
Chapter 7.17 - Fool me Once

"Are we sure there are no others? Is this the only sleeper?"

"We cannot be sure, but we cannot wait any longer. They are going to be targeting the Academy. Today. They know how to turn us to ash, which not even the power of your spells can bring us back from if the body is fully immolated. We cannot wait any longer."

While the inventory team under Elder Merrin worked to catalog and inventory the goods from the Public Raid Dungeon, Serin had been called in for an emergency meeting with Dana. It seems that there was a flurry of activity from the sleeper agent of the Chimaeras within Haven. Summer had come and now it was too late to wait.

Agatha, a chimaera sleeper agent, had purchased the [Delay] and [Detonate] Spells from the Adventurer's Guild. She must not have realized that she was being watched, and that also every single purchase was tracked. Since Serin could freely copy skills and spells to and from the protectorate members, it was rare for anyone but him to make a purchase. He had learned the habit of watching publicly purchased spells from his enemy the Northern Kingdoms, and smiled that he was using the same tricks against his adversaries.

More frightening was that Agatha, the sleeper agent, had also made a purchase of large clusters of Rubies. Not those used to create jewelry to enchant for quality of life magic. But those to empower with [detonate]. It seems that his enemy's terror plot had begun.

"Alright, arrest her."


Agatha Ran. Her secondary goal had been discovered. She ran with her 'child' in her arms. At this point, it was only a matter of time until she was caught, but as long as she held this child, they would not take her out from far away. If it was a human child she was using as a shield, it would be despicable act. But because it was nothing more than a vile sub-human, it did not bother her in the slightest. Also the other item she was running with was a large ruby. She knew that her pursuers knew what she had. It was a gamble.

Agatha had been waylaid trying to drop off the explosive charge at the Academy. She was sure she was going to be discovered when she had arrived, but the inquisition team found her before she tried to move near it. Although it was a loss for the secondary target to not be hit, it was of no consequence.

So now she ran. She would never outrun her pursuers, and she could only delay her capture for so long, so Agatha decided would have to do her best to do as much damage as possible. If she couldn't hurt the children, she would go for the soul of the town.

She ran down the streets of Haven, dodging the attempts to net her. She did not have much power, but the chimaeras had made sure she had an extensive stamina pool and the [Dash] ability.

She could not continue forever, and she could see that there were others (flying?!) towards the government building that was her next perceived target. So Agatha grinned as she ran straight into the only building that she could see was not guarded.

She ran into the Haven Cathedral.


Gius, not currently dressed for war, was only wearing his normal cleric raiments. Today he was working with a few of the new spirit folk to teach them the various marriage ceremonies of the races. They were difficult students.

At best he could get 15 minutes of attentiveness until the spirit folk, who inhabited those who were previously Content Humans, wandered off to clean something or tend to the gardens, or paint murals on canvas.

The canvas and paints were provided because otherwise they would paint on the floor. Gius tried his best to not remember what they painted with.

So at this moment, the cathedral was relatively empty.

Until it was not.

The cathedral door burst open, and in ran a scared looking woman. Gius was a protector, so when she screamed "Close the door, they're coming!", he didn't think. He didn't think about the small gagged child at her bosom or the ruby she held. He just ran and bolted the door closed.

He heard banging. Then he received a [message] but it was too late. He felt a blade slip between his ribs, fully serrating his aorta and internal organs. It was a matter of a minute or so until he would bleed out, if the shock didn't get to him. Had he been a normal healer, he would have possibly been able to self recover, but as a cleric his skill was more aligned with a paladin. As Agatha backed away, Gius opened the door's latch, and in walked the Inquisiton team, weapons at the ready. One kneeled down to Gius.

"What's his condition?"

"Regenerate won't help unless its overpowered. I can't do that. And by the time one of the Witchdoctor teammembers arrive, he will have bled out and have to be brought back."

"A pity. Rest brother, do not give her the satisfaction of your scorn."

The inquisitor looked up from the dying cleric Gius and stared at agatha. On her chest plate there was the identifier

[Inquisitor 1-4 - Juni]

"Stand down Infidel. If you come with us, we can assure you that you will live on. Otherwise, your death here will be permanent."

Agatha had heard stories. Seen the strange Forged creature running around covered in muck. Seen those that talked to themselves, or rather the 'passengers' in their heads. The unknown of those fates seemed far worse than oblivion.

"No thanks. I think I would rather die and take this building with me."

She began to glow. It was [Self Immolate] But she was next to a gigantic ruby, which they realized might compound the spells ability.

"Clear Out!"

The inquisition fired a few bullets and spells peppering Agatha and causing several normally mortal wounds, but this spell was powered by the caster's own life. For good or ill, this could not be stopped.

As the inquisition backed out of the building dragging Gius, he croaked his next words while coughing up blood, "Take care of the little one."

Then suddenly Gius was gone. Replaced with the gagged changeling child that Agatha was holding. In Agatha's arms was a draped Gius, barely conscious. He had used his cleric ability [positional switch] to change places with the babe.

Then he did the same as Agatha and used his life to power a spell. It was an inverted [shield] spell. This was not aimed to protect the castor from the environment, but protect the environment from the castor.

Under this dome, there was only a fiery explosion.

When the shield faded, a cloud of soot and ash was all that remained. Seeing everything was calm again, the first people to move were a few of the Spirit Folk, dressed in cathedral garb. They moved wistfully towards the spot where two people had recently been turned to ash and started cleaning the soot from the surrounding area.


"Lives lost?"

"One. Gius. Head Cleric of the Cathedral."

"Is there a body?"


"So there is no chance at recovery?"

Serin was speaking with Dana outside the Cathedral. A few representatives had also shown up, weapons in hand. The danger had long since passed.

"So another that cannot be raised."

"I didn't say that."

"So he was registered with the Cradle Agency?"



Dana and Serin went to The small office of the Cradle Agency. There were no guards. Serin looked at Dana who said, "I thought no guards implied they might not think it worth investigation."

Serin shook his head. Dana nodded. "Understood. I will put 4 guards on this building at all times."

As they walked inside they were greeted by the Dhamphir receptionist. The main purpose of the Cradle agency was to match soon to be parents with available daycare workers.

Dana and Serin walked past the desk, and Dana activated a hidden switch, revealing a secret door. As they walked inside, they were met with another Dhamphir. Behind the Dhamphir were rows and rows of small pieces of [stasis] amber. They reached from the ceiling to the floor, and went back hundreds of columns and rows per shelf.

"Lord Serin and Dana Harbeck of the Masks, How may I assist you today?"

"We need to make a withdrawal."

"Please state the name and Race of the departed"

"Gius Mercurian. Lybringer Planetouched."

The Dhamphir started looking through his index until he found it. "Ah Here we are. Gius Mercurian. Please come with me."

As the Dhamphir led them, Serin was a bit apprehensive. He had stolen the idea for his fleshbank from the vault that Marcus, the Grand General, kept as his trophies. Another idea gifted from his enemies.

Now however, it would have a use.

Serin was handed the piece of [stasis] amber, which cracked and disappeared in his hands. A sliver of flesh, peeled and stored in the amber, remained.


Serin wasted no time, casting [regenerate] right there on the spot. Then as he waited for his mana to fill up he spoke with Dana.

"Are there any that refuse to be added to the bank?"

Dana shook her head. "Not yet but we are still adding. Doing it quietly means it is done slowly. There are some races that cannot benefit. Specifically, the parasites, spirit folk, and forged are unable to participate."

Serin nodded. "We will have to investigate them further. We always should have a backup plan."

As Serin's Mana filled to the required amount, he cast [Bring to Life]

Gius, having only been dead for several hours immediately rose up. He looked at Serin, "Is the child safe?"

Serin smiled. This man was the pinnacle of his society. "Yes. The changeling child was unharmed thanks to your sacrifice."

"It was of no bother." Then he winced as the dhamphir was back, cutting a sliver of flesh, and putting it in [stasis].

Serin looked, but the Dhamphir smiled, "better safe than sorry."

Gius, Serin, and Dana exited. The thoughts on their mind were of the feast they would throw for Gius, who was showing no ill effects from Post Death Syndrome.

As they walked away, they didn't notice that in one of the far back rows in an unused column, there were four pieces of [stasis] amber missing.


Good Morning Readers!

My Second Book, 'The Shadow and Her Giant' which i started writing and publishing 1 week ago has already been offered a contract. I thankfully blame you all :-)

If you haven't looked it up, or added it to your collection, i invite you to do so.

Also, I have said it before, save your coins premium chapters, i don't need gifts.

If you really feel my work is worth your money, I accept crypto. Here is my Etherium (ETH) address.


With that, Stay Boundless Friends!

Srinlifecreators' thoughts
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