sakuri, Chad Ray, Caid, MaraH87, Za'afiel, a.r. ortega, J.N. Seib, J. turpin, C. Panagis, Alex, J.W. Thomas, LessJP, D. Rachel, Unholy Valkyrie, Magnus Svendsen, Dragonwolf, Gin_Otamegane, Sky Horse, Sam, Huzaifa Khan, Lucciano Correa, Aniyah Frazier, bearagon, DarksoulS, Dragon Empryean Shadowless, Alex, Prodigal211, Judd, Sherlyn, Vincenzo_45R, C. McConnell, key, Beziik, J.J. Betts, l. Walker, Kio Fang, Rrrrt, Haywoody, Yanuut, Shayne, AnarchyBellic, Tsubahane, R. Happel, Crazed Warrior, Fiduciam, Rodimus Scoop, Tsubahane, Random Randomness, J. Backer, R. Andersson, EchoingRuby for supporting me on Patreon.

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