
EPISODE 35: Prince of the Forest!

The night was young and the moon was dark and rare. Dark ominous clouds began to loom over the night sky. There was a sudden downpour as the rain-drenched into turmoil soil. The breeze was cold and barren as it hits the innocent trees. The Pokemons searched for shelter from the rain, but some weren't able to break a leg.

The night may be somnolent for most of the people and Pokemon, but not for team Chaos. They dwell in the day and even at night, spreading terror across the region. Though it wasn't clear what purpose team Chaos had. It wasn't like other evil organizations dwelling across the world. Team Chaos is a group of secretive personal dwelling as normal people in the day, they may also attack in the morning if they wish too, or even strike at the night. The Chaos regime is always unpredictable just like a secret kingdom laying in another kingdom. A truck stopped in front of a double lane road. It may seem that this truck was an ordinary vehicle but it was not. It was Nate and Cyra, two grunt members of the Chaos regime or just simply team Chaos.

"Good evening to the both of you, the boss has another assigned mission for you." Elanor, the executive of team Chaos spoke from a big screen located in their headquarters. Nate and Cyra listened thoroughly to the video.

"As you can see on the screen, this Pokemon is usually preferred to as the prince of the forest. It is a powerful grass Pokemon worth harnessing. The boss and her queen wants you both to kidnap the so-called prince of the forest. The boss also wants it before the next evening rises. The boss is counting on you! Do not fail the mission!" Elanor spoke with a villainous voice as the screen closed.

"Do not fear Elanor, team Chaos won't fail again." Nate and Cyra promised. The rain didn't stop, it got stronger and stronger as the breeze got colder and colder. The night turned into somewhat a short term permafrost as the rain blazed unto the area. The coldness was bearable until it started to disturb me. "zhzhzhzhzhzh" I quivered in coldness. I couldn't sleep in my tent as I started to sneeze. "Achoo!" Time passed, and I still couldn't sleep as the storm continued to pour.

I started to have a fever as my body felt ill. The rain stopped some time later and I was able to fall asleep.

I wasn't able to wake up earlier, I covered myself with my thick woolly blanket as I began to sneeze. Riolu, my buddy was able to wake up before me. He saw my ill body shivering. "Kalem? Are you alright?" Riolu asked as he began to feel worried. "Zhzhzhzh R... Riolu, go to Zhery's tent and ask her for a remedy for my ill body." I pleaded with a cold and shivering voice.

Riolu did what I told him only to find Zhery shivering as well. "Eevee! Zhery is sick too?" Riolu asked Eevee who was staring worryingly at Zhery. "Yeah, she also ran out of medicine for her colds. Is Kalem sick?" Eevee queried. "Kalem is not feeling well too," Riolu said worryingly.

Eevee and Riolu went out of the tent and went to Glade only to see Glade sick as well with Pansear looking at Glade worryingly.

"So Pansear, Glade has a fever too?" Eevee wondered.

"Yeah, Glade got sick because of the terrible weather last night... How are your trainers?" Pansear asked.

"Kalem and Zhery are sick as well," Riolu said solemnly as the three of them went to check on Camellia.

They saw Fennekin staring worryingly as well. Even Camellia got sick because of the cold weather. "Fennekin! Camellia is sick? All of our trainers are sick?" Pansear wondered. "Camellia felt ill last night, it was because of the storm yesterday," Fennekin explained. Camellia had an ill body, but she could still talk unlike the three of us.

"Zhzhzh Fennekin, I need all of you to go to the forest. Achoo! in the forest there is a Pokemon called the prince of the forest Achoo! You have to ask for medicine from him." Camellia pleaded with an ill voice as she shivered.

Fennekin licked Camellia's face and smiled at her. "Come on Riolu, Pansear, Eevee! We have to find the prince of the forest!" Fennekin explained.

"Our trainers are depending on us after all," Pansear added as the four of them left the resting area and entered the forest. The forest was calm after the storm, there were mud puddles and water droplets all over the place.

"Where can we find the prince of the forest?" Riolu wondered. "I don't know where but we have to keep on searching!" Eevee answered. It was a long walk but they still couldn't find the prince of the forest.

The four of them decided to ask the surrounding Pokemon for directions. "Excuse me Butterfree! But do you know anyone called the prince of the forest?" Fennekin asked. "I'm sorry Fennekin, but I don't know what you're talking about," Butterfree said as she flew away.

The four of them were in awe with the huge and tall trees, with vines scattered and hanging all over the place. They could also hear the Spearows singing to their hearts content. They saw a Pokemon named Farfetch'd. It was a brown bird who would always carry a leak. The four of them decided to ask Farfetch'd about the prince of the forest.

"Excuse me Farfetch'd, but do you know anyone called or named as the prince of the forest?" Eevee questioned.

"Prince of the forest? What in the world is that? I don't even know what a prince is!" Farfetch'd answer as he continued to walk carrying his big leak.

The four of them decided to look again through the forest until they saw a big bug Pokemon. The bug Pokemon was dark blue with a T-shaped nostril. "E... Excuse me? I just want to ask if you know a person named or called as the prince of the forest?" Riolu said in fear as the four of them got intimidated by the Pokemon.

"Prince what now? Stop joking around your wasting my time!" Heracross, the large bug type Pokemon said as he left the four of them. "Is there even such thing called as a prince of the forest?" Pansear began to wonder since no one knows about the prince.

"There must be! There must be a prince here somewhere! If not, why would Camellia ask us to go and search for the Prince then?" Fennekin wondered. Fennekin forced the three of them to get up and search for the so-called prince of the forest.

They kept searching but they couldn't find the prince or anyone who knows about the prince of the forest. They saw a Ponyta or a horse with flames on his back, it was sipping water from the lake. So they decided to ask Ponyta.

"Excuse me Ponyta, me and my friends are wondering where we could find the prince of the forest," Pansear explained.

"A prince in this forest? I've never heard of one before." Ponyta exclaimed as she began to sip water again.

"See! I told you there's no such thing as the prince of the forest!" Pansear explained.

"We have to keep searching Pansear! We can't just give up now!" Riolu tried to boost Pansear's determination. They began to search again through the forest but this time they went to the deeper part of the forest. By the stream they found three Ludicolos singing and dancing. They decided to ask from the group of the singing Ludicolos.

"Excuse me Ludicolo! But me and my friends would like to ask where we could find the prince of the deep?" Fennekin wondered.

"If you want to know about the prince you must first answer our three riddles!" The Ludicolos bargained.

"See I told you Pansear that there was such thing as the prince of the forest!" Fennekin explained.

"Fine whatever! Just answer the riddles." Pansear accepted his mistake.

"Alright Ludicolo! What are your riddles?" Eevee asked.

"The first riddle is easy and simple, My body is entirely blue, I am taller of the two. My brother is a fighting type too!" The first Ludicolo riddled with a hymn.

"I thought it was easy?" Fennekin complained.

"Roses are red, Violets are blue,

this question is hard

for no brainers like you!" Ludicolo teased.

"Hey! We are not no-brainers! We can answer your riddle! Just give us time to think." Pansear complained.

"Fiddle dee Fiddle doo! Does the monkey know the answer?" Ludicolo hymned and teased. Pansear started to lose its cool. "The answer is Machamp! Its a fighting type" Pansear answered with annoyance.

"You make a point but the answer is no, you only have two tries left," Ludicolo warned.

"Hey Pansear! Better we think first before answering." Eevee suggested.

"Hmmm, a blue fighting type? And his brother is also a fighting type?" Riolu thought hard.

"Ludicolo I have a guess!" Fennekin raised its paws.

"Yes my dear fox?" Ludicolo asked for Fennekin's answer.

"The answer is quite simple, the answer to the riddle is Sawk! It's a fighting type, and its color blue plus its brother Throh is also a fighting type." Fennekin answered with confidence.

"Roses are red, Violets are blue

The fox here is right.

let's move to number two!" The Ludicolos hymned and teased.

"I appeared in all, even one.

My skills are greater than none.

Just take a swim and you will see

How common I might just be."

"I know! That question is easier than the first one!" Eevee smiled.

"Yes young Eevee? Do you have an answer too?" The Ludicolos asked.

"The answer is a Magikarp, it is found in all regions, it is the weakest Pokemon, it is common in oceans and seas!" Eevee answered.

"Fiddle dee! Fiddle doo! Eevee is right let's move on too!" The Ludicolos teased and hymned.

"I'm hated by my foe

and I'm great with Venoshock

But all you really need to know

Is I evolve from Arbok."

"Easy as pie! The answer is Ekans of course! Ekans evolves from Arbok!" Pansear boasted.

"I'm sorry dear Pansear, but your answer is wrong, You have one try left so sad for you." The Ludicolos teased and hymned.

"Didn't I tell you to think before answering?" Eevee sighed.

"I know! The answer is Seviper! Zangooses hate Sevipers, and Sevipers look like Arboks!" Riolu shouted and beamed.

"The blue one here is right! Congratulations to the four of you! Follow the three of us to the prince of the forest!" The Ludicolos explained as Riolu and his friends followed Ludicolo.

"The prince you seek is behind these tall grass, just pass by and you'll see him wide awake!" The Ludicolos explained as they left the four of them and went back to their own business.

"Thank you Ludicolos!" The four of them shouted.

They passed the tall grass to see a Pokemon sleeping in a chipped tree. The Pokemon was named Leafeon, an eeveelution!

"So the prince of the forest is no other than Leafeon!" Pansear concurred as the prince woke up.

"What are you doing in my turf?" Leafeon, the prince asked.

"We need your help Leafeon! Our trainers got very ill and we need your remedies which can help cure them." Riolu explained.

"Sorry but I don't give things for free, everything comes with a price." The prince bargained.

"What kind of prize do you bargain for?" Fennekin queried.

"If you give me four silver jewels, and six golden ingots then I can give you my remedies for your measly trainers." The prince explained the bargain.

"Hey! Did you just call our trainers Measly! You're the measly Pokemon!" Fennekin badgered.

"Fennekin is right! You're demanding too much!" Eevee agreed and added.

"Then there's nothing I can do to help you, sorry ha ha ha!' Leafeon teased as he went back to his slumber.

"Wake up Leafeon! We are asking for help! We can give you what you want later when our trainers are healed." Riolu offered.

"Ummm... No! Ha haha! Guess your trainers have to suffer!" Leafeon teased.

"You dare tease our trainers!" Pansear shouted in rage.

"Please Leafeon! Please help our trainers." Eevee begged.

"Sorry, no can d- aahhhhhhhh!" A net fell down and trapped Leafeon. It was the work of team Chaos, it tried to capture Leafeon.

"Well... well... well... Its the twerp's and twerpette's Pokemon!" Cyra noticed.

Riolu and the other Pokemons glared into team Chaos's eyes.

"Oh what's this? It looks like they want to bargain with us Cyra." Nate teased.

"Alright, we'll bargain back... If you defeat us, then we'll return your prince ha ha ha!" Cyra teased. Team Chaos's accepted a duel against the four Pokemons.

"Ekans lets go!" Cyra ordered.

"Koffing time to shine!" Nate ordered.

"Fennekin! Eevee! Me and Riolu will handle this match!" Pansear and Riolu volunteered.

"Alright! Good luck to the both of you!" Fennekin beamed.

"Ekans use super fang!"

"Koffing use sludge wave!"

Riolu and Pansear dodged the attack! Then Riolu used force palm on Koffing and Pansear used ember on Ekans.

"No Ekans! Stand up and use wrap!"

"Koffing use sludge wave again!" Riolu was able to dodge it but Pansear was hit by Ekan's wrap!

"Riolu help!" Pansear pleaded as Riolu used force palm on Ekans. Pansear was able to escape Ekans' type grip and used flame charge on Koffing.

Koffing and Ekans bounced back to Cyra and Nate as they blasted off to the sky. Fennekin used to scratch on the net to release Leafeon. Leafeon thanked the four Pokemons for saving him and as a reward, Leafeon gave the remedies for free to the four Pokemons.

"Your help is worth more than silver and gold, for that I repay you with a good heart, please take these remedies and bring them to your trainers." Leafeon offered.

"Thanks for everything Leafeon!" Riolu and his four Pokemon said as each of them received a remedy for each trainer. They left Leafeon's turf waving goodbye and happy as they returned to their trainers.

"Goodbye Riolu! Fennekin! Eevee! and Pansear! I hope that your trainers will be feeling better at no time!" Leafeon greeted.

Meanwhile, Me and my friends were shivering and sneezing in coldness until Riolu and his friends came with the remedy.

"Hey Kalem! I got the remedy!" Riolu beamed as he put the glass in my mouth so I could drink it. After resting for a while, I woke up with energy. I looked for Riolu but he wasn't in the tent, so I decided to go out of the tent. I saw Zhery, Glade, and Camellia go out of the tent too.

"I guess we're all feeling better now!" Camellia said with energy.

"But where are our Pokemons?" Glade wondered as Zhery pointed. "Look! They're sleeping beside the tree!"

"Well they deserve a nice nap, they're the ones who got the remedies for us," I uttered.

"Yeah! Kalem is right, let them sleep. They must have a nice nap after searching for the prince of the forest." Camellia added.

Meanwhile at the team Chaos truck, Nate and Cyra were scolded by the executive.

"What do you mean you failed the mission again!?"

"We're so sorry Executive Elanor, but the twerp and twerpette's Pokemon defeated us and pushed us up into mid-air!" Cyra explained.

"You... You two were defeated by a bunch of Pokemons without their trainers!?" Executive Elanor badgered.

"We're terribly sorry Executive" Nate said solemnly. Suddenly a shadowed man appeared on the screen beside the executive. It was no other than they're boss.

"You bunch of grunts failed again?" The boss badgered.

"We are truly sorry boss! Please forgive us!" The both of them begged for Mercy.

"Mercy? You want Mercy? After all your failures? You come to me for mercy? The both of you are declared suspended until further notice!" The boss badgered as he left the screen.

"The orders are loud and clear, you will not be taking on any mission from now on until your suspension is lifted!" The executive shouted as the screen closed.

"This is all the twerp's and twerpette's fault!" Both of them badgered at their minds, planning for revenge as the journey continues.

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