
ch 91

Before returning to the sultanate I returned to my natural form with my tail, clwas etc in the empire such features were terrifying but it was a point of pride in naga culture I also added scales to those features a serpent eyes and since I remembered my talk with Amin about about the importance of scales and patterns I created my own unique pattern that was vastly more elegant and elaborate than Amin's as scale patterns also determine how handsome or beautiful a person was in Naga culture and since I have no equal I chose to stand out which is why when I returned my fiancees were temporarily speechless.

Me:"Are you both so stunned to see your husband again that you have been overcome by your emotions?" breaking them out of their stupor as gently peel Shalu off of me

Savita:"How have you become so handsome you even have a magnificent tail now and a beautiful pattern but how?" she wasn't told what I really was as I didn't really trust her and the great serpent backing her is still fence sitting about whether or not to join us

Me:"Why do you think I was gone for so long I was with my ancestor bathing in his aura as he nurtured me strengthening my lineage" As I create a new aura using my old one as a base but combined with my domain signature and natural attunements in gentle way

Haifa:"Your power is far greater than the last time we met husband this will be of great help to us for when you claim the sultanate as no one will dare to mention your lineage again"

Savita:"I agree and because of this I need to speak with my backers immediately as your value has risen tremendously!" After a light peck on the cheek she slithered away to meet with her people

Amin:"Why did she leave so soon I was sure she was going to stick around and kiss your tail?"

Me:"You say you want the throne and you can't even figure this one out? She left because I have grown drastically so she went to inform her backers as she said my value has risen she is probably going to convince them to either call off any plans for betrayal and/or get them join in with us completely before we start our plans while they are still valuable to us and not after we succeed where they will be forced to submit or die"

Savita:"But what happens when they figure out that there is no great ancestor serpent backing you?"

Me:"Of course I do I have Shalu but that doesn't matter anymore I have surpassed that weakness before coming here as I am no longer half human but instead half titan and I have already begun to unify the human empire under a regime I will do the same same here those that oppose me will be destroyed this is a time of great change the old ways can no longer protect them anymore if they don't want to die they have no choice but to change with the times"

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