
Jayden hurts Jennifer

He pushed Jennifer away without any mercy. Her back banged on the footboard and she slid down. She felt pain as if her spinal cord was broken, the push was done with extreme strength. Jayden left the room with heavy steps and the door closed with a thud behind him.

Jennifer hugged her legs and squatted down the floor. Tears overwhelmed her eyes because of the backache but she did not let it flow. She held them in and closed her eyes to control her emotions. She stood up, as she cannot let him escape this time. Finding her parents is her first priority. She doesn't care even if she was killed in that process.

"You better stop right there!" Jennifer cried and ran behind a figure who just came out of Mike's room.

She went near him and started to fight with him. Aiden, who had just spoken with Mike, came out in a disturbing mood. And when he noticed that someone was trying to attack him from behind, he became alerted and tried to avoid the blow.

Jennifer who was now at the peak of anger swiftly sent a few blows towards Aiden without mercy. She lifted her leg to kick his groin but Aiden caught her legs and twisted it. She fell down with a thud. After being clouded by her thoughts, all she wanted was to bring down her enemy somehow.

So without even looking at whom she was actually fighting, she jumped up and took a small hidden knife which was tied to her calf. She aimed right at Aiden's heart and tried to stab him. Hearing the ruckus, everyone came rushing towards the noise.

Mike switched on the lights and watched in horror as Aiden was about to get stabbed by Jennifer. But before the knife could even reach him, Jayden held Jennifer and lifted her up in the air. She was then thrown down and Jayden rushed towards her. He held her neck and lifted her up in the air.

"I warned you just a minute before, if you dare lay your hands on my brother then what I would do? Did you just let it fly in the air, whatever I said before? How dare you?" He held her neck tightly and squeezed it.

Finally, Jennifer felt his real strength and shivered in shock. She held his hand and tried to remove it from her neck. Elina, who came out from her room, shouted in horror. She ran near Jayden and tried to push him away. But he was like a solid rock who would not budge.

"Let Jenny go! She will die! Let her go" She hit him on his shoulders.

But Jayden was not in a mood to listen to anyone. He just tightened his grip even more. Jennifer's eyes bulged out, her face drained of blood and looked pale. Because of the tight hold, she felt the burn in her lungs and started to choke.

"Jay, let her go! We still have some use for her." Once Jayden heard Aiden, he immediately let go of Jennifer.

She fell down and took a few quick breaths. Elina rushed towards her and caressed her back. Aiden snapped her fingers and the hidden bodyguards stood in a row.

"Confiscate their mobiles and other gadgets which they are carrying. Make sure to destroy them. Do a thorough search on their body and make sure they are locked in the basement." Aiden ordered.

"Aiden…" Elina called.

"Bring her to my room. I will do a search on her before shifting her to the basement myself." Aiden said.

"No! I am not going to leave Jenny…" Elina was lifted by her collar by one of the bodyguards and thrown into Aiden's room.

While Jennifer sat there like a statue without any reaction. Two bulky looking bodyguards approached her and at that time Jayden snapped out of his hallucination. He stopped them and pointed at a lady bodyguard,

"You! Take her inside and do what Aiden ordered you to do. Make sure to do a thorough search to check if she doesn't have any hidden devices or weapons with her. I don't mind if you have to use force on her to find out about it." He stopped and stared at Jennifer.

"Just make sure she doesn't carry any weapon anymore. Also, she has always kept some sleeping spray with her. Just be very careful while handling her, she is too dangerous. Take her to some other room for safety purposes. You two, even if you have to destroy the room she stayed in to find out any weapons or hidden devices she placed on, I don't mind." Jayden uttered and walked away from that place without looking back.

Mike just looked at Jennifer and shook his head. He did not want such a thing to happen to two girls but his boys are more important to him than anyone else. The minute he saw the knife near Aiden, his breathing stopped. He almost rushed in front of him but Jayden reached next to her before she could stab Aiden and stopped her.

"Come on, move on! Just don't squat down and waste my time." The female bodyguard kicked her on her legs.

Jennifer got up from where she sat and tried to put up a fight with her. The bodyguard tried to fight back and was easily defeated. The other bodyguards rushed forward and brought Jennifer down. They held her hands behind the back and tied them together. They searched for any weapon in her and took everything out.

"Take her inside, strip her clothes, and do a thorough search! Do not untie her. She is deceitful and threatening just like our boss said. Chichi and Arantxa would go with you, Nyx. I will report about your failure in defeating your opponent and debacle to complete the task to our boss." Rogue, who is the leader of the secret hidden guard team said.

Nyx lowered her head and glared at Jennifer. This was her first time meeting an opponent who could defeat her so easily. She would definitely train even harder and ask her boss's permission to duel with this prisoner later.

"Yes, leader!" Nyx said while pulling Jennifer into the room next to them. Arantxa and Chichi followed them in without a word.

In ten minutes, Jennifer was brought down the stairs towards the basement. She was expecting a blood-covered room, just like how her father's basement looked. But when she entered all she saw was neatly arranged books and some more books.

She looked around searching for Jayden. Anyways when it has come to such a point, it was no use to maintain the facade anymore. She would just ask him once again nicely to release her parents.

"Is everything ready?" Jayden asked from behind.

"Yes, Boss," Rogue replied.

Nyx pushed Jennifer onto the sofa and moved back to stand in line.

"Jenny, how are you? Are you fine? Did they do anything to you?" Elina rushed towards her and hugged her. Before she could reply, Aiden said sarcastically from behind,

"What could happen to her? If Jayden was a second late, she would have taken my life."

Everyone around looked at each other meaningly. Is it even possible to kill our boss or even go near him until he allows them intentionally? They felt like something was quite not right! But no one was daring enough to express their thoughts.

"Jenny, I request you to reduce your anger a little bit. It is not healthy when you are pregnant."

"I am not pregnant and it is impossible for me to get pregnant. Why have you become an idiot? Don't you know that because of what happened a few years back, I was stabbed in my stomach and my uterus got removed due to infection... Now let us stop talking about that. That is not important. All I want is my parents. Where are they?" Jennifer looked at Jayden and Aiden and screamed.

"Why are you screaming at them? I am sorry, I didn't mean to bring your past memories back… I am really sorry…" Elina hugged her and cried.

Jayden looked at her with a complicated expression. When he heard what Jennifer said, it shocked him to the core. He held the bookshelf for support and looked at Jennifer with an empty expression.

Suddenly Elina felt something was not quite right. Why is she asking about her parents? Aren't they at her home?

Mass release!! Enjoy!

Darlene_Virginiacreators' thoughts
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