
「 Shinsu 」

After the light surrounding him disappeared, Kira was greeted with a vast view of the Meadows.

He sat down and felt that his body had returned to normal as before. Kira then threw away his tattered robe after the fight against the previous government army. He was only seen wearing a long-sleeved outfit and white trousers.

His right hand was holding Apocrypha, he then looked around and murmured.

" Where is this? "

Suddenly the voice from a black cube that floating in the sky heard.

[E ... mic test! mic test! Can you hear me? ]

Hearing that, Kira immediately glanced towards the source of the voice. The voice sounded like the voice of a man who was bored and lethargic.

[Well ... I don't like small talk, hello everyone. All the Regulars that made it to the tower, well I just want to welcome all of you to the second floor, this place is called Evankhell's Hell or The Floor of Test]

[Well, forget about the unnecessary details. I will immediately give you the first test to you guys...]

[The rules are simple, in the 3rd area, which is this place, there are around 200 regulars, I will give you 30 minutes, anyone who can survive after 30 minutes, then he will pass the next test. ]

Hearing that, Kira raised his eyebrows and thought.

'There's no break, huh? '

After that, the bored sound of the cube was heard again.

[Yes, there's no need to linger anymore, the test starts now ~]

Kira who heard that, then brought up his pocket, and he could see the number of Regulars who participated in this test clearly.

From the initial 200 people, that number continued to decrease dramatically, making Kira sigh.

"* sigh * This is very stupid ... these regulars kill each other even though in this test arrangement there is absolutely no provision that requires participants to kill other participants."

Murmured Kira, he had absolutely no intention of taking time-wasting actions like killing other Regular at this time. He then thought with a bored face.

'Rather than that, I can use this opportunity to understand more about Shinsu in this tower. Right now, I have to find a safe place first ... 'Kira looked around and all he saw was a view of yellow grass, and several towering stones, truly an open field.

'There is no place to hide, huh? In that case, I will go to a higher place, at least I can realize the approaching threat more easily. '

Kira then immediately jumped to look for the highest rocks he could find, after that Kira put Apocrypha in front of him and sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

'Because [Mana] and [Shinsu] are two similiar things, I might be able to learn them using the same method as when I learned to use Mana for the first time. '

With his very sensitive senses, Kira can feel a transparent stream of gas that is present all over the place. Even in an airtight place.

'The basic concept is very similar, but there is a thin line that distinguishes the two ... so that's it. '

After realizing something, Kira then opened his eyes and tried to condense Shinsu around him into a denser form. He spread his arms and then ...

A light blue ball appeared in Kira's palm, which made him smile happily because the experiment was successful.

'This works! Unlike before, the color of this ball was blue, while the one I used on the previous floor was dark purple ... and the most striking difference was the type of energy that formed this ball, the ball I made now was purely made from Shinsu in the air, while the dark purple ball was made from a mixture of Shinsu and Mana. '

He kept thinking and the more he thought, the more questions that arose in Kira's mind. Like, Can Shinsu be used to strengthen certain body parts? Or can He use his mana-based magic by using Shinsu? Various questions about Shinsu continued to arise, but that did not make Kira sad, instead he was very happy.

As a magician, exploring a miracle that has never been seen or explored before is a supreme achievement. And, that's the current Kira situation.

He then checks the time in his Pocket, and it says [15: 56], time continues to increase, while the number of participants decreases continuously.

After that, Kira began experimenting with making Shinsu balls, he started making 3, 4 and so on ... before he stopped after dozens of Shinsu balls surrounded him. Not because Kira did not want to make further, but because according to him it has answered his hypothesis.

After Shinsu's balls disappeared, Kira muttered.

"Then, we see whether Shinsu can be used to strengthen my body or not ..." murmured Kira.

However, before he could continue his experiment, an arrow retracted towards Kira very quickly and right at his head. However, Kira who had become a fugitive from the government soldiers, could avoid it very easily.

He just tilted his head to the side so that the arrow flew past him. Kira then grabbed his Apocrypha and glanced at the place of the person who shot the arrow at him.

'What about eyes ...'

Kira then tried to gather Shinsu in his eyes and tried to strengthen it, but when Shinsu entered his body, Shinsu experienced rejection by the dark purple energy that was inside Kira's body. Causing pain in his eyes.

"* Ouch *, I knew that this energy inside my body didn't allow Shinsu to enter. It was rejected outright, so like it or not, before I could control this energy, I could only use Shinsu from outside."

Kira murmured while holding his bloody right eye, then several other arrows slid towards Kira, and he just calmly jumped to avoid him.

With a sharp look, Kira formed the Shinsu ball in his hand while thinking.

'Let's use it like when I use a magic, hopefully it works. '

"[Kira's Shinsu Control Skill: Longinus]"

Then, Shinsu's ball in Kira's hand fired a golden light that resembled a spear towards the person who was attacking him, with an extremely fast speed.

* Fwuosh *

"Arghhh !!!"

The sound of screams can be heard from a distance, Kira smiled as he was satisfied that his hypothesis had succeeded again.

'I never thought it would work, using a concept similar to magic, I could form solid objects using Shinsu and even shoot it. But the difference in control it was very clear, I think I need time to get used to Shinsu as my weapon. '

When he tried to sit back and do an experiment with Shinsu, suddenly a little girl's voice came from behind him.

"What exactly have you been doing, brother?"

Hearing the voice suddenly, Kira widened his eyes in surprise and immediately leaped forward while reaching for his Apocrypha.

"Who are you!" Said Kira. Kira's mind was shocked at the moment, because he had not realized that there was someone behind him earlier. 'How could I not notice her arrival !? '

After turning around, Kira can see a little girl seen from her appearance, only around 6-7 years old. About 110 cm tall, with short white hair, and a cute face.

The girl wore a traditional black dress that contrasted with her white hair. At first glance the girl looked like an ordinary little girl, except for the sword hanging on her waist.

"Eh ~, calm down brother. I didn't mean to hurt you or anything, instead I came here to make a team with you." Little girl said.

"Making a team ... with me? Sorry but I'm not interested in being in the same team with a little girl like you, other than that you see ... I'm not a strong fighter, " Said Kira while turning around and planning to leave right away.

Suddenly the little girl said.

"You're a liar, bro ~. Isn't it very clear that you used Shinsu to fight before?" Said the girl, smiling innocently.

'Hmm, she saw it, huh? '

Feeling that his lies had been revealed, Kira stopped and turned back, he looked at the little girl and asked.

"If so then what? What do you want to do?"

Intimidating Aura out of Kira's body, seeing that, the girl's expression changed, she looked scared when she saw Kira.

Then tears began to emerge from the girl's eyes, as she frowned and began to sob.

"* hiks * Uwaaaaa" The girl cried very loudly, and made Kira's face look panic, because he felt guilty about making a little girl cry.

Seeing that, cold sweat appeared on Kira's forehead because he was confused about what to do right now, Kira was an only child, so he had no experience in dealing with small children and such.

'This girl ...'

"E-eh ...? Little girl, stop crying, if you cry here, there will be many people who will hunt us down." Said Kira who did not know how to make a little girl stop crying.

"* hiks * B-but ... even though Rea only wants to make a team with you, brother. Why are you so mean to Rea ... Uwaaa!"

The girl cried again, while Kira looked around like a fool.

' At a time like this, what should I do, should I give her candy ... I don't have, what should I do * sigh * '

Meanwhile, even though she was crying outside, but in fact it was just made up, right now Rea was thinking while looking at Kira.

'If I can ally with this man ... then the position of the wave controller in my team in the future will be filled, it's clear he has a high talent in controlling Shinsu. With his help, maybe in the future ... '

After he paid attention to the little girl's behavior in front of him, Kira finally realized that it was all just made up, he then said coldly.

"Stop your crying, say what you want?"

Without trying to hide anything again, Rea immediately stopped crying and said while smiling innocently.

"Didn't I tell you before that I wanted to make a team with you."

"Making a team huh ... is this the right time? You know ... I might just kill you here if I want, you know the risk right?" Said Kira with a sharp look.

"Of course, that's if you can kill me." Rea held het sword hilt that hanging from her waist, preparing to defend herself if Kira attacked.

The atmosphere became quiet when neither of them made a move, before Kira finally relaxed and said.

"Alright, I'll make a team with you." Said Kira, after all it would not hurt to get an ally, even though it can't be trusted.

"Yeay ~" Rea raised her hands up and cheered happily.

"But remember! If you do something that I value harms me, I will not hesitate to kill you little girl." Said Kira with an intimidating look, while Rea just smiled broadly and nodded.

'I don't know what this little girl is up to, but it looks like she is trying to drag on something. ' Kira thought.

Then, Rea reached out her hand to Kira and said.

"My name is Arie Rea, what's your name, bro?"

"Kira, only Kira." Kira answered curtly.

" Big bro Kira, since I have introduced myself to you, from now on don't call me a little girl again," Rea said.

"Why? A little girl is still a little girl," Kira asked.

"That's not polite! Besides, maybe I'm older than you know ~" Said Rea while making a cute face.

"Huh? Seen from anywhere, you are much younger than me." Said Kira while looking at Rea from top to bottom.

"You might not know it but when someone starts using Shinsu, then the person's physical growth will begin to slow down, and they also live far longer than an ordinary human being." Rea explained, she also explained that the average life span of the Ranker was around 1000 years.

However, Kira who was not too interested in discussing topics around Immortality and such then turned around to check the remaining time and the number of participants who were still alive in his pocket, and the numbers listed there made her and Rea really surprised.

"Hmmm ... what the f*ck? Only 5 people left, including the two of us?" Murmured Kira.

Rea who also checked the pockets replied to Kira.

"There are still 6 minutes of time left, what are we going to do bro? Are we going to stay hidden until time runs out, or go looking for the three remaining people?" Asked Rea.

Hearing that, Kira's pocket disappeared again and he then said to Rea.

"We're going to make a noise, I don't really like battles that aren't needed."

Rea just smiled and said.

"Okay ~"

Suddenly a presence that was strong enough could be felt by both Kira and Rea. The two of them then stopped moving to look in the direction where the presence had been felt before.

"Looks like the slaughterers have come here ..." murmured Rea with a dark face, her small body had made sturdy stance, and prepared to cut anyone who attacked her.

Kira who saw that thought.

'We'll see how great her sword ability ... does she deserve to be left alive or not. 'Even though it seems very cold and heartless, but it is a natural thing to think about someone who suddenly invites to make a team together.

Suddenly, three brown-robed people appeared from behind a rock and jumped towards Rea and Kira with terrifying speed, especially a very large-bodied person.

"So these are the people who have been around and slaughtered a lot of regulars, what do you think, Re ... a ..."

Kira stopped when he felt Rea's strong anger and killing intent.

' Hmmm... '

Then, Kira who was relaxed said to Rea.

"I will guard you from behind, You take care of the big man, I'll handle the rest.."

Rea nodded, and she began to pull out her silver blade and said coldly to them.

"The number of people you have killed ... tell me!"

Evankhell's Hell

[ First Test | 24 : 12 ]

Kira is in the same area as Androssi and Rachel.

Phantominiumcreators' thoughts
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