
Making up her mind

The moment Yun opened his eyes, he knew it was going to be a very long day. He had decided to go over to the address which Jero had given them with Jinhai, and stake out the area until they found out who the blackmailer truly was. Of course they knew there was no way it could be the highschool student, so it had to be someone paying him to do the job, and that was the someone they were interested in.

Since the blackmailer would probably be wondering why his mail hadn't gotten to his victim yet, they believed he would probably go and check whether his mail had been picked up. 

He decided to give Lijuan a call before taking his bath. The last thing he wanted was forgetting such an important detail and having her give him any form of attitude today. So he dialed her number and waited patiently for her to take her call, "Good morning!" Lijuan greeted with a sleepy yawn.

"Someone is still sleeping." Yun observed.

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