
Chapter 30: Vampire Knight

"You are correct," Claude was saying as we discussed our strategy over glasses of blood. He swirled the red fluid in his glass before taking a sip and leaning against his rich velvet chair. "The number of forces we can call upon is currently small beyond measure. I have sent out contacts, but so far only four other vampire nobles, including my father-in-law, have pledged their support."

"And they are all minor nobles, barons, viscounts and a count." Beside him, Valerie reclined on a couch and sighed. "Compared to the forces that our opponents can call upon, they are…to be blunt, pitiful."

Across her, her father nodded. Baron Valencia had arrived early that morning, to greet me and pledge his support. He was an old vampire, but he maintained the appearance of a middle-aged man, with a neatly trimmed beard and dressed in regal robes. In one hand he held an exquisitely sculpted wooden cane, its head carved in the features of a wolf. Rubies had been inlaid in the wolf's eyes, gleaming a blood-red color. He remained silent and glanced at his son-in-law, who took the hint and spoke up.

"Most of the marquises and dukes have elected to retain their independence. Of course, a few of them have allied with each other in order to survive, but for the most part they harbor ambitions of becoming the next lord…or lady of vampires, and even have their eyes set on the throne."

Claude clasped his hands and sighed. Beside him, Valerie elaborated.

"Currently, there are at least five major warlords we have to be wary about. They are the most powerful vampires and pose the greatest threat to your position. If they are to learn of your existence, they will do everything within their power to eliminate you. Foremost of them is the Archduchess Virginia. She has the largest chance of succeeding as the next lady of vampires, especially after bringing a few of her fellow duchesses and dukes to heel."

"Then there is Marquis Mallory. He might not be as powerful as Virginia, but he has an extensive network of allies, able to call upon the military might of several powerful ancient families who are bound to his clan through old oaths." Claude continued with the explanation. "Duke Gregory is another one to keep an eye on, for he controls several regiment of elite vampire knights, each warrior easily the equal of a minor noble, and bonded only to him by blood contracts."

"Marchioness Eleanor also represents a significant threat. In terms of individual combat ability and blood magic, she's the least powerful of the five, but she has gathered together a combined army of undead and vampires. She is known for her shrewd strategies and impeccable command of the battlefield."

Valencia nodded and took over in a gruff voice, joining the explanation for the first time. There was something compelling about his tone that made me sit up at attention.

"The last one is Archduke Stryker. He is the main rival or Virginia. Even though he was unable to gather together an army or alliance as big as hers, he is individually the most powerful vampire. His abilities and magic are second only to the former king of vampires, Vincent Lucard."

I tried not to shudder, remembering how powerful Vincent was. If the Hero Herman hadn't weakened him considerably before that fateful abandonment, forcing him to expend so much mana and exhausting him, I would never have defeated him. In fact, I had only prevailed through trickery, having obliterated the poor dude's head by a surprise attack from behind. A very dishonorable tactic, but at least it kept me alive.

"Even I cannot match him in combat." Valencia's eyes darkened and his grip on his cane tightened. The blood-red rubies appeared to glow fiercely, as if responding to his anger. He then sighed and leaned back. "Truthfully, with the exception of Eleanor, I do not have the confidence that I can best any of the major warlords in individual combat."

"My father has served in many wars and is very proficient in combat," Valerie quickly explained. "He is known as the Blood Sword Demon. There are few vampires he cannot best in a duel."

"Those few being those major warlords," her father said cynically. "How unfortunate."

"The five warlords are indeed the most significant threats, but I imagine they will be too busily fighting each other to deal with you at the moment. They probably regard you as a nuisance at most, probably because you are currently too…weak in terms of military might. Even with the forces of us counts, viscounts and barons under you, we still cannot even put a dent on their armies." Claude sighed in frustration. He then looked up apologetically. "Forgive me, my lord. That was not meant as a censure or criticism of your abilities."

"No, don't worry about it. You are speaking the truth, after all. Flattery gets us nowhere. The issue is to deal with the current reality."

"Yes, about the present threats," Valerie began. "The other mid-ranking nobles are not idle. Some believe that by eliminating you, they will be able to lay a greater claim to their power and prestige. And not without reason. In fact, there are already a few conclaves gathering, their alliance forged for the sole purpose of eliminating you."

"We will barely be able to hold them off, even with our alliance of armies," Claude said. "As long as you stay in my castle, you should be safe. Then we can begin formulating a strategy to conquer them one at a time, and then add their armies and resources to our own."

"Eventually, we'll be able to challenge the five warlords," Valerie concluded.

"Maybe." I thought for a moment. "If I were to recall Silvia's legion and have her help us, will we be able to subdue the five warlords?"

"Of course, with the Witch of Winter's legion, we'll be able to crush and subjugate the armies of the lesser nobles, but I fear the five warlords will not be such a simple matter."

Claude shook his head. Valerie nodded in agreement.

"Worse, the presence of a demonic legion from another province will probably cause the five warlords to temporarily unite under a single banner to expel the…'outsiders.' It will be a difficult battle, for sure."

"And if they win, they will just go back to warring amongst themselves," Claude added in disgust.

I was loathed to recall Silvia and her legion, but I had received news through arcane means that she had successfully fended off an assault from Havan Kingdom. Having sustained heavy losses in a reckless uphill charge, the human army had retreated and given up on Bravia province. Eventually, the holy king had signed a treaty with Silvia, agreeing to a concession. Bravia province would be part of the Demonic Emperor, in exchange for us ceding Fort Crusche to the humans.

Silvia had asked me for permission (that was how I received the communication in the first place) and I told her to go ahead with it. While the loss of Fort Crusche and its strategic position on the border between the two empires hurt, Bravia was rich in agricultural materials, which could help feed the population. Not only that, the dwarves had revealed veins of ore, minerals and other resources underneath the mountains when constructing the underground highway, which could then be used for industrial production.

Thanks to that, Silvia was able to pull a great bulk of her legion back to the Demonic Empire, leaving only a single regiment to man the fortress at the top of Bravian Hill. She was ready to offer me military support whenever necessary.

"If one demonic legion and a few vampire regiments isn't enough, then how about two demonic legions, plus the vampire regiments?"

Both Claude and Valerie stared at me. Valencia, on the other hand, barked out in laughter.

"My young liege, if you can truly gather two demonic legions under your command, there will be little in the Demonic Empire that you cannot defeat, except perhaps another alliance of demonic legions. But I am only aware of the Witch of Winter submitting to you. I mean no disrespect, but I believe you will find the other Divine Generals more difficult to persuade."

"Even so, that doesn't mean I shouldn't try." I pushed my glasses up my nose. "I intend to negotiate with another Divine General and bring him under my fold. For that reason, I have traveled this far up north."

"I did suspect that you have a purpose for traveling such a great distance across the empire." Claude smiled. "Like I said, it is no coincidence that you are here in our lands."

"Isn't it natural that our young liege would seek out fellow vampires for asylum and support?" Valencia asked, frowning. Claude shook his head.

"No. our lord here is aware of the enmity that he might face from vampires, especially since he was the one who slew Archduke Vincent Lucard."

Valencia grunted. "At least he's not naïve." He turned to me. "Then why have you ventured into the lands of vampire, if you fear our vengeance?"

"My intended destination is actually the island of Ixia," I replied. Valencia's eyes briefly widened a small fraction.

"The isle of the dead? The stronghold of the Divine General Lindley?"

"Ah…so that is the Divine General you wish to negotiate with." Claude nodded understandingly. "You wish to bring the lich lord and his legion under your command."

"If possible, yes."

"How do you plan on doing so?" Valerie asked. "The lich lord is not known for being very, uh, sociable. He expresses no interest in politics and mostly keeps to himself. He cares only for his research, in sating his intellectual curiosity."

"Exactly. I believe I have something to offer him in that regard." I smiled. "He will probably be interested in some of the magic research being conducted in the Havan Kingdom. In exchange for his assistance, I will provide him access to the data he desires."

"Ho…" Valencia rubbed his chin, looking impressed. "That is indeed a sound plan."

"Excellent." Claude rose to his feet. "I will help you with the preparations, my liege. I should be able to cater a ship within the week."

"Take your time. In the meantime, I wish to go incognito and explore Tyranvania. I believe I will be able to gather a lot of the intelligence I need while undercover. I wish to obtain information firsthand and get a feel of the ground. Perhaps I might even be able to establish contacts with the commoners and get their support too."

"Not bad!" Valencia laughed. "Nothing like being on the ground yourself and getting your hands dirty! I like the way you think, my young liege!"

"But you must be careful." Valerie looked at me sternly. "No one knows of your identity or presence for now, but sooner or later information will leak out. And you might find it difficult to suppress your crest."

"Understood." I stuck my right hand into the pocket of my cloak unconsciously. "I will do my best to be careful."

"I might be able to help you with that," Claude said. "I have a pair of Nocturne gloves that have been enchanted with shadow magic, to shroud your features in mystery."

"Thank you. If you could lend them to me…"

"Lend you?" Claude laughed. "You can have them, my liege. I will present them to you as a gift."

I bowed my head. "Thank you very much."

"Then let us go," Claude said. "We have much to do."

"Yes." I nodded to Stella, who had been standing at a corner of the room with her hands clasped behind her back, a dignified and regal posture. She had remained silent the entire time, probably because she was completely out of her element. Evidently, vampire politics were not her specialty.

While we filed out of the room, Valerie placed a hand gently on Stella's shoulder.

"If I may have a word with you, my dear."

"Of course, Lady Valerie." Stella bowed elegantly. The red-haired vampire then nodded toward her husband and father, signaling for them to go. I followed the men for part of the journey, but Claude bade for me to return to my room.

"You should rest now, my liege. We will need to make preparations."

"I will pack up and begin the disguise for my undercover mission," I said half-jokingly. Claude smiled.

"You do that, my lord. Good luck."

I went along the corridor and stopped when I heard Stella and Valerie speaking around the corner. Not wanting to stumble upon their conversation, I immediately turned about, but I paused when I heard something interesting.

"Lady Stella, I can see that you genuinely wish to help your master, but as it stands, right now you are weak."

"…I know." I could hear Stella sigh heavily. "I have no idea how to…help. Especially when faced with such powerful enemies."

"From what I've heard from Claude, you are pretty talented with a sword despite your young age. He was impressed with how you defeated a vampire with your swordsmanship alone."

"But it's not enough. Not against such strong foes…my swordsmanship is still lacking."

There was a slight pause, and then I could hear the smile in Valerie's voice when she posed her question.

"What if there is a way to increase your strength?"

"What way?" Stella immediately sounded wary, and not without reason. Both Stella and I knew there were no shortcuts to power, and those that did provide gains in a short time tend to come with heavy costs.

"Before I tell you, I am obliged to ask you this. Are you willing to lose your humanity?"

"Lose my humanity? Do you mean…become a monster?" Stella sounded increasingly suspicious, and with good reason. Even I would balk at that.

"From your perspective, I guess you can say that. To be more precise, you will become a vampire, like us."

"…like Klein."

"Correct. I can see that you are loyal to him, therefore I actually have a more special proposal for you. You won't just become any regular vampire, but one completely bound to your master by a blood contract. By doing so, you will become his vampire knight and share some of his power. Right now, that is probably the most feasible route for you to gain a tremendous amount of strength in a relatively short time."

There was a moment of silence, and then Stella finally made her decision.

"Please tell me more in detail."

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