
Chapter 528: Second Treasure Game Began!

It did not take long for Tang Li Xue to reach the pillar of golden light located on the small island in the middle of the lake.


When Tang Li Xue landed near the pillar of golden light, she immediately re-summoned her perfect copy to her side and instructed her perfect copy to approach the pillar of golden light alone.


Unfortunately, there was nothing happened at all, even after Tang Li Xue's perfect copy stood right on the pillar of golden light.


Tang Li Xue sighed and said in a disappointed tone: "It seems only the real fox can participate in the treasure game."


"But it all makes sense since there are many other foxes with the clone-type divine ability in this Foxes Hunting Festival, like you or the abomination black fox. If every fox's clones could participate in the treasure game, then that abomination black fox would become the biggest winner." The perfect copy tried to comfort Tang Li Xue with a reason.


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