
Ch 182: Exploring the forest.

After setting up camp up in a massive tree branch.

"You are all really good at this." Yuna says

"Kyra likes camping." Ruby says

"That's it?" Yuna asks looking at the entrance gate made from branches and rope.

"Yep, nothing much to it." Yang says

"Well I'm going to go tracking." Naruto says wanting to get better at it.

"Okay, there shouldn't be anything too threatening in the ancient forest." Ruby says to Naruto

"So Yuna now that camp is set let's set out to hunt your Tobi." Ruby says

"Sasuke and Hinata I will be training you in camp today and Ruby tomorrow." Yang says

"I guess we are ready to go." Fina says wearing a puki puki outfit with a hoodie.

"Let's go then." Yuna says leading everyone out of camp with Ruby following them to supervise.


"So Taijutsu Huh?" Yang says looking at the two girls.

"Is there a problem with it?" Sasuke asks

"Kinda it's only one fighting style." Yang says

"There is more than one?" Hinata asks

" well I know 53 fighting styles. One of which I created. And I'm fairly certain Kyra knows an uncountable amount." Yang says

"What's it's name?" Sasuke asks

Yang blushes alittle but it quickly goes away.

"So, anyway I'm going to teach you two other fighting styles and maybe some observation Haki if we have the time." Yang says listing her goals for the week.

Where did they get Haki from you may ask. Well Sandstorm stopped by one day and dropped several books off on Kyra's desk without saying a word blushing heavily before teleporting away.


"This monster shoudlnt be in this area." Naruto says looking at the footprints.

"What is it?" Kurama asks as a small fox on his shoulder.

"Nargacuga." Naruto says dipping his fingers in the mud and sniffing the mud on his fingers.

"Why did you do that?" Kurama

"Cause it looked cool." Naruto says getting off of his knee and standing up.

"So are you going to report it or?" Kurama asks

"Nah, lets go fight it." Naruto says to the fox.

"Okay then." Kurama says as Naruto continues through the forest.


Arriving at the Tobi-kadachi nest.

"Well the thing certainly isn't in its nest." Shia says

"Say, Professor Yang killed a Rathalos earlier right? You don't suppose it's mate is around?" Noire asks

"It could be, lets get out of the open." Yuna says

Meanwhile Ruby is watching and observing them with a smile. It brings back memories to her teams first outing.

'We certainly didn't do this good. We probably would've exhausted ourselves at that time if not for Kyra.' Ruby thinks remembering how much their team relied on the jack of all trades powerhouse that was Kyra.

"There's some tracks here." Fina says looking at the area around the nest.

"Let's follow them then." Shia says

Yuna nods letting Fina lead the way.

'Odd camp is this way.' Ruby thinks to herself.


Back at camp.

Yang is still teaching Hinata and Sasuke martial arts.

"Sasuke that is close, the movements were almost perfect you were just a bit ridged." Yang says

'Sasuke is picking up on these quickly those eyes are unfair. However her body is under trained. she must rely on those eyes to much." Yang thinks to herself.

The noise of crunching leaves can be heard by Yang.

Yang turns around to hear the electrified growl of a Tobi-kadachi.

"Great, usually this thing doesn't come this high into the tree." Yang mutters staring the monster down.

'Yuna's group is hunting it so I probably shouldn't kill it.' Yang thinks

The Tobi lunges at Yang

In response Yang tenses all of the muscles in her body to throws a slap. Hitting it in the head around where the ear is changing it's direction while disorienting it charges off of the tree branch.

Yang walks over to the edge to see the Tobi fall through several leaves and branches. Schreeching as it falls down.

(The ears are usually how a creature decides its balance. Well human anyway if you were to clap a person in the ear not only would it hurt it would also make them dizzy.)

"That wasn't to bad." Yang says looking at her palm which redirected the creature.

"That was awesome!" Hinata shouts

"Let's get back to training now shall we?" Yang asks

"But I already learned all 20 styles." Sasuke says

"Yes you did but you haven't mastered any of them yet." Yang says looking at the girl. While Hinata is still hitting a log in the background.


Back down on the forest floor.

"I think we followed the wrong trail." Yuna mutters trying to keep everyone quiet as they see a Rathian a few yards in front of them.

Suddenly a high pitch screeching noise is heard from above.

"Huh?" Ruby mutters

All of them look up including a Rathian to see the Tobi Kadachi falling through the tree.

Everyone watches silently as it slams into the Rathian knocking both down and stunning them.

'Isn't the Tobi like a squirrel lizard-snake hybrid. Can't squirrels survive like 30 story drops.' Ruby thinks wondering how the Toby fell sideways and didn't fix its fall.

Both creatures get up and roar at each other before they start fighting to the death.

"Let's get back a bit." Fina says


Back with the Blonde.

"Found you." Naruto says looking at the giant sleeping Bat panther hybrid thing.

"So what's the plan?" Kurama asks

"I'm supposed to have a plan?" Naruto asks the fox

"Oh no." Kurama mutters

"Oh yes." Naruto says

"Oh no." Kurama says

"Oh yes."

"Oh no."

"Oh yeah!!!!" shouts a hunter riding a great jaguars through the wooden wall.


Meanwhile back at Koa.

"Fuck it I'm going for a walk." Kyra says

"Miss I implore to not do so. When ever you go on a walk you break all known rules of statistics and physics as something. Impossible happens." Jarvis says

"But I haven't gone on a walk in a year." Kyra says

"And that was when miss Yuna showed up." Jarvis says

Kyra looks up at the roof.

"You can't stop me." Kyra dead pans to Jarvis

So the question is do I write a chapter about Kakashi getting lost or not. If so I’m up to suggestions about what he does on discord

You can find the link in the auxiliary chapter and it shouldn’t have expired this time.

Commonnerfercreators' thoughts
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