
Push through


Welcome Back, Cobalt.

Location: Blossom Field

Node: Feather Storm/Blossom

Ownership: None

Dyrad: Defeated


' Awaken. '

His first though removed, Cobalt rubbed his blind eyes. What a night.

It was true, Cobalt had lost his vision... amd only just now and he realises that the problem wasn't rooted simply to being tired but the fact his eyes actually not functioning any longer.

The world around him changed, from the war torn landscape filled with hastily formed together military based to a lovely pink field of blossoms that filled the ground, air, and once more... Blossom tree stood.

Seemingly, the others that slept nearby had already made their was throughout the day... Cobalt slept in as it was already rounding around 11am.

Cobalt stood upwards, his light sleep cloths formed back into simple everyday lounge outfits. Lacking sight, he held against the dirt wall he had slept on as he made his way downwards off the plane.

He thought about trying to find a clever way to fix his vision or to find a work around, maybe he would even replace his eyes, but that would be due for later. Cobalt had lost track of his schedu-

* thunk *

Cobalt had fallen to the ground, tripping over a loose patch of dirt... he plummeted down the rest of the sodomized hill. He groaned as he finally stopped rolling, he rubbed his head and let out a loose swear...' Fuck ' specifically.





I got my ass kicked by a pile of dirt already...

F... fine. I'll accept this defeat for now... pile of dirt. But I swear, one day when my vision is restored my first thought is going to be you... and on that day, I will take revenge!

... heh. What am I talking about, it's just a pile of dirt...

Alright. Let's get to it... what do I do.

It's been... a while... Since I've had full control over my schedule. I guess I first need to fund a solution for my eyes... these ones don't work as evident by lots of things, normally I'd just replace an organ with something I craft but... without sight, I can't make anything.

Blurry vision? No problem.

Lacking vision? Big problem.

I wish I could open the player market, but unfortunately... there is no blindness support.

Why would they need it? I mean... after all, they upload minds, why not edit their ability to see?

So yeah, no help there.

Honestly I'm... kinda in trouble. If I didn't have many allies I would be doomed to wander the world as some old blind man... fortunately there MUST be some solution to this problem, there always is... moreover I am the protagonist, and doubly moreover I am an OP protagonist.

I mean... if I was a protagonist. Arch still is after my money in that category... so no cigar.

System. Is Syn or Scarab awake?

| They are currently un-summoned, this is due to the war scenario ending, Jotun has also been un-summoned. |

I see. Summon them now.

| Confirmed... summoning complete |

* yawn *

" Ah... oh, good morning... Cobalt. War over? "

- " Yep. Time for a new adventure. "

][][ Good morning Creator Cobalt. ][][

> Good morning! ^·^ <

- " Good evening to you too, Scarab, Syn. Sorry to ask this early in the day but... I need a bit of help. "

> Uh oh... <

][][ I see. I am ready, what purpose shall we fulfill. ][][

- " My eyes have stoped functioning. "

" You use your eyes? All I have ever seen was the black bindings you wear... "

> Phew... just the failure of an external organ... ·´^´· <

][][ Organ Failure. Eyes. Solution for NPCs involve curative herbal remedies. Such effects are null on players. No known cure for players, eye failure has never been observed on a player. ][][

- " Yeah. It's a big problem, thing is I can't risk myself dieing to restore it that way... that probably won't work either if I became permanently blind. "

" What. Did. You. Do. "

- " I ...don't know... "

][][ Scans indicate large amounts of Powder like substance inside of eyes, eye sockets, and neurological receptors for sight. ][][

- " The... powder... Aw for crying out loud... how the hell did I get it in my eyes... "

> Powder? <

- " Origin Developed a powder that blocks restoratives, it requires surgery to remove... that's frankly a lot like the brown snow from earth... I hope they didn't... "

" How did you find out about this? "

- " Arch got wounded by it... but... I never got even touched by it... "

][][ My scans are correct. ][][

Maybe when the corpses detonated... maybe some dust was flung into... no, that doesn't make sense... my bindings... jeez... what the hell...

- " Whatever. i need a fix somehow, something that can act as my eyes. "

][][ My advise is to allow two turrets to fuse into your skull and project visual data directly into your brain. ][][

> I believe I can construct Medical based Nano-bots to preform the surgery! It would take... 6 months for the materials... and 4 months for the medical training! <

" You could try and mimic echolocation with your mana, it wouldn't grant you vision persay but you will be atleast able to determine the location of things. "

- " Nice, thanks... you guys all have already thought of something... whew. Alright, Syn... what are the downsides to using turrets for vision? I assume there must be some... "

][][ Well... 30° vision for each eye... and the processing required is a little to much for even 2 hours... so, it would only be on every other second for a maximum output of 4 hours. ][][

- " Great... we can now compare the two, Echolocation... where did you get that idea Jotun? "

" There was a high level mage I fought... he was blind too, used the same strategy... there are also some dungeon mobs that do the same thing. "

- " Sick. Now, are there any specific downsides? "

" Well for one you wouldn't be able to examine objects in any sort of detail, you'd also only be able to see basic outlines of objects... though, you would be able to have full vision surrounding you! "

- " Very true... that would be insanely useful to protect myself from assassins and what not... is there any form of compromise between these two options? "

][][ Unclear. ][][

" Likely not... I assume that they both function very differently, you might be able to get away with using both! Using Mana pulses to determine object's location while using turret eyes to ascertain detail when necessary might work... "

- " Alright. Let's give it a go then. '

My arms stretch outwards and flung from it came an outburst of Mana, maximum output possible, we have no clue how much Mana it requires... and hopefully it will work like it is supposed to. The invisible lucid fabric of Mana resounded out of my body at a high speed, like flood gates were released, like a pulse of vision before me hollowed lines of blue substance caught my attention... I saw, it was only for a split second though... yet there seemed to be something more, it's like I gathered mana from my surroundings... I had more than when I sent it off.

- " It worked. Results are unclear however it does seem to function as I would of expected... unfortunately I can only determine outlines of what is around me but such a function would be useful, if I can master this technique then my problem will be solved "

" Nice! Score 1 for Jotun! 0 for Syn! Haha! "

][][ He is still yet to try my idea, do not boast now Samurai. ][][

> There is a competition? That's always fun! Can I join? <

][][ No. ][][

> Aww.... <


- " Send the turrets over Syn, start the process. "

][][ Confirmed. Summoning Artemis and Apollo ][][

Greek Gods? He has such a pretentious naming style... whatever, I didn't leave him with good examples did I... alright, let's see these puppies work.

][][ Installing now.... please hold still. ][][

Two small metallic drones jumped onto my face and latched onto my skull like a beast, they integrated themselves into my upper forehead and with a metallic clunk snapped down onto my eye sockets. Through my eyes, these bots integrated themselves nearly perfectly.

[][] Setup Complete. Good evening Cobalt. [][]

They both resounds voices at once, slowly the mixture of white and black visage that covered my eyes changed into a melancholy mixture of colors, grey and light pink splattered my vision... it was only operational to a small extent, like as if my vision wasn't fully cured.

- " Is... everything up? "

][][ Yes, it should be operational now... is it working? ][][

- " No, it's... blurred, I cannot make out anything. "

" I win! "

][][ Curse you samurai... ][][

Alright. It seems my best option is to rely on the echolocation like ability... though I will only be able to see at a limited range... at least I can interoperate the data being streamed to me better. It doesn't matter if I can see colors if I don't get depth or even outlines of beings, hell.... I can only use those turrets for limited time so, what's the point?

- " I'll use the mana technique for now, Syn, would you kindly have these guys removed? "

][][ Of course. Disconnecting... ][][

With another resounding thunk, the metallic whatevers that were upon my eyes disengaged and dropped off, afterwards I suppose they were unbosomed.

So... we got a temporary solution. Hopefully I can find something... more potent.

Let's go find the rest of the gang... we got to pack up and head to Arch's place so we can see what " Ember " he was talking about earlier... hopefully it could lead us to Asi.

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