
Chapter 43: Dead End Adventure (part 1)

Up next is one of my favorite One Piece movies, Dead End Adventure. I'm really excited about this since I had a lot of fun righting it out. I can't wait for what you all have to say about it.

And to the guest that was asking about lemons: Delta, if I was going to put in lemons, then this story would have been rated M from the start. A good rule of thumb for stories is: if the author intends for there to be lemons, then they will say so beforehand. I did not, so there will not.

Chapter 43:

Dead End Adventure (part 1)


Several weeks had passed since Robin's stowing away aboard the Going Merry and her joining of the Straw Hat Pirates and, while Luffy's word was all but law on the ship, he'd made it more than official by gifting the woman with her own baby den-den from their batch, number 11.

And, of course, as a member of the Straw Hats, she had to get her own tattoo. While at first against it, Robin eventually conceded after enduring nearly a barrel of alcohol and Luffy's pestering. The 79 million Beri woman ended up getting a skull with her purple cowboy hat and four bent arms sprouting from the cardinal points. She had it placed on her left bicep.

The woman had slowly incorporated herself into the daily workings of the Going Merry, the sight of her sitting in a chair on deck reading for hours at a time becoming commonplace. As it was, Grace and Chopper seemed to gravitate toward her, though the reindeer doctor would avidly disagree. As much as Robin's reading became the norm, so did Grace sleeping in the shade of her shadow. Amy and Zoro had been forced to grudging accept that she meant no harm, some of Grace's yellowish-green paint playing no small part.

Now, the pirates found themselves in quite the predicament. A run-in with many Marine ships had left them with several holes in the haul that would need to be fixed soon, but the fierce winds of the storm around them was giving the pirates very little time to deal with them. The Marine ships had long since disappeared into the dense fog that the storm had kicked up.

"There's a shadow in the distance!" Coby called from the crow's nest, his voice barely reaching the deck over the howling winds. "It looks like an island!"

"We'll have to dock there!" Nami yelled back. "This storm is getting too rough to handle while Merry's injured!"

"You all heard her!" Luffy shouted. "Land ho!"

Hannibal Island was a very violent place. The entire island was one big town build by pirates, for pirates, and inhabited by only pirates. The sounds of gunshots, drunken people of all feelings, fistfights, and yelling were a constant background noise for all who lived and visited there. Bars lined the streets, wanted posters scattered along nearly every wall to show who was who and who was worth what. Inside Bar Lots, the Straw Hats sat at a table, Luffy stuffing his face, but at a much slower rate than normal since Nami had asked him to slow down.

"What are we going to do?" Coby asked their navigator as Zoro, Chopper, Usopp, and Luffy argued about food. "Last I checked, we're nearly broke. Captain Luffy's meal here and the cost of supplies should render us pennyless."

"We'll need to make some quick cash," Nami responded. "I've stolen from pirates for all my live, but getting away unharmed in a place like this would be impossible."

A man sauntered into the bar. Walking up to the bartender, he placed two coins on the table before him. The man behind the counter took the money without a word and gestured for him to follow into the back room. A minute later, the bartender returned without the customer.

"I smell money," Nami muttered, her nose twitching. She stood up abruptly and made her way to the counter where the bartender was cleaning glasses. Without even glancing at her, the man grunted.

"Can I help you?"

"Well you see," Nami began, bending forward to give the man a good view of her chest. "My crew and I seem to be a bit low on money right now. We've got enough to pay for this meal, but do you know any way we could earn some quick cash?" She fluttered her eyes, hoping to entice him into giving her some information.

The man didn't even flinch.

"I can think of one way, but it's pretty dangerous and a long shot. I'd suggest you and your friends leave before you get yourselves killed." Luffy seemed to notice that Nami was at the bar and, with no meat or food left to hold him to the table, he shuffled over to stand by her side. The rest of the crew followed.

"As I think you can tell," Nami bragged, "we're a rather famous pirate crew. A little danger isn't going to scare us off. Especially not our captain here if it smells like adventure."

"Yosh!" Luffy nodded.

"...I see," the man said after several seconds. "I guess I can't deter you. Follow me." The bartender led them to the back room where he opened a secret door that led into a carved tunnel. Reaching into a dark corner, the man lit a lantern and passed it to the closest pirate, said pirate being Zoro. The light of the lantern illuminated the tunnel, but only for ten feet or so.

"Go straight," the man ordered, not reacting to the group glare that was suddenly directed at Zoro. "Show the bouncer two 100-Beri pieces. That's the password."

"Got it," Luffy nodded. "Thanks, Bar Guy."

"Hey, kid," the man called as the other pirates began to walk away. "Why'd you become a pirate?"

"To be the King of the Pirates, of course!" Luffy laughed. The man cracked a smile.

"I like guys like you. Stay alive." With that, the bartender shut the hidden door, leaving the Straw Hat Pirates in the dark.

They picked their way to the other end of the tunnel which seemed to run from one end of the island to the other. After nearly ten minutes of walking, Coby squinted into the dark and warned them that a creepy-looking man was standing in front of a door. Nami nodded and pulled out two coins, flashing them at the bouncer when they could see him. The large man nodded and opened the door, allowing them passage into the gigantic room beyond.

The room was a rough cylinder, floors and stairs gouged out of the tough rock to make multiple levels. At the bottom of the room sat two giants, one of them laughing hard at whatever the other had said. Pirate flags of all kinds were strung up along the walls, showing what seemed like every variation of skull designs, and hanging from the ceiling was a simple, unpainted boat with eight oars. Dangling from a pulley was a large chain; for what purpose, unknown. Everywhere one looked, there were pirates eating, drinking, laughing, playing cards, and fighting, although said fights usually included everyone in one large area.

"Oooh," Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, and Coby gawked.

"If you're looking for the bookmaker, he's on the top floor," a pirate drinking at one of the tables called. His face was flushed, probably from the alcohol in the mug in his hand, and he was openly eyeing the Straw Hat crew's female members.

"Why would we be looking for him?" Nami questioned.

"You mean you aren't here for the race?"

"So I was right," Robin nodded. "This is the same Hannibal."

"What do you mean, Ms. Allsun- I mean, Robin?" Amy asked, cutting herself off. She'd been trying to break the habit of calling the archeologist Ms. Allsunday for a while, but Robin had done nothing to stop herself from calling Amy and Grace Ms. Valentine and Ms. Goldenweek.

"This is the place of the anything-goes Dead End pirate race," the newest Straw Hat answered. "It's nothing regular, but every few years, they organize a boat race by pirates for pirates. The first one to get to that year's destination is the winner."

"That sounds like fun!" Luffy yelled, fully prepared to enter the race.

"No it doesn't!" Nami and Usopp yelled.

"Did I forget to mention that the prize this year is 300 million Beris?" the unnamed pirate asked. Nami's eyes lit up.

"We're entering that race!" she declared.

"I though you would," the inebriated pirate laughed. "Those two giants down there are Bobby and Pogo. They're the third favorites. Then that blue guy on the other side of the floor? That's the fishman, Willy. He was a rival of Arlong before the guy went and got himself beaten up in the East Blue of all places."

"Who's the favorite this year?" Coby asked.

"Gasparde," the man answered. "An ex-marine worth 95 million."

"Alright!" Luffy laughed before the guy could elaborate further. "I'm going exploring!" The pirate captain wandered off, Zoro, Chopper, Usopp, and Coby (with a worried look) trailing behind. Grace, Amy, Robin, Sanji, and Gin followed Nami up the stairs to register for the race.

"Oh crap," Nami whispered. "How is Luffy going to pay for the food he'll eat?"

"Don't worry, Ms. Navigator," Robin placated. "The food here is free since most of these guys will die in the race." She smiled.

"That's not something you should say casually," Grace muttered while her older sister and Gin chuckled darkly, their sadistic natures showing. The group made their way upstairs to the top floor where a fat man with a blonde on his lap was sitting behind a counter. Making the correct assumption that this man was the bookmaker, the pirates walked over.

"We'd like to enter the race," Nami stated.

"Just you six?" the man laughed. "Four broads and two guys? You, sirs, are some lucky sons of bitches." Within a second, the bookmaker had the Clima-Tact, a paintbrush, an umbrella, a leg, and two weighted tonfa pointed at him while Robin had crossed her arms. The entire floor went silent.

"None of us are the captain," Gin hissed.

"And do not ever refer to any of these women and 'broads' again," Sanji added.

"Uh, sure," the large man gulped, passing an open book to Nami. "There's the list. Just write your crew's name and your captain's name and you're in."

"Thank you," Nami responded much too sweetly, the six lowering their weapons as she scribbled into the book. They turned to walk away.

"Now wait a second!" the bookmaker called. "You have to pay to get in!"

"What was that?" Nami questioned, the weapons making a reappearance.

"Nothing! Nothing at all!" The bookmaker threw an eternal pose to Nami. The crest on it read PARTIA.

"That's what I thought." She turned back to her crewmates. "Now, who's up for tea?"

Luffy and his squad had gotten two floors down before they'd found the main cafeteria. The group had instantly claimed a table, Luffy and Zoro scaring off the pirates that had been there before. Said table was covered in dirty dishes left over from the meal that Luffy was in the middle of eating. The rubber-man's arms were flying every which way, stealing food from waiters and tables in every corner of the room.

"Damn, Luffy," Usopp grumbled. "Weren't you full just a few minutes ago?"

"That was only 60%," Straw Hat waved off.

"I swear, Luffy," Zoro stated. "You're stomach's a bottomless pit." While trying to talk through a mouth full of food, Luffy reached behind himself and stole two trays from a waiter just before a man in yellow could take them. Said man turned to see Luffy tearing through the lobster he'd wanted, so he stood, strode over, and slammed Luffy's face into the table. Usopp and Chopper jumped, Coby flinched, and Zoro didn't move a muscle.

"What the Hell was that for?" Luffy yelled angrily, pulling his face out of a head-shaped indent in the wood. He glared at the aggressor who glared back.

The man was in his early twenties with wavy brown hair down to his shoulders. His clothes consisted of black pants and a yellow jacket with SICK written on the left breast. There was the shape of a hook just under the word, a similar tattoo on the man's left cheek.

"What do you mean 'what the Hell was that for'?! Why the Hell were you stealing my food?!"

"I was hungry!" Luffy retorted. "Why'd you attack me?"

"I attacked you because you and your stretchy arms were... you and your... stretchy... arms... oh Goda! Your arms stretched!"

"Not the brightest, is he?" Usopp snickered in Chopper's ear.

"That's one of the powers of the Devil Fruits, isn't it?" a nasally voice commented. Both Luffy and his unknown assailant turned to see a group of thugs led by a thin man with shaved pink hair. He wore a purple wife-beater and had on lime green pants with a yellow sash. On his right cheek was a tattoo of a crossed-out Marine logo.

"And who are you?" Luffy questioned. His only answer came from one of the man's crewmembers who fired a pistol at Luffy. The teen doubled over, his skin stretching. Straightening out, the bullet was launched back toward the crowd, burying itself in the wall next to the rosette's head.

"That tickled! Shishishi!" Luffy laughed, much to the horror of the other pirates.

"Th-that wasn't supposed to tickle," the man with the smoking gun whimpered as another stuttered out "m-m-monster."

"Gum-Gum Pistol!" Luffy shouted, his fist shoving the heads of three pirates into the wall behind them.

"You bastard!" the man with pink hair yelled, his anger overcoming his fear. "Get them!" He pulled out a sword as his crewmembers did the same. Zoro and Coby stood to fight, Usopp and Chopper getting up to hide behind them.

The thugs charged at Luffy and the man in yellow, the captain jumping into the fray while the man waited for his opponents to come to him. Several of the pirates skirted around them to attack Zoro and Coby, but the two swordsmen held their ground without Coby transforming due to the low ceiling.

The man in yellow maneuvered himself over to the chain where he tied up a larger pirate, took his sword, and kicked him over the side. Letting the pirate's weight do the work, the man in yellow hopped onto the other end of the chain going up. A plethora of pirates followed, intent on claiming revenge on the man for really no reason. Luffy grabbed on last, not wanting to be left out.

The group rose through the room, the brawl attracting the attention of every pirate present.

"Luffy?" Nami questioned as he slowly rose past her and her entourage. "What are you doing?"

"Don't worry," Luffy waved off with a laugh. "It's just a fight."

"Alright," Nami smiled. "Have fun."

"I am!" The yellow-clad male reached the hanging ship and climbed onboard, the rest of his pursuers and Luffy following.

"Nowhere to run now, is there?" the pink-haired thug taunted. Luffy felt content to sit and watch for once, so he leaned back, accidentally bumping one of the oars. He panicked and punched the wood causing the paddle to spin around and knock every enemy pirate off the boat sans the leader who was cowering.

Unfortunately, the sudden shift in weight was too much for the old ropes holding the vessel in the air, three of them snapping on the left side. As the boat tilted, Yellow Coat Guy jumped off while Luffy grabbed their falling, flailing enemy and used his powers to land on the same balcony as his unofficial ally, dropping the terrified pirate on the floor.

"Who are you?" a rough, deep voice rumbled. The thug seemed to recognize the voice as he tensed. The pink-haired man rolled into a sitting position and shuffled a couple feet back.

"G-G-General Gasparde!" he stuttered. "W-what are you do-doing here? I-I thought you w-were eating on the ship."

"Do I need your permission?" Gasparde growled. The General had a sneer plastered on his square face. Dirty blond hair fell to the man's broad shoulders, brushing against an old Marine Captain's coat, the kanji for "justice" crossed out, which was draped over his shoulders like a cape. Gasparde wore no shirt, the only clothes covering his upper body being the sides of his open coat and a purple ascot he wore around his neck. Finally, his black pants were held in place on the top by a gold chain belt and from the bottom by black leather boots. Next to him stood his First Mate. "Answer me! Do I need your permission?"

"N-no, General!"

"Good. Now, who the Hell are you?"

"Me?" the thug questioned. "Y-you know me, General. I've been on your crew for years!"

"I most certainly do not know you," Gasparde denied. "I wouldn't know someone weak enough to lose a bar fight to some snot-nosed rookie."

"B-b-but General-" the man was cut off when Gasparde's guard rushed forward in a blur of speed, kicking the unfortunate pirate over the side and into the lake below. He'd survive. Most likely.

The First Mate was a muscular, albino man with a bald head. Tattoos danced across his ripped arms and his face was covered in ink depicting the crossed-out Marine logo. His clothes were a simple dark blue sleeveless shirt and green pants.

"Now that that's dealt with," Gasparde continued, "who the Hell are you two?"

"I'm just some no-name bounty hunter," the man in yellow waved off as he placed a black top hat on his head. "Please, call me Shuraiya. Shuraiya Bascúd." As soon as the name passed from his lips, muttering broke out among the crowd.

"Shuraiya Bascúd? The famous 'Pirate Executioner'?"

"What is he doing here?"

"They say he's killed so many that his soul is stained red."

"And who are you, kid?" the General asked, his cold, beady eyes turning to the teen wearing a straw hat.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy! I'm the man who'll be King of the Pirates!" At his declaration, Gasparde, as well as most of the pirate crowd, laughed.

"Oh man," Gasparde chuckled, coming down from his laughing fit. "Goda, I needed that. Kid, your dreams are about as obtainable as catching a speck of dust with a pair of chopsticks, but what do you two say you come work for me? I like strong kids like you. Only the strong survive, after all."

Shuraiya turned to Luffy, one eyebrow raised. "What do you think, Straw Hat?"

"I don't like him," Luffy stated. "He smells like trash." Immediately, Gasparde's First Mate was behind the young captain, one arm holding Luffy's arms against his side and the other pressing three hook-blades against his throat. The force of the impact knocked Luffy's hat off.

"Needles," Gasparde drawled. "Let him go. If wants to kill himself, let him. It might be entertaining." The albino, Needles, released Luffy and began to walk back to his captain.

"Stop!" the teen ordered, surprise freezing the pale man, his foot inches from Luffy's fallen hat. "Don't you dare touch that hat!" Luffy scooped up the apparel and dusted it off before placing it back on his head.

"My, you're quite protective of that hat, aren't you? What's so special about it?"

"Shanks gave it to me. I'm gonna give it back once I become the Pirate King."

"Whatever you say. You, Shurega or whatever. If you make the smart choice and join me, come to my ship tomorrow before the race. Come on, Needles. We're leaving." With a flourish, Gasparde and his First Mate made their exit.

"What a bastard," Luffy commented.

The sun rose over the pirate island of Hannibal, illuminating hundreds of ships in the various docks of the island. Activity was ripe on the Going Merry, every one of its crew awake and alert. The men bustled about, preparing the ship for departure. The navigator of the watercraft stared up at the various rivers that flowed from the top of the mountain in the center of the island.

"Are you sure we're pointing the right way, Robin?" Nami asked, glancing down at the eternal pose they were to follow. Its needle was steady, pointing directly at the mountain.

"Yes, Ms. Navigator," the newest member answered. "There will be a strong wind that will push every ship up the mountain before reaching the Grand Fall and the official start of the race."

"That would work in theory..." Nami trailed off. She felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and saw Luffy rest his chin on her shoulder. Ever since Usopp had been forced to give their captain The Talk while they were stuck in that cage under Raindinners, the older members of the crew had been giving him tips and hints on how to be romantic. Not that any of them had ever been in any serious relationships, Usopp's long-distance one notwithstanding, but it seemed to be working.

The captain had also become fiercely protective of the navigator, especially from the cook, but that was irrelevant at that moment.

"Don't worry about it," Luffy smiled. "We'll work it all out and win that prize money. Okay?"

"I don't know how you do it," Nami sighed, "but you always know what to say to ease my nerves."

"All he has to do is mention getting her money," Zoro muttered to Usopp who snickered. Nami tensed suddenly, feeling the drop in air pressure.

"It's here!" She yelled, untangling herself from her boyfriend. "Last checks! Is everything tied down? Any second-" A blast of wind hit their ship, the force stretching the sails and threatening to tear them. The Going Merry pitched forward, nearly throwing Gin off had Zoro not caught him. The smaller ship sailed forward, through a tunnel, whether natural or man-made was unknown, and came out into a city filled with cheering pirates. The Straw Hats stared in amazement, the words, whether harsh or helpful, washed over them. Several rivers over, a giant ship with two masts and steam coming out of a smokestack in the back chugged along, its crossed-out Marine sails indicating whose ship it was.

"The Salamander," Robin said, just loud enough for the others to hear. "That's Gasparde's ship."

"I've never seen one that ran on steam," Nami awed.

"It doesn't matter what his ship looks like," Luffy muttered darkly. "I hate him and I'm gonna kick his ass." The conversation ground to a halt at Luffy's declaration, and not a moment too soon. A large, square ship with two decorative skulls pulled up alongside them, their river merging with another.

"Look at this, ya bastards!" the captain of the square vessel laughed. Coby identified him as "Cut-throat" Viargo, a pirate known for hunting Marine ships rather than them hunting him. "This tiny ship thinks it can compete with us!"

Both crews jumped, however, when another ship pulled up, this one with a ship-sized drill on the front to pulverize the competition... literally. This was the ship of the fishman, Willy. Then the two giants, Bobby and Pogo, pulled up alongside Willy, the two in a jumbo-sized ship with one sail. The rivers ran together, ships of all shapes, sizes, and models coming to sail next to each other up the side of a mountain.

And then they reached the apex, ships quite literally dropping off the side.

The Going Merry had fallen behind, it's smaller haul not gaining as much force from the current as the other heavier and larger vessels. They went over the side with one slightly-larger ship on either side. Gravity seemed to lose all power as the crew started to float. And then they fell.

Luffy laughed, wrapping one stretchy arm around a screaming Nami's waste and the other around the ship's railing. Zoro and Gin gripped the mast to keep their footing while limbs sprouted from the deck to hold Robin's, Sanji's, Coby's, Grace's, Usopp's, and Chopper's ankles. Amy screamed as well, instinctively increasing her mass to stay on the ship.

The Merry hit the water with a splash. The ship to their left crashed into the ground, missing the water completely and possibly killing most of its crew. The ship on the left landed halfway, cracking like an egg. The half in the water was swept away, screaming pirates getting no help from the cheering citizens of the town. The Straw Hats did not land gracefully, however. Most of the crew was only sent sprawling, but Amy's increased weight, when combined with the g-force from the water's buoyancy, made her too much for the floorboards underneath her. They shattered under her weight, causing the blonde to fall into the men's quarters under the deck with a curse.

"Amy-chwan!" Sanji yelled out in worry.

"I'm fine!" Amy called up through the hole. "Long-Nose's hammock broke, though!"

"Are you sure it was mine?" Usopp called down.

"The pillow fell over and a picture of a blonde woman fell out!" Amy called back. All eyes turned to the sniper.


"Nothing," everyone on deck chorused. Suddenly, a cannonball hit the water to their starboard side, the danger of their situation coming to them as the crew scattered. Usopp sprinted to the deck cannon at the back of the ship where another vessel about twice the Merry's size was sneaking up on them, the captain shouting insults about the crew and their families.

Feeling his anger rise as the pirate insulted his mother, the sniper aimed the cannon and yelled "Special Attack: Cannonball Star!" The projectile buried itself in the front of the other ship before exploding, the hole taking in water and letting the current tear the ship and her crew to shreds. Usopp blinked. "Ha! Now you know the true power of Captain Usopp!"

Up ahead, the rest of the crew, minus Sanji and Zoro who were beating away projectiles of all kinds from all directions, watched with worry as several ships attempted to make a turn only to crash into the side. The giants, Bobby and Pogo, tried to use a wrecked ship to jump over the city and land in the sea, but their flight only took them halfway before they plowed into the middle of the town.

"We're gonna crash!" Nami cried out in fear.

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Luffy yelled, jumping off the front of the Merry just before they hit a capsized ship on the coast. "Gum-Gum Balloon!" He inflated, becoming a bumper between the two ships. The force caused him to spin, the Merry taking flight and Luffy having to stretch to get back onboard. Amongst the screaming, a calm Robin called "Mil Fleur! Giganto Mano!" causing a giant arm made of a million smaller arms to sprout from the side of the Merry, grab the buildings on the waterfront, and pull them back to the river.

They'd reached the ocean and over half of the competition was either dead or out of the race.

End of Chapter 43

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