
Chapter 438: Hungry Beast Souls!

Fortunately, Tang Li Xue has the [Scepter of Disaster], so she could use the armies of dried corpses and armored skeletons to explore all of the paths in this maze.

This giant maze room was actually more complicated than Tang Li Xue's thought. 

Even with so many dried corpses and armored skeletons helped her pass through countless dangerous traps and explored all of the paths ahead of her, Tang Li Xue still stuck many times by the dead-end intersections. 

Just so you know, Tang Li Xue was actually very bad at this kind of maze trial since she was really easy to get lost.

In fact, Tang Li Xue already lost her way several times previously until she finally learned [Ethereal Form] to pass through any obstacles and [Mapping Sense] to not get lost on her way.

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