
Chapter 9

Yuzuki sighed as she stood with the entirety of team seven- well minus Naruto seeing as he was regaining his strength after overexerting himself by training- on the bridge. She shared a look with Hayate and discreetly moved closer to Tazuna. The heavy mist that was rolling onto the bridge didn't sit well with her. She didn't have to activate the byakugan to sense the chakra that filled it.

"What's going on?" Tazuna asked as he saw his co-workers on the ground.

There was blood staining the wood, but when the bodies moved just the slightest it was a relief. Yuzuki sighed quietly and scratched the back of her head. She could point out that they've walked into a trap, but knew that the obvious wasn't what everyone wanted to hear. Though, she was grateful that Kakshi of all people had informed her that she missed Naruto yelling at Inari the night before.

She had decided to head to bed early and was glad to have missed the confrontation.

"What a thick mist," Sakura muttered.

"It's filled with chakra," Yuzuki sighed.

"Correct, and our enemy is here," Kakashi informed them.

Hayate gave him a look at the 'cool guy' attitude he had. He worried about the future of shinobi with guys like Kakashi. Such an act was highly contagious. He could see Yuzuki giving the white haired jonin an annoyed look before pulling a kunai out of her weapons pouch to protect Tazuna with.

"Long time no see, Kakashi," Zabuza voice rang out through the mist, "I see you still have those trembling brats with you."

"I'm trembling from excitement," Sasuke claimed.

"How lame could you get?" Yuzuki deadpanned at him, and Sakura sent the girl a heated glare.

It didn't stop them from performing their job when a few Zabuzas appeared before them. Yuzuki easily used juken and took one down and Sasuke used kunai to finish the rest. Droplets of water fell upon them and they focused on the enemy that stood a few meters ahead of them.

"Impressive for brats," Zabuza complimented, "But water clones only have a tenth of the originals strength."

"Yuzuki, only use it if it becomes too serious," Hayate ordered.

"Yes, Shishou." Was the only thing she said.

Tazuna looked towards the two teams, he could feel the dread rolling down his spine. One teacher was allowing his students to showboat, the other gave his orders and she followed. The pale eyes looked towards him and he slightly flinched, it was so different from the easy-going kid that liked to joke around with him. He was finally witness to the two masks that shinobi wore, the one that was up around civilians to be disarming and the one that was shown during combat. He was now seeing the combat side of her.

She was guarding him along with Sakura as the dark-haired boy went after the one wearing a mask. He could tell that she wasn't impressed, the impassive expression on her face was obvious as she clenched her kunai. They couldn't hear what was being said between the two dark-haired teens, but the appearance of water needles was enough to cause some trepidation around the konoha shinobi. Hayate narrowed his eyes as he felt the shift in chakra. There was a quick battle, well quick for a genin, and the masked boy was sent flying by a kick.

He couldn't help but think his student would have ended the other boy before he got another chance to attack. Hesitation such as that was a double-edged sword and would kill a shinobi. She wasn't one for that mistake, and he made sure she never would be. Correctly judging the way to end a mission was key for a shinobi. He had learned that lesson the hard way.

He shared a look with Kakashi and they both went after Zabuza. The Uchiha took care of the fake hunter-nin while the two girls protected the client. Sakura watched as chaos erupted on the bridge. Her precious Sasuke was matched evenly with the other boy, while the two jonin were easily battling the missing-nin. She looked towards the taller girl and noted that she was easily watching the two fights, a contemplative look on her scarred face.

"It's incredible, that speed can't be human," Tazuna stated as he watched the blurred figures.

"They use chakra to increase their speed and argument their muscles," Yuzuki quietly explained, "Once one ends up in the jonin ranks the level of chakra control that is needed is insane."

"I'm in the ninetieth percentile," Sakura stated, her voice slightly arrogant, "My chakra control is almost perfect."

"What about you?" Tazuna questioned Yuzuki.

"I'm currently in the ninety-fifth percentile and training to reach the hundredth percentile," Yuzuki answered.

Sakura almost blanched at that. She then grew angry at the other girl. She was only in that percentile due to the byakugan that she inherited from her mother. She had never put much effort forth in the academy when they did chakra exercises. Iruka has admonished her multiple times for sloppy work.

"Sakura, you keep glaring at me and I'll wipe it off your face," Yuzuki said, snapping the pinkette from her angry thoughts, "This is not the time to be petty, if Zabuza gets past Shishou and Hatake-Senpai we'll need to act and pull Tazuna to safety."

"Who put you in charge?" Sakura grumbled.

The pinkette was starting to dislike the Yamanaka. A quiet sigh came from Yuzuki and she rolled her eyes at how petty the shorter girl was. She had forgotten that shinobi from civilian backgrounds disliked those that came from clans. There was a feudal system in place, and no one seemed to notice it, except the civilian Shinobi.

"Ah, what the hell is that?" Tazuna yelled in surprise as a dome made from ice mirrors appeared on the bridge.

"A kekkai genkai," Yuzuki explained, "He must be from the Yuki clan, Uchiha's in danger."

"What'd you say about Sasuke-kun?" Sakura growled.

"He has yet to awaken the Sharingan, he's in danger against another blood limit without being a chuunin or jonin level shinobi," Yuzuki explained in an annoyed tone, "It seems as though the other boy's been training longer than we have."

She didn't like the idea of an enemy that could easily take them out. Genin were at the lowest branch for a reason. She almost sighed in defeat; they should have never continued with this mission. They should have gone back to the village and requested a jonin team to protect the old bridge builder. She gained an uncomfortable expression on her face as a scream rang out from the ice dome.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura cried out.

"Shit," Hayate hissed as the two jonin paused in their battle.

Zabuza was grinning behind his bandages, but it slowly fell. He knew his apprentice as well as the coughing jonin knew his. His boy was too soft, he wouldn't kill the genin that was trapped in the mirrors with him. He looked towards the bridge builder that was his target, the dirty blonde girl in front of the old man met his eyes and her's narrowed. She was studying him like she was trying to figure out his weaknesses, he almost snorted at that thought. She would fail at that.

"Tazuna, I'm sorry," Sakura said, "I'm going to have to leave you for a moment."

"Yeah, go," Tazuna consented, he still had one of the genin to protect him.

Sakura ran off and Yuzuki couldn't help but think she was stupid. She didn't know what the pinkette thought she could accomplish, her taijutsu was subpar at best and she had a small grasp on genjutsu. She would be a hindrance more than a help in the battle.

"Her hearts in the right place," Tazuna informed Yuzuki in a fatherly tone.

"It will get her killed," Yuzuki immediately said and he looked at her in shock, "She doesn't have the skill or experience to stay alive when doing such reckless stunts, Naruto has his immense amount of chakra to use to call an army of clones and Uchiha does have some skill in taijutsu…she doesn't."

"You almost won me over with that," He griped.

"Thank you," She sighed, "I'm just being realistic."

"Cynic is more like it."

"Scratch the surface of most cynics and you find a frustrated idealist, someone who made the mistake of converting his ideals into expectations."

He didn't know what she was quoting. She looked down at the kunai in her hand, and contemplated the quote by Peter Senge. It rang more truth than most would like to admit. A cynic was born from someone who was an idealist or optimistic. Her thoughts were interrupted by a shuriken hitting the Yuki clan boy in the face and forcing him out of the ice dome.

"Ah, there's Naruto." Yuzuki commented.

Tazuna looked down at her and noticed she seemed annoyed at being turned into a commentator. Her monotone delivery of events would've been hilarious if the situation was different. Her annoyance disappeared as she reminded herself that it was part of the job. Even her earlier job had its monotonous moments, the graveyard guard duty on a navy base was far more boring than watching shinobi fight one another. Her nights of commentating nightlife was a thing of the past.

"Uzumaki Naruto has arrived!" Naruto announced and Yuzuki let out a huff of disbelief.

"He truly is the number one knuckleheaded ninja." She muttered in a fond tone.

"I think most girls would go for the dark-haired one," Tazuna commented.

She stared at him in disbelief as Naruto started going off about how the main character of a story showed up in tricky situations. Her expression was identical to that of Kakashi's, though for various reasons. Tazuna thought that she had a crush on Naruto. She couldn't help but be a bit annoyed at that, she was fond of him sure but thought of him more as a good friend.

"That's not the situation at all," She informed him, before realizing something, "Oh that idiot."

Naruto had gone inside the dome. She forgot that he could be such an idiot sometimes. She brought a hand up and placed it against her forehead. He should have attacked the dome from the outside, he truly had the chakra to create so many clones that he could destroy the ice that formed the dome. Then again, he really didn't think things through most of the time. She only saw him plan meticulously when he was crafting pranks.

If he put as much thought into his actions that he did his pranks, he would be terrifyingly efficient.

"I can't see into the dome!" Sakura announced as the ice grew thicker to block everyone's eyes from what went on inside.

"Don't lose to that guy! Sasuke-Kun! Naruto!" Sakura yelled out her support.

"No, Sakura," Kakashi told her, "Don't egg them on."

"What do you mean?" She questioned.

"Even if they could somehow defeat that technique, they cannot beat that boy," He replied.

Hayate watched as the pinkette's face fell in shock. He looked back towards his student and looked at the way she understood what Kakashi was telling his student. She had already concluded that information before the jonin genius. Zabuza chuckled and that got everyone's attention.

"Those two don't have the strength to destroy their heats to kill another person," Kakashi said, "That young man knows the true pain of being a shinobi."

"A real shinobi can't be created in a peaceful village like yours," Zabuza added, "Because you can't gain the most important thing, the experience of killing."

"Then what can we do?" Sakura questioned.

"Kakashi, we need to end this quickly," Hayate told the white haired jonin.

"Right," Kakashi muttered his agreement as he grasped his hitai-ate and lifted it.

The two female genin watched as the sharingan was shown. Hayate jumped back from the fight, knowing that he could possibly end up as collateral damage. He took up guarding the client with his student and looked down at the surprised kid. He put a hand on her shoulder, and she sighed before looking up at him with a curious expression. She wanted to know if this is how it had happened in the previous timeline. He shook his head; he wasn't sure of the exact way that this mission had gone but he was sure that the sharingan had come out back when they first ran into Zabuza.

The fight between Kakashi and Zabuza picked up to a speed that was incredible. Kubikiribocho had been brought out and the two kenjutsu users watched as the large blade was swiftly used as though it weighed nothing. Both were taking mental notes on the way that he fought, it was wild and unpredictable something that fit his personality. Kakashi fought with a precision that was brought about by years of ANBU service.

"Sakura, protect the client!" Kakashi ordered.

"Tazuna, stay near us," Sakura ordered the old man.

Hayate made a face at the pinkette and wondered if he should say something to her. He should say something to Kakashi first, after all it was his student. He barely reacted to the mist as it poured over the bridge and encased everything. A pale hand moved through the air and tried to disburse the fog. A frown appeared on Yuzuki's face and she focused a bit of chakra to her hand and quickly let it burst. That had removed the fog around her, but it was quickly replaced by more.

"Now isn't the time to experiment with chakra," He chided her, and she gave a sheepish smile.

"Sorry, force of habit," She muttered.

"Honestly, don't you know the importance of the mission?" Sakura asked her in a snide tone.

The blank look that she got from the Yamanaka was borderline terrifying. What Sakura didn't know was that Yuzuki was leaking killing intent. Hayate could see just how bad she wanted to tear into the other girl. He was going to have to have a serious conversation with Kakashi about his female student, she was going to say the wrong thing to someone and end up dead. Yuzuki flinched and looked behind her with wide eyes.

He drew his sword and blocked an attack from Zabuza. The missing-nin had decided to try a sneak attack. Zabuza was surprised when Kakashi appeared and kicked him away. The dark-haired nin slid for a few feet and gave a dark chuckle, his eyes shining with pure malice.

"Can you see inside the dome, Yamanaka?" Kakashi questioned Yuzuki while he was near the four.

"It's made from chakra, but I should be able to, Hatake-senpai," She answered as she looked towards Hayate and got a nod.

She activated the byakugan and looked towards the dome. She seemed to pale, and her lips went into a thin line. She watched as the Uchiha went down, there was a small spark of chakra coming from him that told her that he was still alive. It just wasn't looking good for them.

"Uchiha is down," She reported, "Naruto…he…"

She paused in her words as she watched a dark chakra appear where a familiar blue one had been. She couldn't help but tremble slightly at the darkness that radiated from it, it was terrifying. That had to be the kyuubi's chakra. Her jaw clenched and she found that she couldn't look away as it grew.

"Yuzuki, what is it?" Hayate questioned his trembling student who was staring at the dome with wide eyes.

That's when it finally hit them all. Kakashi couldn't help but feel bad for the kid, no wonder she seemed so scared. She may have known, the fact that she hadn't said what she was saying and unearthing an S-class secret in front of a civilian and a teammate was notable, and that's why she seemed surprised to finally feel that chakra. He knew that the sharingan allowed the user to somewhat see chakra, but not on the same level as the byakugan.

"Could the seal have been broken?" He muttered to himself.

"It's leaking into his own," Yuzuki quietly informed him as Sakura looked between the two with a deep frown on her face.

"Yuzuki, take Tazuna a way from here," Hayate ordered.

"I won't be able to take him off the bridge, while this fight's been going on we've been surrounded," She informed him with an apologetic look, "There's a few ninja in the fray, but they're barely above a genin in terms of chakra."

"Samurai then," Hayate murmured as Kakashi unraveled a scroll and ran a bloodied thumb down it.

"We don't have anymore time to waste," Kakashi informed Zabuza.

"What can you do in this situation, Kakashi?" Zabuza mocked.

Yuzuki watched as a body flew from the ice dome. The ice shattered and out came an orange blur. She questioned if she should call out to the blonde and stop his rampage by letting him know that the Uchiha was still alive. She was horrible with understanding people's emotions. She was a bit relieved when he stopped on his own and seemed to talk to the brunette boy that they had both met in the forest. She blinked in surprise when he punched him.

"He has one hell of a right hook," She muttered, "He fights like he's in a bar brawl."

Hayate cuffed the back of her head for that, though he couldn't help but agree with her. His time in the academy seemed to have been completely sabotaged, he felt as though they had Mizuki and a few other chuunin to thank for that. He knew that the blonde wouldn't accept training with him and Yuzuki, she wasn't really a part of his team and he wanted to learn from his own sensei.

"Why for a guy like that!?" Naruto's yell rang through the mist, "He's a bad guy who takes money from a criminal! Is that eyebrow-less freak the only important person to you?!"

"I mean, he isn't wrong," Yuzuki couldn't help but agree with him after looking at Zabuza again.

He was missing his eyebrows. She wondered if he shaved them off to make himself faster, more aerodynamic. She couldn't remember the right word, but she felt as though that fit. She huffed at that thought and watched as a dog went past her. She was confused before the fog lifted and they were all welcomed to the sight of Zabuza being held still by a pack of ninken. Her eyes were drawn to the one dog that looked like a pug from where she stood. He was ugly, but she felt the need to hug him and touch his paws.

"Are those dogs…" Sakura deadpanned.

"Ninken are great at tracking," Yuzuki informed her, "Be nice, they're doing their best."

Although she had a soft spot for dogs, she still didn't like most of the Inuzuka. That clan was far too loud for her taste. She watched as Zabuza and Kakashi talked, there wasn't much of importance being said. Zabuza was trying to get money for revenge and Kakashi was informing him that he was going to die. She couldn't help but think it was pretty standard for Shinobi. She watched the hand signs that Kakashi flew through, Ox Rabbit and Monkey and wondered what he was thinking. A chirping noise reached her ears and light filled the area.

"The Chidori," Hayate sighed.

"Oh, isn't that also the Raikiri?" Yuzuki questioned.

She had heard about a famous samurai in her pervious life named Tachibana Dosetsu who owned the sword Chidori and renamed it to Raikiri after killing a thunder god. She didn't know why it stuck with her as long as it did, but she was thankful for it. The look that Hayate was giving her was an amazing deadpan. She was able to keep the large grin off her face and keep an innocent expression.

"Don't give him ideas to call it something better than a thousand birds," Hayate warned her.

"Yes, Shishou," She sighed in amusement.

"I'll ask once more, surrender," Kakashi said to Zabuza, "Your future is death."

Zabuza simply snorted at that. Kakashi took off running and held his hand to his side. Yuzuki couldn't help but think that the Chidori was an assassination move, and not one to take lightly. She was proven right when the Yuki clan boy took the hit instead. Blood splatted on the bridge and everyone froze in surprise as the boy held onto the hand piercing his chest with the last of his strength.

"That's that masked boy," Tazuna said, "Why did he?"

"To protect the person, he cared about the most," Yuzuki answered, her voice betraying no emotion.

Kakashi quickly moved back as Zabuza was about to use his momentary surprise to try and kill him. He put the boy down and closed his wide-open eyes. He turned to face his blonde student and wasn't surprised to see him without any wounds.

"Shishou, can we go and help the Uchiha?" Yuzuki questioned, "Tazuna would be safer if we moved."

He knew that she just wanted to stop Sakura from saying anything, from making a scene. She was too much like a certain genius. She may be more like Genma then she'd like to admit, but she had the cold attitude of a young Kakashi. It was a very strange mix.

They moved to attend to the Uchiha, the boy wasn't moving, and his body was cold. Yuzuki sighed as Sakura began to bawl her eyes out. She reached out with a hand and gently pulled one of the senbon out, her time training against Genma serving her well in understand which ones were safe to remove. She was mechanical in her movements.

"Shinobi saying number twenty-five, no matter what the situation a shinobi must keep their emotions on the inside, you must make the mission your top priority and you must possess a heart that never shows tears," She quietly quoted, "This is the life of a shinobi, Sakura…it's not as fantastical as you hoped…is it?"

It hadn't been posed in a snotty way. It held an ounce of understanding and Sakura finally looked the other girl in the eyes and saw years of suppressed grief. In that moment she felt old, older than her…older than her sensei. She watched as pale eyes looked away from her and towards the person of her affections. There wasn't any sense to pulling out the senbon.

"Why are you pulling out the senbon?" She whispered out through her tears.

"Oh, he isn't dead," Yuzuki said as she blinked, "I probably should have started with that, but certain nerves in his body have been hit and that caused him to pass out, he's only cold because of the Yuki clan Kekkei Genkai."

Sakura brought her fist back and went to hit the taller girl. Only to have her fist caught and crushed in a chakra enhanced grip. She winced and tried to pull back, ignoring the way that pale eyes watched her attempts with a bored expression.

"I could have you removed from the genin ranks for that," Hayate informed her and she stopped struggling, "No matter what is said to you, you don't go around harming other shinobi from the village."

"Of course, you'd take her side," Sakura muttered with a glare on her face.

"I thought you were smarter than that, Haruno," Yuzuki coldly said to her.

Nothing was said between the two girls as Hayate moved between them to act as a buffer. He watched as Yuzuki went back to gently removing the senbon and was surprised at how gentle she was towards a boy she didn't really care for. Then again, she didn't really go out of her way to be rude to him. She just disliked the sharingan, said it was a cop-out. A deus-ex machina that was complete and utter bullshit. She could understand the genjutsu aspect of it, but the ability to copy a technique from someone made them thieves in her eyes.

"What a lifestyle," Tazuna muttered as he stared between the two and tried to figure out who was in the right.

He was leaning towards the brat he was fonder of. Yuzuki had been helpful to Tsunami and took her job of protecting him seriously and wasn't trying to gain the attention of a boy. Sakura was transparent in that regard with what her intentions were.

"Oh, so you're getting your ass kicked," A voice questioned, and they all turned to see a short man with a cane walking towards them, "How disappointing, Zabuza."

"Gato," Yuzuki hissed as she went back to pulling the senbon out so they could eventually move the Uchiha to safety and get him all bandaged up, "This is bad…shit."

"Stay here with the client," Hayate ordered her, "And that also applies to you."

He had said that to Sakura, and she nodded. She still had a glare on her face whenever she looked at him, but she knew that keeping her mouth shut around him was her best bet to stay a genin. She looked towards her teammate to see if he was going to move away from them and break those orders first, but found him kneeling next to Yuzuki and collecting the senbon she removed the Sasuke.

"Which one's can I pull out, Yuzuki-chan?" Naruto asked her.

"Don't worry about it, Naruto," Yuzuki sighed before giving a small smile, "I'm quite adept at removing senbon, Shiranui uses them when we train, and his aim is actually better than…"

She didn't say anything that would upset Naruto and he was thankful for that. She went back to being quiet and he looked towards his crush. He couldn't believe that she didn't like their honorary member for this mission. Yuzuki wasn't always forthcoming with how nice she was, but she never glared at him or hit him. She never asked for him to be punished when she got caught up in one of his pranks and never sold him out when he passed by her. She was emotionally and socially stunted, but she was someone he really did consider a friend.

"Do I have to stay here?" Naruto asked her.

"I don't think Shishou was ordering you, but I wouldn't push him right now," She informed him, "He isn't too pleased at the movement…I might not do another mission with your team again because of this mission and it's not anything you did."

She was making that clear right away, this had nothing to do with Naruto and more to do with the girl who couldn't control her temper. If she ever had to face the pinkette in the chuunin exams or even a spar she was going to use that temper to her advantage.

Naruto gave a strained smile and gained a guilty glint to his eyes. She seemed to notice and sighed before bringing a hand up and ruffling his hair. Sakura's glare intensified at the other girl, she almost felt as though she was being replaced within her own team. Yuzuki noticed but didn't really care, she wasn't a preteen like the other girl and knew that was what her problem really was. She was mature enough, she had the years for it, to know that she wasn't going to replace the pinkette and just wanted to show her friend some comfort.

"What the hell you bastard!" Naruto's yell did not startle her, she would forever stick by that statement.

He took off towards Gato but was stopped by his sensei as Hayate gave him a look of slight understanding mixed with disbelief. Naruto struggled against Kakashi's grip for a few seconds before sighing and changing tactics.

"Say something! Weren't you two friends!?" Naruto yelled at Zabuza.

"Shut up kid," Zabuza growled, "Haku is already dead."

"Don't you feel anything at all? Weren't you two always together?!" Naruto continued.

"As I was used by Gato I used Haku, that was it," Zabuza informed him, "In this world of shinobi we are just tools, what I wanted was his blood and I have no regrets."

"Liar." Yuzuki muttered.

"Hm?" Tazuna asked her.

"That look in his eyes, he's pissed at Gato," She answered, "Haku meant more to him then he would ever willingly admit, he probably saw him as his son."

It was like a more fucked up version of her and Genma. She may never say it to him, but he knew that she saw him as her father and vice versa. The two had gained a strong bond, which honestly baffled Hayate until he realized that Genma liked taking care of someone and that showed that his mother hen side was very strong, and she knew that was exactly the kind of bond that Zabuza and Haku had. She would take a killing move for Genma, she wasn't that illusioned with herself, and she had the feeling he would avenge her death.

"Do you really mean that?" Naruto asked the missing-nin.

"Naruto we are not fighting him anymore," Kakashi began but Naruto broke his hold and walked up to the much taller man.

"Shut up, my enemy is still him!" Naruto shouted, "He really loved you! He loved you enough to die for you! Do you really feel nothing!? If I become as strong as you will I really become like you!? He threw away his life for you, without his own dream…to die as a tool that's just too sad."

"Kid, you don't need to say any more." Zabuza said.

Yuzuki gave a soft sigh and stood up. She turned towards Sakura and barely reacted to the glare from the other girl. They needed to move the Uchiha, he would be in danger if they didn't.

"We need to move him," She told the other girl, "You want to lift his head or feet?"


They went to work and Tazuna followed them as they carried the Uchiha out of the line of sight, while Zabuza slaughtered thugs on his way to Gato in the background. Yuzuki almost paused at the pungent smell of iron in the air but ignored it, it was far enough away that it wasn't a current problem. She would only react if it was necessary. She trusted her Shishou and Kakashi to stop any of the thugs from coming after the bridgebuilder.

"Why are you two carrying me?" The Uchiha's voice asked them.

"You were out cold on the bridge, it was best to get you out of harms way before anymore damage could be done," Yuzuki calmly informed him.

"Does nothing faze you?" He asked her.

"Not really."

Tazuna laughed at that. It had been quick enough that the look on the Uchiha's face was pure surprise. That boy was like her in quite a few ways.

"What happened?" Sasuke asked.

"Masked boy is dead, Zabuza is currently dying, and Gato is dead," Yuzuki answered, "It was Kakashi that finished off the masked boy, he protected him from an attack and gave up his life."

"It's impressive that you prevented attacks to your critical areas!" Sakura exclaimed, delighted that the boy was awake.

"No." He muttered as he looked down at his hole littered skin.

He knew that the boy had done that on purpose. He felt something soft hit his head as his pink haired teammate informed Naruto that he was awake. He looked down to see a few roles of bandages and looked up towards the Yamanaka. She was looking away but upon feeling his eyes sent him a slight nod.

"You guys really need to stock up on supplies," She informed him in blunt tone, "You'll run out of weapons if you don't."

They heard screaming and saw an army of Kakashi's. Yuzuki couldn't help but think that half the female population of the village had dreamed of that kind of situation at least once. She let out a soft sound as it began to snow. A smile lit up on her face that was full of innocence. She held out her hands and caught some of the white flakes.

"Let's head back to Tazuna's." Hayate quietly told them.

A week later saw the bridge being completed, but Hayate and Yuzuki were going on ahead first. They had things to discuss that shouldn't be said around others. They shared a look and both sighed.

"I had forgotten that Sakura was a right pain," Yuzuki muttered, "She wasn't that bad until Ino got her claws into her."

"Has she always had that temper?" He questioned.

"Yeah, she takes it out on Naruto a lot," She conformed, "I'll add anger management to the scroll report that the Hokage wants. He probably already knows that Senpai needs therapy."

"I'll be looking for a team for you to join during the Chuunin Exams," He informed her and he watched the grin that appeared on her face, "I want you to wipe the floor with that girl and knock her down a few pegs."

He hadn't liked the fact that the pinkette had tried to hit his student, though he shouldn't worry too much seeing how she handled it, and was going to be petty about it. He said wipe the floor with her, but he knew that she translated that into absolutely destroying her. Yuzuki was one of those few people that could take things to the extreme, and that's why he was holding off until the final part of the chuunin exam to delve deeper into genjutsu with her.

He had a feeling that Anko was going to undermine that and teach the genin while she was in the forest doing those D-Ranks.

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