
Slaughter Through The Forest And Signs Of War

Anna POV:

With everything ready we make our way out of the small cave entrance going through the forest in stealth.

Since my stats have increased so much I don't have to worry as much when it comes to the enemies here, instead I can now deal with enemies like that evolved bear from before no problem.

Carfully making our way through as even though I have gotten stronger I haven't gotten arrogant and won't just waltz through without a care in the world.

Soon we come across a lake in a small clearing in the forest, getting close to look at the water I can see that the depth of the lake is at least a few meters down as I can't see the bottom from that section.

As we were about to go and leave I felt my sixth sense activate along with detection at the last minute causing me to quickly grab Gobugrak and jump back a few meters before he could say anything.

*Splash* *Splash* *Splash* *Splash* *Splash* *Splash* *Splash* *Splash*

Lizardmen came out of the water 8 in total armed with bone spears and swords with 7 of them being green in color with 1 being dark green in color being twice the size of the others having thicker scales and a trident in its hand.

Seeing the lizardmen Gobugrak didn't speak as he realized my action was because at the last minute I detected them, which is strange since I should have been able to detect them from dozens of meters away from me but only detected them as they approached the surface of the water.

'Perhaps they have some sort of skill that hides their presense underwater better.' as this seemed resonable to me as my detection skill although strong could have a hard time detecting enemies that can blend with the enviroment like these lizardmen with the water.

Either way I quickly unsheath my sword, getting into a stance to prepare for the lizardmen charging at us using my magic to strengthen us both with extra attack and speed, as Gobugrak grabs his bow and arrows releasing them onto them.

*Psh* *Psh* *Psh* *Psh* *Psh* *Psh* *Screech*

Shooting 6 arrows in quick succession spread across 3 of the lizardmen causing them to screech out in pain, but otherwise alright as they don't even bleed from the arrow wounds and they don't look like to have pierced through very far due to a lot of resistance from the scales.

With 3 momentarily distracted the other 5 charge towards Gobugrak only to direct their attention to me as I used my skill attracting aura, then gentle aura to weaken them as they soon charge towards me.

I then charge towards them myself as Gobugrak fires arrows at the ones that are lagging behind to give me breathing room to fight a smaller number of lizardmen.

As the first Lizardmen charges me I notice that it was the biggest one out of all of them with the trident seeing it thrust forward I dodge by going beneath the trident, using triple slash with the intent to have all of them hit horizontally across the chest in hopes of dealing damage.

*Psh* *Thud*

Only to see the lizard cut directly in half as my sword cleaved through with ease shocking the other lizardmen and even Gobugrak seeing it die so easily, even I did not expect a high lizardmen to die so easily.

*Ding* 'You have killed lv 37 High Lizardmen gaining 485 exp'

*Ding* 'Host has learned 2 new skills. First skill is Superimposed Strike lv 1/10: (Uses the force of multiple hits at the same area simultaneously to drastically increase damage), second skill is Mana Slash lv 1/10: (By having the intent to condense mana onto a sword you can use that mana to increase the sharpness of the sword increasing damage, can also condense a large amount of mana to release a wave of sharp mana towards your enemy from afar. Mana use depends on how much is placed in the blade)'

Being shocked I got 2 new skills despite one of them being something I have done before and the other without me realizing it, asking the system quickly I get the answer.

*Ding* 'Host unlocked Superimposed Strike due to launching 3 or more hits on the same area as well as have high enough states to produce the 3 slashes at speeds that they launched at the same place with the each one reinfocing the hit in front of it. Mana Slash is due to the fact that as a demon now the host can manipulate magic more easily allowing host to simple need to intent to want to do something to use mana to do it, of course in order for host to use more advance magic like elemental magic and others above it you will need knowledge on the way those powers work'

Hearing this I was excited as I had a great benifit in using magic as a demon, before I was considering using only support, debuff magic, or stunning skills against enemies.

However, with me able to manipulate magic with greater ability then before I should make the most out it and with the mana slash I just released I wondered if I could use elemental magic on my sword to release fire, wind, water, lightning, or other magic against my enemies to deal more damage.

Now I can actually be a magic swordsmen or rather swordwoman to make use of both physical and magical stats.

Before I could wrap up my thoughts I recieved one last notification from the system.

*Ding* 'Host has completed a Hidden Quest check in [Missions] tab for details'

'I wonder what the hidden quest was for that needed me to kill a high lizardmen, or maybe it has to deal with something else.' wondering how I completed a hidden quest at this moment.

Snapping out of my thoughts I can see that the lizardmen after seeing one of their own get torn apart so easily become afraid and trembling slightly, but quickly recovered to go back to attacking me.

Seeing them being stunned for a time due to fear I decieded to try something else with my magic affinity and eyes to create a debuff skill.

Closing my eyes momentarily to do this relying on my sixth sense for danger if they come close I feed mana into my eyes with the intent of enhancing the fear that they temporarily buried down using my own experiences with fear as a refrence in applying this feeling into my eyes.

Feeling my eyes tingling due to the mana I open my eyes staring at the lizardmen who are now only a few feet from me to see them freeze in terror as they gaze into my eyes.

*Ding* 'Host has learned skill Intimdating Eyes lv 1/10. Intimidating Eyes has evolved due to having an eye enhacement that increases the effect and strength of eye skills, along with being a member of the lust demon race creating the skill Evil Eye of Fear lv 1/10: (Those that you stare at with your eyes feel their fears come out to the surface causing them to gain a fear debuff that can drive them to panic by either being stunned or running away from user)'

Looking at what happened to the original skill due to my enhancement and race evolving the skill outright enhancing their effect greatly in being able to make those I look at be terrified when active.

Noticing the reaction of each of the lizardmen I am looking at right now I can see each of them having great terror in their eyes seeming as though they want to run away right now, but their bodies aren't listening to them anymore.

"Shoot at their eyes as they won't be able to move for a while." telling Gobugrak calmly not looking away from the lizardmen not being able to see him come out of his shock as he smiles before saying.

"Ha ha lets kill these lizards!" laughing as he then using wind magic in combination with his arrows to pierce their defense as he aims at their eyes.

*Fwosh* *Psh* *Thud*

As they couldn't move due to fear his arrow easily pierced through one of the lizardmen's head killing it instantly as it hit its brain destroying it.

Not wanting to take much more time as I can see the lizardmen slowly overcoming the fear due to pumping adrenaline as they can sense death coming for them.

Rushing towards them I use mana slash along with triple slash hitting three seperate lizardmen at their necks causing their heads to roll.

*Psh* *Psh* *Psh* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

Without their heads the lizardmen fall to the floor dead as the last lizardmen finally overcomes its fear though moving sluggishly due to fear.

Not giving him time to reach me I rush towards the lizard using mana strike one last time killing him again as im slightly tired due to mana drain at this point.

*Ding* 'Host killed lv 30, lv 32, lv31, and lv31 Lizardmen gaining 1860 EXP'

Looking towards the last 2 lizardmen they were both shoot in the eyes killing them as well, looking at Gobugrak I can see his excited expression of having defeat enemies twice our levels easily.

'Looks like after my transformation enemies of this level are no longer a problem, yikes I can see why Gobugrak and the system said that demons are a force to be reckoned with.' mentally thanking my luck in finding an orb to transform me into a member of the demon race.

"I will go take the lizardmen apart while you grab their weapons and put them into your [Inventory]." nodding back to him I put the weapons from the dead lizardmen into my [Inventory], though I was hopping for them to have something good it seems they were all common weapons with the exception of the trident being an uncommon weapon though one that doesn't fit our needs.

Tossing it into the inventory I decieded to check [Missions] to see what that hidden quest was about.




Hidden Quest Complete:

Woah thats a lot of damage!!! An enemy above lv 30 that is over twice the hosts level being killed within one attack(can be an attack boosted by several skills counted as one).

Rewards: Innate Skill Overlord Aura lv 1/5: (A passive skill that creates and aura which exudes a large amount of intimidation against opponents causing their will to waiver against you, against servants or those of a lower status then host will feel as though they are serving a supreme being increasing loyalty of underlings. Skill will gain more abilities and strength as the level increases(Levels gained only when other hidden quests that are connected to skill are complete).)

Failure: None

Reclaim y/n


Astonished that the hidden quest needed me to kill an opponent that was more than twice my level that also was above level 30 made me thankful for my current strength and opportunity.

Selecting yes immediatly I can feel a change in the aura around me, before it was one where it seemed to exude beauty, lust, and affection most likely due to my class and now race.

But now I can feel my aura have a trace of intimdiating aura belonging to that of a superior being on me, making my aura like a domineering empress of lust.

Taking a moment to look at me Gobugrak can see my aura has changed, but instead of looking afraid I can see warmth come from his eyes as he looks at me with affection.

"Gobugrak how does my aura feel to you now?" slightly confused to why he seems to be looking at me with more affection than before.

"Before your aura seemed to invoke lust in those exposed to it, but now it feels that added to it is an overwhelming aura of power within it. Instead of feeling afraid though it seems conforting and protective over me instead of supressing me." hearing him I can understand his reaction now as well as understand a little better on how it may affect the people I may be with.

Turning back to the half cut up lizardmen corpse he resumes to seperate the bones from it flesh.

Making sure my guard is up towards whatever may be in the forest or lake in order to not be almost ambushed again.

Thinking back to the encounter we were lucky that the creatures that came out of the water were relatively easy to deal with.

After a while Gobugrak finishes butchering the lizardmen I store them in my [Inventory] as we then left the lake to find more creatures to kill.

Thinking back to the quest in my [Missions] I subconsciously licked my lips as I put a wicked grin come out.

'Well it's time for the slaughter to begin.' slightly chuckling to my self on the experience gained as well as quest rewards.

Unknowingly at this moment all creatures in the surrounding area felt a shiver down their spines, as a small amount of fear crawled it's way into their hearts.

Wondering why they feel this way, with some of the smarter ones putting up their guard towards whatever dangerous being is coming to them.


In the middle section forest are creatures that either have great indivual strength or organize themselves in large packs, groups, tribes, etc to excel here.

Here only the strong, intellegent, and resourceful can survive in the middle section or deeper into the forest.

Yes this has been the way the middle section of the forest and deeper has always been being an unspoken rule, yet the forest has always managed to maintain its own way of peace allowing creatures inside it a chance to live and thrive.

*Howl* *Whimper* *Psh* *Howl* *Thud* *Fwosh*

However, today of all days the peace of the forest will be torn down and creastures will meet with death without a chance of escape.

Looking at the scene a unique hobogoblin with a bow can be seen hitting the eyes of some blackish green wolves, as a demon/demoness can be seen cutting down the wolves like chopping up lettuce with a smile on her face.

Yup it is Gobugrak and Anna fighting a very large pack of 30+ wolves, yet even so they don't look like they are in dispair at all as they barely have any wounds especially Anna who is in the middle of the pack shockingly enough.

If anything Anna has a fierce smile on her face as the wolves tremble slightly at her gaze on them as corpses of wolves surround her and a few located a bit away from Gobugrak.

In the back behind all the wolves 5 evolved wolves can be seen being bigger than the ones in front, yet even though they look so big they still look lean with their limbs looking stronger to provide them with more speed and bit more power.

Behind those 5 though is an even bigger wolf with a size that is twice of those five with bright green colored fur and eyes, it looks magestic as its body is leaner than that of the five wolves in front of it yet seemingly more compact and filled with power.

If one were close to the wolf you could feel traces of wind swirling around it, yet despite its majesty it looks at the scene in front of it with fear in its eyes as it can't believe the woman/man in front of it is alive and mostly unharmed even though they are in the center of the pack attacked by all sides.

Yes to the wolf despite being a powerful creature of the middle section of the forest is afraid of the demon... no monster in front of it killing them easily while taking little damage.

These are this 'monster's' current thoughts on the situation.

'Huh so this is what happens when you endurance, health, and regeneration are high then.' as I look at my status quickly while the wolves circle around me looking for a weakness or opening, yet with my sixth sense I can sense them coming to attack me and counter them.

'Huh so even after killing 14 of them, dodging the others, and taking some hits my health is at 723 and stamina at 616. With my regeneration I can recover my stamina in meer minutes, as for health although it may take longer I can recover in less than 10 minutes.' chuckling inward to myself as I think back to when they hit me a few times on to deal less than 10 damage each time.

'If they didn't surround me like bees to honey I wouldn't be hurt at all and have the room to dodge them.' yes they have only hit me so far because I don't have room to dodge and they seem to be quick.

'It seems having a large amount of endurance and good armor can block the majority of the damage they can deal to me.' silently thanking my demon body as I resume to fight the wolves with Gobugrak assisting me.

As three jump towards me I smile before using triple slash on the three of them with my enhanced attack magic already applied to me.

*Ding* 'Host has killed lv 24, lv 23, and lv 23 Wind Dire Wolves'

Except for messages from the system telling me that the creature I attacked is dead or the damage dealt to me or the creature all other messages are held off until the fight is done.

Another wolf tries to leap towards me only for it head to be pierced by Gobugrak's wind arrow killing it instantly.

*Howl* *Howl* *Howl* *Howl* *Howl*

Seeing the weaker members of the pack unable to defeat the 2 of us the 5 bigger wolves charge straight at me with a speed above my own making me surprised for a moment before smilling sadistically at them.

"Well seems the big boys are coming out to play, be careful I like to play rough~" saying in a sexy yet chilling tone causing the nearby wolves to tremble slightly.

Seeing their attention all on me as I am the one who seems to be the bigger threat I use gentle aura on them causing their stats to drop by a decent amount making me grin as with my high charm the chance of gentle aura being applied is highly likely.

*Slash* *Howl* *Whimper*

Using the mana I saved until now to kill them I slash at the closest one with a mana strike causing a large slash mark to appear on it's torso as it begins to bleed quite a bit due to how deep the wound is.

*Ding* 'Host has dealt 186 damage to Greater Wind Dire Wolf'

Even using a little mana I was able to deal a large amount of damage on the wolf, before it could turn around Gobugrak shoot multiple arrows at the wolf thanks to his multishot skill that allows him to fire multiple arrows without a aiming penalty.

*Psh* *Psh* *Psh* *Psh* *Psh* *Psh* *Thud*

In a moment the wolf has 6 arrows un its body making it look like a pincushion as it slumps dead.

The other wolves are terrified that 1 of them died within moments just like the weaker wolves.

Not letting them the chance to get away with their speed I pour more mana into my sword to use mana strike and triple slash at three of the wolves weak points such as the neck.

*Ding* 'You have dealt a critical hit to a Greater Wind Dire Wolf having been dealt 367 damage'

*Ding* 'You have dealt a critical hit to a Greater Wind Dire Wolf having been dealt 374 damage'

*Ding* 'You have dealt a critical hit to a Greater Wind Dire Wolf having been dealt 378 damage'

Not turning around to confront them as I know they will all die soon as I know that their throats were slit open causing the 3 to drown in their own blood.

As though confirming my thought process on the fate of the three wolves I hear.

*Ding* 'Host has killed lv 31, lv 29, and lv 32 Greater Wind Dire Wolf'

The last one in front of me cowers in fear as it runs away along with the weaker members of the pack in fear, seeing this Gobugrak quickly picks off as many as he can before they get to far away.

"Well that was suprising I guess they aren't like brown wolves which have more courage." not knowing it has to deal with my demon aura combined with my new innate skill causing them to feel terror in front of me.

Though I do notive that the biggest and strongest hasn't left yet, wearing a scared yet enraged expression on it's face.

"What are you angry that your pack disassembled itself running in different directions with their tails tucked between their legs." mocking the leader of the pack, as though it can understand me it's rage reaches the peak.


It makes a deafening howl as it bursts towards me very quickly as the ground below it cracks charging at me.

Unlike the other wolves where they only had more agility, greater intellegence, and wisdom unlike some of the creatures we faced before, this wolf in particular has insane speed to the point I can barely keep track of it.

Judging by the fact 1 step managed to crack the ground it's strength must also be on a new level.

Even though the wolf looks to be way stronger than myself or the both of us combined it couldn't help but feel afraid.

Yes the reason for it's fear and why it did not attack earlier was because it felt a certain type of fear from me that it had not felt before in it's life.

That fear being the fear off death in which it felt that facing against me would cause it to meet death no exception.

However, due to the rage of having it's pack fall apart it decieded to disregard this feeling causing it charge at me with everything it has with wind surrounding its body as it begins creating wind blades at my direction.

Unfortunatly being the last mistake it will make in it's life.

Using sixth sense and a speed enhancement I manage to doge some of the wind blades though a few manage to hit me.

*Ding* 'Host has been dealt with 86 damage'

*Ding* 'Host has been dealt with 79 damage'

*Ding* 'Host has been dealt with 83 damage'

Demonstrating the great strength the wolf has, as it gets closer I can sense my sixth sense increase in feeling telling me of the danger coming towards me though not to the point of death.

Instead of trying to dodge I stand my ground as I pour a large amount of mana into my sword to the point that it begins to release a screeching noise from the blade.

As the wolf makes it only 3 meters from me I can see it lifting its claws wanting to release a wind magic along with its own claws to deal more damage to me intending to end me in one hit.

Before it could make it any closer it suddenly stops quickly jumping back a few meters to dodge most of the arrows coming towards it, I stood my ground because I knew I had some looking out for me and likewise.

Only 2 out of the 7 arrows shoot hit the wolf due to it's insane speed, but they weren't meant to hurt the wolf only to cause it to slow down for the real attack.

At this point the wolf's instincts were screaming at it to dodge again, but before it could I use evil eyes of fear and my passive and active aura skill at full strength to stun it for one second and weakening it.

However, in that one second the wolf finally knew why it felt instinctual fear from me, as rushed at it using mana strike with most of my remaining mana with triple strike at the same area activating superimposed strike.

*Whoosh* *PSSSHHHH*

*Ding* 'Host has dealt 879 damage to Luminous Wind Alpha Dire Wolf'


After slashing the wolf my steel sword has some large cracks on it as it is about to break soon, though the wolf is not in good condition after the hit.

On its chest the wolf has suffered a large slash going half way across it's chest as copious amounts of bleed come out of its body as it was able to move last minute to direct the hit towards it's chest.

Even so the wolf was howling in extreme pain and agony as it looked at me in deep fear as it's body began shaking as it was quickly losing strength due to blood loss, before charging at me one last time with a great burst of speed.

Though I was a little surprised that it could move still after such a heavy hit I tried to dodge as best as I could thanks to sixth sense warning me before hand, bringing my sword up across from me to guard if needed.

Unfortunatly due to the wolf's great speed it managed to swing its claw at me along with a wind claw breaking my sword and causing four claw marks to form on my flesh as the claws pierced through my armor causing quite a bit of damage to me.

*Ding* 'Host has been dealt with 268 damage by Luminous Wind Alpha Dire Wolf'

Thanks to my high endurance the wounds don't bleed much and are even sealing up slowly, though looking at my sword I can see the pieces of it on the floor.

Sighing as now I need to buy a new sword from the shop, use a lottery ticket and hope for the best, or use the iron sword in my [Inventory].

"Anna are you alright!?!" rushing towards me Gobugrak has a concerned expresion on his face as he sees the four claw marks on my abdomin.

"Mh although it hurts I am fine just need to rest for a while to get back into good shape." smiling sweetly at him not caring for the wolf anymore as after that last hit it lost all of its energy lieing on the floor breathing heavily.

After our loving moment together I turn back to the wolf grabbing the iron sword from my [Inventory] walking towards it, stopping in front of the wolf looking into its eyes unwilling and afraid for what is going to happen.

"Why do you have that unwilling and fearful expression in your eyes, you of all creatures should understand that the strong thrive and the weak die. It just so happened you were on the weak side this time so you should accept your death as we would have died if we were weak.' before plunging the sword into its eye causing a howl filled with unwillingness come out.

*Ding* 'Host has killed lv 38 Luminous Wind Alpha Dire Wolf(Variant)'

*Ding* 'Calculating experience gained'




*Ding* 'Host gained 8040 EXP leveling up 2 times to level 17 with 1925/6100 EXP to level up'

Seeing the 2 new levels I gained I go and add 7 points to strength and agility, and 3 points to vitality and endurance.

From here we continue to butcher the wolfs and putting the parts in my [Inventory], finishing up soon as we begin to make our way towards the cave we found the orb in sneaking carefully as I am heavily wounded and only have an iron sword to defend my self with.

*Crunch* *Crunch* *Crunch* *Clang* *Clang* *Grunt* *Grunt*

Hearing sounds along the way sounding like a lot of people we look at each other nodding to one another agreeing to check it out.

Soon finding a space between some trees and bushes we carefully look towards the other side to see an army.

To be exact a goblin army with goblins, hobogoblins, special evolutions between them, and some normal ogres with them wearing a mix of heavy and light armor.

Some with swords, axes, bows, spears, and other weapons with goblins in the center pulling carts of food, arrows, and other supplies.

Astonished I can tell that the number of goblins is numbering around 80 being quite large, even for Gobugrak he knows that such a large group of goblins are never formed unless...

"War... the goblins are organizing a war, but why? Why would they start a war in the forest and with who?" whispering in confusion as he could not understand the purpose of the goblins organizing an army.

"They are planning to start a war? I wonder why they would do that especially since the way they are heading towards the inner section of the forest?" as the more I think about it the less sense it seems to make as they are leading a large amount of goblins towards the inner forest section filled with dangerous creatures that could kill a large number of them.

"I don't know, but I do know that this is not the only group as they have the war flags up signifying that most of them will be fighting soon with the general directing multiple commanders from each regiment to attack." leading me to be astonished, yet slightly excited as I am begining to form and idea in my head about what to do to the goblins tribe during this time.

Keeping this in our minds for now to investigate further we make our way back towards the cave to rest and have a little 'fun' to end the day~

Sorry about not updating was getting interrupted from writing during the weekend to help out, anyways I have this chapter out and will try to post another in 2 days. In the meantime I will post a chapter on the status sheet of Gobugrak and Anna from now on to show their growth updating after each new chapter. So if you want to see their stats you can see that chapter. Anyways enjoy.

ShadowBlade328creators' thoughts
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