
chapter 26 part 1

Ash Ketchum, he is a boy who likes to travel around the world. He has a dream, that is to be a Pokemon Master. Together with his loyal partner Pikachu, they have conquer every problem he had face. But he lost in the Kalos League, he is really sad about it, but he thinks that it is fine that he manages to accomplish even further.

Ash Ketchum and Pikachu are now back home, Delia and Mimey come to greet them and Delia says, "Welcome back, Ash. And to you as well, Pikachu."

"Hello Mom." Ash says. He then gives him the laundry as she says, "I saw the news from the Kalos League, how could you be in such danger?"

Ash freezes as he knows that his mother is talking about how Team Flare kidnaps him. He says, "I am sorry Mother. But I never knew that the boss of Team Flare would try to do that to me because of my special power with Greninja."

Delia softens her gaze and then says, "It's fine. I know I can't stop you for doing what is right. Why don't you go wash up?"

Ash nods as he goes upstairs. Delia smiles at him and then she turns on the television, but much to her surprise, it is a news about the flight towards Hoenn.

"...it is said that the engine suddenly gets out of control and then the plane crashes in the seas. It is estimated that all 390 passengers on the plane were killed."

Delia widens her eyes as she sees the news, then Ash also comes and says, "What's wrong? Mom?"

Delia says, "Come look at this Ash. It is about the plane crash that was from Kalos to Hoenn."

Ash and Pikachu widen their eyes and he hears it. Ash says, "That's the same plane where Serena is riding! Please tell me that she is okay..." He suddenly rushes to the television as he stares at it. But then as the reporter lists the death list, he finds Serena's name on it and then he kneels down.

"No...please tell me it isn't real..." Ash says as he is about to burst tears. He kneels down on the ground and says, "Serena...why..."

Delia walks towards Ash and gives him a hug, Ash cries on her shoulder and he says, "Why...how did it become like this? Serena was on the plane and she is now gone..."

Delia frowns and says, "You really care about this Serena person?"

Ash nods and says, "I never realized until I got on the plane. I actually have feelings for her...but how can this happen? I never returned the feelings for her and now it happened? I am so stupid...I am so dense..."

This causes Delia to be surprised, she never heard Ash blames himself this much. She frowns and then she decides to leave the two of them alone as she decides to call Grace.

Ash hugs Pikachu and says, "Why...Pikachu...how can that Plane Crash do this to me?"

Pikachu, who is also in tears, is crying as well. They can't believe that Serena, the most caring person for the two of them, is now gone.

As for Delia, she is calling Grace about the news, and Grace also understands, but they are talking something in secret that makes her understand. "I see. Well, I guess there is no reason to hide this anymore."

"Indeed. I hope Ash understand." Then Grace ends the call as Delia decides to go to her room. She looks at her mirror and says, "Just how many years did I dye my hair?" She decides to wash her hair and it becomes black, then she starts doing some make up and then picks the flute on the desk.

Ash and Pikachu are now inside the room, they are still grieving the death of Serena. Just then, they hear a door knock as Ash says, "Please come in."

Just then, a woman comes in the bedroom. She has a raven hair as wild as Ash, and she is wearing a blue dress and a blue bow, and two z marks under her cheek. Ash is stunned, as he knows who goes in the description of the woman in front of him.

"You are the Kanto Champion and the founder of Contests, Aurora!" Ash says in shock. "What are you doing in my house?"

"What? You don't want me to come in?" Aurora raises her brow. "I know you are still grieving at the loss of your loved one, but that sure is cruel."

"No…it is just…" Ash is speechless.

"Relax, honey." Aurora says with a small laugh. "It is still me."

"Wait, that voice…Mom? Is that you?" Ash asks.

"Of course it is me, Ash." Aurora says. "Do you like it?"

"Wow, I never know you like to do cosplay…" Ash says as Aurora sweat drops.

"Well, I like to do cosplay, but in truth, this is my real form." Aurora says, causing Ash to be shocked.

"What? So you are Champion Aurora all the time?" Ash says as Pikachu is also in shock.

"Yes, Ash. I hide myself so I can raise you. And I know that you don't want to be like Gary, who brags about being the Professor Oak's grandson."

Ash nods, but then he says, "But why didn't you tell me? I never thought that I am a child from a Champion."

Aurora says, "Well, that I should apologize to you. But since you have finished 5 regions, I decide to tell you the secrets about our family."

As Ash and Aurora sits down on the chair, Ash asks, "What secrets do you have?"

Aurora says, "Well, Ash. I want to know, do you remember the time when you get to Michina?"

Ash says, "Yes. I met an Arceus there, who is rampaging for the lost Jewel of Life. But he vanishes after that."

Aurora says, "The reason it vanishes is because he returns to his own body, his soul has been separated from his body because of the betrayal. And that body is…"

Ash gasps, "Me? I am an Arceus all the time?"

Aurora smiles, "You get it right, Ash. In fact, I am also an Arceus."

"Wow…but how come I couldn't change forms, use moves, and even talk to Pokemon?" Ash asks.

"Since Arceus gets back to your own body, you haven't awaken it yet. And this is why I am going to help you wake up." She starts to blow the Azure Flute, with the melody of the Oracion, Ash suddenly feels dizzy as he glows white, covering Pikachu and Mimey's eyes. After the glow disappear, Aurora stops blowing the flute and says, "Now you are set."

Ash says, "I feel more stronger than ever…" He looks at his hands, Pikachu says, "You still look the same to me."

Ash says, "It is because I am still in my human form, Pikachu."

"Wait! You can understand me now?" Pikachu asks.

"Of course I can." Ash says. "I am a Pokemon, too."

"In fact, there are some things that I need to tell you as well." Aurora sits besides Ash and says, "You see, Serena isn't dead."

This causes Ash and Pikachu to shock. "What?"

Aurora says, "We are not the only ones who are Pokemon. In fact, Serena and her family are also Pokemon as well. And Serena isn't dead."

This causes the two of them to burst into happiness, they cheer for each other, but then he asks, "But how?"

Aurora says, "In fact, Grace is the one saved her before the explosion happened. In fact, they are Giratina and they use the Distortion World to escape the air crash."

"Really? They are Giratina? That is so cool." Ash says.

"And right now I have something to talk to you about. Do you remember that you have a sister?" Aurora asks.

"I know, but isn't Golly dead because she was murdered?" Ash asks in confusion.

"I am hurt if you said that to me." Just then, another person walks into the room and Ash is surprised. "Golly? Is that you?"

"Long time no see, Brother." Golly smiles. "As you can see, we are Arceus, so I won't be killed this easily. I was traveling with Serena's brother all this time. It is why we never seen each other again."

"Seriously?" Ash is surprised. "And Serena has a brother?"

"Yeah, Calem is a nice guy." Golly says with smile. "But that is another thing to say. Mother, are you going to tell him about Serena and her family?"

Aurora sighs at her daughter's impatience. She says, "Ash, you see, Serena, her brother Calem and their mother Grace are actually not their real forms."

"What do you mean?" Ash asks.

"In fact, they are from the Aether Family. With Grace's real name is Lusamine Aether, she is the president of the Aether Foundation. Along with her children, I am sure you will meet them once we go to the Alola Region."

"Alola Region? Where is that and what is that place?" Ash asks.

Golly says, "Alola Region is a tropical region east from here, but it doesn't have a league, but it has something else that are called the Island Challenge. Which has something that is much similar to the Mega Evolution."

Ash grins and says, "Sounds like a cool place. But does that mean Serena and Calem are going there as well?"

Delia says, "They will be there. But due to that crash, Serena lost some of her memories and she is now another person. This is why we are going there as well. So that you could help her with her memory problem as well as taking care of her Pokemon."

"I see." Ash frowns a little and then he asks, "So can we go to the Professor's Lab?"

The two female sigh, ever since he knows that Serena is fine, he becomes his old self again. As they go to the lab, they see Professor Oak feeding a Venusaur.

"Professor!" Ash calls out to him as he rushes to the lab.

"Oh, Ash!" Oak says as Venusaur rushes towards him, and much to Ash's surprise, the Venusaur tackles him down and he asks, "Huh? Bulbasaur? Is that you?"

"Ash, I miss you." Venusaur says as Ash laughs. "You evolved. But what changed your mind? Since you didn't really want to evolve."

Venusaur says, "An Arceus comes to us and tells us about yourself. All of us decide to evolve."

"I see." Ash says. Golly says, "Professor, it is nice to see you as well."

"Ah, Golly, right? It sure has been a while since you come back to Pallet. How is your journey in the distortion world?" Oak asks.

"It was really boring at first, but with Calem's help, I feel much better." Golly says.

Venusaur says, "Sure. Everyone! Ash is here!"

It shoots out the Solar Beam, Golly says, "Wow, it is like a firework!"

Professor Oak says, "It is Venusaur's signal to call out Ash's Pokemon. Each Solar Beam has a different color due to the different region."

As all the Pokemon arrive, Ash is surprised to see that Butterfree, Blastoise, Pidgeot, Gengar, Primeape, Lapras, Tyranitar and Goodra are there. Ash asks, "Why are you guys here? Though it is great to see you again."

"Ash! It is so great to see you again!" Meganium says as she gives him a body slam.

"Hahaha, Meganium, I know..." Ash says with a laugh.

Then much to their surprise, there is also a Delphox, Pangoro and a Sylveon. Ash says, "You guys are here as well? Why? I thought you are with Serena..."

"But Serena is gone..." Delphox starts to cry again as Pangoro tries to comfort her. Sylveon also feels sad as well.

Golly says, "Ash, they still don't know that Serena is alive."

"I see. Guys, don't worry. Serena is alive and she is safe." This causes them to get shocked. "Really?" Sylveon asks.

"Yeah." Pikachu says. "Like Ash, she is a Legendary known as Giratina. She is alive."

This causes happiness to the three Pokemon. "But how did you guys come here?" Ash asks.

Pangoro says, "Before the air crash, a Giratina comes and bring us to you. And it is thanks to Goodra here that we manage to get acquainted with other Pokemon."

"I see." Ash says. Then he sends out Talonflame, Hawlucha and also Noivern, the three flying types also gain the others attention as they get acquainted. Ash also reveals that he is Arceus.

"Since I am Arceus, which means that I can talk to you, battle with you, too." Ash says as all of his Pokemon cheers for him. Then Ash also introduces his sister to them, as they greet them.

After having battles with everyone of them, Ash also decides to change the species of Tauros into other Pokemon, since he doesn't need to many Tauros. And the Tauros also choose what Pokemon they want, and then Ash has a Red Gyarados, a Rapidash, an Aerodactyl, a Dragonite, a Crystal Steelix, a Scizor, a Crobat, a Bellossom, a Blissey, a Gardevoir, a Blaziken, a Swampert, a Metagross, a Milotic, an Empoleon, a Rhyperior, a Gallade, a Yanmega, a Dusknoir, a Gothitelle, a Liepard, a Hydreigon, a Ferrothorn, a Zebstrika, a Chesnaught, an Aegislash, a Clawitzer, a Meowstic and a Trevenant.

The Pokemon are amazed at the power Ash has been holding, and the new Pokemon also like how they have become. And with Ash's help, they manage to get their powers better.

Once they are done, Ash and Golly decide to tell Professor Oak about their new destination, which is the Alola Region.

"I see. If you are going to the Alola Region, can I ask you a favor?" Oak asks.

"What is it? Professor?" Ash asks.

He then takes out an egg inside the capsule. The egg is red and Ash asks, "Professor? What's inside the egg?"

"It is a secret for now. But I want you to deliver it to my cousin in the Alola Region."

Golly asks, "Professor? You have a cousin in Alola?"

"Yes, he is also a principal in the Alola's Trainers School." Oak says.

"I see. We will do it for you." Ash says as Oak nods. Then they decide to go back home to prepare their luggage.

Somewhere in Alola, a blonde hair girl is sleeping, she doesn't know why, but she is seeing a boy in her dream. That boy jumps down from the Prism Tower to save a Pikachu, and then it grabs her as they both fall to the cavern. And he also gives her a blue ribbon under a big tree.

She bolts awake after seeing that the boy is being caught by a group of red uniform people and one of them uses some kind of red light on him, causing him to scream in pain. She says, "It is that boy again... Why do I always dream of him?"

She then notices a box of blue ribbon on her desk and then she says, "And where did this ribbon case come from actually

Finally arriving at the Alola Region, Ash, Pikachu, Aurora, Mimey and Golly all walk out of the airport in Melemele Island. Ash says, "So where are we going next? Mom?"

Aurora says, "Someone should be ready to take us to our place."

Just then, a white limo appears and then a man comes out of it. "Mistress, welcome back to Alola."

"Hello Paris. I am glad that you come this early." She turns to the children. "Ash, Golly, this is Paris, he is our butler in our mansion."

"We have a mansion?" Ash is surprised. "That is so awesome."

"I know." Golly says as they all get in the car. Once they arrive at the mansion, they are amazed at the sight of it.

"That is so cool, and it is even by the beach." Golly says. "Can we go play at the beach after that?"

Aurora smiles, "Of course you can. This is the reason why I bought a house here."

Ash and Pikachu then decide to send out all their Pokemon that they got from Professor Oak, then they all go play at the beach.

Pikachu notices that Serena's Pokemon aren't going to enjoy the sea, then he goes towards Sylveon. "How about you come play with us?"

Sylveon at first hesitates, since all they want is to find Serena. But she looks at Pikachu, then she says, "Sure." Then the two Pokemon go to play, then Pangoro also plays with them because Hawluha sprays some water on him, he yells as he rushes towards them to play. As for Delphox, she just sits besides Infernape since he takes care of her just like a big brother.

As Ash is watching the Pokemon relaxing, Golly also changes into her swimsuit and says, "Not interested in the water?"

"I just want to relax here. Ever since I got my Pokemon form back, I feel like I want to do more exciting..." Ash says.

Paris says, "If that's the case, Master Ash. How about you try out the Sharpedo Surfing?"

"Sharpedo Surfing?" Ash is confused.

After a few minutes, Ash and Pikachu are now riding on the Sharpedo as it is speeding on the water. "This is awesome, right? Pikachu?"

Pikachu agrees as they start diving underwater, they can see a lot of Water Type Pokemon. Ash sees a Pokemon that he has never seen in the other regions before, as he touches it, it suddenly shoots out a hand and it does a V pose. Ash does it back to the Pokemon until Pikachu is out of air. So they decide to jump out of the water as they see a blue haired girl fishing out a pink fish, the pink fish surprised the duo as they fall into the water, causing the blue haired girl and a blue seal like Pokemon to laugh at them.

Then Ash decides to return back to his home and then Paris asks, "Master Ash, did you enjoy the ride?"

"Of course, it is so much fun." Ash says.

Golly says, "I am glad that you like it. So now it is my turn."

As Ash sees Golly leave, they decide to go find Aurora. Just then, Ash accidentally steps on what seems to be a tail and he hears a scream. Ash turns around and sees a cat covered in sand as he says, "I am sorry." Then the cat just uses Ember on him, causing him to fall over.

"Master Ash, are you alright?" Paris and Pikachu ask and Ash gets back up, "What is that Pokemon?"

"Oh, it is a Littlen, it often comes here to relax for a while." Paris says.

"I see." Ash says as they keep running.

At the hotel, Aurora is relaxing with Mimey, drinking some Pinap Juice. Ash runs up to her and says, "Mom, I am back."

"Welcome back, Ash. How do you like this place so far?" Aurora asks.

"It is great. Riding on the Sharpedo is so much fun, and I am glad to see a lot of Pokemon that I didn't see in other regions." Ash says.

"I am glad that you are both happy." Aurora says with a smile.

"I am back." They see Golly also coming back from the Sharpedo Surfing. "It sure is a lot of fun."

"I told you." Ash says.

Aurora says, "Now children, now change your clothes and we have to get going."

"To where?" Golly asks.

"To Professor Oak's cousin, don't you forget that you have something to deliver to him?" Aurora sighs.

"You're right. We have to go there now." Ash says.

Then they ride on the taxi that is pulled by Tauros, they see a lot of stuff in the Hau'oli City. Then Aurora decides to stop by as she wants to see what food she can buy for their dinner.

Ash and Golly are wandering around as they see a bug like Pokemon appear from the ground.

"Wow, it is a Grubbin." Golly says.

"You're right, but it seems like the pincer is really dangerous..." Then they try to follow that Pokemon into the woods. But unknown to them, a pair of eyes are watching Ash in particular.

"Where did it go?" Ash, Pikachu, Sylveon and Golly are now inside the woods as they look around. Then Golly says, "Just great, we are so into catching that Grubbin that we are lost..."

Ash says, "There must be a way to get out of the forest, I am sure about that."

Just then, they see a bear like Pokemon and Golly says, "It's a Bewear." The Bewear is waving his hands to them and Ash waves back, but then the bear starts to do some karate as it breaks down a lot of trees nearby.

Golly says, "Something tells me that we shouldn't get close to him."

Ash says, "I know." But then the bear starts to run towards them as Ash says, "We should run now!"

"I agree." The siblings start running with two Pokemon running by as well. After a while, they manage to escape the bear.

"I think we lost them." Golly says while panting.

"I know." Ash says as he looks up, then they see a Charizard flying by. "A Charizard?"

"Maybe we can get out of here if we follow that Charizard." Golly says.

"Let's go." Ash says as they rush towards the direction, then they see a big building that says Pokemon School. "We made it." Golly says.

"I know." Ash says. "Wow...this place looks awesome."

But then, he looks around and sees a girl, and the girl also sees him. Ash doesn't know why, he feels familiar towards the girl and the girl feels the same towards Ash.

"Brother?" Golly asks as Ash decides to walk towards the girl, but then the girl notices the Tauros approaching and she yells, "Watch out!"

This causes Ash to regain his senses and he sees three Tauros rushing towards him. He quickly dodges the Tauros as he falls down in front of the blonde hair girl.

"Are you okay?" The blonde hair girl asks.

"I am fine." Ash says. "I had a lot of Tauros, so it is nothing."

Just then, a Tauros approaches the blonde haired girl and then she starts backing off. Ash asks, "Are you perhaps afraid of Pokemon?"

"No, I really like Pokemon. Pokemon are perfect to learn..." The girl says.

"Geez, brother, you shouldn't be so reckless." Golly says as she walks towards them. And then three other people also come and the green haired girl says, "Sorry, we didn't stop it on time."

"It's fine." Ash says.

"Lillie, you haven't touch any Pokemon yet, right?" The orange haired boy says.

"I have...in theory I can just touch them if I want to..." Lillie pouts.

"Don't worry. It is useless to get in a rush. You have a lot of chances to touch them, Lillie." The green haired girl says.

"That's right." The blue haired girl says. Ash recognizes the girl and says, "Wait, you were the one that we met near our mansion..."

"You mean when I caught a Bruxish?" The blue haired girl asks.

"Your acquaintance? Lana?" The green haired girl asks.

"I am Ash, I am from the Pallet Town in Kanto. And this is my partner Pikachu and Sylveon." The two Pokemon greet them

"And I am Golly, his sister." Golly says. "So this is the Pokemon School, right?"

"Yeah." The green haired girl asks, "Perhaps you guys are lost? If that's the case, I'll show you the way."

"That will be great." Golly says.

Before they leave, Sylveon looks at Lillie and sniffs, causing her to tense up. She asks, "Serena?"

Lillie doesn't know why, but she can hear the Pokemon's voice and she says, "Who is Serena?"

This causes Sylveon to frown and then Ash says, "Sylveon, we have to go now." Sylveon nods as she rushes towards them, before watching Lillie again.

In the school, they can see a lot of trainers going well with Pokemon. Once they arrive at the Principal's office, they see that Aurora and Mimey are there.

"Mom? You are here before us?" Golly asks.

Aurora sighs and says, "I am glad that you manage to get here with your own. But next time you should tell me before running off."

"Sorry." Ash says.

"Alola, Ash, Golly." Then a man who looks just like Professor Oak appears. "Welcome to the Pokemon School-Solrock."

"You really look just like Professor Oak." Ash says.

"People all say that to me. I am Samson Oak. It is nice to meet you-Trapinch."

"Trapinch?" Ash and Golly are confused.

"Well, Principal Oak likes to do some Pokemon puns in the end of his lines." The green haired girl says.

"People and Pokemon are working together is the Tyranitar (Best)." This causes the three children to look at him with weird expressions.

After explaining the whole ideal towards the others, Mallow says, "So you aren't new students."

"Sorry, we didn't get the chance to reveal it." Golly says.

"No, it is my fault. I was getting air-headed." Mallow says. "Principal, is it possible that I take Ash and Golly to see the school?"

"Of course you can." Principal Oak says as they all leave the office.

As they arrive at the classroom, they are surprised to see how the view from the classroom is and vast space. Mallow also tells them about everything until a person comes. "Alola to all of you."

"Professor Kukui!" Mallow says, causing the two to be surprised as the man in front of them is the Professor.

"You are the Professor of this region?" Ash asks.

"Of course. You must be Ash Ketchum and Golly Ketchum, right? I heard everything from Aurora and Samson Oak. The Pokemon School sure is a nice place. You should enjoy here."

"Sure. Professor." Ash says.

Just then, they see a commotion in front of the yard. Mallow asks, "Is that?"

One people wearing a black outfit says, "You dare to stop our motorcycles? That is a serious crime."

"My brother is right. It is unforgivable to stop us Team Skull." "That's right."

The boy with brown and red hair says, "I don't remember I have blocked your way. It is you guys that are interrupting us."

"What did you say? You dare pretending not knowing anything?"

"Who are those people?" Ash asks after arriving at the scene.

"They are Team Skull. They like to bully people into battling them."

"If we win this battle, you have to give up your Charizard. But if we lose, we will pretend this never happened."

"You are going to regret this." The boy says.

"What do you mean regret? Come out! Salandit! Yungoos! Zubat!"

Just then, nine Pokemon come out and then Ash says, "Hey, wait up!"

"Ash?" The others are surprised at him.

"It isn't fair for nine versus one." Ash says. "And what are you going to do about that?" The Skull member asks.

"We will battle as well." He then sends out Charizard, Sceptile, Krookodile and Hawlucha, Pikachu and Sylveon also step in front of them as well. "Don't worry, we will handle this...um..."

"I am Kiawe. But I don't need any help." Kiawe says, but then he notices something on Charizard's tail, he then changes his mind. He takes out a Pokeball and says, "Go, Turtonator."

As the Pokemon appears, he says, "It is both Fire and Dragon Type. And it is my partner." Kiawe says to Ash.

Then they all have a battle, but all of them are defeated by Pikachu's Quick Attack, Sylveon's Fairy Wind, Charizard's Wing Attack, Sceptile's Bullet Seed, Krookodile's Stone Edge and then Hawlucha's Karate Chop.

"So fast..." Kiawe is surprised at how easily Ash beats them. Then Turtonator also uses a move to send the other Pokemon flying.

"What the-" Ash asks.

"That was Turtonator's signature move, Shell Trap." Kiawe says. "Now leave the rest to me."

Then Kiawe starts to do some dance as something on his wrist glows. "Let's go, Turtonator." Then he yells, "This is my soul, my body, my power! All of the Z power! Burn just like the Wela Volcano! Inferno Overdrive!"

Then Turtonator shoots out a ball of fire as it causes all Pokemon Team Skull has to faint in the end. "We will be back!" "Just like what my brother said!" Then Team Skull rush off in hurry.

"What was that?" Ash asks.

"That is a Z Move." Kukui comes and says. "Z moves are special moves that is from this Alola Region. There are four islands, and each island has their own guardian. Only the ones who partake the Island Challenge and finish the trials can use this kind of move."

"I see..." Ash says.

"You must like to battle right? Ash. It seems like your Pokemon are really strong." Kukui asks.

"Yeah. My dream is to become a Pokemon Master." Ash says, but then he sees Tapu Koko flying past as he is shocked.

"What the..." Ash asks.

"Brother? What's wrong?" Golly asks.

"I thought I saw Tapu Koko flying by." Ash says.

"Tapu Koko? You found the guardian of Melemele Island, Tapu Koko?" Lillie asks.

"I thought so..." Ash says. But as he sees Lillie's eyes again, he doesn't know why, he starts to remember everything about Serena. Pikachu and Sylveon also notice this as they are worried.

Lillie is also doing the same, she doesn't know why, she feels really familiar towards Ash as well. It seems like the boy in her dreams is he, but why did she dream of him?

It is until Sophocles says, "I know I have seen you somewhere!" This causes the others to look at him. "You were the one that almost win the Kalos League since last year and you are famous for having a special kind of Greninja."

Lana says with stars in her eyes, "Special Kind of Greninja? Can we see it?"

Ash frowns and says, "He isn't with me...I released him so that he can help Zygarde clean up the mess made by Team Flare."

"What was that?" Mallow is clueless about what Ash is talking about.

Sophocles says, "Here are more. It is said that Ash has traveled with a girl named Serena, who almost got the title of the Kalos Queen on her first try, and the Electric Type Gym Leader Clemont an his sister. Together, they stop Team Flare from using the Legendary Pokemon Zygarde to destroy the world."

Lillie mutters, "Serena?"

Ash frowns as he hears the name, then he feels pain as he rushes off. "Ash, where are you going?" Mallow asks.

Golly says, "Let him be. He already has a lot of pain in his heart."

"How come?" Lana asks. Sophocles says, "Is it related to the flight that is from Kalos to Hoenn? It is said that Serena was on that same plane as well."

Golly nods as they gasp, Kukui says, "I see. It is hard for him to have that memory."

Lillie doesn't know why, she starts to remember that she was sitting on a plane and then the plane is shaking furiously, she then rushes off as well. "Lillie, where are you going?"

"I'll be back." Lillie says as she disappears out of their sight. Golly thinks, "Could she be...no way..."

Ash was back in the office as Aurora asks, "Why are you sad again? Didn't I tell you that Serena is alive?"

"Yeah, but to think that she will become a different person...It still hurts me dearly." Ash says. "Don't you agree? Sylveon?"

Sylveon frowns and nods a little. Just then, Lillie rushes into the room and says, "There you are, Ash."

"Lillie? What are you doing here?" Ash asks.

"I was worried about you, so I come to find you." Lillie says. Aurora sees her and says, "It is good to see you again, Lillie."

This causes confusion to the two teens. "Have we met before?" Lillie asks.

"Of course we do." Aurora says. "How is your mother and your brother?"

Lillie says, "Mother is still working, and Brother barely comes back home... But how do you know us?"

Aurora says, "Lillie. I know it is hard for you to understand, but can you tell us what you dreamed last night?"

Lillie flinches and she nods, "I saw a boy, he tried to jump off a tower like thing to save a Pikachu...and then the same boy also gave me a blue ribbon...and I saw how he was in pain after some red people use a red beam on him..."

This causes Ash to be shocked. He says, "Mom, don't tell me that she is..."

"Yes, Ash." Aurora says, "She is Serena's other self."

"Serena?" Lillie is confused again, Sylveon tries to run towards her, but she is stepping back and she yells, "Don't get close to me..." Then much her surprise, she shoots out what seems to be like a Dragon Pulse and it doesn't effect Sylveon, but it causes her to stop.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to..." Lillie says.

"Mom, did you see that? She was just using Dragon Pulse!" Ash says.

"I know. I saw everything. Lillie. You are Serena, in fact, this is a secret that only our family and yours know. You only have short memories because your body just become whole again. And the plane crash also makes you lose some memory as well."

"So I was Ash's traveling partner? And this Sylveon was mine?" She tries to pet Sylveon, but she moves her hand back with fear, this causes the two Ketchums to be surprised.

"There you are." Just then, Golly and the others also arrive and she asks, "Did I miss something?"

"We'll fill in later." Ash says. "I think we should head back to our house, since it is kinda late."

"Okay, if you need any help, you can ask me as well." Kukui says as they bid farewell. As for Lillie, she doesn't know why, she feels bad to see them leave as well as Sylveon. Mallow asks, "Lillie? Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing." Lillie says as they leave.

As Ash and his family are having dinner in the dinning room, Golly asks, "So you mean...Lillie is Serena?"

"That is what I think, since we saw her using Dragon Pulse...and she also knew what happened when we were traveling in Kalos...not everything, but some important parts." Ash says.

"I see." Golly says, just then, they hear a loud noise as they see Tapu Koko outside. "Mom, we will be right back."

Ash and Golly rush towards the Guardian and then they see him standing in front of him. "Tapu Koko, are you the one who called us?" Golly asks.

Tapu Koko nods and then Ash asks, "Why did you call us?"

Just then, Tapu Koko raises his hand and then their Mega Rings all float into the air. "Our Mega Rings..." Golly says. Then they all turn white and then Tapu Koko changes the bottom so that it can place a Z Crystal inside. Then it also gives out 2 Z Crystals to each of them.

"Are you giving us these?" Ash asks as he nods. Then he leaves in a hurry, much to the two's confusion.

"He sure is mysterious." Golly says. "You're right. Let's get back so Mom won't be worried." Then they all rush off.

The next day, Aurora has some business to attend as she left the Alola Region to Kanto. Ash and Golly are now at the mansion training until a helicopter arrives. And outside the helicopter is a blonde hair woman that looks just like Lillie.

"Ash, Golly. It is nice to see you two again." The blonde haired woman says. Ash and Golly are confused as Ash asks, "Um...do we know you?"

Just then, the woman changes her form into Grace, as now Ash and Golly recognize her. "Oh, Ms. Yvonne. I forgot that you have a disguise as well."

"Well, it is now Ms. Aether." Grace sighs. "My true name is Lusamine, so call me that. But anyway, there is a reason that I come to you guys. I suppose that you told Lillie about her life as Serena yesterday?"

They both frown and Ash asks, "Ms. Aether...how did Lillie or Serena afraid to touch Pokemon? It didn't happen when she was Serena..."

Lusamine frowns and says, "It is true that it never happened to Serena, but Lillie on the other hand, she was like that since she was 7. We still don't know the reason of it. Which is why I need your help."

"How can we help?" Golly asks.

"I want you guys to be by her side from now on." Lusamine says. "Ever since the plane ride, her Serena self is getting weaker and weaker. You and her Pokemon are the only ones who could save her before everything is too late."

Ash nods and says, "I will definitely save her. I made a mistake of letting her go and this time I am not going to let go again."

Lusamine smiles, "I am glad that you have this thought. I know why my daughter has my eyes on you."

Golly asks, "But what about Calem? Where is he?"

Lusamine says, "Calem, or Gladion...he is training in the Akala Island. He keeps blaming himself for not able to save Lillie, so he is going to be stronger."

"I see." Golly says with a frown. Then Lusamine bids them farewell because of her work and the two of them decide to go to school.

"That is wonderful news." Kukui and Samson are very happy that the two of them decide to enroll the school. "I am sure that it will be great for you guys to join in."

Ash says, "Professor, can I have a request? I want to be the same class as Lillie."

This causes the two adults to look at each other. "We can arrange that, but why-Wynaut?"

Ash and Golly feels unease at the pun, but then Golly says, "This morning, her mother comes to us and she asks us to take care of her for her sake."

Kukui says, "So you have met Ms. Lusamine. Alright. I was intended to put you guys in that classroom as well." This causes the twins to be happy as they follow Kukui.

As they go with Kukui to their classroom, Kukui tells the classmates, "Alola."

"Alola." Then they see that Kiawe, Sophocles, Lana, Mallow and Lillie are the only ones in the classroom. But Kiawe notices that both trainers have Z Crystals on their Mega Rings, as he is curious.

Ash and Golly bow and say, "Alola."

"From today Ash and Golly will become your classmates. If they need some help, please help them if possible." Kukui says.

"Our dreams are to become the Pokemon Masters, and here we can learn every kind of knowledge. It is a pleasure to meet all of you." Golly says.

After the class ends, Ash and Golly are gathered around by everyone except for Lillie and Kiawe, who are talking to Professor Kukui.

"Hey, is that a Z Crystal on your Mega Rings?" Sophocles asks as the two Ketchum siblings show them.

Kiawe walks towards them and says, "I have never seen those Z Crystals before, where did you two get those? You didn't get it from the Island Trials, right?"

Ash says, "We were given by Tapu Koko."

"You guys saw it again?" Mallow asks in surprise.

"Yeah. He came to our house and he gave us the Z Crystals and remodeled our Mega Rings." Golly says. "Though we still have no idea what kind of Z Crystal is it..."

"I have heard it from a book." Lillie suddenly walks towards them, "Tapu Koko is very well known as the guardian who likes to help travelers, but also likes to play tricks and can punish people if it thinks it is necessary. On rare occasions, Tapu Koko can provide gifts to people as well."

"Which means that he might like Ash and Golly that they give the two the Z Crystals." Mallow says.

"Kiawe, I remember that your Z Crystal is gotten from clearing the Akala Island's Grand trial, right?" Sophocles asks.

"Yeah, I beat Olivia and got it from her." Kiawe says.

"So does that mean we can use Z Moves just like you?" Ash asks.

"Z Moves aren't easy like what you think. Z Ring is when people and Pokemon become one, using that emotion to change into power. Not only that, it has to be holy. For Pokemon, for Island, for someone you care about. Only those who care all life on Earth are permitted to use Z Moves. I don't know what Tapu Koko sees in you two, but if you wear Z Ring, than you must have that determination."

"So it is just like Mega Evolution." Golly says. "Interesting."

Then after a while, it is Pokemon battling, then Mallow asks, "Golly, don't you have a Pokemon?"

Golly shakes her head and says, "I don't have a Pokemon to be honest."

"Then how did you manage to come this far?" Sophocles asks. "Your brother has been traveling through six regions and you still didn't have any Pokemon?"

Golly says, "Well, I have my own ways to survive. I treat all Pokemon as friends, only that I didn't use Pokeballs to capture them."

"That is so cool." Lana says.

As for Ash, after battling Kiawe, he sees Lillie sitting at the desk, and he decides to walk towards her. "Lillie, how about we have a battle?"

Lillie is shocked, "But I don't have a Pokemon...I couldn't battle."

"Don't worry about this." He gives her a Pokeball and says, "How about you use this Pokemon to battle with you?"

Lillie looks at the Pokeball and she can feel goosebumps, and then she nods. "I'll try."

She throws the Pokeball and then out comes Delphox. "A Delphox? It is one of the starters in Kalos Region...but..."

Just then, she hears Delphox says, "Please fight with me, Lillie. I heard everything from Ash and I am willing to help you out."

Lillie widens her eyes and says, "Delphox..." She nods and then they start to battle against Ash's Pikachu. And this battle causes the other 5 to watch.

"No way...Lillie is battling..." Mallow says.

"And is that a Delphox?" Kiawe says in surprise. "The fire it shoots out is really beautiful."

As they continue to battle, Lillie doesn't know why, but she feels like she knows Delphox so much and in the end, Delphox is still defeated, but Lillie feels a little satisfied.

"How are you feeling, Lillie?" Ash asks.

"I don't know why, but I feel a little warm after that battle." Lillie says with a smile.

"I am glad that you like it." Ash says. Delphox says to Lillie, "I hope you can recover soon, so we can battle again soon." Lillie nods and then Ash recalls Delphox.

After school, Ash and Lillie are chatting as Ash asks, "So Lillie, where were you going after school?"

"I would go to Professor Kukui's Lab, so I can still learn some more." Lillie says.

"Then why don't we come along as well?" Golly asks.

"Are you sure?" Lillie feels a little unease, but then she sighs as they go with her. Once they are at the lab, Kukui offers them with dinner. And then they see a dog like Pokemon rushing towards them, but its appearance causes Lillie to flinch.

"Rockruff, come here." Kukui says as he places a food bowl on the ground and Rockruff starts to eat. Ash says, "So that is a Rockruff?"

"Of course, it is a Rock Type Pokemon and he likes to stay at my lab for a while." Then Pikachu becomes best friends with him as Rockruff also nuzzles both of them.

"Rockruff nuzzles by using the rocks on his neck to greet others." Lillie says.

"I see. It seems like he likes us." Golly says.

As they are eating, Lillie then asks Ash, "Ash, I have some questions to ask you...if what I dreamed these days were our past memories, I realized that you jumped down from the tower because you tried to save Pikachu...but why did you do that in the first place?"

Ash says, "Well...you see, when I was at the Professor Sycamore's Lab, we were ambushed by a group called Team Rocket, they tried to control Garchomp but fails as the device causes him pain. So Pikachu and I tried to stop him. We managed to break the device in the end, but Pikachu lost his footing as he is going to fall...which is why I did that..."

"Ash...how could you do such reckless thing? Didn't you know that you would die by doing so?" Lillie asks.

"I know. But I couldn't leave any Pokemon alone." Ash says.

"I see...I start to remember a little...I remembered that I was mad about my Mother giving me Rhyhorn Training at that time until we saw the news...And then I recognized you from watching TV."

"So you saw that..." Ash says while rubbing his head.

"But my mind is still a blur. I don't know why I wanted to find you at that time..." Lillie says.

"Take your time, I know that you will remember everything." Ash says.

Lillie then sees the smile on his face, she doesn't know why, the smile also makes her want to smile back as well. "Thank you, Ash." Golly notices how the two are getting along, she also smiles at them as well.

The next day, Ash and Golly are overslept as they are rushing towards the school, only to see that all the classmates are there and they yell, "Alola Surprise!" While shooting out streamers.

"Huh? What's going on here?" Golly asks.

"You must be surprised, right?" Kiawe asks.

"Of course I am." Ash says.

"Today we are going to give you all surprise to welcome you to our school, what you just have is the first surprise." Mallow says.

"And the second one is from me." Sophocles says. "A challenge from me and Togedemaru."

"Challenge? You mean a Battle?" Ash asks. "I accept your challenge."

"It is not a battle." Sophocles says as he shows a pile of balloons. "The rules are simple, if you can break all the balloons first then you win."

Ash says, "I see...but excuse me that I am going to take a Pokemon with me for this." After he is gone for a while, he comes back and says, "I choose you."

And out comes an Aegislash as the others are in awe. "This is the first time I see an Aegislash up close..." Mallow says.

"I am not going to lose even if you use him." Sophocles says.

"We'll see about that." Ash says.

As the battle starts, Ash uses the sharpness of Aegislash's blade to destroy the balloons. Even though Sophocles tells Togedemaru to use Zing Zap, it doesn't catch up to Ash's speed as he is the first one to win.

"Looks like my brother wins this round." Golly smiles.

"Then the third surprise is from me." Lana says.

"Sure." Ash says as they go to the water. Ash then says, "Floatzel, I choose you."

As the weasel Pokemon appears, Lana is in awe. "It is so cool..."

"I know. Floatzel, this is a swimming race, I trust your speed." Floatzel gives a nod and then the match begins, Popplio is fast, but its speed isn't enough against Floatzel as it lost.

"Floatzel sure is fast." Lillie says.

Kiawe says, "Then the fourth surprise is from me. But I am going to challenge you, Golly for a Tauros Race."

Golly says, "Challenge accept." Then they go racing as Ash cheers for his sister. Lillie asks, "Your sister is a good racer..."

"I know." Ash says. "Speaking of which, your mother is also a good Rhyhorn Racer as well."

"Really?" Lillie asks, but somehow she doesn't like to hear that, but she doesn't know why.

After Golly wins the race, Kukui and Rockruff come and Kukui says, "And the fifth surprise is from me."

"Really?" Ash and Golly are surprised. Mallow says, "But before that, it is lunch time, and it is my pleasure to cook for all of you guys."

"Oh, it is lunch time already?" Ash says as they hear their tummy rumbles, so they go to the dinning room.

"The food sure tastes good." Golly says.

"Of course, Mallow's father has a restaurant called Aina's Kitchen, it is very famous after all." Sophocles says.

As they all eat, Ash and Golly hear a Pokémon's cry. "Is that?" Golly says.

Just then, Tapu Koko appears in front of them, much to everyone's surprise. Ash says, "Tapu Koko?

"Melemele Island's Guardian Deity? Tapu Koko?" Lillie gasps.

"This is the first time I'm seeing this..." Mallow says.

Ash says, "Thank you for giving us the Z Crystals, Tapu Koko."

Tapu Koko says, "Please follow me. Father." Then much to Ash's surprise, he takes his hat and leaves.

"Hey, wait up." Ash and Golly rush towards the Pokemon as the others also rush towards him.

Once they get deeper into the woods, they see Tapu Koko standing in front of him and he says, "Battle me, Father..."

"You want to battle me?" Ash asks.

"Battle?" Kiawe asks.

"So the fifth surprise isn't me but Tapu Koko..." Kukui says.

"I have read it from a book, Tapu Koko is a very curious Pokemon. In the past, whenever people are doing battles, it will come and watch."

"I see. Tapu Koko. So you want to battle me?" Ash asks as he nods, then it uses Electric Surge as the field activates. "I see...your ability..."

"In the Electric Field, Electric Powers will get a boost." Lillie mutters.

Tapu Koko lunges at Pikachu. Pikachu manages to dodge Tapu Koko's Dazzling Gleam and proceeds with Thunderbolt, but this has little effect.

"Their power is really beyond..." Kiawe mutters.

Just then, Tapu Koko charges at Ash and activates his Z-Ring. "Are you going to let us use the Z Move?"

Tapu Koko nods as he takes off the hat on Pikachu's head. Pikachu is surprised as he holds onto the hat.

"Now let's try it, Pikachu. Our own Z Move." He high five Pikachu as Tapu Koko teaches them how to dance, and then Ash yells, "This is our full power! 10000000 Volt Thunderbolt!"

Pikachu leaps into the air and absorbs electricity from dark storm-clouds that have formed above it. Pikachu then fires seven bolts of electricity, each a different color of a rainbow, at Tapu Koko, causing a huge explosion.

"I have never seen this Z Move before..." Kukui says in surprised.

"This is not a normal Pikaium Z..." Kiawe says.

Just then, Ash sees Tapu Koko, who nods at him and then leaves, he sighs, "Tapu Koko..."

Once he is gone, Golly asks, "Brother, you think?"

Ash nods, "I am going to challenge the Island Challenge. Since after I finish the trials, I will be able to use Z Moves."

"We will be rooting for you guys." Mallow says. "Right guys?"

"Of course." Lana says.

"If you have any problems with Electric Types, you can ask me." Sophocles says.

"I guess it can't be helped, after all, besides you two, only I have a Z Ring after all..." Kiawe sighs.

"Thanks, guys." Ash says.

Lillie says, "From what I have seen from that battle. I guess I am going to try it out as well. I want to feel the battle again."

"Of course." Golly says as they all laugh as they head back to school

Ash and Golly are preparing for the next day of school, until they hear a doorbell. So Golly answers the door and then she sees Professor Kukui there. "Professor! What are you doing here?"

Ash notices that Professor is here as he also greets him. Kukui says, "Before the school starts, can you two please come to my lab first?"

Ash says, "Sure, but why?"

"You'll know once we get there." Kukui says as they follow him to his lab. Once they arrive at the lab, Kukui takes out two things. "Now my fifth surprise for you. This is the Alola Region's Pokedex."

"A Pokedex? Amazing!" Ash says as they all take one. Kukui says, "Now the next thing is to activate it."

"Activate?" This causes the two to be confused. Then Kukui is typing on the computer in the basement and then he says, "Now that should be connected."

Just then, the lights start to get weird as the Professor says, "It's coming."

"Coming?" Ash asks as Rockruff is getting a little scared. Just then, two Rotom appears and Golly says, "Those are Rotom."

"Does that mean Rotom is going inside the Pokedex?"

"Of course." Kukui says as two Rotom go into the Pokedex. Then they start to open their eyes and float in the air.

"Language selection complete." Both Rotom say. Kukui asks, "Rotom, now it is your job to give Ash and Golly some help."

"Understand. User Ash/Golly registered complete. Rotom Pokedex, system starting...100% Complete." Both Rotom say as then they say, "Alola, user Ash/Golly It is nice to meet you-roto."

"Wow, it can greet us as well?" Ash asks.

"Of course, roto." The red one says, "By using the multiple language of Rotom Pokedex, we can talk to humans as well."

"That's awesome!" Golly says.

"Awesome...no definition, no definition, no definition..." Pink one says.

"Golly is just praise you for your extraordinary abilities." Kukui says.

"Understand, roto. "Awesome" means "Great". Which means Rotom Pokedex is great!" R. Rotom says.

Kukui laughs, "It seems like you are worth to trust. I am Kukui, although I look like this, but I am a Professor after all."

"It is nice to meet you, Professor Kukui-roto." Both Rotom says.

"And these are my partners Pikachu and Sylveon." The two Pokemon greet them and Kukui says, "This is Rockruff, he also lives with me as well."

Then the Pokedex start taking pictures of them, much to their surprise. "Why are you taking pictures?" Golly asks.

P. Rotom says, "It is for the encountering data in the Pokedex, roto. Rotom Pokedex is a kind of self-learning Pokedex whose data will upgrade when encountering Pokemon-roto."

"Wow, Rotom. You sure are amazing." Ash says.

"User Ash, I am not just a Rotom, I am a Rotom Pokedex. The correct saying is I am Rotom Pokedex Form." R. Rotom says. "But you can call me Rotom if you want."

"Then you should call us our names as well, you don't need to add the User." Golly says. "By the way, can you scan Pikachu? I want to see what the Dex Entry says."


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