
George Will Not Be King


"No crown, George?" Edward had been in a panic while Warwick and His brother, George had set off to York. When they had returned however, even a man who had just lost a battle looked happier than them.

Edward had been looking through their stuff. Since they were gonna hold him captive, he's was gonna make use of it. "You clearly couldn't command parliament!" He smiled, "so you must let me go, or you must kill me. Because there is not other end to this!" Edwards smile grew, he knew they wouldn't kill him, even if they wanted to.

He was probably the most happiest one in the room. No, happy was an understatement. But he waited for them to make a move..

Before you know it, George had set off after Edward. Taking out his sword halfway through the Journey. Since he couldn't convince Parliament, he believed the only way to solve was to kill Edward.

Warwick caught on quickly, and decided to stop him. "George.." he said, "George!"

George stopped, he pushed Edward. And walked away, lowering his head in shame. Edward Laughed, inside and out.

Anne Neville:

My sister had been sitting in her chair, for and hour now. She did not move, she did not talk. I grabbed her Coronation Furs, and decided to put them on.

I walked down the room, as If I were walking down the carpet on my Coronation day. Just then Mother walked in, in a panic.

She saw me with the Coronation Furs, and quickly told me. "Take it off!" She scared me and Issy, because we were not expecting her. We definitely didn't expect her to barge in. I had been too shocked, and forgot what my mother had said.

"I SAID TAKE TAKE IT OFF!" She walked over to me, and roughly took it off my shoulders. That is when Issy, got up.

There must be something wrong, why else would mother be so mad?

We stood in Silence for a little bit, until mother broke the news to us. "George will not be King. Parliament would not agree. Your father has risked everything, and he has lost. He has lost." My assumptions had been right. I knew this would happen, but everyone ignored the fact that there was indeed a possibility we might loose.

Edward would not forgive us. Not in this lifetime, and I bet in the next one he wouldn't either. We were enemies of the king, we had betrayed him. Who know's if he won't have our heads for it.

Issy was very much relieved. She had not wanted to be Queen, and at last her wish became true. She sat down, with a look of not relief, however. But she sat down with a look of fright. Scared of what is to come in the future.

Elizabeth Woodville, The Queen Of England:

I had been trying to sleep for the last couple of nights. I just couldn't believe it. George will not be King, Warwick has lost. The only thing that I am missing now is my husband.

As I start to close my eyes, I am awoken by the darkness. I had left the candle on, but it went out. Just then is when I start to hear footsteps.

A shadow appears, it is not the shadow of just anyone it is the shadow of Edward, of my husband. I sit up to make sure I am not hallucinating.

He rushed over to me, and I am soon in his arms. I am back in his arms. He pulls me into a Kiss, not too short and not too long, just right. I am relieved and happy. We have many problems to face, but together they will only get easier.

Without Edward I don't know what I would have done. Today's problems have been solved, with the best possible outcome from each one. But tomorrow, only new problems will surface.

Sorry guys, were sticking to 6-20 chapters a week. I do not know why Sometimes I wanna write, and sometimes I don’t. But please help me out here.

I’m having trouble finding inspiration, so I decided to only post 6 chapters a week while I try to find a way to make more episodes without stressing myself. I hope you guys understand.

TheWhiteRosecreators' thoughts
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