
Dark clouds around the castle

Elina could not believe what her dad just said. Yes, she spoke harshly to him before and she was upset at that time. She is ready to reflect on her actions but the way her dad spoke to her future brother-in-law was unacceptable.

She turned around and walked out without saying a word. Jayden followed her behind as he was not left with much of an option. If it was Aiden, he would have used force to search the whole castle but Jayden did not want to create any trouble. But he still could not understand, why Jennifer's parents don't even want to meet him?

"Hey, wait up! Do not stamp the ground and walk like a giant. You really look ugly," Jayden shouted from behind.

"Who did you call ugly?" Elina turned her head and asked while keeping both her hands on the hips.

"Relax! So what are your plans? Do you have anywhere to go like a mini castle or a huge mansion? I can give you a lift in my private jet if you want?"

"Brother-in-law, take me to your home. I am going to live with you from now on!"

"I can arrange for you to go stay at Mike's house for now. Anyways, Aiden is there and you will not be bored living alone in my home when I will be busy searching for my runaway wife."

"Ok" At that time she suddenly felt dizzy and held onto the tree next to the front yard.

"What happened?" Jayden went and held her.

"Looks like I am too tired from the journey. Let us just go" Elina stood up and walked weakly towards the private jet.

When they were about to board, Jayden's phone rang. When he picked up Aiden spoke on the other end,

"I am back in the city and I decided to stay at your mansion for the time being as I am not interested in living at the underground palace. Bring my lady back here right now!"

Before Jayden could answer, Elina pulled the phone away from him.

"Baby, my dad kicked me out and I have nowhere to go…" Elina cried over the phone.

They both kept on talking until Jayden and Elina reached his Den mansion.

Before she could even get down from the car, Aiden rushed towards them and opened the door for her to get down. And before her leg could even reach the ground, he lifted her up and carried her inside. After walking five steps, he noticed that Jayden did not follow him.

"Are you not coming in?" Aiden asked.

"No! I don't want to be the third wheel in between you two. Anyways I have lots of work pending in my company and Jennifer is also missing. I won't be back for a few days."

Jayden drove the car away without looking behind. He had a feeling that something big was going to happen and he was not sure if they were prepared for that.

Dexter and Lisa came out of their hiding place and walked towards William once they were sure that Jayden and Elina left.

"Don't you think keeping our daughters in the dark may make this situation worse?" Lisa asked.

"We cannot involve the kids in this war until we know who our enemy is. Through my connections, I found out that the person might be someone close to my family. So our first priority must be to find the thorn and pull it out. I don't want Elina to suffer at this troubling time and get hurt." William said.

"But you did push her away in a harsh way. I don't have a good feeling about this." Lisa said with doubtful eyes.

"Do not worry, our kids are smart and they will understand we are doing this for their own good," Dexter said.

All the family members of William came with their luggage packed and ready to leave. Elina's first uncle, David came forwards and asked,

"Are you really sure about this decision? Do you want us to leave right now?"

"Yes. If everyone is ready, then your car's are waiting for you outside. All of you will go to different countries and stay in the properties which I purchased under your name. You will not have any contact with the castle or anyone from here until I inform you personally that everything is alright to come back."

"But.." Olivia's mom Susan wanted to say her objection.

"I do not want to hear anyone trying to convince me otherwise. This is not negotiable and it is an order. I want you all to leave right this moment."

Everyone left the place one by one while whispering among themselves. All this trouble started a few months before when Dexter received a letter from one of the spies he placed in Golden Poison saying that an attack had been planned on the castle. He immediately canceled his vacation and came here to discuss the matter with his friend, William. They tried to get more information from the spy but even the trace of him had disappeared and they couldn't get any useful details later through their search. They involved CIA and Aiden to destroy the Golden Poison headquarters but it only backfired as they now directly received a message which said,

'You did a very bad job by provoking me and destroying my fortress. I will take revenge by killing each and every member of your family along with destroying the castle in which you are living."

Left with no option, William sent away all his family members and prepared himself into the battle with the unknown enemy along with Dexter and Lisa.

"Do you think Golden poison members will come and attack us with so much security around the palace? There are thousands of soldiers and hundreds of Dexter's men were deployed in protecting this castle." Lisa said.

"We will have to wait and see. Since we have destroyed their headquarters, they would be like mad dogs ready to bite. It is better to stay prepared." Dexter explained.

"I am not worried about the castle. All I am worried about is the people living here and once they safely reach the places which I arranged for them, then only I can breathe easily." William said.

Once he finished his sentence, the dark clouds surrounded the castle, and rain started to pour heavily. The storm brewed inside their hearts was no less compared to the storm outside. All they could do was to hope that they would win this battle at any cost and protect the people they love.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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