
Don’t give him more Power

"So what did Lord Warwick want?" I smiled up at Edward as he towers over me. He smiles back at the thought of the Question. I wonder what it could be?

"My brothers, for his girls." What? Is he asking for more power. The man really is shameless. He practically plots against his own King and Cousin, and now he's asking for more power. If Anne and Isabel were to marry Richard and George, they would outrank Duchess Cecily, Edward's mother.

"For Isabel and Anne.?" I tried to look shocked, but I seen it coming. "I said I would think about it." I paused for a second before I took all of this in.

"Edward? Do you seriously want to give him all that power. His girls would become Royal Duchesses. If Warwick's daughters are married to your brother they would share the biggest fortunes in the kingdom, and have royal blood upon both sides. Do you imagine they will not come against you if you grant it!"

I knew Edward loved his cousin, but not to the extent where he would be so dumbfounded he wouldn't realize Warwick's real cause for this.

He wants to use his daughters so that he can snatch the throne from Edward. And who knows probably give it to George! It's absurd. If I have a say in this I will say No!

"No Edward, Don't give him more Power!" I was afraid my hair was on fire at this point. "Damn it Elizabeth! Warwick is not the enemy! He is a friend and I have disregarded him. And I am resolved to sign the treaty with Burgundy against France."

I tried to shush Edward but he seemed Frustrated with what to do now. "No! And it will be 2 years of his life that have been wasted. I must give him something!"

"Then give him something, But no this. You must show him your are your own man, and King now." I traced over my husband's chest. Wanting to rip the clothes off of his body, but my attitude would not let any other women see him except for me.

"He may not grow too powerful to come against you." The issue was resolved, and we would have the message sent to Warwick tomorrow.

Today we must enjoy the night, and embrace it. Our smiles filled the room, "Your right, of course you are. I'm sure he won't mind that much, perhaps."

Margaret Beaufort:

I walked over to my lord. I wanted to ask him what his plan was for me. What he hoped to see from me and what he wished he had not seen from me. I want to ask him why he gave me such a life. And will it get any better, Will I be able to raise my boy?

Will he have a normal life, or will he rule England? What was his destiny, and I know that my lord would give him the best life possible, but now I can't I have to say that I have my doubts. It's only what my boy deserves.

"Am I so bad not even you might love me? Tell me of your plan for me, tell me there is a purpose." I could feel tears falling down my face. I watched God's face in hopes he'd give me a sign.

"Give me a sign, Lord. Tell me at least that my son might have a destiny!" My sobs were all you could hear in the room, I was alone. And only when I was alone would I be able to express my true feelings and thoughts.

I was all alone in this world, all I had was my little boy. I loved him more than anything in the world. I would do anything to guarantee his happiness, and safety. Not only that but his future. I can't say I'm the best mother out there, I just wish to be a better mother to Henry than my mother was to me.

Remind myself that I need to stop being obsessed over my favorite novels and focus on my novel. Then I’ll be able to give you guys better chapters. Trying to get 3 done today so that I can get out of debt of the episodes I owe y’all, although I know you guys are just too wonderful to only give 3 episodes. Thank you guys for being patient! :)

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