

When they got back from their field trip they told us all about their meeting with Clem and the two vamps they dusted along with some bringers that showed up. Buffy and I had a private conversation while the girls met the new potential.

I'd asked to see her alone to work off some steam I'd been building up since a few nights before. With that she gladly obliged and Faith took Alice for a conversation of their own. When we were much more relieved of stress she told me Spike had been acting up in pain a few times tonight.

Sighing I told her. "When the First fiddled with his chip to block it the magic's corroded it. He needs to get it repaired or taken out. It's up to you on that love. Call up the initiative if you need to but I can tell you right now the place under the college is gone. I imploded a massive amount of power and took out everything. There's no more secret rooms left to hide anything because there's nothing down there but tons of rock and metal shrapnel from the blast."

She nodded. "I'll call them in the morning, can you hand me my panties?"

I shook my head. "You won't be needing them love, I need another round and I'd only tear them off you."

She nodded and sighed as I slid back into place and continued our earlier menstruations. He rode me at first till I switched us around and took her from behind. Soon enough she was to weak to continue and her hips hurt a little so I healed her up as she fell asleep on my chest.

I rolled her hair between my fingers and thought of tomorrow's problems. They certainly came soon enough as the sun rose on our balcony. The white curtains laid bare as I sighed and slid out of bed. I walked to the curtains and closed them to let her sleep longer.

I went and showered before heading to the kitchen for a spot of tea and LSD. It can't effect me like before unless I let it but it had a feel to it that I missed so I mixed them and drank while Giles and the currently remouthed Andrew joined me.

Giles mentioned. "I think it's time I take the girls on the slayer journey in the desert. It's time they understood where their power lay."

I passed him a cup without LSD and told him. "Make sure they all go. I can tell you right now they don't have any illnesses amongst them so no fakers. Oh, and take the idiot here, he's got a driver's license so you'll at least get some use out of him and not have to over crowd the SUV."

He looked over to Andrew before sighing. "I guess. Pass me the some of what you have. I feel the need not to be myself tonight."

I snorted and passed him a blunt and an extra joint saying. "That's the strongest I'll give until you aren't on a trip where dangers lay if the First sends bringers after you."

He raised an eyebrow and pocketed the case before asking. "You think he'd interrupt the ceremony?"

I shook my head. "Not even he's that stupid, no, but if he decided to send bringers after you specifically while the potentials are away and have them wait for the potentials to return it could get ugly."

He nodded. "Perhaps it's best I take Faith with me as well."

I shrugged. "You're convincing her not me. I've got some work to do and it's time I give Xander the materials he need to begin his studies as a warlock."

He sighed. "Couldn't be that lucky can I? Where is she by the way?"

I smirked. "She and Alice are in the greenhouse room. Knock first as they're both naked and very groggy. Faith needed some stress relief and I'd already wondered off with Buffy so they had a little date of sorts."

Andrew frowned. "How's that a date if they're just screwing?"

I chuckled. "To Faith a date involves food and sex. If it has both it's a date. Simple and easy to please. They had some pizza and well, you get the rest. FYI if you go to peek I'll remove your eyes and not with a spell. I may have removed that castration curse but that's only because the girls got tired of you pissing on the floor mat in the bathroom."

He shrieked away and Giles gave him a stern glare as well. I sighed. "I don't know why Buffy keeps you around but I promise if you turn on her and harm these girls there will be no sorries or times for apology, I'll tear off your head and eat your heart. Ask Giles here, I'm a man of my word."

I left them to talk as I headed to the library and unpacked the pocket dimension's book collections into it. After spending half the day organizing texts Xander finally made his way here.

I told him to sit and have him the first homework to study. "Memorize and compartmentalize all of these. Once you've done that I'll quiz you and we'll begin your initialization as a warlock. Simple spells at first but as time goes on I have no doubt you'll be wielding fire swords like this."

I lifted a hand and a sword of flame materialized in my hands. I continued. "The trick to this is the concentration required to form a simple barrier around your hands to ensure you aren't burned and on inside that forms the sword itself. With time and practice you'll be able to then both barriers to make the sword stronger and sharper. If and when you master this spell I'll teach you how to materialize spells along your skin like this."

I held up my other hand and a steel like sheen came into being around it. Smiling I told him. "You'll be able to figure out the empowerment spells from that to earn yourself near slayer strength. Then you'll have mastered the basics of what I want to teach you and begin a journeyman studies where you'll have to learn and grow on your free time. Each of those spells are only the peak of each level I will be teaching you. There will be many other spells you'll be learning including healing and barrier spells."

He nodded slowly and said. "Are you sure I'm cut out for this sort of thing?"

I smiled. "The potential is there. I saw that much when you without really trying said a simple fire incantation and lit the book on fire without even feeling the drain. Odds are you'll have to use your soldier training to keep focused but it's as good as any a place to start. You have your mission soldier, carry it out."

He flinched and tried not to salute me bore grabbing the books he had in front of him and heading over to the comfy chair he liked to sit and study. Willow and Tara arrived to go through the watcher's council books for information on the First to study and they mentioned a call from a watcher friend of Giles saying he wasn't sure Giles was alive.

Sighing I told them. "He's really Giles, I shook his hand before he left and you'd be able to tell if it was the First inside the compound. He wouldn't even look solid. It'd be more like a ghost."

They seemed relieved and I mentioned. "Besides, he took a couple joints from me and if that was the First then he owes me some weed."

Willow frowned and Tara smiled at my quirky joke. Sighing I picked through the books at lightning fast speeds reading the whole library in the same amount of time it took Xander to read his first book. Sighing I saw the witches engrossed in a random demon archive book and left the library to find Alice for some alone time.

I didn't find her until she found me as she dodged me for twenty minutes to amuse herself. When she found me I took her right then and there as I'd grown frustrated on my hunt. She was very pleased with the results of her fun until she could no longer go on. Sighing I left her cutely snuggled on a random bed in the unused wing.

She sighed in content as she closed her glistening thighs as not to tempt me back to bed telling me I had to wait till Buffy gets back for more. I growled in answer to her amusement and sent a healing spell her way. She laughed out. "Still to tired for more love."

Frustrated I left and went out to hunt something scary to kill. Buffy was busy at her house where the initiative had set up and was removing Spike's chip on her say so. Faith was off with Giles doing a inner path finder herself.

Growling I hunted down a warrior demon and it's mate before killing them both and searching out more. I ran across some unlucky bringers and killed them slowly to amuse myself. When they finally gasped their last breath the First appeared. "They certainly did amusingly don't they?"

I nodded. "Not like humans at all. So quiet even when their in agony. I even tried out a few tricks I learned first hand, cruel I know but I couldn't care less. I'm not a god of niceness. I'm a predator and they're lunch to my kind."

As if on cue a few vampires appeared and dragged off the bodies to drain. The First looked amused a little. "So you admit you should be on my side?"

I snorted. "I'm not on your side, I side with my mates, that's all. Good, evil, I couldn't care less so long as it's what my mates want."

He frowned in Spike's form and changed to Buffy. "I'm that case I want-"

I turned towards it. "Try that again and I'll ruin your day. I may not be able to hurt you permanently but I can make it a pain in your ass to form on this plane."

She shut up and changed to someone I assumed was a dead person. He told me. "You're an odd one. Not a god of goodness and all that crap but not a god of evil either. Don't tell me you're one of this balance fools."

I snorted. "Far from it. I am my mother's son. Like her I could give a shit what you want or they want. My mood decides what I do, but in the end I'm tied to the slayer line and my mates. Tough luck that you feel the need to attack it. That's not even something you understand do you?"

He growled at me and I chuckled. "So long as there's females in this dimension the slayer essence can deem more worthy. Your little killing spree won't even slow her down. Like me she's a force of nature and won't be quelled by fools playing with little monks."

He sneered at me. "If it takes killing all females to wipe out the slayer line I'll do just that! I will have this world all I need is to weaken her for a simple moment and I'll be able to manifest into this reality in my full glory. Then you all are well and truly doomed!"

I chuckled. "Whatever you say. Anyway, you happen to have any more toys I can play with? I'm a bit bored right now."

He didn't respond for a minute before saying. "My champion is up for a bit of a challenge. Shall we see if he can kill a mortal god like you once did?"

He shifted to Glory's form and continued. "I'm sure he'd love to test your mightiness and spread the word of my glory to the masses."

I shook my head. "Pass, I don't want your leftovers, if there are no more bringers then maybe a Turok-Han I can play with?"

She smirked. "Soon enough this planet will be overrun with my armies and you'll have more of them than you bargained for."

I chuckled. "You really do take on the personality of those you turn into don't you? Glory was a self centered airhead. Maybe you two are more alike then you care to admit?"

The First was clearly done chatting with me because it left in a huff. Amused now I fused the now full vampires then reached out to all the vampires in the city limits. With difficulty I excluded Spike before lighting them all on fire with a massive but simple fire spell. Several hundred vampires were dusted just like that.

I headed to Buffy's house to see if she was done and up for some relief. When I arrived I heard the soldiers refer to Spike as ass face. Laughing I entered the house and told him. "I'll have to remember that. Tell Finn I appreciate the epiphany of names to call Spike."

The soldier asked. "And who are you?"

I smirked. "Call me Ryan. I'm with Buffy and although I'll deny it later, the same side as ass face here."

I waved a hand to Spike who was knocked out and getting his chip removed. The soldier nodded. "Agent Finn mentioned you. Said you were a monster like no other. He also said you were responsible for the condition of our old headquarters."

I raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

He nodded. "He said you're the main reason most of our men survived that battle and credits you for saving most of their lives."

I shrugged. "I was in the area and they looked rather beaten up. I wasn't going to kick them while they were down. Nothing more to it than a simple helping hand."

He smiled. "Agent Finn said you'd try to play it off. He said you may act mild mannered but not to piss you off or we'd regret it."

I chuckled. "Just leave my girl alone and don't make her mad and we'll be good. I don't get angry as easy anymore. I've calmed down since Finn left. More mellow you could say."

He nodded and Buffy smiled. "That just translates to far more dangerous now."

The soldier looked over to me with a skeptical eye. I ignored it and turned to Buffy. "You almost done here love? Alice said I'd have to wait till you got back for a meeting but I find myself bored and I've just dusted a few hundred amateurs. The First paid me a visit when I broke a few of it's toys as well. It mentioned a new toy on it's way to town. This one has extra potential maybe Glory and my level, I can't say yet."

Her eyebrows shot up. "That's bad."

I nodded. "We'll deal with it I'm sure but for now I say we wake up ass face here and let him suffer a bit while they work, it might amuse me."

She snorted. "Behave and I'll give you the meeting you want. Besides, I'm sure Alice can keep you company at least until their done here."

I shook my head. "She kicked me out complaining about not walking for the rest of the day. I healed her but she still said no. Faith's in her nature walk so I'm here waiting on you. There's no more easy prey outside and all that's left seems determined to hide. Willy's has banned me on account of last time I was there I ate all the clientele."

The soldier man listening in kept a skeptical eye on me and looked interested in what I was saying. I could care less though so I continued. "Any chance for a quickie to tide me over till you're done here?"

She snorted. "It's never just a quickie with you and you'll always want more so you'll have to wait or go see if Faith's done with finding her inner nature."

Sighing I kissed her before heading back to the house to see if Alice was up. I found her sitting in the library with Willow, Tara and Xander. She told me. "Someone cast a hex on willow earlier but the wards reflected it back towards the attacker. We were just trying to figure out who did it."

I shrugged. "Probably Amy. She's the only magic user I know that both isn't dead and may have a jealous grudge on her. The First wouldn't use a simple hex but a curse instead and it knows better by now."

They all looked enlightened except for Xander who spoke up. "Aha, I said it may be Amy. The rest don't make sense. I mean, why would Cordelia do a spell on you Wills?"

She snorted and rolled her eyes. "Whatever. So what do we do about Amy then?"

I shrugged. "I'm sure she's learned her lesson by now. I can't imagine it was a simple hex even with her so she'll have at least learned not to use deadly stuff until she's sure it'll actually reach you."

She nodded a little and Tara said. "Perhaps we could do a locator spell mixed with a scrying mirror to see what she's up to?"

I chuckled as Alice pulled out the hand mirror she'd brought in preparation for this. I watched them for the spell and saw Rack starring back at us. Chuckling I told them. "A penance malediction spell. She looks like that because she feels she needs to. I can say for certain that Rack will never practice magic again. Hell, as far as I know he's still in the coma you left him in."

Willow flinched and Alice sighed. "Don't worry, he deserves far worse and he'd be doing just that if he was awake right now. Even without magic people like him have connections in very low places."

With that the day of excitement came to a close as Buffy and Spike came back. He had a migraine so I gave him a joint and a pint of blood to take the edge off while I took Buffy to the meeting room to give her a thorough talking to.

After half the night Faith returned and Alice joined us as well for another round of fun. A true meeting of minds and all that. While we were laying in bed and pools of our combined love was leaking from them Alice sighed as a vision hit her.

When it was over she told us. "Ryan and Faith are needed in LA. Angel has lost his soul again. Some demon took it out so they could get the skinny on the new big bad there. Ryan gets to fight a contender for the title of beast."

I growled as my eyes glowed a reddish green now like a forest fire. She shooshed me saying. "Faith gets to fight Angelus so they can put his soul back in once they have him."

I sighed and Buffy asked. "Why do they get to leave and go to LA?"

She pouted so cutely that i kissed her as I slid back inside her drawing a gasp and a moan from her lips to Faith's amusement. "Because B, you're in charge here. Leaders can't be running all over the place. They're needed to give commands so that the soldiers can follow."

Buffy could quite speak back as I picked up the pace now. They knew I was an animal by nature and excepted my quirks even in bed so when I finally released Buffy caught her breathe as I pulled out and entered Faith again.

Faith didn't mind one bit as she flipped us over in her demand to be on top. Even with her favorite things she was always the one who wanted control unless I got aggressive and dominated her. She sighed as she began riding me while Buffy talked weakly. "I'd still like a break from all this evil sometime. I'm sure LA has it easier than us here."

Alice snorted. "You'd be wrong. LA is in permanent darkness brought on by this beast killing some Egyptian epitaph demons. It's a demons playground there right now. Angelous will run the streets red with blood if he's not stopped and the big bad will encourage him to take it ever further until he's slaughtered half the city."

I sighed. "Well there's a plus at least. I'm sure whatever being that's doing this isn't apart of the LA Wolfram and Hart branch."

Alice sighed. "It's more than that, the beast slaughtered all their people so it's effectively shut down right now."

Faith leaned down and shoved her breasts in my faces saying. "Us up here big boy, a girl likes to know she's being paid the proper attention when you're balls deep in her."

I growled and did just that as I buried myself in her getting a moaning response while her inner muscles worked to milk me of everything I have. She leaned back and I sat up taking her breast into my mouth as I bit down some and she shuddered.

When I released it her orgasm hit like a sledgehammer and brought me over with it filling her womb ever full. Sweat glistened off us as she pulsed with another wave of please her and I followed. We were thrumming the same orgasmic energy wave as she moaned and shuddered more in my arms.

When she looked into my eyes she saw something and tilted her head to the side to give me access to her neck. I didn't refuse but was still a little stumped as this was the first time she'd offered like this. I bit down and a harder shudder hit us both. She clenched on me and I let loose a torrent inside her as I drained close to a pint before releasing her.

She slid off me slowly as more shudders hit her and she spilled a lot of what I'd put in her across the sheets. I touched Alice but she shook her head saying. "I'm done for the night. Any more and I'll be to tired to work in the morning and I have enough to do besides."

Buffy sighed and slid onto me saying. "I'm good for one more but make it count because this is all you're getting from me till you get back."

I needed no further encouragement and worked my magic so to speak. She soon joined Faith in shuddering ecstasy while more of my seed spilled from betwix her thighs. I went for Faith again and she shook her head. "Na man, girl needs some rest before the road trip tomorrow. I'm not exactly relishing the thought of kicking Angelus's ass either. It's kinda creepy and a turn off really."

I chuckled as she bit my nipple and laid across me to sleep. I sighed and closed my eyes to begin meditating. I dug deep and used all my focus to help widen my control over my vast magic now inside of myself.

In theory I should be able to have access to it all but like Glory there was a limit to what I could do before the backlash took a toll on my sanity. With meditation it helped to relieve the pressure and get back my focus. My once significant well was now an ocean planet of power.

Yet I remained only as in control as the well before it appeared was. Others could tap into it with my blessing but I was barred by my own prison. Magic itself needed a balance to the slayer goddess and I was it. So long as she was bound, so was I. Eternally circling each other for tastes of what we could have should we be unleashed.

Still with that bing was a loophole. The more I could hold mentally without loosing control, the more I had access to. One of nature's loopholes so to speak. And should I ever be able to hold it all she too would be free to balance me out. She would manifest herself in one of her slayers and we would unite as a cataclysm more brilliant than the Big Bang itself and twice as fierce.

We were predators and mates and we cared little for those effected by our shockwave. Seeing as how killing all the slayers would kill her we could go to another dimension before we collided, perhaps one with only shrimp, they'd make an excellent snack afterwards or be too destroyed to matter anyway.

When I exited my little meditation the sun had risen and the girls were stirring. Seeing a good opportunity I slid into Faith just as her eyes shot open and she looked at me with a question on her lips until I moved. Then she was fully aware and riding me like her life depended on it .

When I came this time I felt something more as the very tip of myself kissed the back of her womb and our eyes rolled up into the back of our heads as I unleashed like us only ever done on super moons. She shook and squirmed while her heat slicked me with her own discharge.

With a wet pop, I slid from her as the she and I nearly passed out right then and there. We were both panting heavy now. She rolled over a bit and I played with her slick tuft of hair above her wet heat. She mumbled. "That's how you should always wake a girl up. Toe curling sex is the best."

I chuckled as I heard Buffy answer. "Don't even think about it. I've got to go in early and snoop on the principal about why he's running around the basement of the hellmouth with a shovel. He could be the agent of the First that it talked about."

I sighed. "I doubt it. He smells like the you and Faith yet not. Like a potential but it's off, different and male. My best guess is that he's a child of a slayer long dead."

Buffy couched and sat up. "Wait, what? I didn't know it was possible, I mean I knew it was possible but I just never thought we could live long enough to, well, you know."

I sighed. "Well first off it's rare as slayers tend to work and live a solitary life. And second it's harder for slayers to get pregnant by anyone but me as the essence usually rejects the seed as weak and insignificant. Hence the rareness, but you've been doing the gig seven years Buffy.

I looked her over saying. "I can't say much about the other slayers but you're by far the longest lived. Even Sineya didn't live so long after she became the first slayer if you don't count later when she well, died and became a goddess incarnate from all the shit they did to her."

Faith asked. "What about me, I gotta be up there as well."

I nodded. "You are. Four years give or take a few months and you're the fifth oldest slayer to have ever lived since before recorded history. Both of you become tougher legends every day you breathe. Throughout all of time I intend to make you both the longest living slayers ever. If I can swing it, immortal slayers as well."

Buffy frowned. "I'm not sure about the whole immortality thing."

I chuckled. "Love, Willow's already immortal. All the magic's she took in including the life essence of the earth itself has their own effects. They've effectively frozen her aging process so long as magic exists and nature thrives. She might not have realized it yet as few witches have ever come close to her in power so there's no real references for it but it's true. I felt it when she first used my power after she changed back."

Buffy looked surprised and a little alarmed and so Alice spoke up from next to Faith. "It's ok Buffy, immortal just means she won't die from old age. If it comes down to it she can still be killed if she goes all evil."

For some reason that brought comfort to my slayers. Sighing I continued. "Dawn is the key and once she learns how to harness and tap into that energy she will effectively become immortal as well. Xander while he's just started learning is on his way to becoming a powerful warlock in his own right. Perhaps one day he too will find a path to immortality."

Alice picked up where I left off. "That leaves Tara and us three. Willow will see to Tara once they bond magically. She too will draw from the same primordial powers of the earth as Willow. Since I've become human I've had to lean more heavily on my own magic's and they're advancing once more with great results. Since I'm mated to our fertile nature god here I'll have access to his powers to help me with the last legs to immortality when I'm ready."

She sat up and looked at Faith and Buffy in turn. "Out of our quant group only you two and Giles remain unless you include Giles. Even then he's tasted the true essence of magic through the Devon coven's help. His potential for magic will rapidly advance now and soon enough if he's lucky he too will stop aging and may in fact reverse a few years."

I chuckled a rumbling laugh as both slayers looked a bit caught in the headlights. Faith whistled. "Damn B, everyone's getting a head start on being forever and all that Jazz. What do you think?"

Buffy sighed. "I think things are changing and we have a war to fight. If we survive it I'll think about it all then."

I nodded. "Not a bad way to look at it. FYI if you must know all three of you would've been pregnant many times over if I wasn't intentionally blocking it. I can't risk any of you and our potential children on a battle field while you're pregnant. A minor blow from a weak demon could kill the babe or seriously injure and kill both you and the child. I figured you'd like to know and let me know when you are ready for such a venture."

I turned to Alice. "Once you're immortal through magic's I've been looking up a way to enhance your physical body to be strong enough to carry our child. With any luck when you're ready I'll have a viable solution."

Alice smiled. "That's great news. But nows not the time for talk of children."

I nodded solemnly and sighed as Faith slid off me. Her wet invitation nearly had me bending her over as she stood up. She smirked at me knowingly. "Get up lover, we've a long drive ahead of us and some evil ass to kick. We'll see you girls in a few days and a week tops."

I slid out of bed beside her as she tapped my chest. "Play your cards right and I'll show you what road head feels like."

I growled and she swayed away. Her hips inviting the animal in me to act and mate repeatedly and fiercely. I followed her like a predator on the prowl while Buffy laughed behind us. "Call if anything pops up or if something major happens."

Faith was the one to answer as I was to focused on my prey. When I followed her into the bathroom she bent over to grab a towel and I acted, sliding in her from behind. She immediately thrust back into me as I began pumping into her.

Her throaty moans were cut off from the outside as the door closed and I entered her deeper. For a moment she lost her breathe as I was hilt deep. She leaned standing as best she could and pulled me in for a kiss. I obliged as I withdrew and entered her again with a hard thrust.

She murmured. "There you go playing your cards just right."

A few quick and fierce thrusts later and her toes curled once more as a hard orgasm hit us both. Something in me wanted to get her pregnant, to further the strong bloodline I carried into the next generation. Her depth pulled and suckered me like it wished for the same thing but in the end my reason won out as my fear for her health and safety outweighed a simple urge to procreate.

I cast an quick sterility charm that saw my seed die as it filled her full to nearly bursting. A small bump appeared on her abdomen where she'd swelled from simply too much seed. She moaned a little as my hand ran across it in fascination before I withdrew from her and it spilled out like a flood. She quickly sat on the toilet as I released her.

She looked at me in curiosity and I shrugged. "A minor urge to procreate. Don't worry, I stopped it. My fear for your safety far outweighs the feeling of wanting to see our child in your arms for now."

She nodded with a smile. "I get that. It's too dangerous right now. But later when it's not so dangerous let me know when you get that feeling again."

I cupped her face with a smile and a kiss. "You are the definition of a goddess with or without the slayer bits love. I'd carve out my heart to trade it for a smile from your lips."

She chuckled. "That's a big thing to say to a girl."

I shrugged. "Carving my heart out won't kill me anymore unless you stab it with those special stakes soon after. Either way, all you'd have to do is ask and I'd willingly give up my life and heart to see you and the girls happy."

She slid a hand over my chest saying. "I'm feeling that need as well now. Too bad we got places to be or I'd draw out this shower as much as godly possible."

I smiled and told her. "I can make a second last eternity love, all I have to do is look into your eyes and I'm eternally caught in your gaze."

She smirked. "Awe shuck sweetie. Way to make a girl blush-"

Whatever she was saying caught in her throat as I was truly looking into her eyes and lost to the world. When she blinked those beautiful light brown eyes and I was released from her gaze for a momentary respite. She smirked. "You were serious? Damn, a girl could get off on power like that."

I sighed and stuck my hand between her thighs while kissing her before whispering in her ear. "If you need to get off love, I'm more than capable of helping with that too."

Some useful tricks I'd picked up over the years with her had her gasping and moaning before shuddering her release as more of my seed was released into the water below her with her own discharge. I kissed her neck before withdrawing my hand and looking into her hooded eyes now. "Let's get that shower now while you're still reeling or I won't be able to restrain myself. We could be in there for days otherwise."

She gulped before nodding and I stepped into the tub and turned on the water for the shower heads. Three heads poured steaming hot water out on our skin as she joined me. I helped her wash her back and clean her less clean places from our fun. In return she washed my back and promised an interesting car ride.

When we got out we dressed in the connected changing room before heading to the garage where we took the first available SUV and some tranq guns. Faith called up Wesley while we were in route to get the full run down.

Alice has been right and he'd been close to either calling for backup or killing Angelus outright as he'd killed Wesley's girlfriend or so he thought. After she hung up she got to making the trip worth while after all. The frustrating part of the highway was even with my visions cops seemed to pop up more frequently.

Especially when you're driving a hundred and twenty miles an hour and getting a ride from a slayer. If I didn't have my visions and my superior senses I'd have wrecked and killed us when I came the first time in her mouth and several times after inside her as she got more and more bold. As it was I had some very interesting experiences from her efforts.

I had to keep doing vanishing charms on our frequent messes or I'd have flooded the car by the time we got our first glimpse of the blackened sky in LA. With Faith every day was a new adventure and taking a road trip a devastating apocalypse of orgasms.

I could hear her heart pounding a mile a minute when we pulled up to a stop sign and some vamps came over to see what we were up to. I reached out and with a thought, they burst into flames while she shuddered and grasped her breasts while impaling herself on me in an uneven rhythm.

I grasped her ass as she shuddered one last time and screamed her orgasm. A couple quick strokes later my roar followed, shattering the windows on the SUV and letting the local wildlife, aka demons, know a true monster was in town. Glass shattered for several blocks as I let my release be known to the world.

Faith was leaning back against the steering wheel panting and her thighs undulating as she felt me release inside her in thick ropes of cum. She smiled wickedly and looked around from her mounted position on my lap. "Damn, that was powerful. I think you scared off any good fights for a few miles at least."

I chuckled then laughed as that was what she wanted to talk about. I sighed as she slid off of me and pulled up her panties and leather pants.

I raised an eyebrow and she shrugged. "What? It feels good to be this full sometimes. It lets a girl know she's appreciated and besides, it'll let Angelus know what'll happen if he fucks with me. From what I gather he'll smell the fresh monster juice and know you're nearby."

I shrugged. "Love, he'll smell me on you regardless. You have a natural mated scent that comes with the sex and he knows all Angel does, hence he'll know I'm here."

She nodded. "And he'll hopefully come quietly out of fear. If not I can beat his ass a bit before he sees you're new forms and shits himself in fear."

I frowned and zipped up after a cleaning spell. I sighed. "Last chance before you're walking around with soaked panties and sticky thighs."

She shrugged. "If you haven't noticed I do that every day just thinking about you, Alice and B. A little extra here won't hurt, besides, it'll serve as a prior warning to demons that if they piss me off something much bigger add meaner will eat them."

Sighing I gave up and let her antics go as I continued to drive. Twenty minutes later we arrived at Angel investigations.

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