
EPISODE 111: Trouble at the Pokemon Center!

"So first thing's first, and that's to go to the Pokemon Center!" I beamed with excitement while walking with my friends.

"Pokemon center? Do you need to do anything there?" Glade queried.

"Yup, I have to call professor Bellice! She'll be my official professor!" I beamed and explained with exuberance.

"That's great, my official professor is professor Bellice too!" Camellia smiled and uttered with joy.

"Oh yeah, you started in Covelry town, that's why she's automatically your professor!" Zhery recalled.

"About you Glade? Who's your official professor?" I queried with eagerness to know the answer.

"My official professor is no other than Professor Rowan in the Sinnoh region. Him and my dad are friends, that's how he became my official professor." Glade answered with an elegant heart.

"About you Zhery? Do you have an official professor?" Camellia queried.

"To think of it, not yet. I'll find one soon, but for now? It's time to fill up my team!" Zhery beamed with excitement.

Route twenty-nine, a nice little passage with lush tropical trees, and frigid breeze. Some Alolan Exeggutors are mistaken as coconut trees in here. At the end of the route, lies a Pokemon center. This Pokemon center, is smaller than the rest, but still, a lot of trainers like to visit the Pokemon Center in route twenty-nine due to its delicious restaurant inside.

At the side of the counter, lies three calling stations. They look like video game machines but colored in grey.

<Match Call>


"Alright we'll wait for you in the restaurant!" Glade beamed with joy as I walked towards the calling station.

I dialed professor Bellice's number, which is a secret of course.

<Match Call Operational>

Bellice: Huh? Oh! Kalem, long time no see!

Kalem: Hi professor! It's been a long time since we met in the beach of route fifteen.

Bellice: I remember that, so tell me Kalem, how's your journey?

Kalem: It's great! I've seen numerous Pokemons and collected numerous gym badges!

Bellice: Really? How many gym badges do you have?

Kalem: So far, I got four gym badges! I recently defeated Mr.Florence of Silvent City!

Bellice: Silvent city, hmmm, does that mean you're headed to Fantasma city?

Kalem: Yup! I'm about to defeat the gym leader there!

Bellice: I have to warn you Kalem, Murdock is a strong gym leader.

Kalem: So that's the name of the gym leader, what type does he specialize in?

Bellice: He uses ghost type Pokemons. Fantasma city is the smallest city in this region.

Kalem: Oh, I was also planning to pass by the three towers of Fantasma city.

Bellice: You have a master ball!?

Kalem: Yup! Khaidra gave me one, she's the gym leader of Dracovolt city.

Bellice: Nice, so have you decided on what legendary Pokemon to capture?

Kalem: Nope, not yet. I don't even know the legendary Pokemons there.

Bellice: At the peak of the aqua tower or ice tower in other references, lies the great Articuno, at the peak of the flame tower or magma tower lies the great Moltres, and at the peak of the thunder tower or the tundra tower, lies Zapdos.

Kalem: The legendary birds!? Amazing, I can't wait to choose which one.

Bellice: It's a hard decision right? You have to choose one, battle it, then capture it! Oh by the way, wwhy did you call in the first place?

Kalem: I wanted you to become my official Pokemon Professor!

Bellice: Oh really? That will be great! You'll be sending me your newly caught Pokemons from other regions right?

Kalem: Yup, when I travel, I'll leave my current Pokemon team with you except for my buddy Riolu of course. Maybe I could switch them out soon when I need them again.

Bellice: Sure thing, all I have to do is to write your name and trainer id!

Kalem: So does that mean my Pokemons will have their own dome?

Bellice: Yup, they'll have their own habitat placed inside a dome.... Alright, I'm done writing your name and trainer Id! You're all set!

Kalem: Thanks professor!

Bellice: No problem Kalem, good luck on your journey. Bye bye!

Kalem: Bye professor!

<Match call ended!>

"Great Riolu, our team has a habitat to rest when we travel on different regions of course." I smiled while playing with Riolu's chin.

"I want my own habitat too, but I want to be with you forever!" Riolu hugged and played with my cheeks.

"Alright Riolu, let's go meet our friends!" I smiled and uttered with joy, when suddenly...

"No one move!" Two men entered the Pokemon center with their Pokemons ready to attack.

Everybody started to panic, even nurse Joy.

"You went to the wrong Pokemon center, a lot of us are strong trainers!" A young trainer stood up with confidence.

"Riolu, it's the pilfering duos!" I whispered silently while trying to hide.

My friends were safe since they were in the restaurant. You need to pass an indoor bridge in order for you to get there.

"Kalem!?" Arc uttered with surprise as he touched my shoulder from behind.

"Arc! Long time no see."

"Yeah, but now is not the time to be happy. The pilfering duos are sabotaging the Pokemon center!" Arc uttered softly while hiding with me.

"Well yeah? Battle me then!" Rivert ordered upon the challenger.

"No, don't battle them, you'll only make your Pokemons suffer!" Nurse Joy warned.

"What do you want pilfering duos?" Nurse Joy queried.

"We want all your Pokemons, hand them now or we'll burn this place down!" Trivor warned.

"Those duos! They make me angry." I infuriated softly.

"No way, these Pokemons belong to us!" A trainer spoke from the background.

"If that's the case then, we'll use force!" Rivert exclaimed and tossed out his Arcanine.

<Arcanine!>The Pokemon uttered with rage.

"Come out, Golbat!" Trivor in the other hand, sent out his Golbat.

"Hand them over, or we'll burn this place down!" Rivert warned one more time.

"Come on Arc, we have to do something!"

"You're right Kalem! Let's do this!" Arc beamed with excitement.

Everybody was scared of the pilfering duos, they didn't want to hand over the Pokemons, but they must choose between life or death.

"Hand them over!" Trivor demanded.

"No way, stealing Pokemons is against the law!" I infuriated from behind as me and Arc walked slowly towards them. Everybody stared at us, their eyes were begging for help.

"It's those two measly boys!" Rivert uttered with surprise.

"Measly? Why don't you battle us?" Arc challenged.

"And what do we get if we win?" Rivert queried.

"You'll get what you want, our Pokemons!" I beamed with determination and infuriated in front of them.

"But what if you lose!?" Nurse Joy uttered in distress.

"Don't worry, we won't lose!" Arc beamed with determination and comforted the crowd.

"Alright, a tag battle! Which means, one Pokemon for every partner!" Rivert instructed.

"Alright then, we agree!" We uttered loudly.

"Treecko, I choose you!"

"Metang, show them your power!"





*Battle Begin!*

"Arcanine, use fire fang on Treecko!"

"Golbat, use astonish on Metang!"

"Alright Treecko, dodge Arcanine then use bullet seed on Golbat!"

"Metang, use onfuse ray on Arcanine!"

*Treecko dodged the attack and used bullet seed on Golbat! Arcanine was confused! Golbat's attack was cancelled.*

Arcanine[300] Confused




"Treecko, use Razor Leaf on Golbat!"

"Metang, attack Golbat too with Gyro ball!"

"Golbat dodge it!"

"Arcanine! Snap out of it!"

*Arcanine was hit with confusion!*

*Golbat was unable to dodge both attacks!*





"Golbat, use wing attack on Metang!"

"Quick, Treecko protect Metang and use Energy ball!"

*Golbat's attack was cancelled! Arcanine hits himself due to confusion!*

"Those trainers are pretty strong!" One of the trainers from the background complimented.

"Or maybe, the pilfering duos are weak after all!" Another trainer teased.





*Arcanine snapped out of confusion!*

"Alright, Arcanine, use fire fang on Metang!"

"Metang, dodge the attack then use hammer arm!"

"Treecko, attack Arcanine with Energy ball!"

*Arcanine's attack missed!*





"The Pilfering duos lost! The trainers are the winner!" A trainer checked Arcanine and declared it fainted.

"Alright, that's some power packed Treecko you got there!" Arc uttered and complimented.

"Thanks, Metang's quite well in battling too!" I smiled and shook hands with Arc.

"We'll come back! Mark our words!" Rivert warned and left the Pokemon center with Trivor. Rage and frustration conquered their body. the Masked Revolution has surely died out!

Everybody including nurse Joy thanked us, as a reward, we were given a free food stub for the restaurant. We can choose any food we want for free!

"Thanks nurse joy!" Me and Arc smiled and received the food stub.

"Alright Kalem, let's go have some lunch in the restaurant!" Arc suggested.

"I was thinking the same thing, I'm hungry anyway!" I beamed with excitement and motivation.

Once again, the Pilfering Duos have be defeated! I wonder why they wanted to steal Pokemons in the first place. We'll surely know soon,but for now? I'm gonna eat my lunch!

See you next time, as the journey continues!

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