
Who's that man.....?

'I'm.... dead?'

It was still crazy for Max to get this through his mind. Who expects one moment to be imagining all of the sights that you would take pictures of, the history, the wonder; and the next thing you know is that you're dead.

'I... can I be dreaming, is any of this real? ...This has to be a dream! I mean, how could a truck talk? This must be just some stupid dream, nerves from thinking about the trip too much, or something. I'll wake up soon and laugh this off, heh, yeah.'


"What the hell!?"


To the left of Max a thicket of bushes and trees thrashed about, and a giant purple colored monster stomps it's way into sight. A very familiar monster at that

"This that, a Nidoking?"

The monster glares at Max, sending shivers down his spine. Its eyes almost glowing as if they were death looking right at him.

"It... it looks bigger than I expected. Was my imagination ever this realistic before?" Max is starting to think that his dream theory might have been wrong.


The monster, a Nidoking Max finally accepted, opened its teeth filled mouth, and a faint light could be seen growing in it, almost like a

"HYPER BEAM!!" Max, finally feeling in control of his body, scrambled to his feet and started trying to run away; but still not in the right of mind, he fled in a straight line away from the Nidoking, instead of zigzagging to try and throw off its aim.

The Nidoking unleashed his beam of energy, full of destructive power, right at Max, who realized at that moment what he should have done, and that it was too late to change his path. For all respects, that should have been the end, Max would have died(again) and that would be the end of it all, but the main character can't die that quickly, that has to be milked for all it's worth first.

In the end, what saved Max wasn't Truck-kun taking pity on him, or some trainer or other pokemon arriving in the nick of time; it was a tree root which Max stumbled and fell on. The Hyper Beam roared through where Max had been moments before, and in fact part of Max's backpack was charred from the heat of the blast. But Max was alive, and after promising to name his first kid after that tree, a Birch as it happened (this fact was something that Max and Professor Birch would laugh about in later times), Max ran faster than he had ever before away from certain death.

The Nidoking for it's part, believing that its Hyper Beam had evaporated the trespasser, of which it was proud of, ambled off to its nest.

Only after 20 minutes of straight running, stumbling, and almost slamming into trees, Max finally stopped gasping for air.

"My life was flashing before my eyes, and I already died once today!" For Max, it still a bit unbelievable that he had died, and that he had talked, sorta, with a talking truck. But that Nidoking was more than enough for him to realize that, no matter what he wanted, this was real.

" At least I'm in a world that I like, I guess. Though the start wasn't as enjoyable as I remember, heh." Max, finally relatively calmed down, began to think about his situation

" Ok, so I'm in the pokemon world, I have no special abilities, no overpowered system, just myself and what I have on me.


"AAAHHHH, how could I be so stupid, I could have drained that damn truck for all it was worth, a bunch of money, an overpowered system to conquer the leagues, conquer all the babes in this world! get a more manly body! I could have become the most handsome guy in the UNIVERSE!!!"

This went on for another 15 minutes, but it became pretty sad, and difficult to watch, so let's just skip that.

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!" A loud, pleading voice called out

" Who is that?" Max, much more cautious now, carefully looked towards the noise,

"No way. NO WAY! its... its Professor Oak, oh my god! This is great, this is perfect! I'm sure that he wo..ul..d..... AAAAHHHHHH!"

Well the Professor was certainly right to be running scared, with a huge swarm of Beedrills chasing you, anyone would be running.

" What should I do, I want to help him. but I dont have any pokemon yet, how could I beat... WAIT! The Nidoking!

have a good day

Ryan_Wagnercreators' thoughts
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