
Ch 217: Hollows eve.

Halloween feat in the great hall.

"Why does your mom have a giant blue scythe?" Susan asks

"Ah the blue/Azure rose, its one of 3 sister scythes between the crescent and crimson rose." Harriet says

"That doesn't answer my question." Susan says even more confused.

"It looks cool." Hannah says

"It's Halloween." Harriet says

"And?" Susan asks

"Oh, you haven't had anything go wrong on Halloween?" Harriet asks

"No, nothing ever goes wrong on Halloween." Susan says

"And there's the flag. Watch it now a Zinogre will show up or something." Harriet says

"The long extinct thunder wyvern?" Hannah asks

Susan looks as Hannah for an explanation.

"It's in my family's library it's all that was recovered out of a partially destroyed book." Hannah says

"That's all you know? Do you know even know about the Stygian variant?" Harriet asks


Meanwhile at the Professors table.

'Can you please stop tempting Sandstorm!' Kyra shouts in her mind as she grips the scythe that's behind her back.

'Harriet how many damn flags are you placing!'

Kyra feels a pulse in the wards.

'Fuck!' Kyra thinks standing up holding up her scythe as her figure flashes and she appears in the middle of the great hall.

All of the students go silent as they look at the defense against the dark arts teacher.

"Everyone! Run towards the Professors table!" Kyra shouts as loud bangs can be heard coming from outside the great hall.

Suddenly there is a massive bang as several golem suits of armor are launched into the great hall hitting the ground and breaking apart.

Kyra twirls here scythe as an orange and blue Tigrex crawls in staring menacingly at Kyra.

The tigrex lurches back before launching it self forwards trying to bite Kyra who aptly dodges sliding underneath the wyvern.

Kyra swings her scythe immediately cutting off its tail.

The creature roars in anger before turning around to face Kyra.

The woman wearing the blue hood smirks as she hits the Tigrex into a wall with the blunt part of her scythe and holds it in place with the dull side opposite the blade.

"Harriet! If you would please!" Kyra shouts

"On it mom!" Harriet shouts as her own scythe unfolds.

Everyone is silent you can hear the Tigrex breathing as Harriet cocks the gun on her scythe stabbing the blade into the ground pointing it at the monster.

Harriet whispers something as magic is seen charging in front of her scythe before a beam is shot directly into the Tigrex.

Kyra breathes a sigh of relief having properly held back as the tigrex drops dead.

"That's not a zinogre." Hannah says

"Your right, it's a Tigrex." Harriet says happily while those that know extinct magical creatures shutter.

"Now that the threat is taken care of shall we get back to the festivities?" Kyra asks outloud as the armors put themselves back together and get up and dusting themselves off.

The suits of armor salute Kyra before heading back to their posts in the hallway.

"If you don't mind me I'm going to go find where the time travel magic that set that thing here was set." Kyra says walking our leaving the stunned students and professors looking at the dead body of the tigrex which is missing part of its head.


"How did you know that was a Tigrex?" Hannah asks

"Oh, that's like my third time fighting one." Harriet says and all of the Professors wince.

"Are you atleast safe while doing so?" Mcgonagall asks

"Oh yes very much so, momma Yang is usually there with me and she could punch that thing across school grounds with her strength." Harriet says and somehow that gets everyone else more worried.

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