
Gobugraks Bloodline And Reward Time

'Wow how badly does he want to get his 'reward'?' as I can see Tolren working at a pace much faster than before with a fire of determination in his eyes as he carefully and quickly writes the runes for the ritual, have to say I would be impressed if only his reason for wanting to finish it quickly is to get fucked...

"Ha ha wow he seems quite eager to get the ritual prepared and finshed, what do you think Anna?" as Gobugrak upon seeing his current state chuckles slightly, answering I tell him what I think.

"I'd say it is good that he is very determined that the ritual goes well, after all I don't want my man to be left out from getting a strong bloodline~" as I put on a seductive smile while demonstrating all my bodies curves, looking at Gobugrak's expression I can see him swallowing hard as he shifts around trying not to get aroused.

Seeing this I chuckle slightly outloud which causes an annoyed expression to form on his face, before walking to my side and raising his hand into the air.


"Ah!" as I felt him hit my ass hard causing it to ripple for a while as you could hear an audible sound coming from it, as for me I felt a very small amount of pain due to my high endurance feeling more pleasure than anything from the act.

Putting up an act I rub my butt check that was smacked with a pout on my face, Gobugrak upon seeing this simple laughs at my cute display.

"Ha ha okay okay you can stop with the cute display Anna I know that with your current body you barely felt anything from that, even with me hitting your ass at full strength." as I simply smile before chuckling as well, as for him using full strength I can tell he did but my endurance is so high now that it negated all damage from him hitting me only causing a slight sting from the act.

Adopting a serious expression I want to use one of my new abilities to help Gobugrak get even stronger, seeing my expression he also becomes serious.

"Gobugrak I am confident that you will be able to awaken a strong bloodline and possible a strong evolution as well, but I want to do this to give you even more strength during that process what do you say?" hearing that I can give him the ability to get even stronger than he would normally be able to he gets excited, before giving me his answer.

"Yes, Anna I am not arrogant to think that I am able to make my way through this world without help. Looking back to when you first came into my life I have had to rely on you time and time again, so yes I would appreciate it if you could help me become stronger Anna." as I smiled lovingly at him hearing him accept my help, yes he may not need the extra help to get ahead but at this point we trust each other with our own lives and are willing to go through any length to help the other.

Standing face to face to one another I extend one of my nails pricking my finger causing a purplish blood with pink mist coming off it being shown, Gobugrak confussed by my action causes me to chuckle before explaining.

"I gained an ability from my race that allows me to grant a trace of my corrupted demon bloodline to another, although it won't make your bloodline like mine it will be added to your own bloodline making it stronger." upon hearing my answer he becomes amazed as even though he doesn't know much about bloodlines, though considering the beast brawl that happened just 2 days back all those beasts were killing one another for what could possible be a chance at strengthening their bloodline he knows that this ability is very strong.

"Anna does this ability have any negative side effects on you? If it does than I don't want you to use it on me, and nothing will be able to change my mind as I don't want anything bad to happen to you." seeing his worried and caring look on his face as he said those world caused a gentle smile to form on my face, before pecking his lips gently.

"Don't worry there are no negative side effects on by giving you a trace of my bloodline, so here ingest this and when you go through the ritual it will help strengthen your bloodline." as he stares into my eyes to see if I'm lying, before smiling at me with an expression of appretiation taking the drop of blood swallowing it.

Smiling at him I decided to tell him somthing that I am sure will make him excited and lose his cool, moving my face by his ear as he raises a questioning expression I whisper into his ear.

"Remeber what I said before about there being a way to allow men to become pregnant with a child, from my evolution I gained an ability that allows me to get pregnant as long as I wish for it. You know what that means right Gobugrak~" as I then back away from him to see his expression which caused me to giggle seeing his dumbstruck expression.

"W-wait y-you are saying t-that you c-can get pregnant w-with o-our child now?" wanting to confirm what I said, as even though I said there was a way a few days ago who knows how long it will take if it was available to the public or not.

Nodding to him in confirmation he tackles into me as he wraps his arms around me, not wanting him to be the only one I hug him back pressing him into my larger 'assets'.

By this time I can feel his body trembling as I can feel a liquid dripping onto my breasts, looking down I saw Gobugrak crying panicking I ask him whats wrong.

"I a-am just so happy t-that we can have chil-dren n-now Anna, I w-was still w-worried that we wouldn't find t-the m-method to be able to get you p-pregnant w-with my child. N-now I know for s-sure it is possible I a-am just s-so ha-ppy." smiling through his tears as I look at him lovingly as I stroke the back off his head as he calms down.

'So he was still worried that it would be impossible to have children, even if we couldn't find one I would just create a way to have a child with you.' understanding the reason behind his current display as we both continue to hug each other for a while.

Gobugrak looks at me with a big smile before going to the side of my face whispering into my ear.

"Well it seems that after our business is done with the goblin tribe we will have some work to do Anna, don't you agree~" causing me to becoming stunned for a moment with a small blush on my face thinking of the wild baby making sex we will have at that time, Gobugrak having backed away by this time sees my expression laughing.

"Ha ha this is the first time I have been able to tease you like this Anna, this sure is a scene that needs to be remebered well for the future." as I put on an angered expression on my face as I start running towards Gobugrak.

"Hmph so thats how you want to play Gobugrak, I guess you don't mind me having sex with you until you pass out right!" as his face pales for a moment before running away from me into the chamber next to us, right as he turns the corner to enter the other room I stop chasing him laughing out loud as I have a mischevious smirk on my face.

'Ha ha even if you can tease me Gobugrak you know that when it comes to having sex I can outlast you with ease, huh who new sex could be used in this method as a punishment." still giggling slightly replaying his expression in my mind over and over again, after calming down I turn to see that Tolren is still working hard on the ritual as it looks to be about a third of the way finished.

'Hm now that I have the oppurtunity I should look over the soulbound epic legacy outfit for its new description, and is the requirement for items that can be used to infuse into the item.' using the system to view the newly repaired epic item as my eyes widen.

*Ding* 'Soulbound Epic Legacy Outfit(Bound to Anna, Purple Rose's Thorns: Lumous): (Repaired and bound to the first of the Lust Corruption Royal bloodline is a symbol for the empress's prestige and power. This outfit increases all stats when worn by 25%, increase strength of all sexual, charm, and illusions. Increases Exp and TP gain by 100%, as well as increasing evolution points gained from innate skill Ultimate Unification Growth by double if wearer does not have skill will be given to them upon bonding. Those that look at the wearer of the outfit will feel lust and attraction to them, enemies that feel this affect will act more recklessly. New effects and enhanced effects on outfit will be gained from sacrificing items of unique grade and above relating to sex. Also the outfit will only evolve once a certain amount of items are sacrificed, as well as needing the kingdom of the empress to reach a certain amount of strength first. Sacrifice Points: 0/300, Population: 2/2500 to upgrade to next rank(Unique Rank Items increase Sacrifice Points by 10 and Epic Rank by 100 points)

'Wow even just being repaired this outfit is decently strong, though the fact I need unique items and above to make it stronger and absorb their effects is honestly pretty expensive.' although sacrificed items will still have their effects infused into the outfit, in the end I only have 4 unique items that can be infused into.

Why I say 4 instead of 5 well the system told me that the trap's love connection ring can't be used as it is exclusively mine.

'Anyways its a bit strange that it can even absorb the cursed ring, either way lets sacrifice these 4 unique items.' choosing those 4 items to sacrifice into the outfit I confirm it causing the 4 to turn to dust as their esscence enter my body as I have yet to take the outfit outside.

*Ding* 'Items Unique Cursed Ring of Masochism(TP), Unique Nympho Choker(TP and EXP), Unique Dominatrix Ring(EXP), and Unique Gentle Lover Ring(TP) have been sacrificed to Purple Rose's Thorns: Lumous'

*Ding* 'Purple Rose's Thorns: Lumous: (Repaired and bound to the first of the Lust Corruption Royal bloodline is a symbol for the empress's prestige and power. This outfit increases all stats when worn by 25%, increase strength of all sexual, charm, and illusions. Increases Exp gain by 300%, andTP gain by 400%, as well as increasing evolution points gained from innate skill Ultimate Unification Growth by double if wearer does not have skill will be given to them upon bonding. Those that look at the wearer of the outfit will feel lust and attraction to them, enemies that feel this affect will act more recklessly. Wearer of outfit will feel aroused when involved in any type of sex increasing the libido of the wearer. New effects and enhanced effects on outfit will be gained from sacrificing items of unique grade and above relating to sex. Also the outfit will only evolve once a certain amount of items are sacrificed, as well as needing the kingdom of the empress to reach a certain amount of strength first. Sacrifice Points: 40/300, Population: 2/2500 to upgrade to next rank(Unique Rank Items increase Sacrifice Points by 10 and Epic Rank by 100 points)

'Well it seems to have taken all the exp and tp bonuses from the items, as well as giving me a combined skill from what each of those items each aroused me by... Well hopefully Gobugrak gets greater sexual stamina as well as Tolren being able to take a bit of my libido, well considering he is more oriented as a magic user I doupt it. However if I use those items it might just increase his sexual stamina.' as imagine using the new items I gained on him, causing an evil smile to form on my face.

Finished looking over the outfit the only thing left to do is to equip it and see how it looks, at that moment my figure lights up as the outfit is being put on.

After the light dies down I can see what my appearance looks like with a bit of help from the system.

'Wow...' was all I can think when seeing such a beautiful and erotic outfit.

I have closed toe high heels decorated with a pink gem on top of it, while the heel is 3 inches in height.

Covering my legs all the way to my thighs are black stockings with images of purple roses going from top to bottom can be seen.

Connected to the stocking is a black lace sexy garter belt going up the rest of my exposed thighs.

On top of my body is a black clothing with purple trimmings on them, the clothing itself is a one piece that covers the crotch, part of the butt, and breast.

The clothing leaves the navel area exposed leaving an open space between the crotch area to an inch from the bottom of my breasts were the cloth begins to cover them, letting people able to see the pink heart at my navel.

As for the back the area is open until the clothing cennects itself to the back of my breasts.

As for my breasts the clothes themselves cover them though leaving the clevage wide open to be seen as a thin string can be seen coming from the top of the clothing covering each breast extending to my neck where they are hooked to a choker with a pink gem on the center of it.

My arms also have black gloves with purple roses on them extending halfway up my upper arms, each of the gloves have a pink gem that is located on top of my arm.

Lastly on top of my head can be seen a crown that looks to be made of purple roses that circle around my horns, with pink gems somehow socketed into them.

All in all the look is very erotic and can induce lust in people who see it, yet I don't really care as I like the look of the outfit and it is strong at the same time.

Though looking back down at the crotch area I can see a bulge there formed from my penis, but instead of it pointing up where it should poke out of my navel when erect it looks like a small ball the formed in that area.

Although I don't know how my penis managed to fit itself so the bulge only looks like a ball formed around my crotch I don't complain as it feel comfortable and snug for some reason.

Two things I noticed about the outfit is that 1 there is a zipper hidden behind some fabric located at the crotch area just a few centimeters below from the top of the cloth that covers my crotch, that can be pulled down to release my cock and expose my anus for use.

With the cloth covering the zipper this feature isn't easily seen, besides that the strings holding up the cloth covering my breasts can be unhooked allowing me to expose my breasts if I want to by pulling it down.

'Although this looks inappropriate to use in public I can't deny the fact that this outfit is very useful, in more than 1 ways~' with that thought I end up sitting on the bed waiting for Tolren to finish with the ritual.



After writing the last rune they all start glowing like last time, signifying the ritual is prepared.

"Mistress the ritual is ready to begin at any time." as he turns around breathing heavily with a blushed face, staring at the bulge at my crotch.

'Hah he can't really control himself can he, then again the outfit did say it would arouse others who look at me.' as I can see the desire in his eyes for his reward, as well as the bulge in his pants.

Gobugrak upon seeing that the ritual is ready to begin looks at me as I nod back to him, although he looks composed now before when he first saw me in this outfit it was the opposite.

When he first saw me his jaw dropped as drool escaped from his mouth, looking like he wanted to pounce on me and have his way with me not that I'm complaining~

Though he manages to contain himself as it was not the time for such things.

After seeing me nod to him he goes up to kneel in the center of the ritual.

"Are you ready to start master?" as Gobugrak nods to him to start the incantation.

"Aum tel fu le du rak vu ta kel gek su eak sek...." speaking the same incantation as last time I can see how it looks in the outside.

The remaining pieces of the luminous alpha dire wolf turned to a light green particles entering its red blood, as it circled around Gobugrak encasing him in a blood red cocoon.

"Ka ne zu co je kel nok da kel aum!" as it hardens with the ritual's runes dissipating signifying its completion, needing us only to wait for him to come out.

'Gobugrak I hope you gain a bloodline and evolution you will be happy with.' as I hope with all my heart that Gobugrak has luck with what he gets.

Gobugrak POV:

I felt the cocoon enclose me in here as red veins attached themselves to my body.

Even though I can't move at the moment I did not panic, as my body was currently fine and my mind was aware of what was happening seeing that nothing bad was going on.

*Ding* 'You are currently undergoing bloodline awakening procedure'




*Ding* 'You have awoken Wild Tempest Archery Saint bloodline'

*Ding* 'You can now evolve as a result of the ritual, evolution options will be shown momentarily'

Hearing this he could barely contain his excitement as not only has he awakened his bloodline, but now he can evolve just like Anna did when she came out of the ritual.

'I'll be sure to choose the strongest evolution to protect Anna with everything I have, I'll make sure of it!" not wanting her to come out of battle in the same wounded state as that corrupted demon, or far worse to happen.

Upon thinking this far he was determined to get the strongest evolution possible for him no matter what, hence why he accepted Anna's offer before hand.

Soon the evolution options are brought up as he goes to see how many potential evolutions he has, as well as how they compare to one another.

'Bringing up options for evolution:

Wind Spirit Wood Elf(Unique Variant): (Becoming a rare variation of wood elves that have strong connection to wind spirits along with their innate control over the forest and using it to their advantages, gaining strength simply through being in forests. Increases all stats by at least 10 points, increases charm and wisdom by 20, and intellegence and agility by 35 points)

Cursed Winds Dark Elf(Unique Variant): (Becoming a rare variation of dark elves that fuses wind magic with the curse aspect of dark magic creating vicious winds that can tear and curse enemies exposed to it, can also use magic to enhance their own capabilities for a time though with a price. Increases all stats besides luck by 10 points, luck is decreased by 20 points, charm and wisdom increased by 30 points, and intellegence and agility increased by 40 points)

Highland Tempest Ogre(Unique Variant): (Variant of ogres that are naturally more adapt at hunting, tracking, and wind element that help them take down most foes who enter their territory. Although these ogres are a bit smaller than usual ogres they possess higher speed and reaction time to manuveur around enemies, as well as enhance their own bodies with wind element passively. Increases charm and luck by 10 points, increases intellegence and wisdom by 15 points, endurance and strength by 20 points, and vitality and agility by 35 points)

Black Ogre of Terror(Unique Variant): (A rare variation of ogres that possess innate ability to strike fear in all that look at them possessing powerful intimidation and aura skills, aura skills are strong enough to materialize it to increase intimidation and use it to protect themselves or attack others. Unlike other ogres this one is more balanced in terms of combat. Increases luck and charm by 10, all other states are raised by 25)

Lesser Luminous Beast Embodiment Ogre(Unique Heretic): (A never before seen variation of ogre species that combines the senses and instinct of beasts, with an ogres viciousness and strength. This race has the ability to form connections with animals able to share senses with them as well as skills with high enough bond, also possess skills that increase the strength of creature connected to you and likewise you as well. Can also use the beast bloodline in them to make them stronger for a period of time by activating it, with time the synergy between the inner beast and mind become strong enough will allow a transformation becoming part beast increasing stats by a large amount for a short period of time. Increases luck, intellegence, and wisdom by 20 points, increase charm by 25, increase vitality and endurance by 35, and increase agility and strength by 45)'

Looking through the first 2 evolutions they change my race's evolution direction completly becoming related to an entirely different race entirely.

Looking at the wind spirit wood elf I can tell that while being surrounded by nature my strength will be very high, and looking at the stat bonuses I can tell that it is decent but it is not what I want.

Similarly the cursed wind dark elf can increase my strength further but at the cost of something, if that something is from me than I may be fine with it.

However if it involves something with Anna than I would much rather not use them at all making this class useless.

The highland tempest ogre seems to be something I am aiming towards, as it can increase the capabilities I have further allowing me to act like a hunter manuevuring quickly around my enemies.

Looking at the black ogre of terror it seems powerful in the sense that its suppression skills can weaken enemies or outright disable them from fighting, as for the aura ability it would allow me to defend myself against attacks while increasing my own attack power.

I was very tempted to choose that race for my evolution until I saw the last one.

'A never before seen variation of ogre, unique heretic rank? I don't know anyhthing about this, but looking at all the abilities and stat increase it is so much better than all other evolutions. Especially since this evolution will strengthen me and my beast together, not only that but judging by the luminous beast part of the name it seems I can use the strength of that dire wolf we had killed before. Even now I can't believe the strength and speed it had for a beast of the middle section of the forest, if it were not for it being overly cautious and avoided my arrows than it would have killed the 2 of us easily that day.' still shivering from the memory of it cracking the ground as it speed towards us quickly to the point it almost blured, as the wind around it cut through whatever was in front of it.

'I have decided that even if I must become a beast in body I will be willing to do so if it means I can protect Anna.' determined to see this evolution through I select it.

*Ding* 'You have selected Lesser Luminous Beast Embodiment Ogre(Epic Heretic) as evolution'

*Ding* 'Bloodline evolving to Luminous Dire Wolf Spirit Archery Saint bloodline'

In which I pass out looking forward to possessing the strength to protect the most important woman in my life.

Anna POV:

"Mistress it took you a few hours before you exited the cocoon, so master will not betting out in a short time as I am sure that he will also awaken a strong bloodline and evolve as well." nodding back to him as I knew from Gobugrak that it took me a few hours to get out, with him possessing everything needed to get the most out of the ritual it should take him a few hours as well.

'Well since Gobugrak will take a while in there I guess I should do something else in the meantime, I believe it's time to give Tolren his 'reward' along with some 'extra rewards' for doing such a great job~' smilling evilly in my mind as I am going to not only give him what he wants, but so much more~

"Tolren come over here I want to discuss your 'reward'." as he starts breathing heavily before kneeling in front of my with a blush on his face.

"Yes! I am most happy to recieve a reward from you mistress!" practically screaming with excitement at the thought of his wildest dreams being fufilled, though before he gets lost in the moment I drag him out of it telling him his 'extra rewards'.

"Settle down Tolren I know what you want for your 'reward', however since you did such a good job I have decided to give you an 'extra reward' as thanks." as he calms down slightly being confused as he wants to know what else he will gain, with an evil grin on my face I bring myself to his ear whispering.

"I am going to give you a body much like my own, only more obscene and sensitive than my own to breed my underlings over and over again~" backing up he shows a shocked expression for a while, not wanting to disturb him I leave him to his own thoughts to think about the situation.

Tolren POV:

"I am going to give you a body much like my own, only more obscene and sensitive than my own to breed my underlings over and over again with only me ever being allowed to breed you~" when I heard my mistress say this to me I was shocked to my core, thinking back to how those women were treated in the tribe I also wanted to be treated the same like a slave.

However this is a whole new level with this I will have a woman figure just like my mistress has, not only that but I will be forced to give birth to mistress's minnions over and over again becoming nothing more than a breeder in mistress hands.

Any normal being would be repulsed by such a situation, if anyhting they would be trembeling with fear over such a fate, here I am in this exact same situation hearing what my fate will be yet.

'Such a fate is better than I could have imagined! I would be exactly like those women in the tribe forced to give birth over and over again against my will, with such a beautiful and womanly body! There is no reason to hesitate in such a situation!' so without hesitation I say with complete conviction and excitement.

"Yes! Please make me your breeding bitch mistress! Make my body so obscene that I can't even be recognised as the old me anymore!" as my mistress shows a wicked grin on her face as my body trembles even more with euphoria seeing it.

Anna POV:

'Well since he isn't against it at all I guess I can corrupt him to the highest level without problem.' as I will make him exclusively for my own use to only be fucked in his ass by me, what I said just now was to confirm before I start to verbally and mentally accept the corruption I will give him.

When I checked with the system during the time Tolren was nearing completion for the preparation of the ritual I looked to see more about my corruption ability, in which I was amazed to see multiple levels of corruption on there to choose from.

These levels of corruption were ordered from the least powerful and changing to the most drastic changes and large power increase, from Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness Sex Slave<Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness Breeder<Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness Guard<Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness Warden<Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness Maid<Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness Head Maid<Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness Royal Guard<Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness Concubine.

For me to transform someone into a lust corrupted trap demoness sex slave I just need to infuse them with my aura through physical contact to make it happen, after that to progress the corruption of their body faster to becoming more sensitive and feminine they will need to have sex.

If they have sex with other lust corrupted demons than it will progress even faster they don't even need to be loyal to me to be corrupted, however the other levels don't work that way.

For the other levels they need to reach a certain level of loyalty before they can reach that level of corruption before I corrupt them to that level, and if they were corrupted to a certain level before and gain enough loyalty to me to upgrade their level they will need to have max corruption on their current level as well authorization from me.

Also higher level corrupted can also corrupt others for me, but are limited to only levels below their own.

If you are wondering how their loyalty will be raised if they were once my enemies and are treated as such, it is because the further in the corruption they are in the more they view me as a symbol of worship and would even wish for the oppurtunity for me to fuck them.

'Since Tolren completly accepts it I can raise him to the highest level corrupted, though it will take a while before he completes the transformation.' in which the higher the level the corruption the more time it will take with the lowest only being a day or 2, with the highest taking a month or more to complete thankfully I have enhancements that can speed up this time by a large extent.

Walking over to him I grab onto his head beginning the corruption as some of my essence leaves my body and enters his along with my aura.

"Ah mgh ah... mistress." instead of feeling pain from the process he feels only pleasure as his transformation begins.

He loses the green skin color goblins have becoming blue instead, his ears get longer becoming more elf like in appearance.

On top of his head small horns can be seen coming out completly black in appearance and smooth, as his hair grows longer as his hair becomes a more purple redish color instead.

His face grows to become more feminine as his mouth becomes thin with light purple lips, his eyelashes becoming longer and more beautiful.

The small amount of muscle on his body disappears replaced by soft smooth firm skin, with small curves added throught his body.

His hips, chest, butt, and thighs grow a bit bigger becoming like how I was when I first came to this world.

At his tail bone a small tail can be seen with a heart at the end of it, as bat like wings burst out from the back of his clothes shreading it apart.

The wings don't look completly developed as they are small in appearance looking more cute than anything else.

Letting go of his head as the process is finished he looks at me with a blushing face, ragged breath, and glossed over eyes.

Looking at his eyes the sclera of his eyes become black as his iris transforms into a breathtakingly beautiful dark red color glassy like gems, as around the iris is the same pink glow that my eyes had.

The tattooes on his body seem to change lining up along his curves as though accentuating them, overall his new appearance is screaming fuck me even though he is a man.

'Hm instead of being a man you will become more of a woman from now on, as such I believe it is only proper to give you a new name.' as I think of a new name to give hi... I mean her just like I got a new name when I became what I am now.

"From now on the man who was named Tolren is dead, from now on you will live on as the woman named Talia my woman~" as her expression changes into a deep smile as she bows in front of me.

"Yes mistress I am Talia from now on and my body,heart, and soul belongs to you and only you!" as her voice became more girly than before as she accepts her current place, smiling at this scene I grab her new outfit from my inventory as her old one is weaker than it and ruined from her transformation.

"Here this is your new outfit slave~ from now on when we are in private I shall refer to you as my slave and will treat you like one~" as her face becomes flushed due to what I called her and how I will treat her.

"Yes mistress this slave will do everything you tell me to do." as she grabs the bondage outfit as she takes off her own clothes putting the new outfit on.

During the process in which she was putting on her new outfit I can see her body more clearly now.

Looking at her ass I can see it being bigger and plumper than when I first came to this world, along with her hips, thighs, and even chest showing that she will have very big assets in the future.

Her nipples and areola are even bigger than when I first came here, as her nipples look nice and perky begging to be pinched.

As for her penis the balls have become round and smooth like my own, as her cock is already erect reaching 4 inches with a girth of an inch and a half making me guess that she didn't have a large cock originally as the transformation doesn't reduce the size only making it bigger as the corruption progresses.

"Mistress how does this slave look~" as she says in sexy manner as I can see how she looks with that outfit on in which I can only say she looks very naughty with it on.

She has highheels on that have 3 inch heels on them being completly black, she has tight rubber stockings on that reach towards the middle of her thigh having a nice luster to them.

Connected to them are rubber straps that go upwards linked onto a small round clip connecting it to the rest of the outfit, from there covering all over the body are rubber straps connected to other metal links leaving gaps and spots throughout the body as they tightly squeeze it giving a restrictive feeling.

The gaps leave the crotch area open along with her ass hole giving easy access to them, as for her chest there are straps that go under where her future breasts will be looking like they were made with the intention of pushing them upwards as a gap can be seen showing her areola and nipples.

Looking higher the outfit has straps going over the shoulders hanging the rest of the outfit on there, as for her arms they have rubber gloves covering them all the way to the upper arms.

On top of her stockings and gloves are leather cuffs around them, the reason for this is that with the outfit came some leather straps that can be used to tie the cuffs to one another to further restrict movement.

"Mh it looks quite good on you slave now for the finishing touches~" as I pull out the sex slave collar from my inventory as my good little slave watches it in excitement, going up to here I wrap the collar around her neck tightening it.

"Mgh ah~" tightening it to the point that it doesn't inhibit breathing but enough to which she can feel it pressing against her neck, the great thing about the collar and outfit is that they have autosizing features on them allowing them to fit the wearer forever.

Another bonus is that the bondage outfit is similar to my own in the sense that it can store itself in the soul of the wearer, though unlike my outfit which can't be stolen as long as I am alive the bondage outfit can be stolen but is unlikely to happen.

"Ah a symbol that I belong to mistress thank you for giving this slave such a gift~" genuinely happy that she recieved a token that shows her belonging to me, not wanting to wait any longer I grab her and throw her on top of the bed.

"Kyaa!" as she gives out a playful scream as I get on top of the bed as well standing over her, as she gives out a playful smile.

"Mistress can use this slave however you want and this slave will do whatever you want mistress~" as I playfully smaked her ass causing a moan to escape her mouth as I decided to take her up on her offer.

Reaching for the zipper at the crotch area I zip it down allowing my dick to jump at standing straight as Talia swallows her saliva.

"Use that pretty little mouth of yours to give me a blowjob slave~" as she nods her head bringing her face right up to my penis licking it from the base to the tip of my penis with a bit of skill in it.

"Mgh yes~ take my penis inside your mouth now~" as she then wraps her mouth over the head of my penis swirling her tongue around it before taking it deeper into her mouth to suck on it.

*Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp*

"Mgh ah mistress your precum tastes so good~ please give me more~" as she gets addicted to the taste of my cock and precum leaking out of it, sucking faster and harder on my penis as though wanting to milk the delicious tasting semen kept in my balls.

"Mgh you are ah doing a good job slave, but if you want to make me cum you will have to do more than this~" as I grab the back of her head forcing my dick down her throat as she gags as tears form on her eyes spilling out slightly.

By this time my arousal is in full swing as I keep a hold of her head as I pull back my hips to then slam by penis deep into her throat again as my balls hit her chin.

*Pak* *Slurp* *Pak* *Slurp* *Pak* *Slurp* *Pak* *Slurp* *Pak* *Slurp* *Pak* *Slurp* *Spurt*

"Mgh ah *Slurp* gah ah mgh mgh gah~" even though I am treating her so roughly she looks to be enjoying herself a lot as her dick even came once already, as her eyes are rolled towards the back of her face as she submits to the pleasure given to her by being used as a sack of meat.

"Mgh ah I am about to cum make sure to drink it all slave, don't let a single drop leave your mouth!" as I slam one last time into her mouth cumming a large volume directly into her stomach.

*Spurt* *Spurt* *Spurt* *Spurt*

"Mgh gah mgh ah mgh ah~" in which the moment I cum into her throat she cums as well leaving a bit more on the bed from her earlier ejaculation, as I can see her face distort into pure bliss.

*Slurp* *Slurp* *Gag* *Slurp* *Gag*

Since the amount of semen I released into her mouth was so much some was leaking from the sides, as some even leaked out from her nose.

Deciding that anymore and she may suffocate I take my penis out of her mouth so she can breath again.

*Slurp* *Gag* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough*

As soon as I do Talia gasps for air as my cum drips from her mouth down onto the sheets, since she was unable to swallow all my cum I decided that it was time to give her first punishment.

"You couldn't swallow all your mistress cum, a disobediant slave needs to be punished for not following their mistress order~" even as she is still trying to normalize her breath I can see her eyes filled with desire to be toyed with more and wanting to accept the punishment I give her.

"Mistress please punish this disobediant slave~" with a lustful smile on her face as I get close to her grabbing her hair roughly bringing her down to the spilt cum on the bed.

"Since you could not drink all my cum I will have you lick the cum that spilled on the bed using only your mouth to do so, at the same time I will smack you ass with my hand. Each time I hit your ass you will have to tell me what you are, who your mistress is, and what it is that you do." as I see her give a slight nod as she begins licking the cum off the bed, seeing this I go behind her allowing me to see her exposed ass.

Lifting my hand into the air I bring it down right onto her ass cheek.


"Ah~" moaning outloud as a crisp smack was heard, as her butt cheek turned slightly red with a faint handprint on it.

"Ah I'm a perverted and horny masochist slave~" remembering that each time I smack her butt she has to give a reply fufilling the criteria I gave her, in which hearing her reply aroused me further as I then hit her butt again.


"Ah~ This masochist slave belongs to my mistress Anna~" as she looks like she will cum again if I hit her, however I won't give her that relieve easily.

After feeling me hit her butt again Talia becomes desperate shaking her hips to me begging me to hit her again, as she still licks up the remaining come.

Knowing that I won't hit her again I see that she if bringing her hand to her cock to bring herself to climax.

"Stop! You are not allowed to touch yourself in anyway that will give you pleasure, you are to only lick my cum and recieve smacks from me when I decide to do make myself clear!" as Talia nods as she continues to lick the cum on the bed, even so she still wiggles her ass out to me begging me to allow her to finish.

After a few minutes I can see that she is getting further and further away from climax, smilling evilly I then proceed to hit her again.


"Mgh ah~ I'm mistress's exclusive property to be fucked whenever she wishes to fuck me~" releasing a hot breath along with a moan as she is near climax again, but just like last time I deny her the chance to cum.

Waiting a few more minutes again I then proceed to smack her again, now forming a clear red handprint on her butt cheek.


"Mgh ah~ I'm a breeder exclusively used only by my mistress Anna~" breathing even more ragged than before as the feeling of being close to climax, but being denied to do so slowly driving her insane.

This process continues untill she finally manages to lick up the last of the cum that was spilled on the bed, as her ass looks like a baboon's butt.

"Good slave you managed to pass your punishment, as such I shall give you a reward~ What is it that you wish for me to do to you?" as I put on a sexy grin as Talia raises her ass towards me spreading her cheeks revealing her smooth round asshole dripping anal fluid.

"Please I beg you mistress fuck my asshole with your magnificent dick and make a mess of my insides~" as I smile sadistically as during the whole time I was punishing her I was holding myself back from rapping her asshole, now though I can use my large rock hard penis to fuck her silly.

Though before that I grab the leash that was a part of the slave collar attaching it to the clip on the collar like a dog, after that I grab her ass with one hand as the other lines up my dick to enter her rectum.

"Well I can't say no to such a cute can I, alright here is your reward!" as I thrust into her all at once causing a loud shriek of pain coming out of her.

"M-mistress it h-hurts..." as tear and snort come out of her face, though despite her saying that I can tell she is enjoying this as much as I am.

Being the first time using my penis to fuck someone I can say that the feeling is unbelievably good as I nearly cum into her rectum this instant, however holding myself back I then proceed to drag my hips back as my dick drags her anus with it causing muffled sounds of pain to come from her before slaming my hips against her butt.

*Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak*

Slamming into her back inforth I can tell that my penis changed shape slightly to be able to drag the inside of her butt out slightly giving not only me, but her more pleasure as my guess from before is right as she is a drooling mess under me right now.

"M-mistress mgh ah y-your ah p-penis is ah mgh s-so g-good~" releasing uncontrolled moans from her little mouth as she reaches her first climax, causing her tongue to come out her mouth as her eyes roll to the back of her head.

*Spurt* *Spurt*

Despite having just came I did not stop at all not letting her rest as I speed up even more causing more moans to come out of her.

*Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak*

Feeling that I am about to climax after fucking her ass for a while I grab the leash and pull on it hard causing her upper body to lift into the air as she gasps for air, as I relentlessly pound her.

*Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Spurt* *Spurt* *Spurt* *Spurt*

"Im cumming take it all inside you slave!" as a large volume of cum fills her insides as the combination of the heat and aphrodisiac from my semen causes her to cum uncontrolably as she begins to spasm from overwhelming pleasure.

"Yesh mishtrish fil mee~" as she becomes a mess under me with her stomach expanding as we speak, soon I finish cumming as I release a hot sigh from the feeling of using my penis to fuck another trap like me.

Looking at the state of my slave I get hard immediatly as I start moving again, causing moans to be released from her.

"Ah mgh ah ah mgh ah~" in which she looks nearly unable to respond as I get close to her eye whispering with a evil smile.

"We won't stop until I am satisfied alright my cute little slave~" as she barely nods to me responding.

"Yesh mishtrish ven your lusht on me~" before being reduced to a drool mess again as i don't stop pounding her anus with everything I have.


"Alright here is my last shot take it in Talia!" as I cum my last shot inside her rectum as I then pull my penis out of her anus sighing in satisfaction as I was able to vent a bit of my libido.

Though looking at the state that Talia is in it was not without a cost, her anus is gapped open as semen spills out of it.

Her belly looks no different from a pregnant woman who is in their last month of pregnancy, as she is spasming on the bed with her tongue out, silly smile on her face, and rolled back eyes.

'Yeah maybe I went to far, but then again her bondage outfit helps her recover stamina and health faster the more aroused she is so it should be difficult to harm her during sex right?' internally questioning whether this is something I should do constantly to her.

Shaking those thoughts from my head I look back at Talia's body to see some small changes to her body, her bodies curves have become larger becoming more noticable as her breasts have grown in becoming a-cup, a nice round juicy ass, large hips, and nice thick thighs.

All in all her appearance was just like mine before becoming a demon, at the same time I can see her belly slowly shrinking as I can only assume my cum being absorbed into her body furthering her corruption.

'Looking at the current rate of her transformation I would say that she will be fully corrupted before a month, and by the time her father comes back he won't be able to believe what his son has turned into.' smilling wickedly as I release a chukle just imagining his reaction, positioning Talia's body in a comfortable position I cover her with a blanket as I use cleaning magic on her body as well as the sheets of the bed getting rid of the semen and other bodily liquids.

Sitting on the bed next to her I look towards Gobugrak's cocoon awaiting the moment he gets out of it.

A long chapter though not as much as last time, hope you like it.

Tell me how you thought of the sex scene and how to improve it, as well as any other suggestions.

ShadowBlade328creators' thoughts
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