
Ragan - Model = V-1.0 - Chapter 73

Brion thought for a while and decided making a wood creature is not the best thing for an AI, creature, he didn't make the body the "Wood" element like before because of this decision he just did not it is right to make a body of wood to a creature who is going to have an Intelligence.

The "Avilix Powersource 1.0" which he now owns and created, will be going to work with using Mind Power Energy thanks to his own "Mind Power.".

Therefore, it would be more useful to use "Metal" to create a creature with an AI instead of "Wood". It would be a more logical practice and ecstatic.

Brion, after that thought, went out from his research room and.

At the time, Armas and Sivinia had already stopped meditating and looking around with thoughtful faces, and after Brion got out from his research room, they looked at him with hopeful eyes and had smiley faces.

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