
EPISODE 131: Truce Towards the Light!

"Sir, we have received reports about a minor shock in the Cave of Trust." Zylon uttered and reported to the fallen king while holding a small yellow folder.

"Cave Of Trust? Isn't Hemera training there!?" Arville head leaned forward with interest and worry.

"Yes sir... she hasn't returned yet, could it be that she was trapped inside the cave due to the minor shock?" Zylon hunched.

"It could be... Zylon, I want you and your squadron to find Hemera right away!" Arville commanded.

"Yes, sir... It shall be done immediately!" Zylon knelt and bowed before the fallen king.


"R... Riolu, are you alright?" I queried softly while hugging my buddy. Swampert's powerful jump, led to a minor shock... which caused the cave's ground to collapse.

"K... Kalem!" Riolu slowly opened his eyes and beamed with joy and relief. He played with my cheeks and licked my face.

The cave wasn't shallow after all. It was just a part of a larger system. A part of a tremendous one. The cave was filled with sharp stalagmites and stalactites, one touch can wound your finger or palm. Zubats leered restlessly inside the unknown cave, while Geodudes roamed the area to play and train together.

<Maw! Mawile Maw!>Mawile saw me and Riolu from a distance. She rushed towards us with tears of fear dripping out of her eyes. Mawile was extremely traumatized by the last event, her soul and spirit was conquered with fear.

"Hey there Mawile... It's fine, it's fine." I comforted mawile's traumatized heart and soul, she hugged my body tightly while I leaned unto a rock. Mawile's tears made my shirt soggy and wet, while I hugged her tightly.

Hemera's consciousness returned quickly, she returned her Pokemons to their respective Pokeballs to keep them safe from further accidents.

"Hemera! Where are we!?" I uttered with worry and fear while hugging Mawile.

"You helped me, why?" Hemera questioned with shock.

"In times like this, there are no enemies nor allies, only trust. Right Riolu?" I explained and quoted while playing with Riolu's chin.

<Rio! Rio!>The Pokemon smiled and nodded his head, while trying to play with hand.

"Thanks anyways... We have to find a way to escape this cave."

"I don't know even know where we are."

"This is the Cave of Trust, it's one of the deepest cave in this region, although it may look shallow and hollow from above," Hemera explained while figuring an idea to escape.

"When there's a will, there's a way!" I beamed with excitement and exuberance.

"Are you always excited? Even during this kind of problem?"

"Of course, excitement can defeat worry and stress after all!"

We sought a way out but all we found were dead ends, Geodudes, more Geodudes, and Zubats. We can hear the water dripping slowly from above, which produced a harmonious tune inside the cave. Your voice could echo inside the Cave of Trust, even your footsteps can echo and vibrate if you hit the ground with it harshly. Minutes later, the Xtransciever began to ring, a sign of hope perhaps?

"Looks like there is signal down here, I'll answer the Xtransciever," I uttered with shock and astonishment.

"If there's signal, that means we're close to the top. Who's calling you?" Hemera queried.

"It's my friends, that's all!"

"W... wait wait, don't answer it!" Hemera instructed with worry.

"Don't answer them? But they're my friends, they're worried for me."

"I know... but you can't answer them, or they'll go and search for you. Once they do, we'll have a bigger fish to fry." Hemera warned.

"Umm... fine," I uttered with disappointment and declined the call.

"Why did you decline the call!?"

"You told me to decline it, remember?"

"I said do not answer it, not decline it! Now they're gonna wonder why you declined their call." Hemera exclaimed as she facepalmed herself.

"Oh right... haven't thought of that-"

"Commander Hemera! Commander!" Two grunts called from the left while trying to search for their missing commander. Hemera interrupted me and closed my mouth with her hands.

The grunts were coming closer towards us, there was no escape since we were on a dead-end. If we rushed forwards, they'll see us in the intersection.

"Team Chaos, is here," Hemera uttered with shock, and that's when she realized something, a memory from not so long ago.

"Kill him... hang him... I do not care." Arville's voice uttered on her mind. It was the perfect moment to grab my Gardevoir, and to strangle me perhaps? The grunts of course, were after me as well.

"K... Kalem, hide behind that rock and don't show yourself!" Hemera instructed and pushed me behind the rocks, just before Zylon and his men arrived.

"Riolu... Mawile, don't make a sound." I whispered softly. Mawile was shivering with fear, she was about to scream in fear but I blocked her mouth.

"Z... Zylon! You're here, with your men." Hemera smiled confidently.

"Oh, Hemera? Finally... we've found you. Your majesty was looking for you." Zylon smiled back with his men by his side. They walked slowly towards Hemera, which made me and my Pokemons even worried.

We could hear their footsteps getting louder and louder together with the beat of my heart.

"It's strange... how you got down here, without a single bruise or scratch. Are you here with someone else?" Zylon queried with a villainous smile while his men walked beside him.

"Someone else? I'm alone here... my Pokemons saved me. Oh, and one more thing, I have a prisoner." Hemera smiled confidently.

"A... A prisoner!?" I uttered softly with shock.

"Hmm, is your prisoner here with you?" Zylon questioned.

"In fact he is... I've captured the boy!" Hemera exclaimed and pulled my body out of the rock.

"What!? You traitor! I thought we had a truce?" I infuriated.

"Great work Hemera, men... capture Kalem and his Pokemons!" Zylon commanded.

"I shouldn't have trusted you! I thought you were heading back to the light, it turns out... you're like all the commanders!" I infuriated at Hemera but she gave me a villainous smile.

"Riolu, use force palm on Zylon and his men!" Mawile stayed behind my legs, grieving and shivering in fear.

Zylon's men didn't give a poop about it! They zapped Riolu with their electric impulse guns.

"No Riolu, please don't hurt him!" I begged.

"Don't mind him, men, remember what the boss ordered... strangle him, kill him or even hang the boy!" Zylon laughed and ordered his men to electrocute my Riolu.

"Please... I'll surrender myself don't hurt Riolu!" I begged.

"And what if you don't?" Zylon queried.

"Trust me... I surrender!"

"Kalem... what kind of gobbledygook!? You can't sacrifice yourself!"Riolu uttered with worry and pain.

"I have to Riolu. Now zap me instead!" I instructed with a brave and courageous face.

<Maw! Maw!>The Pokemon begged me not to do it.

"Mawile, hide, and find my friends immediately!" I uttered softly.

"Men, zap the kid... and imprison his Riolu!" Zylon instructed.

"WHAT!? You said you'll let Riolu go!"

"Eh? We don't care, if you hesitate we'll hurt you!" Zylon warned.

Electricity flowed through my body while Mawile hid behind the rock. Hemera on the other hand was smiling and watching the scenario. Riolu became paralyzed because of their guns, he tried to stand up and rescue me from the evil Chaos grunts.

"Leave my trainer alone!" Riolu shouted loudly.

One of Zylon's men strangled Riolu's neck and threw him to a cage. While my body started to give up.

"L...Liars." I uttered softly while my body gradually weakened. Mawile was crying silently while watching me sacrificing myself.

"Grunt 113! Kick him chest. He's annoying me. I don't care if he's a kid, that's why we're called team chaos right?" Zylon exclaimed.

The grunt kicked my body to the wall. Mawile wanted to help but she had a mission to do. She couldn't bear the pain she's watching from her eyes.

"Liars! All of you are!" I mocked loudly.

"You're weak. You're a loser, do you think you'll ever win the Pokemon League? You're too soft! Give me your Gardevoir." Zylon commanded.

"No! No!" I shouted loudly while bearing the electricity and the pain.

"Follow what Zylon said!" Hemera shouted and grabbed Gardevoir's Pokeball.

"Great work Hemera... Now hand it over to me." Zylon commanded.

"I'll bring the Pokeball. Just for safekeeping. You can trust me, don't worry." Hemera smiled and placed the Pokeball to her pocket.

"Please Hemera... don't..." I begged.

"Man, you're voice is annoying me! Grunt 113, kick him again!" Zylon commanded.

The Grunt kicked me in my chest. They showed me how cruel they are. They don't care if I'm a kid or not. Orders are orders.

<MAWILE!>Mawile stood out of the hiding spot and blocked me. She extended her arms and protected me.

"Mawile... why?" I queried while slowly losing consciousness.

"It's because... it's because... I love you." Mawile's voice uttered softly.

"What the?" I uttered to my mind. I was able to hear what Mawile was saying. I returned her to her Pokeball to keep her safe but she kept on going out.

Hemera grabbed Mawile and tied her body across the large boulder. Mawile tried to escape but failed, she tried to scream for help but her mouth was taped.

The grunts dragged my body towards the exit of the cave. I couldn't bear to watch Riolu's aching body.

"Stop dragging me!" I begged.

"Quiet kid, or we'll shoot you with our water guns haha!" One of the grunts teased.

"Zylon, I've heard that there were hidden mega stones here," Hemera uttered.

"Hidden mega stones!? Your majesty loves mega stones! We should find one for him!" Zylon beamed with excitement.

"You and your men should find one. I'll bring Kalem and his Pokemon to our ship. Just tell me where it is." Hemera instructed.

"Sure, just turn right and you'll see an opening. Don't let the boy escape! Come on men, let's look for some mega stones for your majesty!" Zylon beamed with his men and turned left which led them deeper to the cave.

Hemera dragged my body outside the cave. I saw their large ship, it was covered with a metallic black luster. Hemera dragged me to the doors of their ship. She untied me very fast and handed me Gardevoir's Pokeball.

"Leave immediately, and find your friends! Then, you can return for Mawile." Hemera instructed.

"Aren't you going to capture me?" I queried with pain.

"Well... a young man once told me, in times like this there are no enemies nor allies, only trust." Hemera quoted.

"The only way out was through team Chaos, that's why I let them capture you. I'm sorry if they wounded you," Hemera uttered softly.

"Thanks Hemera..."

"No, I should be the one to thank you. I'm resigning. I thought that I could be the strongest trainer through the help of team Chaos, but they're just like the ones who bullied me when I was once a kid. When they called you soft and weak, that's when I realized that they're the same with the men outside the regime."

"When I saw you, trying to protect your Riolu and Mawile. My heart was touched, thank you for waking me up."

"N... No problem Hemera, but they'll know that you're a traitor."

"I know, I'll be hiding at the shadows, I'm going to rescue Pokemons and People being harshly treated by them. We'll meet again someday Kalem. This won't be the last." Hemera smiled and stood me up. She also opened the cage and gave Riolu's tired body to me.

"Now go Kalem! Go back to your friends before Zylon returns. I'll be running in opposite directions. This is where we part ways for now. Thank you..." Hemera smiled once more and rushed towards the deeper side of the frozen forest.

"Bye Hemera." I waved back while she ran further from me. Riolu was unconscious and I was beginning to lose consciousness too.

"S... Scyther, come on out!"


"Kalem!? What happened?" Scyther uttered with shock.

"Please, escort me back to the camp... I'm starting to feel numb." I uttered softly.

Scyther placed one of my arms around his neck. He tried to help me walk back to the camp, with the chilling weather outside? It adds an extra pain to my wounds.

"Kalem... we're almost there, hang in there." Scyther comforted.


"What!? Where's Hemera?" Zylon and his men uttered with shock.

"I knew it... She is a traitor commander Zylon." One of the grunts explained.

"Grrr! The boss was supposed to be happy today! That's it, we're reporting this to Arville!" Zylon infuriated.

"Look sir... there are blood drippings on the floor, maybe it could lead us to Kalem." Another grunt pointed out.

"You're right! Come on gang, let's find that filthy boy!"


<SYCTH! SCYTHER!>The Pokemon screamed for help as we walked closer to the camp.

Camellia, Zhery, and Glade were playing with their Pokemon after that harsh hail storm, and that's when they heard Scyther's voice.

"Zhery... Camellia, it's Scyther and Kalem!" Glade pointed out with worry and rushed towards me. Glade's worried mood caught Camellia and Zhery's attention as they rushed towards me.

"Kalem!? What happened to you?" Camellia queried with shock and worry.

"T... team Ch..." I lost my unconsciousness while saying my explanation. My body dropped over the white fluffy snow with Riolu on my grip.


"Follow the boy's blood. He's not far from here!" Zylon smiled and demanded while sniffing my blood he swiped off from the snow.

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