
Dog Fight

Thor felt like he was drowning in a thick swamp of mud.

He couldn't move, he couldn't swim, he couldn't scream, and he couldn't even breathe. He is commanding his teammates, but almost every single command is useless. Because he couldn't focus on the whole battle.

Right now, he is being pressured down by Jack.


Sword keened with every Jack's every swing. 


The hammer and the sword are clashing. Even with Thor's brute force, he was unable to push Jack back. From the initial look, Jack's sword style felt light, agile, and precise. None of them should be related to Thor's style, which is heavy, destructive, and brutish.

Thor activated lightning fusion and jumped at Jack with a heavy swing of his hammer.

Jack on the other hand looked nonchalant. Except for his eyes that are focused, his body language looked loose and relaxed.


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