
His body is perfect

Next day morning

Amy and Andy's apartment

Amy groaned in frustration when her ringtone echoed throughout the room.

"Damn" Amy crused and got up from the bed to receive the call.

Her mood was already off without Andy by her side. She doesn't remember when she fell asleep last night. It was too hard to catch asleep without him. Though she hugged his pillow, she felt his absence in her life.

Amy face lit up when she glanced at the caller ID.

"Hello" Amy said

"What took you so long to receive my call? Are you fine?" Andy asked

"I was just sleeping," Amy said

"So Did you sleep well?" Andy asked

"No, It's very difficult to sleep without you," Amy said

Andy chuckled and said, "Mrs Francis the ultimate heavy sleeper couldn't sleep because her smart, handsome, sexy hubby is away from her."

Amy rolled her eyes and said, "Don't think heavily about yourself Mr Francis."

"What? I know I'm important to you more than your sleep" Andy said

"No, sleep is my first love and you are secondary," Amy said

"How can you say that wifey? Am I not important to you?" Andy asked

Without waiting for her reply he added "The way you cried when I'm leaving and that is enough to say I'm the most important person in your life. Right, Mrs Francis?"

Ignoring his question completely, Amy asked: "When did you reached UK?"

"Just before one hour," Andy said

"What is the time difference?" Amy asked

"Five hours babe and Now here it is three in the afternoon," Andy said

"So when you are going to meet officials for taking permissions?" Amy asked

"Yeah today evening," Andy said

"Where are living right now?" Amy said

"It's uncle George's farmhouse darling," Andy said



"I appointed a maid for you, she will be there at any minute. I already told her everything about your taste and preferences, she will cook everything and on a serious note, Please don't try to become a chef." Andy said

"Oh god Andy, I think you forget about my cooking skills. Didn't you remembered my tasty cupcakes?" Amy said

Andy helplessly shook his head and said: "I don't want you to get hurt anywhere in my absence and don't go alone anywhere and if you want anything just ask Erik and be with him okay."

Amy nodded her head "Yeah I will stay close with him. Why don't you ask Erik to hug me and cuddle me while sleeping? You can also ask him to piggyback me whenever I tried of walking and also ask him to feed me with his own hands when I feel hungry."

When Andy didn't say anything for a long time, Amy added: "An, Are you there?"


"What happen? Did you eat anything?" Amy asked

"Why don't you ask Erik to feed you?" Andy said with a very Jealousy tone

"That's not a bad idea, I will just call him and ask to feed me with his own hands and after feeding me he will also help me to take a bubble bath. You remember how me and Erik used to take a bubble bath together when we were kids?" Amy said

"Seriously Amy? You are making me boil in Jealousy and anger" Andy said

"Aren't you the one who said to be with him?" Amy said

"I said to be close with him not to stick to him," Andy said

"He is body is so soft. Did you ever observed his toned muscles? They are perfect." Amy said

Andy frowned and said, "Don't force me to come back and show you who's body is perfect."

"Aww, you don't know how cute you are sounding Mr Francis," Amy said

"I will surely punish you in the bed if you even touch his pinky," Andy said

"I can't wait to get punished by you, Mr Francis," Amy said

Andy chuckled and helplessly shook his head. He never missed someone so much in his entire life. Amy is very special and she meant a world to him.

After talking about random things Andy sighed and said: "I got to go darling."


"Take care of yourself and maintain distance from Erik okay," Andy said

"Are you still jealous of him?" Amy asked

"Yes, why wouldn't I be jealous when my wife calling him babe and praising his toned muscles in front of me," Andy said

Amy chuckled and said "Come fast okay"


"Bye babe"

"See you soon darling" Andy said and hanged the call


Amy and Andy always steal my heart with their sweet love❤️

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