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"You silly, I know about our situation and even though I am hurt and sad for not being part of his very important times of his life, I know it is not your fault, maybe when I learned I had a son I was angry but after thinking calmly I know you did what you thought at that moment best, I never blamed you" Hruday said while he pat on her leg in soothing manner

In his panic he forgot one thing that is Aanya's slip of tongue where she was about to say children not child or their son

Aanya hold herself back from blurting out the most painful secret that she kept from him that maybe hurt him more than anything even more than when she left unsaid because she was also in a pain so much that hard to bear every time she think about that she will feel as though the shattered soul is pricking her of every second of her life

May be when time comes she will reveal this secret and she only hopes after knowing the truth Hruday never shatter like her

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