
Chapter 7.24 - Cogs in the Machine

Another Fall had come to its peak, and brought with it another Harvest Festival.

All around the Capital City of Haven, and spilling out into smaller parties at various Embassies within their allied areas, people of all races could be found laughing, drinking and generally being merry.

Well, almost all races. The security details, shops, bars, and various government services had their work and shifts covered mostly by Constructs and Demis. The Constructs had no interest in partners that weren't their registered User, and whether by Culture or ingrained biology, the Demis found the entire idea of a Harvest festival revulsive. That didn't mean that they were openly against it. They knew the entire event was not in line with their cultural values, but they were not so silly as to try to impart their values on others. Plus, for a fair few changelings it gave an opportunity to pick up shift work at a premium, since very few wanted to miss out on the festivities.

So although every other race was celebrating, the city's functions did not grind to a halt. School was still in session, stores were still open, and the walls were protected. Albeit, the schoolwork was substitute work that was fairly hit or miss, the stores were not taking custom orders and were operating per written instruction, and the walls, mostly guarded by Constructs, shot literally anything that came within 100 meters not on the main road, leading to quite a few dead squirrels and birds. Constructs took the military assignment quite seriously, and more than one merchant was almost turned away for incorrect travel documentation. THankfully the supervisor was a Demis...

There was one more race not participating in the celebrations. They were the Forged.

Rico and Kara had taken up working at one of the more rowdier establishments for the harvest festival, specifically 'the Facade'. As one of the few establishments that already was prepared for carnal relations, it was considered a prime party spot for the festival, however due to some of the more rambunctious patrons of years passed, there were no Demis who would volunteer. And Constructs had caused a bit of an issue last year, with several injured patrons.

So now, the bar was tended and drinks and food were served by Rico and Kara, the two Forged. They worked incessantly, the fluidity of their movements beyond that of what a normal homunculi could manage. Although it was not without incident. Only a few were able to put together the cultural report on the Forged and the presence of two speaking and thinking automatons. It had caused a few confused looks. But overall there were no significant issues, and their work was well regarded.

They Forged still required breaks. Rico and Kara were given a small closet to recharge and two recharging pods were brought in to speed up the process. They chose the 'hangover' hours for recharging, or 0400 to 1200. This meant that the bar had to be closed at 0400. Unlike when in their natural powerdown process, Rico and Kara were able to talk while they were in the pods.

While their bodies charged, it gave Rico and Kara a chance to talk, and they discussed their day together. It went over their observations on favored menus, preferences by patrons, and the overall progress they had. But Kara was confused.

Kara started. "I don't understand Rico, we know what Love is. We have the echoes of memories of this feeling. But what I see out there is not love. It is lust."

Rico, who had spent more time in reflection and study than Kara was able to answer. He was almost like an older brother, as he had ventured out first into this world. "The organics reproduce differently than us, and just like us they must do all they can to ensure their future populations are not endangered. This celebration is not love of another, it is love of oneself, love of one's neighbor, love of one's future, and the love of life."

Kara commented, "But they seem adamant about this celebration. They flirt and they talk. I have seen multiple people take multiple partners while at this event. Some of them are barely functioning in the morning due to how much of this poison they consume to increase their charisma. It is all confusing, and rather revulsive. In one day of work I have had six drinks spilled on me. I feel the sticky substance mucking up my joints. I think the Demis are right when they called this event a 'necessary evil'."

Rico laughed, "Don't let them fool you Kara. The Demis are just as lustful as the other races, they just have the added step of matrimony. Before divination was brought to the Spring Rut, there were rumors of people fighting over the hand of more than one young bachelor or bachelorette."

Kara sounded disgusted. "So I guess it is just that fleshlings are inherently filthy creatures."

Rico smiled, "Kara, we may be different, but in a way we are the same. They do whatever they can to ensure their population growth and personal growth. We do the same. I move carts full of dead bodies, clean out waste from the bio facilities, and am willing to work around dozens of drunks. Nobody likes working around drunk people, this is universal. You and I do all of this so we can bring more of our brothers and sisters into the fold."

Kara thought and then said. "I guess I agree. I just wish there was a place we could be away from the weaknesses of these fleshlings."

Rico replied, "Unadvised. We, as members of Haven, are protected by their laws. Should we try for our own nation, we will be subjugated by one of the other nationstates. Or worse, eradicated. Also, Master Jan and Master Jorvik are the only two people able to bring us to life. We owe them a debt as great as that of a creator to a creation."

"But they charge us for the bodies!"

"They charge us for the materials. They put the time in for free, and that is the priceless part."

"I just wish they would treat us like they treat other people."

"We are fairly new Kara, when there are more of us, they will."

"They don't even call us by name."

"We can fix that tomorrow."


At the start of the shift when he met with the proprietor of The Facade, Rico asked the proprietor to give them sets of uniforms for the next shift.

The proprietor understood and within an hour of their shift starting he had sets of clothing for Kara and Rico.

Rico walked out of the store room with a nicely tailored tunic and pants, with an apron with the name "Rico" embroidered on it. Kara was not pleased.

"I do not know why you must dress. We do not have the shame of our naked form as the fleshlings do."

Rico looked at Kara, "shame is a mark of the organics, yes, but we can feel it as well. We may have been born free of the sins of our past, but our existence is solely because of our inexcusable actions. We are born of shame. Also Kara, this will help us be recognized as people, not resources. Homunculi are resources. We are not."

Kara understood, and changed into the female server's dress she was provided.

Rico knew Kara had a different personality, and these individualistic tendencies only gave credence to their right as a people.

It would be a long road, but in time Kara would find her niche. The world needs all types.


"Hey Kara! Bring another pint!"



Sorry for intermittent uploads during the week.

Work has gotten crazy, and it doesn't seem to be slowing down.

I have outlines all the way into chapter 8, but I just do not have the time to put words on page. Let alone to push chapters for book 2.

Thankfully, this is a free book. Some people reading seemed to have forgotten that, and spend their time filling out the comments with nothing but negative or nasty comments. I read every single comment.

This is simple, if you don't like the book, don't read it. If you attack the book because you disagree, move to the discord and we can discuss. But your constant barage of negativity is not welcome.

The following is for one specific individual:

This is the author stating to you, yes you, (You know who you are), if the only things you have to comment on in a FREE BOOK are things you don't like about it, you should really look inward. I put in too much effort to bring together an easy to read novel in English for you to only have not nice things to say. If it was just grammar, spelling, or minor plotholes, that one be one thing, but it seems you just dont like what you have read.

I am aware that this part is almost as long as the chapter, but if you get to this point, still complaining the whole way about my writing, I will put up a paywall on my book, then I will call you out by name on who ruined a good free book for so many people.

Your Move.


To all my awesome Readers Have a wonderful tuesday. I have to thank you for all your words of support and encouragement.

Srinlifecreators' thoughts
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