
Chapter 6.28 - Interdependence

'Persistent Personality Damage'

It is a rather uncommon condition. In Haven, serious trauma was fairly rare, as there were dozens, no, hundreds of people who could cast regeneration as well as a myriad of other healing magics. But the brain was a tricky organ. Lancer specialists, Elven healers, and even a Dhamphir diviner had tried to fix Persistent Personality Damage, but it was of no help.

Persistent Personality Damage, or PPD, existed due to an untreated injury to the brain during childhood. And although such an occurrence would never happen in Haven, there were many who had grown up outside its walls. The issue with PPD, is that the personality, motor skills, and most higher neurological function rewired and solidified as the brain developed, and then when the child's plate set. If someone with PPD were to try to have their brain regenerated, it would most likely kill them.

Most of this explanation was too garbled for Lark to understand. But he didn't let it bother him. He wasn't weak. He was big and strong. He was a proud member of the protectorate. He had a few misunderstandings with superiors And other soldiers. And citizens. And once a tamed mount from Thul. He was still proud to serve. Whether he was guarding the training dungeon during protectorate battle rotations or guarding supply runs through the protected interior of Haven. Lark was not without his skills. He was a proud Skygge warrior, an expert shot with his assigned rifle, fairly powerful with his axe, and up until they had replaced his job with homunculi, he was an expert at cleaning streets, houses, and gutters.

And like most of his life, Lark worked, ate, slept. He didn't really do much else. But today was different. Lark was being told to work somewhere else. Lark had just prepared to go on duty when he was approached by his squad leader, Forn. Lark stood at attention. Forn was a lot smaller and a bit younger, but Lark was not bothered. Forn was good with thinking and remembering and Lark had trouble with these things. His head would hurt when he had tried, so he stopped trying. His squad leader approached. "Lark, you have been reassigned. Effective today you will work as a 'visual deterrent' to aid in safeguarding The Spawning Pool, previously known as Public Bath number 10. Do you know its location?"

Lark stood at attention. He could count to 10. And he knew that the public bath house number 10 specifically because he recently tried to bath there after having a scone at his favorite teashop but he was told not to go in. he didn't bath that day. "Yes sir. What do i do?"

Lark's squad leader had learned from his predecessor squad leader that he would need to spoon feed his directions to Lark. "Grab your axe and your rifle. You are following me to your new post."


Lark arrived at a street corner across from the Public Bathouse number 10. Outside the bathhouse there was a tent with lots of signs and words. Lark had trouble with the words, but he recognized the number 10. It was the same number as all his fingers. He knew this area very well. The nearby cafe had the best honey scones. Lark liked honey scones. And the people there were always very friendly and talked to Lark. Although he didn't understand a lot of what they said, Lark would always smile when people talked to him. It made him feel not alone.

"Lark, your job is to stand on this street corner and not say anything. You are to stay where others can see you. You will do so 8 hours a day starting at midnight, everyday until relieved."

Lark understood. Stand and stay quiet. He was good at it. He had done many jobs to stand and stay quiet. His superiors said as long as he didn't say anything, he was 'intimidating' which made bad people run away. This was something Lark could do. It was like being a big brother. Lark had a big brother once, but that was before the flash, before he came to Haven. Lark missed his big brother.

Lark saw and across the street, at the tent was a smiling girl. She waved at Lark, but Lark was on duty and could not move from his position or speak. But it never said he couldn't wave. So Lark waved back. She smiled at him. Lark Smiled back. Stand and stay quiet. He can smile.

Lark worked this shift for 9 days. It was a fairly simple routine. But today was different. During the day, the nice girl that always smiled and waved had motioned for Lark to come. Then she had shown Lark a plate of scones. They were his favorite scones from the skygge tea shop he liked to go to after work.

After his 8 hour shift was up, the sun was starting to rise past the mountains. Lark was tired, as this was a new time for him to work. He was not used to working nights. Thankfully, Lark was strong. His guardian, Sutemos, had helped Lark get strong. This was to help because he was not good at thinking, and Lark could not make magic. Lark was able to stay up for many days if he was told to, Lark just didn't like it. It was like being tired, but more tired.

Lark was done with standing and staying quiet for today, and today he wanted to have a scone that the nice girl had shown him. Lark didn't have any family, or friends. His guardian Sute had helped him get his fulltime job with the protectorate, but she worked very hard and did not have time to play with Lark. It was very hard work. But she was able to get him on something called 'special assignment'. He wasn't good with the others. He had trouble fighting in a team. They used 'strategy' and 'tactics' and other things Lark had trouble understanding.

He also had trouble fitting in. He did not understand many of the things people talked about. And when he tried to ask questions, it was like it started to grind in his head. So instead, Lark stuck to doing the things he could. It was a quiet life, but he was happy to live it, although Lark would feel sad because he was alone. Lark did not let it bother him though. He was a proud Skygge.

But now he walked over to the smiling girl. She was small with not bright eyes and no bright hair and no horns and she had round ears. Lark knew they were called Humans. Or Constructs. Lark was 'pretty sure' it was one of those, but the more he thought about it the more he got confused. Large stared off for a bit, but he was pulled back to the now by the girl and her beautiful voice.

"Hello and welcome to the Parasite Recruitment Tent. My name is Gina. What is your name?" It was a lot of things that Lark had not heard of said all at once, but this person smiled at Lark and gave Lark a cookie and wanted to know Lark's name. "My name is Lark."

Gina smiled, her gaze seemed to soften. "Lark, have you ever wanted to make a new friend?" This Gina could speak like his squad leader. She knew how to speak so Lark understood. And her face was kind. And it had been a long time since Lark had a friend.

Lark smiled, "I would like a friend."


"He suffers from PPD. As you can see from our examinations, there is a large potion of his prefrontal cortex that is severely disconnected causing a severe decrease in cognitive function. During his inprocessing, it was determined that with PPD, they could possibly help him be a better fit in society, since PPD causes a large percentage drop in mental stats. Technically all his physical stats are over 100. However his intelligence, charisma, and wisdom have been permanently capped at 4, even if his actual stats are around 10. PPD is also listed as a trait. The rumor was that he was pushed through the gate with the Skygge crowd when they came through. Prior to inprocessing, he was most likely an invalid or beggar."

Lark heard people talking while he sat with Gina and at a scone. Lark did not pay attention to the big words, he instead ate his scone and talked with Gina. He told her about his favorite sandwich at the Demis shop below his home and a really fun bug he found one time. He told her how he sometimes got really angry, and how when he was alone for days in his small apartment, he felt sad.

"So you see, if there was ever a candidate for split control, it would be this subject. As the damage to his brain is already done, it poses no additional risk. And at this point, the patient is barely a functional member of society. His job was replaced by homunculi three times and his new job is to pretend to guard this facility." "We would still need approval from his Representative, who is his legal guardian."

Lark and Gina played a game where they tried to draw a set of Xs and Os in a set of squares Gina was very good at this game. Lark almost had her many times, but she would always make a set of three where he least expected it.

"To be honest there has to be some ethical ramifications here. I am not sure how he was even able to be drafted during the battle of the Pass, or stay in the protectorate. He is incapable of higher level decision making and I am not sure he would ever be able to make a decision to volunteer to be a host, let alone a split host. Really I am not sure how he is trusted with both an axe and a rifle." "Well I heard the rifle is unloaded and the Axe is dull." "Regardless, he could beat someone to death with them. They should have never given him so many stat points." "I have read the report. They were desperate times and they were afraid the city would fall. It was done out of necessity, and strangely enough the subject responsible for several confirmed kills."

Lark hoped he could keep playing with Gina tomorrow. 'Stand and stay quiet' made him want to sleep. But He wanted to keep playing with Gina. It had been a long time since he had gotten to play with anyone. When he had to fight the little dragons they made Lark very big and strong, so now he couldn't play with the other children. But Gina knew so many games he could play that would not hurt anyone.

"It doesn't matter. We have contacted his legal guardian, representative Sutemos, and she has agreed to the experiment as long as no harm comes to her subject. She has a soft spot for this giant but she would be happy if we could help curb what she calls his 'accidental destructiveness'."

"Gina I am getting sleepy." Gina looked over to one of the others that nodded. "Lark, I think I have a special present just for you. What if I told you that you would never have to be alone again? How would you feel?"

Lark felt awake suddenly. "I would be happy! Is it Gina? Are you coming home to stay with me?"

Gina smiled, "No, but it is someone who is kind of like me. If you sign this paper, we can help you make someone's dream come true, and you will have a forever friend. You just need to read the paper and sign the bottom. Can you read Lark?"

Lark shook his head, "I can't read. The words are hard."

Gina nodded understandingly. "Do you want me to read it to you?"

Lark could feel a headache. It was starting to hurt thinking of reading. "Do I have to?"

Gina had a sweet smile, "No you don't Lark. Just do your best to sign here," and she pointed to a line. Lark did his best to copy the scratched lines he had carved into his bracer. He had to sign sometimes for his job. With that Gina smiled, "Lark I already spoke to your squad leader, and he says you can stay here with me! I would really like it if you slept over, and then you could meet my friend."

Lark was feeling even sleepier, but he did not fall asleep. "That would be nice. Can I lay down?"

Gina smiled, "Sure, but you need to look your best! Here. We want to give you some nice clothes, and something special for your face. It will make my friend happy, although it makes your face feel funny. It's like a warpaint for meeting friends!" Gina took Lark to a very comfortable chair. The most comfortable he had ever sat in. She then smeared something on his face that made his face feel funny. Then he couldn't feel it at all. It was like the time he tried the tasty sour honey drink. Lark got in trouble last time that happened, he didn't want trouble to come this time.

Gina smiled, "Lark, our friend is very delicate, and you are very strong. I am going to make sure you can't hurt her, but your arms and legs will feel funny. Is that ok?" Lark nodded and smiled, but Lark did not know if he was smiling or not. He could not feel his lips. Lark was calm as he felt his arms being relaxed. It was like when he floated in the public pool or when he went to the lake. He felt like he was floating. Gina had cast a strange spell that made Lark not want to move. Then the comfy chair leaned back. Another person entered the room. Gina moved around so Lark had to look up to see her. "Lark does your whole face feel cold? Can you feel me touch you?"

Lark let out a bit of a laugh and did not feel the drool fall out of his mouth. Gina smiled, "Lark Sofia is here but she is very shy. She asked that I play a game with you to help her get not scared. I will make a magic picture, and the first person to guess it wins. Sofia says if you can win 3 times, she will give you a kiss." Gina smiled, "and so will I."

Lark watched. He had never had a kiss, but he was told they make people happy. Gina used magic. And made a shape. It was a caterpillar. Lark knew it he had seen the magic before and had seen the object before. Lark shouted the answer "Buhhh!" Lark wanted to answer but it was hard to speak. Lark's nose itched. He felt like he needed to sneeze, but he couldn't scratch it because he promised Gina he wouldn't move. He couldn't hurt his new friend.

"That's right! It's a bug!" Gina smiled at Lark. Lark had not been happy like this in a long time. But it felt like something was in his throat and his head was starting to hurt. Then he fell asleep. The comfy chair was too comfy.


"Gina, will we play again?" Gina smiled, "Lark you have already gotten a kiss from me today. And you are starting to get good. I think you are getting a bit of help."

Lark didn't understand. Things seemed a bit stranger, a bit more detail. Words weren't as fuzzy, and he saw that his name was embroidered on his new shirt, with a name he didn't recognize underneath it. He would figure it out though. He was starting to piece together words better. The others that had always been talking, Lark was starting to understand a bit. Although when the guy with a gem in his forehead started to speak, it was still a bit too complicated for Lark to understand, but he did his best to remember so he could try to figure it out later.

"It seems that the barbs previously used to kill consciousness, when left intact and the parasite is instructed not to destroy, used them to create a neutral patch that helps bridge the damaged sections of a brain with PPD. Overall he has seen a small stat increase and a moderate cognitive improvement." "Any side effects?" "Spikes in activity in the limbic system, but the Passenger can help with easing those symptoms."

Gina walked with Lark. He was not sure if it was sleepiness but it seemed that sometimes his footing was off, or his balance shifted, but Gina was always there. Her job here was "sponsor" and Lark was excited because while he was here, Gina's only job was to spend time with him. He didn't know that being someone's friend was a job, but he enjoyed it. He hoped he could get a job like this one day.


A few days had gone by, and Gina was sitting down at breakfast. Gina had taken him outside. They had walked to a cafe across the street. He knew that his people the skygge and the lybringers used to fight. Now they mostly ran cafes together. Some even held hands. He would have to ask his friend Sute next time he saw her, why. He remembered the fighting always upset her.

But for now Lark and Gina walked into the cafe that was a little ways away from the clinic and sat down. The server he recognized, as he had come to the cafe several times before he met with Gina. He remembered others in the cafe had called her 'Amanda' but did not recall ever calling her that himself. "Good Morning Lark! It is nice to see you today and you brought a friend!" Lark smiled at Amanda, "Good Morning Amanda. It is nice to see you today. This is Gina, and she is my sponsor."

Amanda froze and dropped the tray she was carrying as Lark gave his response. Her smile disappeared and was replaced with shock, then fear, and finally sadness. Lark was confused.

Amanda looked at Gina, then the clothes Lark and Gina were wearing. Amanda had water falling from her face. Lark remembered they were called 'tears' and he got them when he was sad. But Gina was a very nice person and not scary looking. He did not know why Amanda would be sad. He had never made Amanda cry before. Lark did not understand what he had done to elicit this behavior from Amanda. The cafe had grown quiet at the crash of the tray.

Amanda stared at Gina "You should be ashamed. He was a good boy, and even if he was a little slow, he always had a smile." Amanda shook her head. "He may have been simple, but you didn't have to kill him."

Lark was confused. What Lark didn't know was that as an act of reverence, a parasite kept the name of its host if it killed the host's consciousness. Lark didn't know what a parasite was or even that he had one.

He only knew that when another customer came over and poured his drink on Gina's head and then spit on her, and she sat there still and accepted the abuse, he only felt rage. He had felt angry before, but this was more. It was like fire. It burned inside of Lark and his vision had narrowed. He stood up and punched the man, sending him sailing through the cafe, and through a display of scones.

Lark felt himself reaching for his weapon that was not there, so he grabbed a nearby floor brush and broke it in half, wielding the half a brush like an axe, looking for his next opponent.

[My dear Lark, calm. Be at Peace. Gina is Ok. These are your people, and they are just afraid. Settle Dear Lark. The time for anger is not now.]

With these words it was as if he felt cool calm water rush over his head and his heart. His vision began to widen and Lark could see the patrons were frightened. He didn't know who spoke to him. But the voice was calming, like a cool breeze on a hot summer day.

[These men are just confused, but we can make them understand. I will tell you what to say. All you need to do is repeat. It doesn't matter if you don't understand. In time you will.]

Lark felt peaceful, as the red hot anger moved away from his eyes and he could breathe again. Then he heard the beautiful voice again, and as she had asked, Lark began to speak.

"I apologize for striking one of our kind, my brothers and sisters, but I had to defend the honor of Gina. I am still Lark, but now I am with Sophia, who helps me understand the world around me. As long as she is with me, she will make me my better self."

The cafe was silent. They knew of him. Lark the lame. Lark the simple. Lark the dolt. Lark the invalid.

Lark did not understand the cultural ramifications of it, but to the crowd of skygge, in front of them stood not Lark the lame, but Lark the proud Skygge warrior, and they had just insulted his date.

A few apologies were thrown their way and their meal was complementary.

Gina was handed a towel to wipe off the water. "Lark, who taught you to speak like that or say that?"

Lark smiled, "I don't know. But I think she likes me. She is kind and patient. And she wants to make us better."

Gina caught it, but Lark didn't. Instead he kept on eating his scones and having a glass of ginger tea. "This really tastes good. Gina you should try some."

Gina smiled.


"Sophia I can always hear you. And sometimes I can feel you. But I can never see you. Why is that?"

Lark and Sofia had gotten to know each other over the past few days. Sophia answered a lot of Larks questions about the world, his people, and most of the races in Haven. But Sophia always found a way to not answer his questions about Her. Or Gina. Or this new place. She had always just responded with [in time].

[My Dear Lark. I am always with you. I will always be with you. They told me you wanted someone to be with you, so that is why I will always be here; to talk and to listen. You feel me because just as you protect me, I protect you. Just because you cannot see, does not mean I am not there.]

Lark smiled, "I wish I could hold you Sofia. I don't know why. I just feel you are important to me."

A soft giggle was heard [You wrap me in your warm embrace every day of my life my dear Lark.]

Sophia could feel new emotions from Lark. The first was Longing. The second, was frustration.

[If you wish to hold me, there is a way. But it will take some practice. And some time.]

"Anything! I want to be with you Sophia."

Unknown to Lark, his entire apartment at the public bathhouse was situated underneath an observation room. His progress these last few weeks was being closely monitored by a team of expert researchers led by a certain gole with a jewel in their forehead. Lark could not see through their floor, as it was made of glass and then magic was cast to make it look like a normal ceiling. This was because Lark was more than just a medical experiment, a test subject, or a host for a parasite. He was hope. Lark was not the only person in Haven with PPD, and there were hundreds in the countries that surrounded Haven.

"I just wish you would hold me when i fall asleep."

[My Darling Lark, I have an idea. I have some friends that might be able to help you, but you will need to do just as i say so they can hear you. They're a bit difficult to talk to. I am sure if you tell them what i tell you, they might be able to help us.]

With that Lark looked up, directly through the illusory ceiling at the head Lancer Gole researcher. It's exactly where Sophia had told him to look. Lark didn't know, but this Lancer Gole had a passenger parasite that allowed an extended mana pool, which allowed for Sophia to know he was there. This research stopped as he saw Lark looking at him directly

"I request a copy of the spell Shadow Clone. Sophia says we are ready to try split control."

The researchers watching stopped in their tracks. They looked at each other "Was that in the plan today? I was pretty sure that wasn't until next week "

"Everything we do is experimental. Plans are more like 'guidelines' at this point."


"So why did my people used to fight, Sophia?"

Lark had done as Sophia had asked. He stared at the books and flipped the pages one at a time. Lark was still just reading the shorter books with pictures, but he was glad to be able to read. Sophia had taught him how. The more complex subjects still eluded him.

[My Lark, sometimes people see others that are a bit different and they become afraid. This fear festered like a wound for a very long time until your people destroyed their home because of it.]

"That's silly. People should not be judged by how they look."


[Lark, what if I looked much different than you?]

"Sophia, I could never hate you. You sing me to sleep each night, and calm my mind when the anger rises. Since you came to me, I have not felt lonely. You read me stories and teach me about all of the things in the world I was always so curious about. You are my best friend Sophia. I even figured out that you were the one to embroider my shirt! That's why it says 'Lark' and 'Sophia'. I am just so happy that we get to be together forever."

[Oh Lark. You do know how to make a girl blush.]

"Sophia, you said that you had to practice a bit more to be able to hold me. How much more practice?"

[Not much longer, my darling Lark. Our time will come]


"Sofi, it's making me angry!"

[Try to stay calm Lark, I am here with you]

But Lark could only feel anger, he wanted to hunt.




But he was enduring because several paces away was a kind looking shadow. Lark couldn't tell what race it was, but it was definitely his Sophia. And she was standing before him and his blurred vision, but the farther the shadow walked away, the more the vision blurred and turned red.

The shadow took another step, and Lark howled, smashing his bed frame. Then his wardrobe. Then his desk. He started for the door. He needed blood. Sophie quickly retreated back into Lark. In an instant, Lark calmed.

[I am very proud of you Lark.]

"We have come a long way in only a few weeks."

[We have worked hard for each other.]

"Yes. you can almost move ten paces away before I lose control."

[I have learned something else my dear Lark]

Lark watched as a shadow arm came off his body, formed an icicle, and fired it.

"Wow Sophie, you used magic!"

[No, Lark. We used magic.]

First discovering, then reading and writing, and now magic. Sophie was the best thing to happen to Lark, and he could never repay all she had given him.


With the increase in his understanding, Lark was beginning to feel certain things. He knew he cared deeply for Sophia, and he had a friend in Gina.

But the downside of understanding was that painful things were understood by Lark as well.

Today was a painful day. Lark had come to the same cafe he always did. The regulars at this point were used to it. They did not spread rumors or talk about Lark outside the cafe. It wasn't the Skygge way. Amanda dropped off tea and scones. "Good Morning Lark. Good Morning Sophia." She smiled at Lark.

Lark would talk Sophia out loud, but only Lark could hear her response.

He liked to go to the cafe.

"Sophia, why can't the others hear you?"

[My Voice is for you alone, dear Lark. I could speak to the others if i chose, but it is probably for the best if I let you do the talking. People still fear my kind.]

"Amanda doesn't fear you." Lark said. Amanda who was nearby almost dropped the kettle she was carrying.

[She still does Lark. I can feel it with your senses. I will teach you one day. But keep this a secret. She doesn't want us to know she is afraid. She works to hide it.]

Lark didn't understand. But he felt Sophia's warmth on him. Even if she was not there physically, she would always hold him when he got confused. It made the process of learning bearable for Lark.

As the rain began to fall today, a few soldiers came out of the rain. They were some of the Skygge that Lark had served with, as he remembered them from memory. He had fond memories of them always smiling at him and showing camaraderie.

"Lark! Everyone's favorite smiling idiot! What windows have you licked today?!" "Yeah Lark! Any Toilets need guarding? Maybe they might promote you finally if you made it through a month without breaking something!"

Their jeers continued and Lark was confused. These people had always been remembered fondly because they were nice, but Lark never understood what they said. These people were saying things in a jovial voice but they were mean and terrible things.

[Stay calm my Darling Lark. These are just the poisonous words of those who think intellect grants superiority. Don't listen.]

"But Sophia, why are they being so mean?" Lark whispered. He felt sad. And then he felt angry. The customers had gone from ignoring the angered youths to starting to look at them. The owner, a Lybringer man that was getting on in years, spoke to the youths. "I would ask that you not bother my patrons. Your comments were not appropriate the first time you spoke them, and they are not appropriate now. You have made Lark upset and he is a valued customer."

The youths couldn't figure out what was going on, "Hey old man, this idiot doesn't understand which shoe to put on which foot. What makes you think he feels upset by anything that we've said?"

The old man could see Lark and the anger and tears the youths had ignored. "I say this because there are tears on his face and Pain in his eyes. I will have to ask that you apologize to Lark and Sophia or leave my establishment."

[Lark, just stay calm. I am with you. And I will always be with you. Don't worry about the ramblings of the ignorant.]

"But Sophia, why are they so mean?!" Lark yelled. The youths looked stunned at Lark. then saw his nametag, with a name underneath. The youths looked in horror. "So one does the thinking and the other does the fighting. That's rich. I have heard they were hard up for volunteers, but to take Lark in is really scraping the bottom of the barrel."

Lark's tears stopped, and over his face appeared a mask of darkness. A voice boomed at the skygge youths. It came from Lark, but reverberated in the minds of all present. It was Sophia's voice.

"I would ask that you cease throwing insults at my Darling Lark. He is a pure soul, and means more to me than you would ever know. Should your insults continue, we will make you regret your folly."

The three youths wouldn't back down. They might have been younger than Lark, but there were three of them and they were smarter and could use magic. They stood unphased by her words.

"So the true master shows itself. What plan do you have for us? Mind you, you are bound by the same laws we are. Violence from you would lead to your death, since the other option isn't really possible." The youth was confident. Sophia knew that he was legally right. But he had missed a small detail. That was the cultural ways of their own kind, the Skygge.

"As you wish. Lark and I challenge the three of you to a trial by combat within the training dungeon. This will be a Skygge battle of Honor, as you have insulted Lark for more than one year unabated, and now insult me, his Kriger Ledsager and we claim the right to challenge by Erstatning. I will be Lark's second, as is allowed by tradition. I assume the three of you know the old ways?"

They blanched. Just like every other race within Haven, the Skygge peoples had their traditions. Lark had flipped the pages of Skygge culture and tradition, as well as language, for Sophia to read, as well as every other race of Haven as well as those surrounding Haven's borders. "We will decline. We have nothing that we can demand of you should we win, therefore it is not required."

This time the patrons, who had been watching intently stood. There were dozens of Skygge who had heard the challenge. The old man behind the counter shook his head. "I am a lybringer and I even know you boys are wrong on two counts. The people gathered can be witness. You can win the forgiveness of those you have wronged should you win. You may either accept the challenge, or lose the right to call yourselves Skygge."

"Like I would believe a Skygge tradition from some Lybringer…"The boy began to say when he was cut off by a voice known to all Skygge. "I am appalled that this is how you would interact with my ward Lark, one of our own, and Sophia, the beautiful soul that helped fix his broken mind. You will accept the challenge or I will personally have you branded Fremmed."

The person speaking was none other than Representative Sutemos, or Princess Sute to the Skygge people. She was now standing next to the table where she had previously been enjoying tea with Flick. Now she had threatened the worst punishment of her people, which was to physically and magically curse them as Fremmed, or 'stranger'.

Sute had not planned on interceding, preferring to let her people come to their own solutions, but it seemed that there was indeed a poison spreading she had heard of. This poison of xenophobia now affected even her people.

The three youths snarled, "Fine. It should be no issue to beat an invalid and his crutch."


[Lark, do not worry. I am always with you, and we will be victorious this day. Trust in me, like I trust you, and we will win.]

The first floor of the training dungeon had gathered a bit of a crowd. There were 4 people preparing to fight. The first was Lark, who was given time to grab his axe and his armor. Although it was not the latest in snakeskin, it was light and the dragonbone plate added a bit of extra protection. He had never been issued a mask, as he had never received an upgraded helmet. Lark's Axe was also fairly dull. He didn't remember it being so dull. It would have to work.

Then there were three youths, all clad in their matching armor of the protectorate. There were no scrapes and scratches, dings or dents. Their armor was pristine, compared to the dented and scratched armor of Lark.

Coming to the fight was Gina, who held a sign saying "Go Go Lark and Sophia!" as well as Representatives Sutemos, Hamil, Allister, Jericho, Olma, Serin, and Shurik. There was also the quiet jeweled gole that always observed Lark, and there was someone named Jeffrey and a person wearing a red cloak and a mask depicting a white ferret.

Princess Sutemos walked between the two parties. "As this is the training dungeon, this will be a fight to the death. Max, Artis, and Wral, you have been challenged by Lark and his Kriger Ledsager or translated to 'warrior companion', Sophia because of your conduct and behavior to a fellow member of the protectorate. Should you win, you will have earned the chance for forgiveness, as all witnesses declare you stand on the wrong side of this conflict. If you lose, Sophia and Lark will claim Erstatning. Do you agree? If you decline, you will be marked Fremmed."

They nodded.

"Sophia, there are three of them and there are two of us. What is the plan to fight them? I was never really able to understand tactics and strategy."

His statement was heard by a few members of the crowd, and they had perked up at the complexity of his sentence.

[My Darling Lark, the answer is simple. You fight from the front, and I will distract them from the shadows.]

"Sophia, but if you step away, I won't control my anger."

Lark heard a giggle in his mind. [Darling Lark, I don't want you to.]

Sutemos fired a fireball into the air to initiate the match, and the three Skygge youth prepared to fight, readying the weapons.

A shadow leapt from Lark, and darted to the side, it grabbed the attention of the closest skygge, Max. as a frontline fighter, it was his job to tank the melee threat. His guard had dropped as he saw the shadow bolt. He knew shadow puppets required their user's concentration so he didn't know if he should follow the shadow or focus on Lark. While he internally debated, he did not see the instant Lark's rage built.

An axe swung down and broke against Max's armor. The dulled axe snapped under the force of the blow. It did not matter. The force of the blow slammed him into the ground and he was ejected from the dungeon, as the amount of force behind the direct hit would have killed him regardless of sundered armor.

The other two immediately created distance. The first taking time to follow and hunt down the shadow of Sophia. Artis was a Delver of no small skill, and his blade was enchanted to do damage to magical beings.

Wral, on the other hand, was doing his best to slow a raging Lark. Lark had grabbed a tree branch like a club and was chasing after Wral. Wral used spells to turn the soil into mud, and fired firebolt after firebolt. The tree branch was thick enough that lark batted away the underpowered spells like flies, slowly destroying the club in the process. Wral then shot an icicle at Lark point blank, firing into his knee and impaling itself, but Lark didn't even stop. He lifted Wral into the air and squeezed his head until Wral was ejected from the dungeon. Then a knife embedded itself in the back of Lark's other knee. Lark turned and saw Artis, tossing a knife.

"I sent my shadow puppet to pretend to hunt yours. You didn't think you were the only one to learn that spell were you? We are skygge, and all of us know it. You just had to learn it the hard way. If I can defeat you I win, as while that parasite is controlling that puppet you are the only true enemy on this field."

"That is where you are wrong, Artis" Lark's rage had subsided.

Lark continued "We are never one,"

"without the other." was the whisper Artis heard as a cold blade made of ice pierced into his neck. He had mistaken the novice spell shadow puppet, able to do limited physical manipulation, with shadow clone, a physical copy of a being able to do everything they could do.

As Artis was ejected from the dungeon, he philosophised on the true meaning of what that meant. As the shadow that had killed him looked like a lybringer girl.

These were thoughts for another day. He looked at his other squadmates, and did not know what the erstatning would entail, but to insult the concept of Lark and Sophia, they had a pretty good idea what those 'reparations' would be.

Inside the dungeon was clapping and cheering. The crowd had come towards Lark and Sophia, and a medic was running over to administer first aid

Sophia as a shadow kneeled down to Lark.

[I am sorry Lark that you have to feel pain.]

Lark was now in full control of emotions. He was able to as long as Sophia wasn't more than 2 meters away. "It's Ok Sophia." Then as the crowd came up, Lark started to speak to them. "I know Sophia is different. I know that she lives in me." The crowd was a little hesitant to continue. They were assured that this knowledge was kept from Lark. Even Sophia's shadow took a single step away, looking a bit nervous. Lark continued. "But she makes me a better person every day. I need her, and she needs me. And together we are stronger than we ever were apart. Shas made me a better citizen and better Skygge, and I couldn't ask for a better partner, nor a better Kriger Ledsager. Sophia, I hope that I get to spend all of my days with you."

Sophia's shadow looked close to tears, and she ran up and hugged Lark. Lark could feel her warmth. Sure, the physical feeling might be a trick of his brain, or magic, but it was still genuine affection.

[Let's go home Darling]


"So you see, over a few weeks of observation, the sync rate for those with PDD is near 100%, The attached parasite is able to act as a neural bridge between the damaged parts of the brain, alleviating the symptoms of PDD. In the use case of Lark and Sophia, we have seen an almost non-functional ward of the state become a successful member of society. Lark and Sophia have been promoted within the Protectorate, as well as work as part of the parasite outreach team. Lark's previous work with children and his kind personality help in this case. I do firmly believe that this pairing is in the benefit of the host. It should be noted that there is interference within the Limbic system, but the conditional Parastesis Rage only occurs if the parasite's unable to devote attention to managing the limbic system. Or in the case of Lark and Sophia, purposely turns it off." The Gole speaking gave a wink. "Now this solution is only temporary, as I am sure if the parasite was removed or destroyed the host would quickly revert to his previous form, and I can surmise such a change would the host. But in Lark and Sophia's case, i don't think they will change their arrangement anytime soon."

Lark and Sophia were invited to a leadership meeting with members from several of the allied nations, as well as Haven's representative body, Academy instructors, and community leaders from around the capital. Lark sat in one seat, and next to him sat Sophia's shadow. She held his hand and it helped with his nerves.

It seemed the story of a Parasite helping heal a PDD was quite the lecture. Additionally Lark had learned that Gina had been struggling with something called 'Addiction' and even the Lancer Gole, whom Lark learned was named Janus, suffered from something called 'Anxiety'. Prior to his pairing, Janus would be unable to leave his home and shook uncontrollably. Now he was functioning good enough to use his astute connection to the Parasites to help others.

No longer were there tales on the streets of Brain leeches, slave drivers, and worm enslavement. There were now people who volunteered for becoming a host to a parasite.

The parasites could do something no amount of magic or medicine could.

They could help with those who suffered from ailments of the mind.


Update: This chapter has spawned its own novel for the Webnovel Spirity Awards 2021!

Come check out 'The Shadow and Her Giant'!

Srinlifecreators' thoughts
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