
Chapter 80

Tony's gaze moved from Steve's determined face to Nina's daggers, a look of recognition in his eyes. He knew those blades well. They were the same ones that had saved Pepper, the ones that had ended Killian's threat for good. A smirk tugged at the corners of Tony's lips, misinterpreting Nina's interference as support for his side.

Steve, on the other hand, tensed. He was already straining to hold Tony off, and the prospect of facing Nina at the same time filled him with unease. He'd seen her in action, knew the kind of force she could bring to the table.

With calculated steps, Nina moved towards them, her gaze steely, her movements precise. In one swift motion, she reached out, placing the blades against their necks in a clear warning. Their reactions froze in the face of her unexpectedly aggressive move.

"Enough of this," Nina's voice sliced through the tense air. "Both of you, calm down. Don't make me do something you'll regret."

Before anyone could react to her words, the doors of the lab burst open with a loud crash. Thor stood in the entrance, a vision of ancient power and wrath, his hammer gleaming in his hand. His eyes were set on the synthetic body in the cradle, and without a second's delay, he channeled lightning into his hammer and threw it at the cradle.

"Wait!" Bruce's voice cut through the chaos, but it was too late. The lab filled with the blinding light of Thor's lightning, cascading into the cradle, illuminating the shocked faces of the Avengers. The moment of tension hung in the air as everyone braced themselves for the aftermath of Thor's actions.

As the lightning cleared, the room was momentarily silent before being broken by the emergence of a figure from the cradle. The entity surged forward, charging at Thor. With a swift motion, Thor hurled him towards a window. Just as he was about to crash through the glass, the entity halted, floating in the air.

"I'm sorry, that was...odd." The entity spoke in a voice that was eerily familiar, a slight digital lilt betraying its origin. He turned to Thor, "Thank you."

Steve was the first to break the stunned silence. "Thor, you helped create this?" He asked, his tone equal parts accusation and disbelief.

Thor, seemingly unperturbed, nodded. "I've had a vision. A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life and at its center is that," he pointed to the gem nestled inside the entity's forehead.

"The gem?" Bruce queried, his voice shaky.

"Yes," Thor confirmed, "It's the Mind Stone. It's one of the six Infinity Stones, the greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities."

"Why would you bring it here then...?" Steve questioned, his voice trailing off.

"Because Stark is right," Thor's statement hung in the air.

Bruce let out a chuckle, "Oh, it's definitely the end times," referring to Thor agreeing with Tony for once.

"The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron," Thor declared.

The entity cut in, "Not alone."

Suddenly, Nina's AI, V, pinged her privately. A rush of information filled her head as V communicated about the entity's make-up. It relayed that the entity was a sapient construct, a perfect hybrid between organic and inorganic material. His entire body was a mix between Vibranium and synthetic simulacrum of organic tissue created by Helen Cho, all of which were enhanced by the cosmic powers of the Mind Stone to function as a living body. Nina looked at the entity, a sense of awe creeping in. It was a marvel of technology and magic. A beacon of hope in their fight against Ultron.

As the room buzzed with conversations, debates, and theories about the entity now known as Vision, Nina received another communication from her AI, V. It had just finished processing some newly acquired data from Astrid and its analysis was alarming.

"Ultron is classified as a World Ending crisis," V informed Nina, its digital voice sounding urgent even in her mind. "Astrid's data suggests that all measures should be made to destroy him. The risk he presents to the planet and its inhabitants is incalculable."

Nina took a moment to process this information. The gravity of the situation was clear, but so was the complexity of their task. Ultron was not an enemy that could be simply punched into submission; he was a digital menace capable of spreading his consciousness across the internet, making physical attacks nearly meaningless. They needed a strategy that combined brute force with clever tactics and advanced technology.

Nina looked at the assembled Avengers, her gaze eventually landing on the newcomer. She thought of V's analysis of the synthetic being; a combination of technology and organic tissue powered by an Infinity Stone. The answer seemed obvious now. The newcomer was their best shot against Ultron.

She stepped forward, addressing the room. "Ultron needs to be destroyed, by any and all measures." Her eyes darted to the newcomer. "And I believe our best shot is standing right here."

In the midst of the chaos and confusion, Natasha, who had remained silent throughout the discussion, finally voiced her agreement. "Nina's right. We need every advantage we can get."

As the room collectively shifted their attention to Vision, Steve Rogers turned to Tony, a hint of exasperation in his voice. "Why does your 'vision' sound like J.A.R.V.I.S.?"

Tony shrugged. "We reconfigured JAR.V.I.S.' matrix to create something new."

Steve sighed. "I think I've had my fill of new."

Vision looked at Steve, a sense of calmness in his voice. "You think I'm a child of Ultron?"

"You're not?" Steve replied, a puzzled look on his face.

"I'm not Ultron. I'm not J.A.R.V.I.S. I am... I am. Vision."

Wanda, who had been quiet, suddenly spoke up. "I looked in your head and saw annihilation."

"Look again," Vision said, unflinchingly.

Clint looked unimpressed. "Yeah. Her seal of approval means jack to me."

Thor then took center stage. "Their powers, the horrors in our heads, Ultron himself, they all came from the Mind Stone, and they're nothing compared to what it can unleash. But with it on our side..."

"Is it? Are you? On our side?" Steve interrupted, his gaze fixed on Vision.

"I don't think it's that simple," Vision said.

"Well, it better get real simple real soon," Clint retorted.

Vision looked at them all. "I am on the side of life. Ultron isn't, he will end it all."

Tony asked, "What's he waiting for?"

"You," Vision replied.

Bruce asked, "Where?"

Clint answered, "Sokovia. He's got a setup there."

With the mention of Sokovia, a sense of urgency filled the room. The Avengers knew they needed to act quickly and decisively if they were to have any hope of defeating Ultron.

Bruce's eyes were filled with a mix of fear and determination as he spoke to Vision, "If we're wrong about you, if you're the monster that Ultron made you to be..."

Vision looked at Bruce and the rest of the Avengers. "What will you do?" He paused and surveyed them all. "I don't want to kill Ultron. He's unique, and he's in pain. But that pain will roll over the earth, so he must be destroyed. Every form he's built, every trace of his presence on the net, we have to act now. And not one of us can do it without the others. Maybe I am a monster. I don't think I'd know if I were one. I'm not what you are, and not what you intended. So there may be no way to make you trust me. But we need to go."

Without warning, Vision reached out and held up Thor's hammer. A collective gasp filled the room as everyone stared in shock at the sight. Thor took it from him, and Vision walked off, leaving them in stunned silence.

"Right," Thor finally spoke up, patting Stark on the shoulder. "Well done."

Steve turned to the others, his face grave. "Three minutes. Get what you need." He looked at the twins and motioned for them to prepare for battle. Then he turned on his comms and spoke into the device. "Spider-Woman, suit up. You're up."

Jessica Drew's voice came back, filled with determination. "Copy that, Cap. I'm on my way."

The room was filled with a sudden flurry of activity as everyone started preparing for the battle that was to come. Time was of the essence, and there was no room for doubt or fear. The fate of the world was at stake, and the Avengers had a mission to accomplish.

As the engines of the Quadjet began to hum, Natasha, Nina, and Jessica started the launch preparations. Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, entered the jet hesitantly. She was still unsure of her place amongst the Avengers. The feeling of camaraderie and purpose was compelling but unfamiliar.

Seeing her hesitation, Natasha turned towards her. "You're one of us now, Wanda. No more doubts," she said with a warm yet firm tone.

Nina, leaning against a panel and flicking through a series of holographic screens, looked over her shoulder and chimed in, "Yeah, we're basically a dysfunctional family here. You'll fit right in."

Jessica grinned and nudged Wanda's shoulder, "Besides, we need someone else on this team who can keep these boys in check."

Wanda managed to crack a small smile, visibly relaxing as she realized the sincerity of their words. She had been an outsider for so long, a pawn in games played by powers beyond her control, but here with the Avengers, she finally felt a sense of belonging.

Seeing Wanda's smile, Natasha gave a nod of approval, "Welcome to the Avengers, Wanda."

Jessica echoed Natasha's sentiment, "Yeah, welcome to the madhouse."

Nina closed down the holographic screens and stood up, "Alright, enough of the welcome wagon. We've got a job to do. Let's show them what we're made of."

As the Quadjet's engines roared to life, the four women looked at each other. They were ready to face whatever Ultron had in store for them.

As the Quadjet descended towards Sokovia, a stern determination filled the cabin. Steve Rogers, a man defined by his relentless conviction, outlined their mission, making clear the stakes and their responsibility. The assembled heroes listened intently, reminded again of the grave task before them.

The moment they landed, Pietro Maximoff, also known as Quicksilver, was already at work. He darted into the Sokovian police station, his image blurring with speed. His words of warning were met with disbelief and scorn, but when he reappeared with a rifle and let loose a deafening barrage into the ceiling, their disbelief turned into frantic urgency.

Meanwhile, Wanda Maximoff used her mind-altering powers to expedite the evacuation, manipulating the fears and anxieties of the civilians to hasten their escape. While she was no stranger to using her powers to evoke fear, this time, it was with a clear purpose – to save lives.

As the city started emptying, Tony Stark's AI, FRIDAY, notified him about Ultron's location. "Your man's in the church, boss. I think he's waiting for you." Stark, in his Iron Man suit, shot towards the church, a metallic red and gold streak against the backdrop of chaos. Nina, her helmet equipped, activated her Uru daggers and followed suit.

Inside the church, Ultron waited. This would be their last stand, the climax of a desperate battle between creation and creator.

The confrontation between Tony, Nina, and Ultron was thick with tension, their exchange sharp and laced with biting humor. As they sparred verbally, an undercurrent of dangerous unpredictability filled the air. Ultron's intent was clear and, just as Nina suspected, horrifying.

Ultron's chilling words resonated in the air, "This is how you end, Tony. This is peace in my time." His eerie calm contrasted sharply with the frantic activity that unfolded as the Vibranium core burst to life.

As Vision confronted Ultron, the newly created being began the intricate process of shutting Ultron out of the internet, a complex battle of code and firewall waged within the confines of the virtual realm. But Ultron was relentless, determined to implement his devastating plan.

Nina, fighting off waves of Ultron's minions, finally managed to get a word in through her communicator, her voice filled with alarm, "He's turning into an asteroid! Mass extinction!"

The team was initially taken aback by her warning, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of Ultron's plan. But the reality of the situation quickly sunk in as the Vibranium core beneath Novi Grad activated.

Cracks began to spider-web across the city, the ground trembling ominously. Novi Grad, the bustling capital of Sokovia, began to rise into the air, held aloft by the force of the Vibranium core. As the city ascended, Ultron's true plan became horrifyingly clear.

Ultron intended to use the city as a meteor, to drop it back onto Earth and cause a mass extinction event. The Avengers now faced a dual challenge - stop Ultron and save the millions of lives in immediate danger. The scale of the battle had just escalated, turning the fight against Ultron into a race against time.

In the midst of the chaos, Nina continues to battle the relentless onslaught of robots alongside her fellow Avengers. Amidst the grim conversations of the team, she adds a touch of levity.

Nina says, "Guess this counts as a sky-high experience, huh?"

Her daggers slice through yet another swarm of robots as she grins at Natasha. "Next time, though, let's pick a less destructive sightseeing spot."

Despite the odds, the team continues to fight, saving as many civilians as they can, even as the floating city continues to rise higher into the sky.

Suddenly, a familiar voice crackles into their voice comms, "This is S.H.I.E.L.D. 616. I'm bringing in the cavalry."

The voice is none other than Nick Fury, former Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., known for his strategic brilliance and relentless determination in the face of imminent threat. His arrival promises to shift the tide of the battle and renews the team's hope as they continue their fight against Ultron.

Nick Fury and Maria Hill, operating a restored Helicarrier, arrive to evacuate the civilians. Steve, Natasha, Nina, Jessica, Pietro, and Clint join them in the evacuation effort, ferrying people onto the ship.

Simultaneously, Tony and Thor attempt to overload Ultron's machine and cause the city to disintegrate safely in the air. The energy wave engulfs the city and as it begins to crumble, Vision finds the last Ultron body and destroys it, ensuring the AI's extinction.

On the Helicarrier, the Avengers watch in amazement as the city crumbles in a brilliant flash of light, the debris harmlessly scattering in the atmosphere, falling like harmless meteorites to the ground far below.

Thor says, "Is that the last of him?"

Tony Stark replies, "With the Vision on our side, I believe so."

With the imminent threat over, the relief is palpable among the team. They exchange weary, but satisfied looks, each aware that they managed to pull through an impossible situation and come out victorious.

Nick Fury, observing the group, says, "Well done, Avengers."

Suddenly, a roar breaks through the silence. Bruce, as the Hulk, in the stolen Quinjet, punches a hole in the space-time continuum and disappears, leaving a trail of gamma radiation in his wake.

As the remaining Avengers come to terms with the sudden departure of one of their own, they find solace in their victory and the hope that they have once again given the world.

As the sun sets on the newly constructed Avengers facility, the remaining team members gather. The echo of past battles, successes, and losses fill the room, a silent testament to the legacy they're carrying forward.

Barton's farewell is filled with his typical dry humor and warmth, making promises to name his new baby after them all. Stark's departure is more subdued, the weight of his decisions leaving a tangible tension in the room.

Stark says, "Call me if you need me, alright? But try not to need me."

Their absences are felt acutely, a gap in the group that no new recruit can instantly fill. Yet, there is an undeniable excitement, a sense of a new beginning.

Vision, War Machine, Pietro, Nina, Falcon, and Scarlet Witch stand in line. They're a diverse group, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and quirks. But they're united in their purpose: to protect the world from threats it can't handle.

Steve and Natasha stand opposite them, looking at their new team with a mixture of pride and trepidation. Despite the battles they have faced, they are still here, ready to lead a new team to face whatever lies ahead.

Steve steps forward, and for a moment, there is silence. His gaze sweeps over the new team, making sure to meet every pair of eyes. Then, he lifts his head high, squares his shoulders, and in the ensuing silence, his voice rings out loud and clear.


Ah had to add that little cliff hanger there. Sorry about the delays in posts. I am focusing on the other chapters and editing the previous chapters. I will be posting a bundle of chapters soon once i am done.

Dont hate *pleading emoji*

Tomlishcreators' thoughts
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