
EPISODE 166: Be Prepared!

Shaymin smiled while a flurry of wind oozed unto her soft and silky hair. She leaned on the iron railings while looking at the azure sea. Joy and happiness filled her heart while the sweet scent of food filled the air. She could see Kuchiba island, slowly shrinking as we drove further, now she wonders across the sky, what would life be at Laurenburg?

"Shaymin, it's time for you to eat!" I walked across the deck and placed a bowl of Pokefood beside her.

"*Sniffs* Are these berries too?" Shaymin questioned after sniffing the delicious aroma.

"Berries? Nope, they're not. That food contains proteins which could strengthen your bones!" I beamed with happiness while explaining the content of the food.

"Um Kalem, but it's Calcium which strengthens the bones, and not protein." Riolu squinted her eyes like a professional Pokemon genius and corrected my mistake.

"Ah!? Um... I forgot." I beamed with shock as my face turned red due to embarrassment. It was at that moment when I realized, a Pokemon was smarter than me.

"Try it Shaymin, I promise it's delicious." Riolu smiled and encouraged.

"Um... ok," Shaymin uttered with her timid voice as she took a nibble from the Pokemon food.

Shaymin's tongue began to burst with a sweet and salty flurry. Her tongue craved for more, as her eyes filled with sparkles.

"See, I told you it's delicious!" Riolu smiled and squinted her eyes like a professional Pokemon genius. After taking a nibble, Shaymin quickly dined in and gnawed every single piece. Her heart was pounding sweetly while her mind craved for more. Her mouth burst with colors and flavorings while her tongue cherished and savoured every bite.

"Kalem, have you scanned Sceptile already? He currently evolved." Riolu reminded.

"Oh right, thanks for reminding me Riolu! Come, let's go meet Sceptile." I beamed with excitement and turned on Irys again.

"Ah!? Wait, don't leave me here." Shaymin quickly grabbed every piece from the bowl with her mouth and swallowed it fast. She followed and chased me and Riolu to the other side of the deck.

"Hey Sceptile! I almost forgot to congratulate you for evolving into your final form." I beamed with excitement while rubbing Sceptile's head.

"Thanks Kalem... I'm strong now! I can finally win more matches." Sceptile boasted and patted my head.

"You sure are one powerful Pokemon! Let me scan you. I need to gather essential details about your evolved form." While rubbing Sceptile's long neck, I asked Irys to scan Sceptile's data for me. Here are the results:

[Sceptile! The forest Pokemon, a grass type. In the jungle, its power is without equal. This POKéMON carefully grows trees and plants. It regulates its body temperature by basking in the sunlight.

Sceptile currently knows four moves:

-Leaf Blade

-Dragon Claw

-Frenzy Plant


"Thanks Irys. Looks like you've got some neat moves Sceptile. Two grass types, one dragon type, and one flying type move. Together, we'll grow stronger than ever!" I beamed with excitement and determination while the passion inside of me erupted.

"Um Kalem... what are those small little gems on Sceptile, and the other Pokemons. Why is Riolu wearing a pendant?" Shaymin questioned.

"Oh right. I almost forgot. The one placed on Riolu's neck and my neck is called the Arceus pendant."

"I know about the pendant, don't you remember? I am a mythical Pokemon."

"Oh right. Anyways, the ones on Sceptile's neck and my other Pokemon's necks are called Poketrans gem. They're not just a symbol of ownership, this gem makes it easier for me to communicate with them. Here, I'll give you this pearl instead of a Poketrans gem, Zapdos also has one, though I forgot to mention it." I knelt down in front of the cute little deer-like Pokemon and placed a small pearl necklace on her neck. The pearl was shiny and lustrous. On the center? It had a pigment of orange and red. Nope, this isn't a mega stone, it's just a Pokemon ownership gem I saw in Fantasma city.

"Why don't I have a gem?" Shaymin questioned.

"Since, you can speak telepathically. Plus, I can't use you on my Pokemon League. Don't feel jealous, I treat you fair and square."

"This gem looks pretty on me anyways." Shaymin smiled and leaped around with her new pearl placed around her neck.

"That leaves us to one more unevolved Pokemon, and three slots still remain in our bench team," Riolu recalled and reminded.

"What do you mean one more unevolved? You haven't evolved yet remember? Hee hee."

"Oh... right." Suddenly Riolu, frowned after hearing the word 'Evolution'

"Is there anything wrong with the word evolution?" I questioned with suspiciousness.

"Oh it's nothing. I'll evolve when the right time comes." Riolu uttered softly and leaped to my shoulder.

"Kalem, have you eaten yet? The food's ready, come on." Glade went up to the deck and called me.

"Alright, Riolu, Shaymin, you stay and interact with the Pokemons around. Don't you dare cause any problems ok?"

"We promise!" Shaymin smiled and leaped around with joy while I on the other hand, went down to the dining room. This ship is kinda big actually.

"So Riolu, what do you do for fun around here?" Shaymin questioned while circling Riolu.

"We usually train. While the other Pokemons cheer for us."

"Train? That's boring. Don't you play in the sun? Run around? Or even swim across the ocean?"

"Swim across the ocean? You're lonely aren't you?" gardevoir smiled and knelt before the cute deer Pokemon.

"Well, I have no playmates back at Kuchiba island. I entertain myself by playing alone. No one wants to play with me because I'm different." Shaymin's smiley face turned upside down.

"We can be your playmates. Just um, don't mess with Zapdos. He prepares to fly and glide across the sky." Scizor uttered while watching Zapdos playing by himself up above the ship.

"Riolu! Riolu!" Petilil dashed quickly and accidentally bumped Riolu.

"Oh Petilil, is there anything wrong?" Riolu suddenly became alert. Petilil's face was filled with worry and distress.

"I have a huge problem!" Petilil beamed with worry and trouble.

"What problem?" Sceptile questioned while preparing his fighting stance.

"I'm bored." Petilil suddenly smiled and tricked everyone that there was a really serious problem. Everybody sighed, including Riolu.

"Sure Petilil, you can play with us. My name is Shaymin, it's nice to meet you."

"Hi Shaymin, it's nice to meet you too! Let's play together." Petilil beamed with excitement.

While the ship drifts back to Aulmurus city, all our Pokemons played together. One time, they almost blew up the ship. Scizor was accidentally pulled by a magnetic battery, why were they even playing on the basement of the ship?

By the time we arrived back at Aulmurus city, Shaymin rushed to the deck to take her first peek on this vast world. The bells rang, while the breeze blew. Shaymin's hair swayed and rustle as she leans across the railings.

"Shaymin, welcome to Laurenburg! This city is known as Aulmurus city, city of history, and medieval past." Riolu introduced.

Shaymin enjoyed the breeze and the majestic view of the city. She could see countless Pokemons playing around with children. She could also see some Pokemons working with their human partners, Pokemons serving as transportation, and Pokemons jumping with joy and satisfaction. From that day onwards, Shaymin's journey with me has commenced!

"The world, I know it's vast, but I never expected it to be this big," Shaymin exclaimed.

"Oh this? This is only a part of Earth. Countless regions awaits us." Riolu beamed with joy and excitement.

"Alright everyone, let's go down now!" I instructed and called as the railings on the side of the ship, slowly opened like a gate.

From that day, we parted ways from Captain Smith. It's still uncertain if the beast is true, but if it's lurking out there? It's probably going to stay hidden from human sight, since if it shows itself? Everybody will spend all their efforts trying to chase the beast, the world today is more advanced than the world before. New technologies, weaponry, and machineries, catching a beast from the legend seem like an easy task nowadays.

Or maybe... Hm? What if the beast is actually a Gyarados. What if the beast was mistaken as a Gyarados, or... maybe Gyarados was the beast Fowler created. Gyarados has a big mouth, feisty eyes, and a slithering body, the exact description found on the legend. The only time we'll know is when enough details and proofs support our hypothesis.

"Kalem, have you collected your sixth badge?" Professor Bellice questioned.

"Um... not yet, Princess Thalia attended the funeral remember?"

"She's probably back since the funeral ended yesterday." Glade guessed.

"Really!? Great, let's find her so that I could challenge her immediately!" I beamed with excitement and enthusiasm.

"Hold up, you don't need to rush, me and Indigo are planning to watch your gym battle." Professor bellice smiled and winked.

"Ah!? Since when did we plan that? You promised to focus on our research remember!?" Indigo turned slightly frustrated.

"Um yeah... about that, I haven't seen Kalem battle against a gym leader yet."

"B... but our research," Indigo uttered with disappointment.

"We can do our research, after the gym challenge! For now? Let's support the champ to be." Professor Bellice smiled and rubbed my head.

"So, I've been waiting for you to challenge me." A girl from behind, riding a Galarian Rapidash, rushed towards all of us. It was Thalia, the princess of Aulmurus city. She and her knights went forth to me and my friends.

"Ah! Princess Thalia, you have returned." I beamed with joy and excitement as determination erupted inside me and Riolu's body.

"Oh, my! A Shaymin?" Thalia's attention was suddenly caught by Shaymin who was hiding behind my leg.

"Right, Kalem caught a Shaymin. She's kinda timid since she's not used to public places." Camellia explained.

"Fear not my princess. The boy can't use the mythical creature since it is against the law and constitution of the Pokemon League Company." One of her knights uttered with a deep and heroic voice.

"Right, how silly of me getting intimidated right away? Kalem, I'll be waiting for you in the colosseum later at night. Expect a six on six Pokemon battle, and a huge crowd as well." Thalia warned.

"A six on six? Aren't gyms suppose to be three on three?" I recalled.

"Hehe... My gym, my rules. Let's see if your mother's blood really flows through you. Be prepared!" Thalia giggled and warned. I on the other hand was suddenly speechless. A huge crowd filling up the stadium? And a six on six Pokemon battle? I'm still not used to that, since I've never experienced a six on six Pokemon battle in front of a huge crowd.

"Let's go boys! The king and queen are waiting for us!" Thalia beamed with excitement as her Galarian Rapidash galloped at full speed. Her knights followed behind while watching every movement of the public. It is the duty of a royal knight to protect the royal heir.

"Great! Me and Indigo still has time to do our research while we wait for the sun set." Professor Bellice smiled and chuckled.

"Aright professor. We'll meet you later." Camellia smiled and grinned while I on the other hand was sweating heavily.

The next mission is loud and clear! Defeat Thalia and earn the sixth Pokemon Gym Badge! Even with worry and anxiety, as long as I have determination running through my blood? Me and my Pokemons are unstoppable. Only time will tell who will win? The princess of Aulmurus city, or me?

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