
Chapter 48: Surrounded

Masaomi walked down the stairs of the hotel and entered the Lobby, Cleria trailing closely behind with an upset look on her face.

"Well, nice of you to join...us?"

Lambert started speaking but as he was talking he got a good look at Masaomi's face and his sentence couldn't help but turn into a question as he gave a please explain look while staring at a certain spot on Masaomi's face.

Masaomi's face turned blood red almost as if a bit to hide the palm imprint soundly planted on his cheek.

"Uh... Cleria got a bit...angry"


Masaomi spoke embarrassedly but flinched when Cleria snorted, it was clear to see he was afraid of her ire.

"This guy is an embarrassment to all men out there", Lambert thought as he rubbed the bridge of his nose while sighing.

"That aside, we are going out to have some breakfast, would you two like to join us or do you have other plans," Lambert asked while giving Aura a glance who was trying her hardest not to laugh at Masaomi's face.

Aura stifled herself and looked down when Lambert glanced at her but her quivering shoulders told everyone that it didn't help.

Tosca walked up to Masaomi and pulled at his robe, Masaomi looked down at her as Toska asked him a question her pure and innocent eyes staring into his.

"Mr.Masaomi, are you ok. Did someone hurt you?", she asked innocently, but it only provoked further embarrassment from Masaomi as he stifled a light "NO" from his mouth before looking away from Tosca, he felt as if he should just go and bury himself at the moment.

Aura of course was finding it even more difficult to resist laughing thanks to Tosca's question and a stifled chuckle came from her mouth which she quickly covered with her hand.

Seeing that the current situation was getting them nowhere Lambert gave a resounding caught, gaining everyone's attention.

"Ok, enough of this are we eating or not?"

Everyone nodded before making there way out of the hotel. Deciding to just take a light stroll while they were at it Lambert decided not to take the Beetle. Lambert casually chose a direction and started walking. The group passed many people, they did garner some attention but not enough to have people gawking at them well except for some teenagers which were staring at Aura and Cleria, but Lambert overlooked there offense since they were just testosterone-infused kids and were of no threat.

Finding a little restaurant at the corner of a street, Lambert chose to eat there. It had a comfy atmosphere and was rather empty which Lambert preferred. The group found themselves some seats, luckily the table was big enough for all five of them to sit at.

"Can I get you anything to drink dear"

Said a middle-aged waitress as she handed the group a menu each, her eyes Irving over Lambert a few times, her eyes were especially intense when she asked her question.

"I will have a coffee please," Lambert said while to Aura, Masaomi and Cleria ordered the same.

After the order, everyone stared at Tosca who haven't ordered yet, she looked as if she was having a hard time deciding before, getting off her chair with her menu and walking until she was next to Lambert, pointing at a picture of a chocolate milkshake in the menu and looking at him with pleading eyes.

Lambert laughed as he petted Tosca's head before speaking to the waitress.

"She'll have a mega chocolate milkshake"

His words caused Tosca's eyes to shine as she returned to her seat with an extra hop in her step, clearly very happy.

"Hahaha, you have a lovely granddaughter"

The waitress said while staring at Lambert's reaction, but Lambert only Laughed at what she said and didn't refute anything. Going by how they looked, it wouldn't be surprising if people thought that way.

"Well, let me go and get every ready then"

The waitress said and walked off. Lambert and the res all started reading through the menu.

"Tosca, you can have anything you want, there is no need to ask me", Lambert said

Tosca looked up from the menu and nodded lightly at him while whispering, "Thank you", and turned her attention back to the menu.

Lambert could only shake his head, Tosca was still somewhat shy in public. Hopefully, it would wear out.

Not long after the drinks arrived, the waitress placed evrything down, Lambert stared at his coffee and found a phone number written on his napkin when he looked up he found the waitress gave him a wink which caused him to laugh wryly.

It's not that the waitress was ugly, she was quite pretty actually, but Lambert just wasn't interested in her. He could only course his appearance for attracting the waitress, he did look about sixty at the moment, though maybe a bit old for the waitress, his face was still what could be called handsome, the scars only bringing out the heroic traits of his face.

After that the group ordered their food, Lambert ordered some sushi since it was a special and the others followed suit except for Tosca who ordered waffles with ice cream and chocolate syrup on top.

The waitress left and all that was left for them was to wait for her to return.

"Quite the sweet tooth aren't you, little one"

Lambert said which caused Tosca to lower her head in embarrassment, the rest of the group just laughed at her reaction.

"I would never have thought you three would be so carefree with each other", CLeria commented.

"Well, of course, I treat them like family, because that is what samsara is, an order, a family of brothers and sites sharing the same goal. Not to mention the order has few members."

Lambert said as he smiled at Cleria, she went into deep thought hearing his words.

"If only the church was more like that", Masaomi chimed in as he had a look of regret on his face.

"Not all areas understanding, thought the church does some questionable things, they are still better than some others even if I will never be able to agree with them I would feel sorrow at there destruction"


Aura asked Lambert

"Because with there destruction there will be chaos, they have rooted themselves deep within this world and if they were to abruptly disappear from the face of the earth there will be an emptiness within all that believed in them, which are quite a few I may add"

Aura nodded at Lambert's argument.

"What about the underworld", Cleria asked

"They themselves hold an important role in this world, especially in this time where many devils hold great political and financial strength in the human world, if they just one day disappeared the economy of many countries might crashes, it's actually frightening how fragile this era's world is compared tho the past, this world is held together by a single thread if it was snapped evrything will be undone."

Lambert's words mad Masaomi and Cleria think.

"Remember this, all things be they big or small will always have a reaction, be they good or bad. Never forget that one's actions have ...consequences"

Lambert said the last part was tinged with deep regret that nobody understood but were wise enough not to ask"

The food soon arrive afterward and everyone dug in, Tosca's mouth was smeared with chocolate syrup and ice cream at the end of the day, her appearance made Lambert give another bout of laughter as he took a napkin and cleaned her mouth with it.

After finishing there breakfast Lambert paid the bill and the group left, the waitress didn't forget to yell out at Lambert as they left.

"Come again and remember the napkin"

Lambert just kept on walking in fact his pace quickened which caused AUra to snicker until Lambert gave her a death glare and she went silent.

The group made their way back to the hotel but as they reached the front evrything went quiet, there was nobody around. White robed figures suddenly came from all sides and surrounded Lambert's group causing Masaomi and Cleria's expressions to tighten Tosca to become frightened as she hid behind Lambert.

The robe figures remained silent for a while then at the front they parted making way for two figures, Lambert immediately recognizes the one.

"Mind explaining...Hoko?"


Another chapter for you all to peruse.

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Bethrezhencreators' thoughts
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