
Chapter 5.X Special Chapter - The Gift Exchange

Serin was impressed by the turnout of guests. Almost the entire town had decided to participate in the gift exchange, so to assist the organizers, the exchange was held throughout the day. At 0900 in the morning everyone had come together and turned in their gifts. Serin and Olma arrived.

This event was about giving, not about getting. In that spirit, Serin and Olma had worked their hardest. Olma had built a small homunculus. Although it was small, it was light and powerful, since it was constructed out of gold and mithril. Also because of the design and size it's operating time and charge time was highly advanced. She had learned about these ratios and percentages when she had visited Jorvik for advice. And although the homunculi would not be useful as a packhorse or defender, it would easily be useful for a small butler or attendant.

Serin's charm was a bit different. He was able to make quite a few items, but few were suited as gifts. He had thought long and hard about what would be a great gift specific to him, so he made a trinket. It was a small silver band adorned with runes and markings. Serin did not want to put a spell that could cause harm to the user, or something that in the wrong hands could be detrimental. So, Serin had made a trinket with a low level constant health regeneration. It wouldn't be enough to save a master swordsman in a one-on-one battle, or stave off imminent death, but something to help sooth the knicks and cuts of an average day's work, the sore muscles of hard labor, or the adventurer that just needs to recover as they sleep it would prove worthwhile. Serin estimated it could heal a broken bone in a few days instead of a month. For most serious injuries, healers were still the go to plan, however this would help when healing was in short supply. Plus regenerate was a high level healing spell that was too high for those that were not high level adventurers or expert healers, and the average person did not have the credits to request it from the few healers for day to day wear.

When Serin and Olma dropped off their wrapped gifts, Serin and Olma watched as a number was placed on each gift. Then a copy of that number was folded and placed into a large metal cask.

Then it was off to breakfast. Provided by Lord Koni, a banquet of sweet warm treats was kept on the tables. Even in the heart of winter, the area was kept warm by a barrier to help people endure the elements. This was great as it was a brisk morning and if it weren't for the magic, the Gole that attended would have all gotten sick.

By 1000 everyone had arrived, and Elder Merrin had decided to start the exchange.

The gifts were as varied as the residents of the city. And as each gift was received, the giver stood up and came over to help explain, if necessary. The gifts though did seem to fit the givers, and they were universally well received.

The Demis gifts were mostly crafted items and homegoods. Ephraim had made a sword and shield set out of the last of the dragonbone as well as Serpent skin. The receiver was a dhamphir who, although abhorred violence, could see the excellent craftsmanship of the gift. Elder Merrin's gift was a signed first edition of his book, which recounted the history of the Demis, their culture, and their achievements. This went to a changeling youngling who was still a little too young for the foreign language, but was excited because while most of his upper classmates had read the book, he owned a copy that was all his. Lady Eris had crafted a set of wooden training weapons for children. Serin realized then that she had most likely created all the training weapons for the school. This went to one of the most recent human refugees. Serin realized that these would probably be used for drunken brawls between the reformed bandits, but it was celebrated never-the-less.

The Humans gifts were mostly consumables. Darius had made a cask of firewine. It was like mead but strong enough to light aflame. Serin was sure that it was the material used for torches in the Northern Kingdom, but as the gift was given Darius assured that it was consumable, albeit in moderation. The Gole receiving the gift was none other than Jorvik, who completely ignored the thought of it as a consumable and instead was calculating the practical application of such a combustible material. Allister did not want to give an undead, as a few of the races were not fond of them. Instead he gave his old club. It had seen wear on the battlefield, but for a mage just starting it was a nice gift, albeit underpowered for the city. It happened to be given to a Gole youngling, who after holding the club lit up, as his physical stats improved. Serin was sure he had heard 'this is a great walking stick!' which made him chuckle. Rachel, busy as ever, had instead assembled a set of tubes and pots. Rachel came over to explain that it was a mini irrigation kit for anyone outside the range of the waterworks. It went to a Dhamphir family who was excited, as there was no irrigation system setup in the basement apartments that currently housed most of the dhamphir.

The Changelings gifts were mostly experiences. The changelings tended to not have many crafting skills. Sakina the entomancer offered 3 dungeon guide runs without taking any percentage, which went to a recently plated Demis. Serin shook his head as this would easily help him get ahead in life, as Sakina was able to solo to the 15th level. Dana offered lessons in courtship at the House of Masks, which was received well by a Gole Lancer. As for Olma's gift, it was received by a changeling youngling. With very little monetary assets, the younling Nazir was excited to have his very own Homunculus, especially one so elegantly designed.

The Gole focused on innovative gifts. Shurik gifted a small clock, while Jorvik gave a specialized homunculus. Some of the Gole younglings made small magical devices, light stones, and contraptions. Serin laughed as even Gole younglings were responsible for more innovative crafts that some of the crafters from Serin's hometown.

The Planetouched made food. Gift Baskets of cookies, teas, and sweets. Sute was especially proud of the large cake she had prepared, and although there could only be one recipient for each gift. The exception was only one. When it was Serin's turn to pick, he received a gift from a Lybringer planetouched youngling by the name of Delphinus. Serin had no idea what it was. It looked like two crystals tied with golden wire held on a leather string.

Delphinus came over, extremely proud of his work. "Its an expertise of my family,and you won't find one quite like it." Serin looked over the design. The kid was sure he was the best at this, so Serin smiled and asked, "What does it do?"

Delphinus beamed at his chance to teach Serin, known by the Lybringer as 'the great teacher'.

"Its a mana bank. You fill it with mana and it can hold it for later. This one can hold almost 200 mana and won't destabilize for 12 hours!"

Serin then looked excited and studied the design. This child had brought to him a tiny handmade craft that, while might have limited application, could be used in extremely advanced designs, if Serin could reverse engineer it.

"This is a wonderful gift, Delphinus, and I shall treasure it always."

The last were the Dhamphir, and their gifts were just as odd as they were. Master Restin had prepared a set of scented oils as perfume, while Master Tyber had made a rocking chair. Master Cellic had prepared a single envelope that was sealed. He explained he already knew who he drew, and wrote them a letter to help them steer clear of an untimely demise. Although this was quite a dour gift, Master Cellic smiled as it was handed to a small human youngling.

Serin watched as gifts were received. The gifts seemed to find their way to those in need. Serin was glad for this celebration, and he looked forward to next year.


What is a special chapter?

It is a chapter just for you, my dedicated readers, as a thank you for being so involved in this journey together. And with the holidays right around the corner, it is a chance to give my book a 'holiday' episode ;-)

Srinlifecreators' thoughts
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