
Chapter 974: A Reward 1*

''Change into a smaller form and a cute one, that is.'' After giving the emerald wyvern the time to heal, Alex gave it this order. 

The fearful dragon nodded and immediately turned into a small cute creature; instead of a dragon, he looked like a green cat with a small wing minus the fur. 

Pleased with form, Alex spun in Sera's direction, but before talking to her, he said. 

''Cough out all the treasures you have amassed, and better not play me.'' 

The emerald wyvern, now in a small form, almost fainted.

'Master, you beat me into submission, but as if this was not enough, you now trying to rob me of my treasures? Can you be any crueler?' The poor dragon's eyes seemed to be asking, but Alex paid no heed to it and pocketed all treasure the dragon brought after disappearing and reappearing again. 

''Now it's yours. You can name it as you want.'' Alex said as he ordered the emerald wyvern to go to Sera. 

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