
Chapter 5.1 - Unexpected blessings

With the festival concluded, Narissa's Caravan left with an additional three caravans, laden with meats, fruits, vegetables, gold, and golden cloths. Ephraim sat with Serin at the 3rd floor of Jericho's tavern, in the private meeting room.

"You are aware of the market value of the enormous amount of goods we just gave away, correct?"

Ephraim wasn't mad, only discussing. As his role in export control, he had gasped at the sheer quantities of materials Serin had just given as a gift. Serin smiled, "I am sure it's quite a few credits. But Narissa had turned down offers from not one nation but two to exterminate us. I think it was a relatively fair trade."

Ephraim almost choked on his mead.

Serin then continued, "She was also given 100 human slaves as a bribe, and she still turned them down. She has been gracious enough to turn over the slaves to us, as she knows it's the right thing to do."

Ephraim narrowed his eyes. Serin made it aware, "We are firm in our stance on not purchasing slaves. When the caravan arrives, they will be treated as any other refugee. They will be offered with citizenship or be given enough supplies and weapons and allowed to venture forth."

Ephraim just shook his head. "Other than the constant fear of invasion our nation is a paradise. Only a xenophobe would not take up your offer."

Serin smiled, "Our city has no room for those types, so it is fine by me. I prefer those cast aside by their host nation."

Ephraim then asked, "how long until they arrive?"

Serin smiled, "No more than 2 weeks."

Ephraim looked worried, "that's a lot of humans. Some of the older ones from the last slave rescue carried their xenophobia with them. I worry that there might be too many."

Serin nodded, "It's why we have the integrated academy. If you assimilate the children, the adults will lose their voice when their generation passes."

Ephraim nodded, "and if they don't? What if humans bring their xenophobic ideals?"

Serin smiled, "Then they are in violation of our second great law. So far we only have two punishments for violating our great laws. Death and Exile. And I am not afraid to kill my own kind. We do it all the time."

Ephraim laughed into his mead. "Fair enough."

Serin then joked with him, "Plus I am pretty sure in a few weeks we will find out that Bilol and his folks have made sure to outnumber both of our people combined."

Ephraim laughed. "Yes. We recently had four more Demis receive their plate. An aquamancer, Entomancer, and two wildscouts. Rupert and Peter have volunteered to expand their houses and work to take in those that followed their classes respectively, and the two wildscouts have moved into woodland barracks and are training with the other Wildscouts. From what Lady Eris has told me, they all plan to join the protectorate."

Serin, "What are the other counts for the plating ceremony this week?"

"9 Changelings and 4 Planetouched. The next class of Gole are expected to plate next year. And none of the Dhamphir that just joined us are younglings."

Serin then smiled, "and how many of these chose to join the protectorate?"

Ephraim smiled, "I am not sure this is good or bad, but all of them. Upon joining they get the most advanced weapons and armor, as well as receive assistance with increasing their level. The majority of our adult populations are members. Most of the younglings don't see plating as their sign of adulthood. All of the children that come through the Academy consider joining the protectorate the true point of adulthood."

Serin smiled. He was glad that the people of his town had taken ownership of its protection. He knew that if they had grown too large it would have been impossible to keep them all safe and cared for, had it just been himself, Allister, Rachel, and Jericho.

It seemed like a lifetime ago they were fighting for their lives against the undead of Walden Burb.

Serin had never expected life to take him where he was now, but he was glad for it. He was riding a wave of change, and could ensure that unlike the leaders of the past this one would be molded by benevolence.


"These folks were not what I was expecting." Serin heard one of the representatives say.

The welcoming committee of representatives and various townsfolk were a bit surprised by what they saw. The convoy of freed slaves from Narissa was not the rejected women and children of a failed ward from the Grand Wood Alliance as expected.

This was a group Criminals. Miscreants and Malfeasance. These were not polite members of society, but instead those that violated the law. And there were 100 of them, greatly outnumbering the current human population. Serin had set himself up for a serious issue. He knew that most crimes were forgiven if people served in the military of the grand wood alliance, so either these people refused to fight for their previous nation, or they had committed such heinous crimes they were not permitted to stay in society.

The committee, as well as most of the town, was present. Per Serin's request they wore cloaks to hide their appearance. Serin had prepared a banquet, as well as sets of clothes and goods for each of the new arrivals. As Serin peered out in the group, using Greater Identify, he noticed that each person was tagged with a similar moniker.

Criminal - This person has committed serious crimes against others.

For each person, The moniker was usually followed by their crimes starting with the most serious and continuing. Serin was needed to start thinking and looking around he spotted Dana looking at him. Serin asked the blunt question towards her.

Serin sent a message to Dana, 'Is their interest in their genetic diversity?' Dana nodded. 'Absolutely. We have learned that humans and changelings have the highest compatibility and positive rate of birth. If they are worth nothing else, the changelings will welcome them as breeders.' Serin then sent a message, 'When the time comes, I will ask you show your charms.'

Serin quickly changed his welcoming speech.

"Welcome to our City! First and foremost, you are slaves no longer. When you walked through our gates, you left the title of 'slave' behind. As of right now, you are our guests and candidates for emigration. By looking over your stats I have seen that most of you have committed various crimes. When you walked through that gate, your previous sins were washed away. This town has very little crime, because we have only two punishments, death and exile. If you follow the laws, and leave your past in the past, then there will be no issues. You will be valued for the solutions you present to our town, not for the problems you left behind."

Serin could see that some were sizing him up. Serin's Grey Man perk made him seem wholly unremarkable when his cloak was up, so most were not taking his words as those of the Sovereign of the city.

Serin started, "For those of you wishing to join our city, I will go over our laws and a bit about life here. Our first law is that Slavery in all forms is illegal. Past our entrance, all those who were enslaved are considered free people. All citizens are guaranteed the right to lead their own life without the fear of government interference in it. All citizens are guaranteed a right to their own labor. Serving as a protector of the nation is voluntary, but is well recompensed."

One of the Bandits, a mountain of a man, walked up to Serin. "And who are you? One so small and without a weapon in hand has the gall to boss us around? I think you and this whole town will be working for me."

"Get him Darius!" one of them called from the back.

"Where I come from, the strongest is the leader." and with that Darius threw a punch at Serin. Serin made no move to stop it.

While using Greater Identify, Serin had seen this person's strength. His Strength Stat was just over 100. Serin's was still much higher, and by using the Aspect of Horned Rabbit, Serin quickly hardened his forehead's bones and then headbutted the incoming fist. Serin watched as Darius' fist crumpled under the impact, very obviously shattering most of the bones in his hand and forearm. Serin then kicked out Darius' legs and while he was falling, Serin spun and kicked the other arm's collarbone, shattering it. Serin had learned a bit of the changeling's fighting from Olma, and it was as useful as expected.

Darius crumpled.

Serin calmly stood straight, and with Darius crumpled on the ground in immense pain Serin continued. "Our second law is that all races that the divines have graced with a plate are equal in this nation. Rufala and Liza if you could assist our guest."

Liza and Rufala came to the aid of Darius, ditching their cloaks. Darius, eyes clenched in pain did not see the looks of the rest of the bandits, but their eyes were filled with a sea of shock, terror, and disgust.

"Please lie still and this will not hurt." Liza said. As Darius was healed he opened his eyes to see Liza and Rufala standing over him casting healing magic. Liza with her Grey wolf features, and Rufala in her natural changeling form.

Darius immediately recoiled in terror and struck out at Liza, Reaching for her throat with the hand that Liza had recently healed. Before Darius could get close to grabbing Liza, Rufala delivered a single quick punch to the side of his neck, twisting her fingers in a certain way upon impact and Darius was immediately rendered unconscious.

Serin then continued, "Our town is a town of refugees. We come from every place that the Divines have blessed with their presence. And although some may look different or have a strange culture, here in this town we are all equal. Let your leader on the ground be an example that xenophobia in any form will not be tolerated. Every person in my city has earned my trust, and we have fought thousands to make this place our home."

On cue, all of the assembled representatives and townsfolk dropped their cloaks. It was then that the bandits realized what they had come to.

Serin continued, "In this country, we support immigration when coupled with thorough assimilation. Merit is the only basis for power here, and if you choose to stay you must follow our laws."

Serin looked at Darius and used magic to wake him. Liza and Rufala had fully healed his body in minutes. The bandits were stunned. This world was completely alien to them, as what they understood of power from the grand wood alliance was extremely different.

"We are tolerant here, and we are forgiving. But right now you must choose. You may remain here. Simple rations and housing, as well as running water and access to the public baths are guaranteed for all citizens, as well as a bag of simple clothing and equipment. Everything beyond this must be worked for."

Serin motioned over to the banquet table, adorned with succulent meats, seafood, vegetables, fruit and mead.

"This is a sampling of the variety of food and drink available every single day to those that work for it. If you look over to those assembled in armor, you can see that our fighters are custom outfitted with the best weapons and armor our town can procure."

While Edel and two others walked forward, armed and armored to be inspected by the stunned bandits, Serin then motioned to Dana who walked forward with Alim. Alim was one of the changelings that plated assassin and worked for Dana at their house of Masks.

Serin spoke, "although their appearance may be initially unsettling, this is just a mask, as a Changeling can appear as anyone, and their beauty is admired by every race."

With that Dana and Alim changed into examples of pure human beauty. Both standing at just under 2 meters. Dana appeared as a blonde haired blue eyed young woman with soft features and a warm smile. Alim appeared as a muscular mocha-skinned man with well kept jet black hair, brown eyes, and a chiseled jawline. Dana and Alim's charm were working as the bandits demeanor, both male and female, softened and changed from shock to amourous.

Serin was a little disgusted with himself. He had planned on winning over a larger human populous with the thought of respite from their past difficulties. He had not planned on using food, wine, and women as a way to bring in immigrants. He had to look more than the immediate future. These bandits might not make the best citizens. But they will surely add to the future growth of the city. If they make it that far. Serin mused.

Serin then continued. "This is indeed a foreign land with foreign ideals. But make no mistake. If you accept this land and make its ideals your own, we will accept you."

Serin then grew excited as he explained, "There are many ways to succeed in this town. Any workshop is required to take in new refugees as apprentices if asked, and if you still wish to fight and raid to earn your keep, enlisting with the protectorate will guarantee you a chance to fight and after you enlist with them you will be given the opportunity to go on raids."

Serin then looked sternly, "I will not abide criminal activity however. Violating our laws against our citizens, citizen candidates, and guests will be met with swift punishment."

The bandits took the comments to heart. He started to see that their pretentious attitude had shifted and Serin saw that in their eyes they held conviction. Darius stood up. Serin did not know if Darius and the bandits accepted the city, but he knew they understood strength, and that the poorest citizen in their city lived better than some of the richest bandit kings.

Darius smiled, "I think we will stay. I am sure we can get used to what this city has to offer."


Good Afternoon Everyone!

I hope you find yourselves in good spirits.

This chapter is about 2.5k, which is a little longer than what I have been posting, but I couldn't bring myself to break up the flow of the story to fit the 1-1.5k wordcount.

Please, if you have gotten this far, rate my book and leave a review. You are the pioneers that are reading this story before everyone else. It is your duty to let the world know what you think. ;-)

But seriously, think if in 200 chapters your super early comment and review led to the book being a huge success, and you got a character named after yourself (my way of giving special credits) and maybe a short story arch. These are all possible.

Srinlifecreators' thoughts
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