
LOG 41: The Alphabets

Their faces slowly became clear. I couldn't be more excited than this. Both aspiring queens of their own respective region has made their appearance once more. Dawn and May. Well, I'm only excited for Dawn since May fought with me endlessly, but who knows? Maybe there will be some changes.

They unsaddled from their Pokemon, wearing their goggles. Of course May has Go Go Goggles as well, but as for Dawn, she bought her own kind from the receptionist perhaps.

"Well if it isn't the grunt who froze Brendan's Sceptile." May giggled.

"That was me," Zeal chimed in.

As for Dawn, she rushed to me and cuddled me tightly. She gives me the feels that she's Kris who is also one of my friends from the other side.

"I didn't know Luna has friends from different regions as well, female trainer friends." Virgo tilted her head, confused like a puppy.

"What? She's not their friends, they're just fellows who asked to have a truce with us." Charlotte corrected.

"Heh? I don't think so. Dawn and Luna have the same hair, same energy. They're pretty much friends and there is nothing you can do." Zeal teased.

"Humph! Watch, I'll prove it to the two of you." said Charlotte as she grumpily walked towards me.

"Luna, they're are acquaintances right? The ones we helped for a meantime."

"Huh, what are you talking about Charlotte? They're friends."

"Sad, you were brought down by your own friend." Zeal came to interfere, slowly tapping Charlotte's frustrated shoulders.

"W-w-what are you doing here?" asked Dawn with glee.

"Accompanying my friends to the ruins."

"The ruins? Well you're in luck. We're also headed there to do some research before our next competition." said May.

"Ah! I have a brilliant idea. Why don't we all visit the ruins together?" suggested Dawn.

"That would be--"

"--dangerous. The conditions here are tough. You might not survive and--"

"That's why it would be best to do this together." Virgo interrupted Charlotte who interrupted me.

"So you're on their side now?"

"Relax, they mean no harm." Zeal tapped Charlotte's shoulders again.

Out of limestone, the ruins are, seemingly like odd buried pyramids with only the top showing. The inside sheltered us from the terrible storm, but it was dark. No torches abounded this wicked ruins which was only filled with dunes of sand, cracked walls and so far? I've seen no Pokemon except for Darumaka.

We created our own torches out of twigs instead.

According to my Pokedex,

[Darumaka is a round, red Pokémon with an orange face and yellow curly eyebrows. It has three yellow ovals on its abdomen and a curvy yellow line on its back. Its paws are orange and have three digits each. It has very warm droppings, which ancient people put in their clothes to keep themselves warm.

When the flame inside its body burns, Darumaka is very active. It cannot calm down in this state, and thus becomes uncontrollable. As the flame shrinks, it falls asleep. It can tuck in its arms and legs when it rests; during that time, it slightly sways. While it is sleeping, it cannot be tipped over no matter how much it is pushed or pulled, like a tumbler doll, which it resembles in this state. It prefers to live in a desert environment.]

They're high in numbers but at least they didn't mean any trouble. They were so many to the point it's safe to assume they're a swarm. Their were those that were rounder than them. It was their evolved form, Darmanitan which has two forms, Zen Mode and its original mode. They were scary, but then again, at least they didn't mean any harm.

We continued walking, and Virgo and Charlotte did not seem to be doing anything except for watching walls. What happened to their research?

"Luna! Remember these?" Zeal caught my attention from my chatter with Dawn. She pointed her torch unto one of the walls, revealing a familiar ancient scriptures.

"T-t-the ones in--"

"Sootopolis City. Yeah, that right there are Unown." completed Dawn.

"Unown? I thought they were only--"

"Oh ho, they're everywhere in every corner of the world alright." Zeal interrupted.

All of us were astounded by the ancient scriptures running across the deeper parts of this abyssal ruins. Virgo and Charlotte didn't seem interested! They're the researchers and they should be the one looking at walls and not us. As our eyes marveled at them, the two played at the sand and formed a new thing known as sand balls.

"Hey! Aren't the two of you going to do your research? Or are you being couch potatoes now?" I grumbled at them.

"R-right, about that." A single drop of sweat fell from VIrgo's forehead.

"Sh-should we tell them, Charlotte?"

"Okay what? Why did you bring us here?" The grip on my torch intensified.

Both of them gulped when suddenly came an intervention. We heard footsteps and someone slow clapping from behind us. Bit by bit, chuckles started to come out of his mouth.

"That's the man, right Virgo!" pointed Charlotte. The man had a long green hair, a cube on his neck. Where have I seen that profile before? Right, the king of Team Plasma.

"What did the two of you do?!" asked Zeal intensely.

"Hey, I know you. You're that Plasma guy I met a few days ago." pouted Dawn at N.

"Well, someone told us to give a book about psychology if we visit him in the Ruins so we did, and we wanted the two of you to escort us in case all of it is a scam." said Virgo with embarrassment.

"All these for a book about psychology?! Our Rocket bookstore sells one for a dollar ninety nine!" Zeal scolded.

"Your friends, how should I put this? Are easy bait. All I had to do is to wear the apparel of an old man and they can be easily fooled. So? Team Rocket is it not? I see..."

"What do you want from us, old crook?!" May was infuriated.

"Your Pokemon. Our duty as the saviors of the world is to liberate them from humankind."

"Now what kind of gibberish belief is that? Pokemon is our friends, not an enemy or something." doubted Dawn.

"Pokemon can no longer live with the aid of humanity. We've grown too much that we have blinded ourselves with folly. I came here with no army nor general, and I will allow you to roam free if you hand me your Pokemon. Here's the book I promised by the way, I do not scam people." N tossed the notebook to Virgo's grasps. She got the guts to hug it even during this kind of untimely situation.

"Never! You're words are similar to purloining and pilfering." shouted May, blocking her Togekiss away from N.

"I'm an easy man." he giggled, sending out a badass red crocodile. "Krookodile, Earthquake!"

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