
First Arc (King of Euphorion) – 18. The Four Elemental Spirits I

He walked casually towards the main tower but when he just arrived at the front door, the guards had gathered with their weapons and preventing him from entering.

Angel looked at them with a cold gaze, dark aura that enveloped his body spread surround him, the cold air and fear began to seized their hearts, their bodies trembled, some of them began to drop their weapons in fear. "Move!" he said with intimidating voice.

They retreated slowly and gave him a way to enter. He smirked as he continued to walk into the main tower.

As soon as he entered the main tower, the atmosphere around him changed, a powerful flow of magic power controlled surround him as if he entered a magic field. "We already waiting for you." said Frost who stood before him along with the other elemental spirits.

The door behind him suddenly closed by the 'magic barrier' which made him unable to escape before defeating them."Since you decided to come here, your only choice is to defeat us or die here." Flare added.

Angel glanced toward the 'magic barrier' that covered the entrance before returning his gaze to them and smiled sarcastically."Didn't I say I would make you call me 'Your Majesty'?" then without warning he dashed towards them and swung his sword to cut Frost, but he felt like cutting air. He startled and immediately retreated.

Gale chuckled."We are spirits, physical attacks won't affect us." he said casually.

Gaia took out his axe and pointed it at him."You must use your magic power to defeat us!"

He sighed and sheathed his sword."Shall we start?"

Without saying anything else Gale shot his arrows, Angel dodged all the arrows and tried to catch one of them, but again he felt like catching the air. The arrow passed his hand; he startled and quickly pulled back his hand.

-Ttuuk, Ttuuk, Ttuuk

Red droplets of blood dripping from a scratch on his hand...

Gale chuckled again."I told you physical attacks won't affect us, which also apply to our weapons. But we can still attack you with it."

He let out another sigh."Fine then... I will use the magic spell I just learned yesterday." he said as his dark aura started emitted from his hand.

Gaia dashed towards him and swung his axe, behind him Gale shoot some arrow again at him. Angel directed his hand towards them, suddenly a large black pillar of fire burned down all the arrows and made Gaia retreat to avoid with surprised expression.

' 'Hell judgment'... This person has dark magic power opposite to King Xenos.' Frost pulled out his sword and swung it to the black flame; the cold air from his sword froze the surrounding air and put out the fire. Smoke filled the room, suddenly from the puff of smoke several black lances flew towards them; they immediately jumped away from it. The black lances stuck to the floor, instantly the floor that surrounds it melted accompanied by a hissing sound.


The smoke blocking their view disappeared, they looked towards him. Angel stood staring at them with evil smirk on his face, his hands emitting dark aura, several black lances were floating in the air around him, ready to attack them.

' 'Demonic arrow', He using dark magic element again. Indeed, King Xenos is a bad king but this person is far more dangerous than him, I can't let him be the king of Euphorion.' Frost thought. Frost glanced at Flare who replied him with a nod.

Frost and Flare dashed to him. Angel threw black lances around him and they avoided it. From his side, Gaia swung his axe and from the other side Gale shot his arrow. He stretched out his hands towards them and two large black pillars of fire appeared again to block their attack, then he swung his hand, the black flames moved following his hand movement to attacked Gaia and Gale. Both of them were shocked, Gaia hit his axe to the floor creating a stone wall to protect himself while Gale reached out his hand and created a big wind to keep the fire from reaching him.

Frost and Flare swung their weapons at him. Angel glared at them; suddenly the black lances reappeared and fired at them. They quickly made ice walls and fire walls to protect themselves. Angel moved his hands towards Frost and Flare, the black lances followed his hand movements, its flew around past their protective walls and attacked them from behind. They flinched and tried to avoid it but some of the lances managed to cut their hands and feet, making them unable to move.

The black flames that attacked Gaia and Gale disappeared, they had just removed their protective walls and were about to launch their attack again. He moved his hand again to control the other black lances attacking them. Gaia and Gale were not ready for his attack and could only wait for the lances to pierce them; Frost and Flare tried to get up and immediately ran to save them. But no... The black lances stopped in the mid-air in front of them. They all stiffened in silent...

"Is that enough to prove I'm qualified as your master?" he said as he staring at them.

They looked at him for a few moments...

Gale's laughter broke the silence."You are really interesting, you could have killed us but you didn't." He returned his bow on his back and approached him. "What's your name?"

"Angelus Raizel." he answered.

Gale knelt one knee before him and bowed. "Angelus Raizel, I'm Gale, the wind spirit. I will devote myself to you."

"Gale! Are you serious?" said Gaia in surprise.

Gale turned his gaze to Gaia."Come on, he looks more interesting than that Xenos guy."

Gaia breathed a heavy sigh."You always do as you wish!" then he returned his axe on his back, approached him, knelt one knee and bowed. "Angelus Raizel, I'm Gaia, the earth spirit. I will devote myself to you."

Gale gave Gaia a big grin."Gaia, I know you always be my best friend!" he said in excited tone.

Gaia snorted faintly and replied Gale's grin with a straight face."I'm just making sure you don't mess things up."

Flare glanced at Frost while shrugged her shoulders then she put her chakrams back on her belt, approached him, knelt one knee and bowed. "Angelus Raizel, I'm Flare, the fire spirit. I will devote myself to you."

Angel shifted his gaze to Frost, who was still standing, unmoving from his position."Frost, how about you?"

Frost remained silent while his eyes still locked at him.'He can take out two pillars of 'hell judgment' and a 'demonic arrow' on the same time, not only that, he can control them well. I have no doubt with his ability... But I can feel a strong dark force inside him, that's what makes me doubt him... '


'Hell judgment' a high-level magic spell that can burn the surroundings with black flames that will not go out until the person dies.

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