
Was it our first kiss or second kiss?

Kiluan observes the air between them. The man is staring at the princess. She doesn't meet the man's eyes. There's something between this man and the princess for sure. But the princess is wise enough to not act on her feelings. A human will never be accepted as a cockatrice's mate in their world. Anyone who shows affection to humans is sent to exile or meets death.

"Your parents are at the sharehouse." Sin Jeong-Hyuk breaks the silence. "Get in the car. Talking here will attract attention."

"It's fine." Chang Seol takes out her phone from her bag and opens the app to book a cab. "Kiluan and I will take a cab. Thanks for asking."

"Chicken!" He exhales, exasperated. How could she get into a cab with a stranger? "Stop being a kid and get in the car."

"Human." Kiluan glares at Sin Jeong-Hyuk. "You should not call her derogatory names. She's not a chicken. Besides, she's a princess. I am sure that you thick-headed humans can never understand how to treat someone with respect."

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