With an uncertain look on his face, Winston said, "I've been around Flame City for so many years and yet had never discovered this place. How did you find it?"
"Water," Curtis gave a succinct reply.
Bai Qingqing said, "Yeah, Curtis is great at finding water sources."
Winston gazed around, still feeling a little uncertain.
He had done a detailed check on the surroundings of Flame City. How could this vibrant oasis have escaped his notice when it was located in such close proximity to the city?
Never mind if it was just him. Considering the fact that none of the rootless beasts living in Flame City had spoken of this oasis, it was rather abnormal.
As An'an was quite filthy as well, Winston carried her into the water and bathed her.
After filling herself with water, Bai Qingqing walked over the scalding sand to Parker's side.
Now that she got a proper look at the leopard, a look of disdain surfaced on her face.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: