Winston had just taken a step forward when Curtis spoke up.
"I'll do it." Curtis didn't want to care about this, but when he saw that Bai Qingqing only looked at Winston, he felt jealous and accepted the job.
Both Bai Qingqing and Parker felt that things didn't seem good.
If Curtis was displeased, he might just chop off his head!
Bai Qingqing patted Parker on the shoulder, giving him the expression of wishing him all the best, then made way.
Curtis didn't use the iron claws, but just lengthened his nails and asked, "Where do I shave?"
Bai Qingqing drew a circle on Parker's head from where the bald part was. "Shave off all the hair at the bottom, leaving only the hair on top."
Parker's heart sank. He felt that the range of the "top" seemed to be a little small.
He moved his body and said hesitantly, "Maybe we should forget it."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: