


Margaret 053 moved with her squad into the same amphitheatre which she remembered from all those fourteen years ago, she and seventy-four others were told they were going to be Spartans. She took her seat at the far back of the amphitheatre, they each stood in a black uniform dress. Their own chests were empty compared to the various silver and bronze medals that occupied Mendez's own torso.

Halsey, Mendez and a man she had never seen before stood on centre stage. They waited for the to gather, she noticed Deja wasn't there and replaced by another A.I that resembled a cloaked figure. It somewhat disturbed her.

She studied the mysterious man on-centre. She found no patch relating him to any division or group, until she found the insignia of a Navy Vice Admiral.


"Admiral on deck!" she said out loud, standing fast in unison with the other three Spartans.

"At ease, Spartans" the Admiral said.

"As of May 30, 2529. You are hereby reassigned to the Office of Naval Intelligence from Navy Special Weapons. You are hereby under the direct jurisdiction of Section III."

Margaret had always been taught to follow her orders and complete her mission, her core duty as a soldier, but she couldn't help but feel confusion. "Sir, if I may ask, why are we being reassigned?"

"ONI Requires a SPARTAN Team in their plans of action against the Covenant. A team that specialises in unconventional warfare, Covert Operations and Sabotage. Your team fits this bill, Chief Petty Officer."

Stanforth had said this in a way that she was meant to feel more unique, special from the other Spartans with a special assignment in reality. Thinking about it only made herself and her squad more isolated from their outside brothers and sisters. She hated being different from the others.

"As of now, you will take your orders from me. I have assigned resources for your operational needs. I recommend you pack your kit. In 48-Hours, we will ship out when the Leviathan is refitted. Dismissed!"

They each stood fast and retreated from the theatre.


Margaret and Otto had climbed the same tree outside the Naval Complex they always did as kids, the same tree they had their first kiss. Now the last time they would see the star stricken sky and moons, let alone Reach itself, for if not a long time.

"Guess it's goodbye to the others." Otto said, looking out to the midnight sky

The other washouts that were able to be revived were currently being rehabilitated, like they had been only weeks before, some had made good progress, others hadn't, Kirk and Rene, two washouts within neutral buoyancy tanks, were now able to breathe on their own and move their arms, Halsey would have planned further therapies to get them able to walk again.

"I hate it too, Otto" Margaret finally said, she could always read his emotion by his face.

"I don't want to leave them behind, Maggie" he stared further into the sky.

"They'll be fine, Otto. I promise. If I know the others, they'll land back up on both their feet, Halsey will fix them, Three, she fixed us all good."

"You really think so, Maggie?" Otto turned to her

"I know so, Three, the Doctor's stubborn enough with us. The others won't be too different. None of us are gonna be left behind, I promise you, Three"

"Yeah" he started to smile, "It's good to have my team back" he gave a chuckle then added, "you back"

"You trying to flirt, Otto?"

"No Ma'am, just appreciating the view" he smiled at her.

"You were never a good flirt" she playfully smirked and shook her head. "Keep trying though, might get there."

"Yes Ma'am" he said.

They looked up together and resumed stargazing. "I'm gonna miss this, y'know" she said, resting her head on his shoulder.

The stars danced, faded and shone in synchrony under the teal and orange haze under the shadow of the orbiting moons of Turul and Csodaszarvas.

"We'll come back to Reach, Boss" he said, "when this entire wars over."

"She turned to face him, "You promise me that?"

"Consider it a proposal" he smiled, they kissed as they savoured the final moments of the nighttime sky as the orange and blue hue of the evening faded.

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