
I would protect you

Heyeon Jun placed her on the edge of empty bathtub . His one hand slid the hairband off her hair making them fall over her shoulders and face . He eyed her , even a mess , she looked beautiful. Their eyes met everytime he looked at her . Ji Yun was just staring at him . He reached out for a towel and dampened it . Ge cleaned Ji Yun's face carefully and gently. Then he again picked her up and placed her on the couch .

He took a seat beside her and gathered her hair ,"turn around." He said in a low voice. Ji Yun nodded very lightly ,"Hn." Heyeon Jun gathered her hair and then tied them up in a ponytail . He turned her around to face him ,"Well Ji Yun you look better now." Ji Yun nodded still staring at him.

Ji Yun whispered ,"Heyeon Jun .. I want to break the curse that you gave me .." Heyeon Jun frowned ,"Curse ? Me ?" Ji Yun nodded ,"The curse of me liking you.." Heyeon Jun was so confused ,"How will you break the curse.." Ji Yun sighed,"I will break it..."

Ji Yun was now sitting on her knees in front of him . She leaned against his torso and grabbed his collar ,"In the way It started.."

And she leaned in she planted a kiss on his lips . Not so deep but there was something weird about it . Heyeon Jun was surprised and his eyes went wide . Ji Yun waited a few seconds before pulling away ,"Done." Heyeon Jun stared at her blankly.

Ji Yun laughed lightly,"Well , lets order something to eat and then we will head back." Heyeon Jun nodded silently still thinking about what just happened. He wanted to ask her and not at the same time. He looked at her once before he wondered What was this weird feeling inside him . She never made the first move ..well .. It was good.. maybe ?!


Heyeon Jun just stepped downstairs. They'd come back but he wanted to give her some time to feel relaxed and he decided to freshen up first before talking to her.

He looked at Ji Yun . She was blankly staring at the ceiling as she lied on the couch with her legs folded slightly. He walked over and squated down ,"Come on, spill the beans."

Ji Yun turned her face to him . Heyeon Jun smiled lightly . He was sitting on the mat and Ji Yun was lying , there faces were a few inches apart . Heyeon Jun had a big torso so Ji Yun just had to slightly turn her face to look at him . He frowned ,"Its an order!"

Ji Yun breathed in ,"Fine.."


Ji Yun looked around . There was not even a single soul in the cafe. She looked back at Mr.Xia.

Mr.Xia slid the papers towards Ji Yun,"Here sign It." Ji Yun laughed coldly ,"Well I don't mean to disrespect you but are you an Idiot?" Mr.Xia cocked a brow at her leaning back on his chair . She continued,"Well all these men have been chasing me for years just to get the papers signed and you think you can appear and Ask me to sign them and I would ? Who do you think You are ? god or something?"

Mr.Xia sighed,"Don't make me repeat myself again." He said calmly . Ji Yun rolled her eyes and leaned back on her chair too , crossing her arms over her chest,"Don't make me repeat myself either." Mr.Xia chuckled coldly ,"The only thing you have got from me is your cocky attitude." Ji Yun nodded ," and I hate that."

He sighed,"Ji Yun , you know what you're going to regret the most in future ?" Ji Yun smiled ,"Having a father like you .. well I still regret it." Mr.Xia slammed his hand on the table ,"Fine ! Keep regretting.."

Ji Yun cut him off ,"Yes.. A father who sends people to get his own daughter killed , A father who abandoned his daughter , A father who killed his wives .. A father who sees nothing but profit . Thats the kind of father you are .. Xia Ke."

Mr.Xia smiled ,"Ha ?! Killed his wives ? Sends people to get his daughter killed ? I see nothing but profit ? Hahahaha. Ji Yun where are you living ? In a movie ? Its life . I am not a villian from a movie . Firstly You think I send those men to kill you ? Then you're wrong .. If I wanted them to kill You they could've and who do you think you are ? A ninja or something? God ?"

"A female lead Who couldn't be killed ? I could send hundred men , and out of them a single one could have shoot you many times , How would you have dogjed them ? You were one they were so many . You didn't die cause I never wanted to kill you and in the first place didn't want to hurt you ..I just wanted to scare you and get these papers signed. You're stubborn and so am I. Ji Yun mark my words , the one thing You're gonna regret in future is hating me."

Ji Yun was simply staring at him . His each word was a slap on her face cause yes ! It was true ..if he wanted to kill her he could have .. but how can Ji Yun agree to it . All these years she never thought that once . But still he abandoned her and killed her mother , Xia Ri's mother . Ji Yun , how can she forget how much she has suffered all these years because of him.

Xia Ke continued "Ji Yun , let me tell you a small secret . Its not me , Its someone else . I am just protecting my family from him . I wanted to protect you , Xia Ri , your mother , her mother .. I tried my best but You're the one who is ruining everything. The reason your mother died is you . The reason Xia Ri's mother died is you . The reason I will get killed is you . The reason Xia Ri's life is in danger is you . The reason Heyeon Jun and his family is in danger is you ."

"shut Up!" Ji Yun yelled . Tears formed in her eyes . How can he say such words to her ? It wasn't her fault . Why was it ?! He was lying ! How can she ruins everything?!

Xia Ke continued ,"The reason Heyeon Ri's daughter is in danger is you . What you think you're doing being stubborn? Saving yourself? Saving them ? Saving everyone? NO ! Ji Yun Thats what you're mistaken about . Heyeon Jun won't be able to save you even if you think he would . He can get killed any time , and the reason is you"

"So many innocent lives .. The reason is you . It's your mother's fault that I am paying her debt until now ! Thats why I hate her and will hate her .. but You're still my daughter. For saving you I abandoned you but you .. You're visible now ! I thought you would hide away but No !" Ji Yun was devastated hearing his words . What is going on ? What is he saying?

"Ji Yun I am begging you .. stop the nonsense you're planning . Sign the papers and leave the country. Never return . Remember my words . You're the reason everyone's life is in danger. YOU ! even I won't be able to save you ." Xia Ke said and stood up . He looked once at Ji Yun before he walked out of the cafe.

Ji Yun was just blanked out. It took her sometime to digest everything he said . She couldn't believe that she was the reason for everything that's happening to her and others life . How can she believe that ?! She was sitting there for a few minutes before she finally walked out .

She headed straight to her apartment. She switched off her phone making sure to pull the simcard . So that no one could track her even if the want to. She wanted to be alone . Her mind was in a mess . She couldn't cry and couldn't think straight either . All the possibilities were running through her mind .

She went crazy with the way one possibility lead to another . She yelled to no one ,"No ! Its not my mother's fault . Its not my fault ! Please god !" And that's when she broke . She cried . She cried her heart out .

She laid there motionless and her mind was blank . She removed her coat , threw it away . Her neat ponytail was messed due to her hands running through it again and again . Her mascara smudged down her eyes . Making her look even messier .

She fell asleep . But she only woke up when she heard knock on her door . She was confused but when she thought it was Heyeon Jun , she headed straight to the door and yes it was him . The person she needed the most . She hugged him tight . She didn't hear a word he said carefully. She just knew that she craved for his warmth .


Heyeon Jun sighed ,"Ji Yun, Don't believe him. He is just trying to manipulate you. You know that right ? Why would you be at fault? He said I won't be able to save you ? I would save you no matter what. You're my.." he paused . Ji Yun looked at him waiting for him to continue his words ,"You're my friend , a family too. I would protect you .. and what he is saying might be a lie .." and partly true ..

He didn't say the last words . Again his eyes shone with something weird but he hugged her . Ji Yun blinked lightly, she completely missed the cold look that was taking over his face and his eyes which seemed to shine with anger and hatred. Ji Yun sighed ,"Heyeon Jun .. What if a little part of what he said is true ?"

Heyeon Jun's face quickly turned back to normal ,"Yes it can be . Maybe there is someone else who is after all of this and not him. He can't be strong all alone unless he has a backup . You .. you need to be careful from now on."

Ji Yun looked up at him ,"Hm , lets talk about everything else later but lets clear somethings between us first. Tell me everything clearly , everything."

Heyeon Jun frowned ,"About what?" Ji Yun took a deep breath,"about us." Heyeon Jun sighed ,"See Ji Yun , I understand that you like me .. and I never wanted that . For me you're friend and I .. I like you physically. I just don't want you to end up hurt , thats why I always try to push you away ...."

"Friends don't know the way you taste Heyeon Jun.." Ji Yun's expression was super serious and she looked at him as if they were discussing some official business . Her eyes were slightly squinted and focused on him.

Heyeon Jun was taken aback with the sudden seriousness . But she was right . Friends don't know how you taste .. just friends was something that was not suitable for them .

He gulped lightly,"Ok , lets agree for once we are more than friends but we will never be lovers . We can be something in middle but not lovers .. I .. I can't explain you the reasons . All I know Is that its all for your own good that you don't catch feelings for me .. you will end up being hurt Ji Yun. And I don't want that .."

Ji Yun blinked lightly making his words register in her head . She gulped the lump in her throat,"Hm , Ok. Well if thats the case , let me set some rules . We're friends so we will stay just like friends do . No kissing , no extra touching. Just some light hugs, occasionally when needed , will do. Also No seducing , No physical attraction.. No discussion on me liking you again."

Heyeon Jun frowned ,"No kissing ?!" He looked so surprised that it made Ji Yun laugh ,"You say we're just friends but friends don't know the way you taste lalala.." Ji yun winked at him smiling lightly.

"I love it when you call me señorita." Heyeon Jun joined in. Ji Yun laughed and then she stood up ,"I will get some beers to drink." Heyeon jun nodded but his eyes never left her . He was so disappointed with the rules , how would he tease her if he can't seduce her ?! Thats bad.

Ji Yun handed one can to Heyeon Jun and she sipped the other one . Heyeon Jun turned on the T.V ,"Lets chill.. for now. Hehe." Ji Yun nodded and leaned back on the couch resting her crossed feet on the table .

Heyeon Jun commented ,"Today there were so many mistakes in the project." Ji Yun frowned,"I checked it beforehand..I will check it again tomorrow before meeting."

Heyeon Jun nodded ,"Ok sure !"


Dong Heon Looked at Xia Ri who was sleeping peacefully in his arms . He rolled his eyes and carried her to the bedroom laying her down on the bed . They went for a final shopping for their wedding ceremony. She was tired so she was already asleep . Dong Heon sighed and leaned in closer to her face ,"If Not for Heyeon Jun , I would have never agreed to marry you but it was something I am now greatful for."

He kissed her templed before he pulled away and headed to the bathroom, to take a shower. After he was done , he headed downstairs to make dinner since he didn't want to wake her up.

Xia Ri stirred and opened her eyes . She looked around and realized she was in bed. She checked the time , and cursed audibly. She quickly put on her sleepers and headed downstairs, how can she forget to make dinner . She was running and then her foot slipped near the last step . But before she could fall down Dong Heon pulled her up .

Xia Ri was dumbfounded with everything happening so fast . She sighed audibly and hugged him . Dong Heon on the otherhand was so done of her clumsiness,"Xia Ri , where the hell is your brain ?! Why are you always so careless , if not for me you would have been injured badly . You know that right ?!"

Xia Ri nodded her head , not daring to look up at the angry Dong Heon. Dong Heon tightened his grip on her arms and jerked Her lightly,"You understand me , stop being so clumsy always." Xia Ri nodded as she looked up . She felt her heart ache lightly, she wasn't always that clumsy though .. it was just an exception today.. she was in a hurry.

Dong Heon sighed ,"Lets eat dinner." He pulled Xia Ri along with him on the table. He didn't miss the sadness on her face. When Xia Ri was about to sit he pulled her on his lap ,"Hmm , so now you're going to act like a kid ? Being sad over me lecturing you ?!"


Song of the day is "Tujhe bhula diya" from anjaana anjaani.

Hheheheheh , hope you like how the story is going on . 20 more chapters to complete volume 1 .. wohooo ! Lets complete it before November comes .. lets hope sooo !!

Keep commenting !! Let me know what you think guys.

theunknownsoulcreators' thoughts
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