
Chapter 12

" Those kids were from Eastern part of the kingdom," Peter said as soon as he arrived, " They were the son and daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Lacson. Mr. Lacson was a fisherman while Mrs. Lacson died last year from heart disease. The name of their son was Eco and their daughter was Liz."

" Does Mr. Lacson have any records such as crime? " Maria asked.

" No, he doesn't have. He was innocent and kind," Peter answered.

" Then what could be the reason of violence against his children?" Jewel wondered what could be the reason, if he was kind and innocent.

" Maybe the death of his wife, " Maria answered, " He can't take the death of his wife, so maybe he take alcohol until he lose his self. Its just a guess," she smiled at us. She seemed to be mad but she handle to smile.

But whatever reason, it is not right to do violence.

Maria and Jewel were doing their rounds when Joseph and Monica came with the kids. The kids looked cheerful.

"What took you so long? My legs were exhausted," Monica was being stagy to them.

"Sorry, Doc. They wanted to play, so we played to them after eating." Joseph smiled at her, it looks like he doesn't care about Monica. " Dr. Jewel, do you want to rest for a while?" he was irritating Monica.

"Yeah, sure. I hope it was fine for you, Dr. Monica?" Jewel ride on to Josepf about irritating Monica.

" oh! Please, have pity on me." she was really being stagy.

" Oh, right. Me and Dr. Jewel will finish the rounds while you take a nap for a while. " Joseph smiled at him.

Jewel just smiled on how Joseph is being sweet to Dr. Maria who was now acting like a child that didn't get to play. Then she saw Monica who was just smiling for a while but it faded, and their was jealousy in her eyes. But when Monica saw Jewel looking at her, she smiled at her and looked at the two kids.

Jewel and Joseph continue the round while Monica and Peter was playing with the kids on their office and meanwhile, Maria was sleeping outside.

Then a stranger came, it was drunk.

"Have any one of seen my children?" the stranger shouted. He almost fall to the ground, gladly some nurse help him, but he pushes them. He throws the bottle of alcohol to the ground, " I'll ask again, where is my children? " he looked around and when his eyes came to the location of Peter and Monica, he walks toward them. The kids began trembling and their are trace of tears in there faces.

"Joseph, call some soldiers," Jewel whisper to Joseph and he quickly obeyed it. He run outside. So this was Mr. Lacson.

" Eco, Liz, let's go home." Mr. Lacson almost get out balance but he handle himself. The kids hid behind Monica and Peter. He looked at Peter and Monica, " Give me my children," but Peter and Monica stand still liked they never heard what he said. " So, you want to it the hard way, huh?" he laugh as hard at it could, he take the knife on the table beside him. Everyone around them were scared. They can't move and just watching.

"It's against the law of Saike to do violence in children, it's a big crime," Peter doesn't seem to be afraid of him.

"What law are you saying?" Mr. Lacson smirked, "I am there father and I have the right to discipline them." he even pointed his self.

" But what you're doing is not disciplining your children," Jewel walks tawards them, " What kind of father are you?" she said when she was already beside Monica, she emphasise the last word she said.

"What kind of fa-" Mr. Lacson didn't finish was his saying instead foolishly laugh, " I gave them food to eat, I gave them toys to play, clothes to give them warm and shelter to called home. Now, tell me what kind of father I am? " he move around, everyone is afraid of the knife he was holding. " I am a kind of father that give their needs to them. I am a good father, " he laugh and being proud of himself.

" Then tell me, does beating them hard makes you a good father too?" Jewel seriously asked. Their was no fear in her eyes same as Peter and Monica. They were willing to protect this children from their monster father.

" I already told you, I'm just disciplining my children, " Mr. Lacson smiled like it was nothing serious.

" Then, in what way are you disciplining your children? " Jewel asked again. Her hatred from this man was increasing everytime he was seeing this man smiling. He can't say a word. "By using lashes, Woods, or by using sharp tools to beat them, is that you called discipline," he was speechless again, he looked down, he feel ashamed for his self, "You knew to yourself that what you were doing is a crime," Jewel continued.

" and You don't know what kind of children are you trying to protect," Mr. Lacson shouted and looked at Jewel, " They killed my wife, their own mother," he began to cry but he didn't wiped it. " Now, give me back those killers, until I'm asking you politely, " he was serious, their are wanted to kill in his eyes.

" We won't give them, " Peter bravely said. They ready their selves to protect those kids.

" We didn't know what happened but you knew, they didn't intentionally killed your wife. And also, if your wife was still alive, do you think she will like what you're doing to your children?" Jewel knew that this kids where innocent, no matter what happened to their mother that were not the at fault, they were not the one to blame.

" Stop using my wife, " Mr. Lacson gone mad, and wag his hand which holding the knife.

Some of people cry cause of it, while the others tremble because of fear.

"We're not using her against you, Mr. Lacson, we were just telling the truth," she was to continue what she was saying when he scream at loud and after that he run towards them. He was going to the direction of Jewel, the knife was so close to her chest but it stopped, because Dr. Liam hold his hand to stop it.

"It was fun watching but I don't like crimes to happened in my hospital," Dr. Liam said, who was enjoying watching them from a far, and just take an action when Mr. Lacson was about to stab Jewel. " and the person you were about to kill is the beloved of the Crown Prince, it would be such a big, big crime." Jewel's face turns red. How come he have to say that in front of everyone in here. Dr. Liam worsted his hand to his back, it scream because of pain, he get the knife out of its hand, he kicked his knees for him to kneel to the ground. " Your wife has a heart failure and your children doesn't know about it, even your wife. She died playing with them, and they can't do anything because they were still a kid, all they can do is to cry and play. You should know that their was never a kid tried to kill their parents intentionally. Your wife would be happy if you just live happily with your children even without her. " he starts to cry, and repeatingly saying the name his beloved wife, then the soldier came and take him to prison, while the two kids just cry and all of the comforted the kids.

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